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Summary Seven highly inbred lines of White Leghorn chickens were used in a near complete diallel mating plan during eight years. The lines originated from three different base populations selected for egg weight. Average inbreeding coefficients of parents of chicks hatching in successive years were 0.75, 0.80, 0.84, 0.86, 0.89, 0.91, 0.93 and 0.94. The composition of line, specific combining ability and reciprocal effects and their estimated values are given. These effects were estimated for age at first egg (AFE), average weight of all eggs laid to 40 weeks (EW40), body weight at 40 weeks (BW40), number of eggs to 40 weeks (EP40) and number of eggs between 41 and 60 weeks (EP60). Records of 3247 hens surviving to 40 weeks and of 3133 birds to 60 weeks could be used. Large differences between line effects could be found in all traits. They were only partly due to the preceding selection in the base populations. All specific combining effects were in the expected direction, negative for AFE and positive for EW40, BW40, EP40 and EP60. Recovery of inbreeding depression inflated these effects rather substancially. Average heterosis, defined as the relative superiority of a line combination over the mid parent value, was –11.3%, 5.8%, 7.8%, 45.1% and 35.8% for AFE, EW40, BW40, EP40 and EP60 respectively. One line showed a relative superiority in AFE of -19.3% compared to about –7.9% for all other combinations. Reciprocal or sex-linked effects were generally smaller in all traits than specific combining effects, they were considerably smaller in AFE, EP40 and EP60. General reciprocal effects could be found for several lines in one or more traits. Offspring of two lines, when used as sire lines, showed a negative correlation between reciprocal effects of egg weight and body weight.  相似文献   
The present paper studies how the female parasite of Kratochviliana sp. visits and attacks its host larvae of Ranunculus leaf mining fly, P. ranunculi at a single leaf visit. The parasite visited its hosts at random on the leaf. The frequency of host visits was independent of the host density and the proportion of hosts survived from the parasite attack, in a leaf and its distribution was expressed as a single straight line. It almost always attacked living hosts at the first host visit after isolated from them for one day but with the rate of about 0.5 at the subsequent visits. In consequence, the relationships of the number of host attacks and killed hosts to the host density drew satulated curves in each. A model of host attack by this parasite at its single leaf visit was formulated by modifyingBakker et al.'s model (1972) basing upon these observations and the attack avoidance by the parasite to already attacked hosts previously reported.  相似文献   
Clément  B.  Touffet  J. 《Plant Ecology》1981,46(1):157-166

The vegetation dynamics of heathlands in Brittany have been followed for three years in areas subject to fire in August 1976. The pre-fire vegetation had been analysed and mapped before its destruction. The structure of the community and the processes taking place in it (in terms of biomass, primary productivity, phenology, mineral nutrition and food value) had been examined. The redevelopment of the canopy was studied by the point-contact method along permanent line transects. This semi-quantitative study permits calculation of the relative frequency of each species and, from this, its cover. The growth form of each species and the stratification of the community are also indicated by this method. Permanent plots were also used to record changes in the vegetation, by means of a census of individuals and records of the development and growth strategy of each species. The plots were located in homogeneous areas, or on bare soil around seed parents in order to examine seed dispersal and seedling establishment. These two methods yielded detailed information on the nature of the secondary successions following fire in the heathlands of Brittany.

中国生态环境过渡的一个重要地带   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
本文揭示沿腾冲-黑河联线的地带不仅如胡焕庸早年提出是一条人口地理界线,而且是一条生态环境界线,更重要的是,腾冲-黑河线表征的方向,在历史时期表现为全球变化的特征方向。  相似文献   
中国的野生东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)数量已降到了极低的状态,及时开展有关东北虎及其猎物资源野外调查,对了解东北虎生存现状和制定保护策略都具有重大意义.吉林珲春东北虎国家级自然保护区是我国现存东北虎活动最频繁的地区之一,为了解该保护区的东北虎及其猎物资源状况,2009~2010年冬季,采用样...  相似文献   
目的通过对人低分化胃癌细胞系SGC-7901状态和接种细胞数目的研究,建立良好的皮下接种胃癌的动物模型。方法采用腹腔注射SGC-7901细胞,使裸鼠形成腹水;光镜及电镜观察细胞状态;将购买的SGC-7901细胞以及形成腹水后的肿瘤细胞分别以1×108、1×107和1×106个进行裸鼠皮下接种,每组接种5只。观察其肿瘤形成时间、大小、状态及病理学变化。结果SGC-7901细胞接种裸鼠形成腹水后进行培养的肿瘤细胞增殖状态发生改变;购买的SGC-7901细胞以1×108及1×107接种裸鼠,在第21天肿瘤组织中央均出现出血和坏死;1×106的裸鼠第21天未见肉眼可见的肿瘤形成。腹水培养的肿瘤细胞,接种1×108的裸鼠在第21天肿瘤组织中央可见大面积的出血和坏死;接种1×107及1×106的裸鼠在第21天均未见出血和坏死,接种1×107的肿瘤组织体积较大。结论SGC-7901细胞接种裸鼠形成腹水后的细胞,更容易建立SGC-7901细胞皮下接种的胃癌动物模型,其中以接种细胞数为1×107的肿瘤生长较好,更适用于胃癌的实验研究。  相似文献   
析过程,介绍了使用R 编程平台和Distance 软件进行数据预处理和数据分析的简要过程。笔者期望本文的相关
建议有助于促进我国鲸豚类考察方法的规范化。  相似文献   
Peanut, the only cash crop of rainfed areas of Pakistan, is facing immense challenges due to global warming. Climatic factors particularly the temperature fluctuations and rain pattern shift significantly impact the production and yield of peanut and unavailability of resilient varieties exacerbate this impact. To deal with the cropping pattern change and yield losses, due to climate vagaries, a study was conducted to develop early maturing hybrids using line into tester mating design. The F1 hybrids from the parental lines were produced in the year 2018 using Line × Tester mating design and then grown in the field in the year 2019 for further evaluation. The hybrids were evaluated based on the early maturity and yield-related attributes in comparison with the parental lines. Based on the general combining ability estimate, line V-3 (Golden), was found as best parent with highly significant values for plant height, days to peg formation, days to maturity, number of pegs per plant, number of pods per plants, number of seeds per plant, 100 pod weight 100 seed weight. Similarly, tester V-7 (PI 635006 01 SD) showed highly significant results of GCA for days to germination, day to 50% flowering, plant height, days to peg formation, days to maturity, number of pegs per plant, number of pods per plants, number of seeds per plant, 100 kernel weight, shelling percentage. All the combinations were evaluated for specific combining ability and significant results were observed for V-3 × V-4 (Golden × PI 619175 01 SD) and V-1 × V-6 (BARI-2000 × PI 564846 01 SD) by developing or maturity and yield-related attributes. The hybrid combinations V-3 × V-5 (Golden × PI 635006 01 SD) followed by V-3 × V-6 showed highly significant results for mid parent heterosis and better parent heterosis for days to 50% flowering, plant height, days to peg formation, number of pegs, days to maturity, number of mature seeds per plant, shelling ratio, 100 pod weight and 100 kernel weight. These parents and hybrid combinations with early maturity genes and high yield attributes can further be used for the development of short duration variety.  相似文献   
Summary A method is presented to estimate, from a two-factor crossing design including self-fertilization, mean and variance of lines and hybrids that can be derived from a random mating population. The derivation is only valid in the absence of epistasis. From such an estimation, it is possible to derive the expected value of the best lines and of the best hybrids that can be derived from a population.  相似文献   
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