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The Klebsormidiophyceae are a class of green microalgae observed globally in both freshwater and terrestrial habitats. Morphology-based classification schemes of this class have been shown to be inadequate due to the simple morphology of these algae, the tendency of morphology to vary in culture versus field conditions, and rampant morphological homoplasy. Molecular studies revealing cryptic diversity have renewed interest in this group. We sequenced the complete chloroplast genomes of a broad series of taxa spanning the known taxonomic breadth of this class. We also sequenced the chloroplast genomes of three strains of Streptofilum, a recently discovered green algal lineage with close affinity to the Klebsormidiophyceae. Our results affirm the previously hypothesized polyphyly of the genus Klebsormidium as well as the polyphyly of the nominal species in this genus, K. flaccidum. Furthermore, plastome sequences strongly support the status of Streptofilum as a distinct, early-diverging lineage of charophytic algae sister to a clade comprising Klebsormidiophyceae plus Phragmoplastophyta. We also uncovered major structural alterations in the chloroplast genomes of species in Klebsormidium that have broad implications regarding the underlying mechanisms of chloroplast genome evolution.  相似文献   
Nuclear‐encoded SSU, group I intron, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences were obtained for 16 strains of green algae representing species of Klebsormidium, Hormidiella attenuata, and Entransia fimbriata (for taxonomic authorities, see Table S1 in the supplementary material). The SSU phylogeny resolved a well‐supported clade Klebsormidiales in the Streptophyta that comprised authentic Klebsormidium isolates described recently in a monograph by G. M. Lokhorst and various strains from culture collections. The H. attenuata and En. fimbriata pair was the sister group of Klebsormidium. Certain isolates from culture collections previously identified as “Klebsormidium” emerged as Trebouxiophyceae. Strains assigned to Koliella, Gloeotila, and Stichococcus previously allied with Klebsormidium because of shared morphological and ultrastructural characteristics also belonged to Trebouxiophyceae. Group I introns inserted at Escherichia coli position 516 were found in K. nitens and SAG strain 384‐1, and at position 1506 in H. attenuata and En. fimbriata. Introns were not observed in other Klebsormidiales. Unambiguous alignment of ITS regions of Klebsormidiales was only possible after thermodynamic folding had predicted eight conserved helical domains. The ITS phylogeny provided support for five of the morphospecies recognized by Lokhorst (K. flaccidum, K. elegans, K. bilatum, K. crenulatum, K. mucosum), but the sequences of K. dissectum, K. fluitans, and K. nitens formed an unresolved clade. The species with the earliest origin in the Klebsormidium phylogeny was K. flaccidum. The incongruence between Lokhorst’s morphology‐based cladograms and the ITS phylogenies demonstrated the need for a critical reappraisal of the taxonomy and the morphological and molecular species concept in Klebsormidium on the basis of a more extensive taxonomic and geographic sampling strategy.  相似文献   
The structure and reproduction of Hormidiella bharatiansis sp. nov. is described. Asexual reproduction is by zoospores: sexual reproduction is by morphologically similar gametes, some of which, after a brief period of swarming, settle down, round off, enlarge and act as females gametes, the others remaining active and functioning as male gametes. Fertilisation takes place about six to eight hours after liberation: one to two percent of the zygotes are abortive.  相似文献   
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