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Abstract 1 The intensity of feeding by adult pine weevils Hylobius abietis (L.) on the stem bark of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst. seedlings planted in rows with a north–south orientation across a clear‐cutting, was measured throughout a growth season. The feeding was then correlated to light interception, soil temperature and distance to the nearest forest edge. 2 Feeding was at least twice as intense on seedlings in the central part of the clear‐cutting compared to those at the edges. The decline began approximatety 15 m from the edge and was of similar proportions on both the sun‐exposed and shaded sides. 3 Measures of global radiation and soil temperature correlated well with consumption on the shaded side. However, on the sun‐exposed side, there were no apparent correlations with global radiation or soil temperature that could explain the decline in consumed bark area. 4 We conclude that the decline in feeding towards the forest edges was mainly due to factors other than the microclimate variables we monitored. We suggest that the presence of roots of living trees along the forest edge may reduce damage to seedlings, since they provide an alternative source of food for the weevils. This alternative‐food hypothesis may also explain why seedlings in shelterwoods usually suffer less damage from pine weevils than seedlings in clear‐cuttings.  相似文献   
报道了中国鳞伞属鳞伞亚属3个新记录种,即冷杉鳞伞Pholiota abietis、柠檬鳞伞P.limonella以及空囊鳞伞P.scabella,并提供详尽的形态描述和线条图。研究标本存放在吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   
Hunt-Joshi TR  Blossey B 《Oecologia》2005,142(4):554-563
Interspecific interactions of herbivores sharing a host plant may be important in structuring herbivore communities. We investigated host plant-mediated interactions of root (Hylobius transversovittatus) and leaf herbivores (Galerucella calmariensis), released to control purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) in North America, in field and potted plant experiments. In the potted plant experiments, leaf herbivory by G. calmariensis reduced H. transversovittatus larval survival (but not larval development) but did not affect oviposition preference. Root herbivory by H. transversovittatus did not affect either G. calmariensis fitness or oviposition preference. In field cage experiments, we found no evidence of interspecific competition between root and leaf herbivores over a 4-year period. Our data suggest that large populations of leaf beetles can negatively affect root-feeding larvae when high intensity of leaf damage results in partial or complete death of belowground tissue. Such events may be rare occurrences (or affected by experimental venue) since field data differed from data obtained from potted plant experiments, particularly at high leaf beetle densities. Interspecific interactions between G. calmariensis and H. transversovittatus are possible and may negatively affect either species, but this is unlikely to occur unless heavy feeding damage results in partial or complete plant death.  相似文献   
1. In a laboratory study of maturation feeding of female pine weevil Hylobius abietis on current and 1‐year‐old stem bark of transplants of Scots and Corsican pine, Norway and Sitka spruce, Douglas fir, and hybrid larch, the length of the pre‐oviposition period was influenced by the species on which weevils fed. The shortest pre‐oviposition period was on hybrid larch (11.8 days) and the longest on Douglas fir (15.5 days). 2. The species on which weevils fed also affected fecundity but there was evidence of a species–year interaction. Over a period of 36 days, most eggs were laid by weevils feeding on current stem of Norway spruce and Corsican and Scots pine and fewest on current stem of Sitka spruce. 3. Significant maternal effects on egg size were observed both in relation to female size and conifer species. The largest eggs were laid on Corsican pine and the smallest on Douglas fir, with no evidence of a trade‐off between number of eggs laid and their size. 4. There was a positive relationship between egg and larval size and between larval size and survival on logs of four conifer species. Residual resistance mechanisms in the bark of recently cut stumps and larval competition are discussed briefly in relation to the importance of the observed maternal effects on weevil population dynamics.  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal distributions of eggs laid by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were studied by taking root and soil samples around pine stumps on a clear-cutting in central Sweden. In addition, first-instar larvae migrating in the soil were sampled using traps baited with host-odour. Eggs were found in the soil rather than in the bark of stump roots, which previously has been regarded as the usual oviposition site. Based on an oviposition experiment and additional field observations we conclude that eggs are laid in the bark of roots only when the surrounding material is likely to dry out. We suggest two explanations for why weevils oviposit mainly in the soil, although they are known to show stereotypic behaviour when inserting eggs in stump roots: (1) egg predation by other arthropods or by conspecifics is avoided, and (2) newly hatched pine weevil larvae are better than ovipositing females at locating suitable sites for larval feeding.  相似文献   
Naturally produced plant volatiles, eliciting responses of single olfactory receptor neurons in the pine weevil, have been identified by gas chromatography linked with mass spectrometry. The receptor neurons (n = 72) were classified in 30 types, according to the compound which elicited the strongest response in each neuron, 20 of which compounds were identified. Most potent for 14 types of neurons (n = 50) were monoterpenes, including bicyclic (e.g. α-pinene, camphor and myrtenal) for 8 types (n = 32), monocyclic (limonene, carvone, α-terpinene) for 3 types (n = 12) and acyclic (e.g. β-myrcene and linalool) for 3 types (n = 6). Other compounds eliciting strongest responses of a neuron were five sesquiterpenes, including α-copaene and a farnesene-isomer, and an anethole type which has no biosynthetic relationship with terpenes. Within one type, receptor neurons with quite selective responses to the most potent compound as well as neurons with additional responses to several, structurally similar compounds were found, indicating that the neurons may have the same functional types of membrane receptors, but different sensitivities. Response spectra of neurons within the bicyclic-, mono-cyclic and acyclic types showed more overlapping than across the neuron types. Minimal overlapping response spectra was found between monoterpene and sesquiterpene neurons. The results suggest that this structure-activity relationship is significant for encoding plant odour information in the pipe weevil. Accepted: 6 January 1997  相似文献   
Abstract:  The time of year and time of felling of a commercial stand of Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis Carr.) were both shown to influence the spatial distribution and development of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L). Stump and root systems were excavated over a 5-month period in 1997, between 18 and 27 months after felling, and all immature H. abietis removed. On a site with a 6-month spread of felling dates in 1995, mean larval weights in 1997 were higher in stumps from earlier fellings, but H. abietis numbers were higher in stumps from later fellings. This appeared to be due to the continued presence of older, heavier larvae, laid as eggs in 1995, in stumps from earlier fellings, combined with a greater concentration of oviposition having occurred in 1996 in the fresher stumps of later fellings. Pupae were first found in excavated stumps on 12 June 1997 and adults on 29 July 1997. Emergence of the 'new generation' of adult weevils commenced on 7 August 1997. On average, 25% of H. abietis adults emerged in autumn 1997, 41% in 1998 and 34% in 1999. First emergence (1997) was proportionally higher in the areas felled earlier in 1995 than those felled later that year. However, the opposite was found for third emergence (1999) where emergence was greater for stumps created later in 1995. Larger stumps contained greater densities of H. abietis . Total 'potential' emergence was estimated to be between 46400 and 170825 H. abietis /ha. However, emergence traps indicated that only 40–80% managed to complete their development and emerge successfully. It is suggested that within-season felling date may be one of the most important factors affecting larval development, distribution and abundance; as well as subsequent damage levels associated with adult feeding. Consequently, knowledge of felling date could be crucial to developing methods of integrated forest management for this major forest pest.  相似文献   
The pine weevil (Hylobius abietis, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is an important pest of conifer seedlings in Europe. Despite its economic importance, little is known about the composition of its gut microbial community and the role it plays in mediating the weevil's ability to utilize conifers as a food source. Here, we characterized the gut bacterial communities of different populations of H. abietis across Europe and compared them to those of other beetles that occupy similar ecological niches. We demonstrate that the microbial community of H. abietis is similar at higher taxonomic levels (family and genus) across locations in Europe, with Wolbachia as the dominant microbe, followed by Enterobacteria and Firmicutes. Despite this similarity, we observed consistent differences between countries and locations, but not sexes. Our meta‐analysis demonstrates that the gut bacterial community of the pine weevil is very similar to that of bark beetles that also exploit conifers as a food source. The Enterobacteriaceae symbionts of both host taxa are especially closely related phylogenetically. Conversely, the microbiota of H. abietis is distinct from that of closely related weevils feeding on nonconifer food sources, suggesting that the microbial community of the pine weevil is determined by the environment and may be relevant to host ecology. Furthermore, several H. abietis‐associated members of the Enterobacteriaceae family are known to contain genes involved in terpenoid degradation. As such, we hypothesize that the gut microbial community is important for the utilization of conifer seedlings as a food source, either through the detoxification of plant secondary metabolites or through the supplementation of essential nutrients.  相似文献   
Abstract. Attraction of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to pine logs was enhanced by the presence of weevils already on the logs. We investigated the volatiles emitted by insects feeding on host trees to determine the mechanism of the attraction. Chemical analyses of the collected volatiles showed large amounts of monoterpenes. There were no qualitative differences in the collections, between Scots pine alone and pine plus feeding weevils, nor between males and females, mated or virgin. Strong quantitative differences in monoterpenes existed that were correlated to the surface of cut bark. Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded on male and female antennae stimulated by increasing doses of collected volatiles. EAGs for pine alone and pine plus weevils at the same stimulus loading in (a + P)-pinene gave superimposable curves. EAGs of male and female volatiles were also identical. These results suggest an attraction mediated by host plant allelochemicals rather than by an aggregation pheromone.  相似文献   
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