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This study investigated firstly if confined calves perform more locomotor behaviour when open-field tested in pairs than when tested individually, and secondly if length of confinement affects the build-up of motivation to perform locomotor behaviour. In the first experiment,14 calves were open-field tested on two successive days either individually or as a pair. Calves walked more and performed more locomotor play when tested in pairs, suggesting that it may be appropriate to avoid isolation when aiming to measure the effects of confinement on locomotor behaviour. In the second experiment, in each of three successive weeks, 24 calves had access to an exercise arena for 45 min daily on three successive days either: (i) the first 3 days, (ii) the third, fourth and fifth day, or (iii) the fourth, fifth and sixth day. On the seventh day the calves were released into the arena for 10 min (open-field test). All calves received all three treatments in a Latin square design. Calves performed more locomotor play, and they trotted more after 3 days without access to the arena than after 1 or 0 days, suggesting that in calves the motivation to perform locomotor play and trotting increases with length of confinement.  相似文献   
When using cephalopods as experimental animals, a number of factors, including morality, quality of information derived from experiments, and public perception, drives the motivation to consider welfare issues. Refinement of methods and techniques is a major step in ensuring protection of cephalopod welfare in both laboratory and field studies. To this end, existing literature that provides details of methods used in the collection, handling, maintenance, and culture of a range of cephalopods is a useful starting point when refining and justifying decisions about animal welfare. This review collates recent literature in which authors have used cephalopods as experimental animals, revealing the extent of use and diversity of cephalopod species and techniques. It also highlights several major issues when considering cephalopod welfare; how little is known about disease in cephalopods and its relationship to senescence and also how to define objective endpoints when animals are stressed or dying as a result of the experiment.  相似文献   
Domestic (‘private’) gardens constitute a substantial proportion of ‘green space’ in urban areas and hence are of potential significance for the maintenance of biodiversity in such areas. However, the size and nature of this resource and its associated features are poorly known. In this study, we provide the first detailed audit, using domestic gardens in the city of Sheffield as a model study system. Domestic gardens, the mean area of which was 151 m2, cover approximately 33 km2 or 23% of the predominantly urban area of the city. The smaller gardens contribute disproportionately to this total because, although individually they add little, they are large in number. Conversely, the regions of the city with proportionately more garden area contribute most to the total garden area of the city, although such regions are limited in number. Based on the findings of a telephone based survey, 14.4% of dwellings with gardens were estimated to have ponds, 26% to have nest-boxes, 29% to have compost heaps, 48% to hold trees more than 3 m tall, and 14% of dwellings were estimated to be home to one or more cats. Whilst the absolute frequency of these features is low to moderate, by extrapolation they nonetheless yield estimates for domestic gardens in Sheffield of a total of 25,200 ponds, 45,500 nest boxes, 50,750 compost heaps, 360,000 trees, and a population of 52,000 domestic cats. These results are considered in the context of the role of gardens in urban areas as habitats for wildlife and the implications for housing policy.  相似文献   
A total of 188 yearling steers of predominantly Angus and Hereford breeds, with mean body weight of 299 kg, were used in this study, which started on 8 April and finished on 3 October, to assess the effects of environmental factors on feed intake of steers in various housing systems. Housing consisted of outside lots with access to overhead shelter, outside lots with no overhead shelter and a cold confinement building. Ad libitum corn, 2.27 kg of 35% dry matter whole plant sorghum silage and 0.68 kg of a 61% protein-vitamin-mineral supplement was offered. Feed that was not consumed was measured to determine feed intake. The temperature data were recorded by hygro-thermographs. Hourly temperatures and humidity were used to develop weather variables. Regression analysis was used and weather variables were regressed on dry matter intake (DMI). When addition of a new variable did not improve R (2) more than one unit, then the number of variables in the model was truncated. Cattle in confinement had lower DMI than those in open lots and those in open lots with access to an overhead shelter (P < 0.05). Cattle in outside lots with access to overhead shelter had similar DMI compared to those in open lots (P = 0.065). Effect of heat was predominantly displayed in August in the three housing systems. In terms of explaining variation in DMI, in outside lots with access to overhead shelter, average and daytime temperatures were important factors, whereas in open lots, nocturnal, peak and average temperatures were important factors. In confinement buildings, the previous day's temperature and humidity index were the most important factors explaining variation in DMI. Results show the effect of housing and weather variables on DMI in summer and when considering these results, cattle producers wishing to improve cattle feedlot performance should consider housing conditions providing less stress or more comfort.  相似文献   
Cortisol response of ten single-caged adult female rhesus monkeys during venipuncture in a restraint apparatus was compared with cortisol response of ten paired and five single-caged adult female rhesus monkeys during venipuncture in the homecage. Results demonstrated that in-homecage venipuncture offers a methodological improvement for research protocols that require blood collection of undisturbed animals.  相似文献   


Most elderly people or those with disabilities wish to stay in their own home rather than any other residential option, even when long-term care is required. The functional adaptation of homes is one of the key factors in doing this with safety and quality of life. This paper investigates whether people with disabilities (arising mainly from their advanced age) develop adaptive behaviours aimed at compensating for their functional loss through improvements in their home and environment, as well as knowing the covariables that explain it.

Material and methods

It starts from the so-called Lewin equation, which relates individual behaviours to personal and environmental characteristics. In this case the adaptive behaviour would be the economic expenditure on the home for its adaptation or improvement. The microdata of the Spanish EDAD 2008 survey are used, to which a bivariate logit model is applied to estimate the relationship between this adaptive expenditure and different explanatory covariates.


The results show that the Lewin model is fulfilled. The resulting coefficients and odds ratios show that the functional, economic, and environmental characteristics are what determine, above others of a personal or socioeconomic type, the adaptive expenditure.


Housing adaptation is a voluntary adjustment behaviour justified by the functional conditions of the person and those of the housing and building environment. Given the importance of promoting better conditions for «ageing at home», there is a need to stimulate private expenditure on adaptation as a complementary formula to the necessary increase in existing public subsidy programs.  相似文献   
The extent and continued expansion of urbanisation has focused attention on the significance for native biodiversity of those green spaces remaining within such areas and the most appropriate methods of managing them. In the UK, a high proportion of urban space is comprised of the private or domestic gardens associated with residential dwellings, and many recommendations have been made for simple changes to improve their value for biodiversity (wildlife gardening). Here, we report the results of replicated experimental tests of five such common recommendations, involving the introduction to gardens of (i) artificial nest sites for solitary bees and wasps; (ii) artificial nest sites for bumblebees; (iii) small ponds; (iv) dead wood for fungi and other saproxylic organisms; and (v) patches of nettles Urtica dioica L. for butterfly larvae. The broad conclusion is that whilst some methods for increasing the biodiversity of garden environments may be very effective, others have a low probability of success on the timescales and spatial scales likely to be acceptable to many garden owners. If one of the functions of small scale biodiversity enhancement is to develop and encourage awareness of biodiversity and its conservation, then encouragement to conduct particular activities must be balanced with a realistic appraisal of their likely success.  相似文献   
Auditory stimulation has long been employed as a form of therapy for humans and animals housed in institutions. Its effect on one of our closest-living relatives, the gorilla, however, is largely unknown. This study explored the effect of auditory stimulation on the behaviour and welfare of six gorillas housed in Belfast Zoo. All animals were exposed to three conditions of auditory stimulation: a control (no auditory stimulation), an ecologically relevant condition (rainforest sounds) and an ecologically non-relevant condition (classical music). The gorillas’ behaviour was recorded in each condition using a scan-sampling technique. There was no significant effect of the auditory environment on the gorillas’ behaviour, although animals tended to show more behaviours suggestive of relaxation (i.e. resting, sitting) and fewer behaviours typically associated with stress (i.e. aggression, abnormal behaviour) during the ecologically relevant, and, in particular, the non-relevant, conditions than the control. Overall, findings suggest that certain types of auditory stimulation may hold some merit as a method of enrichment for zoo-housed gorillas, although more long-term work with a larger number of animals is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   
This paper presents findings of a study of thermal discomfort and preferences in housing in the humid tropics. The study was conducted in Darwin, Australia. Thirty-one households, approximately half with fully airconditioned houses and half without airconditioning, were involved in the study. Data were collected by interviews, which covered topics such as use patterns of airconditioners and attitudes to airconditioning; and by comfort vote loggers, electronic devices which record temperature and humidity, and house-occupants' clothing and activity levels, experience of air movement, and vote on a thermal discomfort scale.Findings illustrate that mathematical models of thermal sensation, such as Gagge's DISC and the International Organization for Standardization's predicted mean vote (PMV) and predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD), are of limited use as aids in the prediction of thermal preferences in Darwin housing. For example, they cannot answer the important question of whether or not airconditioning is necessary. A major reason for this limited usefulness appears to be the lack of any predictable relationship between thermal preference and thermal discomfort or thermal sensation.  相似文献   
As a solitary species, rat-like hamsters (Cricetulus triton) still live in family groups before they become mature and leave their families for a solitary life. This study aimed to investigate by a laboratory experiment if housing conditions have a different effect on physiological aspects of immature and mature females. We found that paired caged adult females became significantly heavier than their original weights; whereas the singly caged did not show significant change in their body weight. Although the subadults body weights increased significantly compared to their initial weights in both paired or singly caged groups, significant changes in body weight did not occur between the two groups. Although spleen and adrenal gland sizes were not significantly different between the two adult groups, the cortisol levels were significantly elevated by paired caging. In subadults, the adrenal size of the singly caged group was larger than that in the paired caged group despite there being no significant difference in cortisol level. Flank glands became significantly larger in paired caged adults than in singly caged adults, and there were no significant differences in subadults between the two groups. Additionally, ovaries and uteri of the paired caged adult females were comparatively lighter than those of the singly caged group; in contrast, ovaries and uteri of the paired caged group were larger than those of the singly caged group in subadults, although progesterone and estradiol levels did not show significant differences between the two adult groups. These different changes in physiological traits caused by housing conditions indicated that paired caging depressed adults and facilitated subadults; isolation facilitated adults and depressed subadults.  相似文献   
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