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Cell surface receptors ubiquitylated after ligand stimulation are internalized and delivered to the lysosomal pathway for degradation. Ubiquitylated receptors are captured by ESCRT protein complexes that sort them to the lysosomal pathway. Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) is a component of endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT)-0 that recognizes ubiquitin attached to receptors, indicating that it functions as a key molecule for ubiquitin-dependent endosomal sorting. In a previous study on interleukin (IL)-2 receptor β (IL-2Rβ) and IL-4 receptor α (IL-4Rα), which are constitutively internalized without ligand stimulation, we revealed that Hrs bound to IL-2Rβ and IL-4Rα in a ubiquitin-independent manner, and identified a hydrophobic amino acid cluster in the cytoplasmic region of IL-2Rβ and IL-4Rα as the Hrs-interacting domain. However, a chimeric receptor containing the hydrophobic amino acid cluster inserted into the C-terminal of IL-2Rα was not delivered to late endosomes, but recycled back to the plasma membrane. In the present study, we explored the functional domain related to endosomal sorting in IL-2Rβ together with the hydrophobic amino acid cluster, and discovered the importance of an approximately 30-amino acid stretch following the C-terminus of the hydrophobic amino acid cluster in IL-2Rβ. Even though the amino acid stretch following the hydrophobic amino acid cluster was composed of arbitrary amino acids, such a stretch was also permissive for the sorting ability, suggesting that the hydrophobic amino acid cluster functions as an endosomal sorting signal. These findings clarify part of the molecular mechanism underlying the ubiquitin-independent endosomal sorting of cytokine receptors that are constitutively internalized without ligand stimulation.  相似文献   
Ligand-stimulated growth factor receptors are rapidly internalized and transported to early endosomes. Unstimulated receptors are also internalized constitutively, although at a slower rate, and delivered to the same organelle. At early endosomes, stimulated receptors are sorted for the lysosomal degradation pathway, whereas unstimulated receptors are mostly recycled back to the cell surface. To investigate the role of Hrs, an early endosomal protein, in this sorting process, we overexpressed Hrs in HeLa cells and examined the intracellular trafficking of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in EGF-stimulated and unstimulated cells. Overexpression of Hrs inhibited the trafficking of EGFR from early endosomes, resulting in an accumulation of EGFR on early endosomes in both ligand-stimulated and unstimulated cells. On the other hand, overexpression of Hrs mutants with a deletion or a point mutation within the FYVE domain did not inhibit the trafficking. These results suggest that Hrs regulates the sorting of ligand-stimulated and unstimulated growth factor receptors on early endosomes, and that the FYVE domain, which is required for Hrs to reside in a microdomain of early endosomes, plays an essential role in the function of Hrs.  相似文献   
Clathrin and retromer have key functions for retrograde trafficking between early endosomes and the trans -Golgi network (TGN). Previous studies on Shiga toxin suggested that these two coat complexes operate in a sequential manner. Here, we show that the curvature recognition subunit component sorting nexin 1 (SNX1) of retromer interacts with receptor-mediated endocytosis-8 (RME-8) protein, and that RME-8 and SNX1 colocalize on early endosomes together with a model cargo of the retrograde route, the receptor-binding B-subunit of Shiga toxin (STxB). RME-8 has previously been found to bind to the clathrin uncoating adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) Hsc70, and we now report that depletion of RME-8 or Hsc70 affects retrograde trafficking at the early endosomes–TGN interface of STxB and the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor, an endogenous retrograde cargo protein. We also provide evidence that retromer interacts with the clathrin-binding protein hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) not only via SNX1, as previously published (Chin Raynor MC, Wei X, Chen HQ, Li L. Hrs interacts with sorting nexin 1 and regulates degradation of epidermal growth factor receptor. J Biol Chem 2001;276:7069–7078), but also via the core complex component Vps35. Hrs codistributes at the ultrastructural level with STxB on early endosomes, and interfering with Hrs function using antibodies or mild overexpression inhibits retrograde transport. Our combined data suggest a model according to which the functions in retrograde sorting on early endosomes of SNX1/retromer and clathrin are articulated by RME-8, and possibly also by Hrs.  相似文献   
The ESCRT-0 complex, consisting of the hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) and the signal-transducing adaptor molecule (STAM) proteins, recognizes ubiquitylated cargo during the initial step of endosomal sorting. The endosomal accumulation of overexpressed Hrs has been reported previously to be associated with endosome enlargement. In this study, we have found that co-expressing exogenous STAM1 in Hrs-overexpressing cells leads to a diffuse localization for a large part of the Hrs accumulated on endosomes and a recovery of the impaired cargo protein degradation process, thus suggesting that exogenous STAM abrogates the abnormalities of the Hrs-positive endosomes. A fluorescently labeled Hrs, introduced into the cells by membrane permeabilization, exhibited endosomal localization in the absence of STAM1 and gradually dissociated from the endosomes upon the sequential addition of recombinant STAM1. Furthermore, when microinjected into cells, the fluorescently labeled Hrs also showed endosomal accumulation; however, ESCRT-0 complexes formed prior to the microinjection did not. Analysis of the state of the complex in HeLa cells using blue-native PAGE revealed that the membrane-associated Hrs exists partly as a monomer and not only in the STAM1-bound form. Thus, our data suggest that the membrane binding and dissociation cycle of the ESCRT-0 proteins on the endosomal membrane is a critical step during the cargo sorting process.  相似文献   
Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) is a key component of the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport and has been demonstrated to play a regulatory role in endocytosis/exocytosis and the accumulation of internal vesicles in multivesicular bodies. Citron kinase is a Ser/The kinase that we previously reported to enhance human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virion production. However, the relationship between Hrs and citron kinase in HIV-1 production remains elusive. Here, we report that Hrs interacts with citron kinase via its FYVE domain. Overexpression of Hrs or the FYVE domain resulted in a significant decrease in HIV-1 virion production. Depletion of Hrs by RNA interference in HEK293T cells increased HIV-1 virion production and enhanced the activity of citron kinase. These data suggest that Hrs inhibits HIV-1 production by inhibiting citron kinase-mediated exocytosis.  相似文献   
Endocytosis is an important virulence function for Entamoeba histolytica, the causative agent of amoebic dysentery. Although a number of E. histolytica proteins that regulate this process have been identified, less is known about the role of lipids. In other systems, phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P), a product of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), has been shown to be required for endocytosis. FYVE-finger domains are protein motifs that bind specifically to PI3P. Using a PI3P biosensor consisting of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fused to two tandem FYVE-finger domains, we have localized PI3P to phagosomes but not fluid-phase pinosomes in E. histolytica, suggesting a role for PI3P in phagocytosis. Treatment of cells with PI 3-kinase inhibitors impaired GST-2 x FYVE-phagosome association supporting the authenticity of the biosensor staining. However, treatment with PI 3-kinase inhibitors did not inhibit E. histolytica-particle interaction, indicating that PI3P is not required for the initial step, but is required for subsequent steps of phagocytosis.  相似文献   
The number of surface membrane proteins and their residence time on the plasma membrane are critical determinants of cellular responses to cues that can control plasticity, growth and differentiation. After internalization, the ultimate fate of many plasma membrane proteins is dependent on whether they are sorted for internalization into the lumenal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs), an obligate step prior to lysosomal degradation. To help to elucidate the mechanisms underlying MVB sorting, we have developed a novel cell‐free assay that reconstitutes the sorting of a prototypical membrane protein, the epidermal growth factor receptor, with which we have probed some of its molecular requirements. The sorting event measured is dependent on cytosol, ATP, time, temperature and an intact proton gradient. Depletion of Hrs inhibited biochemical and morphological measures of sorting that were rescued by inclusion of recombinant Hrs in the assay. Moreover, depletion of signal‐transducing adaptor molecule (STAM), or addition of mutated ATPase‐deficient Vps4, also inhibited sorting. This assay reconstitutes the maturation of late endosomes, including the formation of internal vesicles and the sorting of a membrane protein, and allows biochemical investigation of this process.  相似文献   
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) is a vesicular sorting protein that functions as one of the endosomal-sorting proteins required for transport (ESCRT). Hrs, which binds to ubiquitinated proteins through its ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM), contributes to the lysosomal transport and degradation of ubiquitinated membrane proteins. However, little is known about the relationship between B-cell functions and ESCRT proteins in vivo. Here we examined the immunological roles of Hrs in B-cell development and functions using B-cell-specific Hrs-deficient (Hrsflox/flox;mb1cre/+:Hrs-cKO) mice, which were generated using a cre-LoxP recombination system. Hrs deficiency in B-cells significantly reduced T-cell-dependent antibody production in vivo and impaired the proliferation of B-cells treated in vitro with an anti-IgM monoclonal antibody but not with LPS. Although early development of B-cells in the bone marrow was normal in Hrs-cKO mice, there was a significant decrease in the number of the peripheral transitional B-cells and marginal zone B-cells in the spleen of Hrs-cKO mice. These results indicate that Hrs plays important roles during peripheral development and physiological functions of B lymphocytes.  相似文献   
We previously reported that galactosylceramide expression factor-1 (GEF-1), a rat homolog of hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs/Hgs), induces galactosylceramide and/or sulfatide expression and morphological changes in epithelial cells. Here, we show that GEF-1 induces myogenesis in MDCK and C3H10T1/2 cells. GEF-1 overexpression in MDCK cells (MDCK/GEF-1) appeared to promote trans-differentiation to myoblasts that expressed MyoD and myosin heavy chain (MHC). MDCK/GEF-1 cells also expressed several DNA-binding proteins (MyoD and MEF-2) that are essential for myogenesis. These results suggest that GEF-1 induces MDCK cells to enter an early stage of myogenesis. Subsequently, we tested whether GEF-1 could induce myogenesis in C3H10T1/2 mouse fibroblasts, which have the potential to differentiate into myoblast-like cells. Indeed, GEF-1 induced morphological changes that were consistent with myoblast-like cells, and both MyoD and MHC were expressed. Our results suggest that GEF-1 may induce MDCK and C3H10T1/2 cells to trans-differentiate into myoblast-like cells.  相似文献   
Yeast Vps24p (vacuolar protein sorting) is part of a protein complex suggested to function in sorting/trafficking during endocytosis. We have characterized a mammalian homolog of the yeast protein, mVps24p, and examined its role in epidermal growth factor receptor trafficking. Endogenous mVps24p was distributed in both cytosol and in puncta and partially colocalized with markers for the trans-Golgi network. Adventitious expression of hrs or a mVps4p mutant deficient in ATPase activity caused a redistribution of both mVps24p and the M6PR to the resultant clustered/enlarged early endosomes. Expression of an mVps24p N-terminal fragment, that interacts with phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate but not with mVps4p, produces enlarged early endosomes. More importantly, the mVps24p N-terminal fragment resulted in not only enhanced recycling, but also decreased degradation of the EGF receptor. These findings are consistent with a model in which mVps24p has a role in trafficking from the early endosome.  相似文献   
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