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Orcadian and circatrigintan time series of salivary progesterone levels in premenarchal and adolescent girls and healthy mature premenopausal women have been investigated as a possible determinant for breast cancer risk. Circadian variations in progesterone appear to be more random than systematic and estimates of total daily progesterone output are better represented by samples pooled from several 2-hr specimens. Different patterns of circatrigintan progesterone secretion in girls are recognised and relate to those experienced in infertile and fertile women, though their relation to chronological or menarchal age is as yet uncertain. These data suggest that the measurement of salivary progesterone at premenarche, adolescence and maturity is a feasible, though statistically difficult, study for prospective identification of individuals at risk for breast cancer.  相似文献   
Although there are several reports on ultradian and circadian rhythms in newborns, we found only one report in which infradian periodicities are described for heart-rate measurements in the early stages of human development. Here, we report infradian rhythms in the monthly range in the sleep/wake cycle of four infants studied along 24 consecutive weeks. Our procedure was applied to sleep diary records from four healthy newborns. The data were arranged in binary time series representing sleep (?1) or wake (1) states. These time series were integrated in order to obtain the cumulative sleep/wake time. A measure of the sleep/wake ratio (SWR) was obtained by computing the average slope of the cumulative sleep/wake time. To extract periodicities we applied the Fourier periodogram to the temporal course of the SWR. We found a notorious difference in the SWR pattern among infants. In two infants the SWR showed a marked linear decay, spending more time asleep than awake, while in the two other infants oscillated near zero. We found robust oscillations in all children. In all cases the Fourier periodogram results present significant power in the infradian range. From these results, we suggest that sleep and wake durations are probably modulated by some internal stimuli.  相似文献   
THe incorporation of [3H]glycine into acid-insoluble protein and of [3H]acetate into glysoaminoglycans by cultured chick chondrocytes was stimulated by the addition of L-glutamine to the incubation medium. The effect of exogenous L-glutamine on protein synthesis was studied further by examining changes in the sedimentation patterns on sucrose gardients of ribosomes isolated from chondrocytes incubated in presence and absence of L-glutamine. It was found that the absence of L-glutamine caused a disaggregation of poly-ribosomes that was reversed by the addition of this amino acid to the culture medium. No detectable glutamine synthetase activity could be measured in avian articular cartilage. These results indicate that L-glutamine is an essential amino acid for cartilage in that an extracellular supply of this amino acid is required for the maintenance of protein and glycosaminoglycan synthesis. A dependence on L-glutamine was also demonstrated for other avain connective tissues.  相似文献   
Increased time-delay in the neuromuscular system caused by neurological disorders, concussions, or advancing age is an important factor contributing to balance loss (Chagdes et al., 2013, 2016a,b). We present the design and fabrication of an active balance board system that allows for a systematic study of stiffness and time-delay induced instabilities in standing posture. Although current commercial balance boards allow for variable stiffness, they do not allow for manipulation of time-delay. Having two controllable parameters can more accurately determine the cause of balance deficiencies, and allows us to induce instabilities even in healthy populations. An inverted pendulum model of human posture on such an active balance board predicts that reduced board rotational stiffness destabilizes upright posture through board tipping, and limit cycle oscillations about the upright position emerge as feedback time-delay is increased. We validate these two mechanisms of instability on the designed balance board, showing that rotational stiffness and board time-delay induced the predicted postural instabilities in healthy, young adults. Although current commercial balance boards utilize control of rotational stiffness, real-time control of both stiffness and time-delay on an active balance board is a novel and innovative manipulation to reveal balance deficiencies and potentially improve individualized balance training by targeting multiple dimensions contributing to standing balance.  相似文献   
Human skin fibroblasts were cultured under conditions optimized for collagen synthesis, and the effects of ascorbic acid on procollagen production, proline hydroxylation and the activity of prolyl hydroxylase were examined in cultures. The results indicated that addition of ascorbic acid to confluent monolayer cultures of adult human skin fibroblasts markedly increased tha amount of [3H]hydroxyproline syntehsized. Ascorbic acid, however, did not increase the synthesis of 3H-labeled collagenous polypeptides assayed independently of hydroxylation of proline residues, nor did it affect the amount of prolyl hydroxylase detectable by an in vitro enzyme assay. Also long-term cultures of the cells or initiation of fibroblast cultures in the presence of ascorbic acid did not lead to an apparent selection of a cell population which might be abnormally responsive to ascorbic acid. Thus, ascorbic acid appears to have one primary action on the synthesis of procollagen by cultured human skin fibroblasts: it is necessary for synthesis of hydroxyproline, and consequently for proper triple helix formation and selection of procollagen.  相似文献   
Ice crystal formation temperature was determined in the region of the crown in one group of 7-day-old intact unhardened high-salt plants of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Weibulls Starke II) with TA (Thermal Analysis) and DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis) methods. After exposure of another group of plants, grown for the first 7 days in the same way as the first group, to various sub-zero temperatures (-1 to 5°C), influx in roots of Rb+(86Rb+) and Ca2+(45Ca2+) and contents of K+ and Ca2+ were determined at intervals during 7 days of recovery. Ice crystal formation in the crown tissue was probably extracellular and took place at about -4°C. There was a large loss of K+ from the roots after treatment at sub-zero temperatures. This loss increased as the temperature of the sub-zero treatment decreased. During recovery, roots of plants exposed to -1, -2 and -3°C gradually reabsorbed K+. Reabsorption of K+ in roots of plants exposed to -4°C was greatly impaired. Rb+ influx decreased and Ca2+ influx increased after sub-zero temperature treatments of the plants. Active Rb+ influx mechanisms and active extrusion of Ca2+ were impaired or irreversibly damaged by the exposure. While Rb+ influx mechanisms were apparently repaired during recovery in plants exposed to temperatures down to -3°C, Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms were not. The temperature for ice crystal formation in the region of the crown tissue coincides with the temperature at which the plants lost the ability to reabsorb K+ and to repair Rb+ influx mechanisms during the recovery period. Plants were lethally damaged at temperatures below ?4°C.  相似文献   
Comment on: Rokavec M, et al. Mol Cell 2012; 45:777-89.  相似文献   
Summary The present study was done to elucidate the biological significance of the Weibel-Palade body of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Quantitative determinations of these endothelial-specific granules throughout pregnancy revealed that their numbers and size per cell profile were maintained at low levels from 12 to 19 weeks of gestation; then both rapidly increased from 33 weeks to full term. This increase coincided with the development of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and an increase in the number of endothelial cell pinocytotic vesicles. Light-microscopic peroxidase anti-peroxidase and electron-microscopic protein A-gold techniques provided evidence that factor VIII-related antigen was localized in the Weibel-Palade bodies. Furthermore, in vitro treatment of incubated umbilical vein tissue with compound 48/80, a histamine releaser, induced degranulation of Weibel-Palade bodies from the endothelium. The present study indicates that Weibel-Palade bodies are storage sites of both histamine and factor VIII-related antigen and have an important role in the obliteration of this vessel.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of hydrolytic enzymes that play significant roles in development, morphogenesis, inflammation, and cancer invasion. Endometase (matrilysin 2 or MMP-26) is a putative early biomarker for human carcinomas. The effects of the ionic and nonionic detergents on catalytic activity of endometase were investigated. The hydrolytic activity of endometase was detergent concentration dependent, exhibiting a bell-shaped curve with its maximum activity near the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of nonionic detergents tested. The effect of Brij-35 on human gelatinase B (MMP-9), matrilysin (MMP-7), and membrane-type 1 MMP (MT1-MMP) was further explored. Their maximum catalysis was observed near the CMC of Brij-35 (∼ 90 μM). Their IC50 values were above the CMC. The inhibition mechanism of MMP-7, MMP-9, and MT1-MMP by Brij-35 was a mixed type as determined by Dixon’s plot; however, the inhibition mechanism of endometase was noncompetitive with a Ki value of 240 μM. The catalytic activities of MMPs are influenced by detergents. Monomer of detergents may activate and stabilize MMPs to enhance catalysis, but micelle of detergents may sequester enzyme and block the substrate binding site to impede catalysis. Under physiological conditions, a lipid or membrane microenvironment may regulate enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
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