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Significant differences in activity-site patterning and artifact composition at Middle Pleistocene localities in Ethiopia's high plains and Afar Rift are indications of both single-episode, small-site residues from small groups and multi-purpose, multiple occupation sites from which larger, temporary groupings might be inferred. Reconstructions of palaeo-environments and geography show that large assemblages relate to relatively stable topography, such as stream channels or lake margins, while small assemblages are more common in deltaic situations of rapid sedimentation and burial in the Rift that preclude possibility of reoccupation. A model for Acheulian socio-economic behaviour within the drier African savanna, based (in part) on chimpanzee behaviour in open savanna habitats, is proposed. This takes the form of organization into relatively extensive territories, each with several more closed-vegetation core areas, of limited extent close to permanent water, surrounded by more extensive areas of drier, open savanna, regularly exploited and patrolled by small groups. Movement from one core area to another was rapid and made together as a group, to minimize danger from large predators and competition from other hominid groups.  相似文献   
New studies have been made on endocranial casts of Olduvai specimens of Homo habilis. The results have been compared with those on other East African H. habilis and other hominoids. The mean absolute endocranial capacity of H. habilis is appreciably larger than the mean for australopithecine species: on the new estimates, the H. habilis mean is 45·1% greater than the A. africanus mean and 24·8% greater than that of A. boisei. New data for relative brain size, expressed by Jerison's Nc and EQ and Hemmer's CC, strongly confirm that it was with H. habilis that there appeared the remarkable autapomorphy of Homo, disproportionate expansion of the brain. Encephalometric studies reveal marked transverse expansion of the cerebrum, especially the frontal and parieto-occipital parts, in H. habilis and increased bulk of the frontal and parietal lobes, a derived feature of Homo. There is moderate cerebral heightening, but little or no cerebral lengthening. The sulcal and gyral pattern of the lateral part of the frontal lobe of H. habilis differs from those of Australopithecus and resembles the derived pattern of Homo. The inferior parietal lobule is prominently developed—an autapomorphy of Homo. The two major cerebral areas governing spoken language in modern man are well represented in the endocasts of H. habilis, a functionally important autapomorphy of Homo. The pattern of middle meningeal vessels is more complex with more anastomoses than in australopithecines: H. habilis shares this derived feature with later forms of Homo. In all these features, the brain of H. habilis had made major advances, beyond the more ape-like australopithecine brain. With H. habilis, cerebral evolution had progressed beyond the stage of “animal hominids” (Australopithecus spp.) to that of “human hominids” (Homo spp.). In functional capacity, in particular, its possession of a structural marker of the neurological basis of spoken language, H. habilis had attained a new evolutionary level of organization.  相似文献   
A partial mandible with two molars intact was recovered between 1981 and 1984 from deposits of the Middle Pliocene at Tabarin, in Kenya. It has been described and assigned toAustralopithecus cf.afarensis Johanson, White, andCoppens, 1978, with the condition that if ‘A. afarensis’ is revised, then the attribution may change. The taxon ‘A. afarensis’ was found to be invalid and was revised. The smaller specimens of ‘A. afarensis,’ to which the Tabarin mandible was said to be similar, were redescribed asHomo antiquus Ferguson, 1984. Since the Tabarin mandible andH. antiquus are successive transients of the same gens and are allopatric, the Tabarin hominid population is described as an earlier chronosubspecies,Homo antiquus praegens ssp. n.  相似文献   
原生质体来源的大白菜 Brasstca campessris var.pekinsis 悬浮细胞系在二甲亚砜的保护下,能在液氮中(-196℃)长期冻存。加入山梨醇能增强保护作用;而加入甘露糖则降低保护作用。培养基对冻存也有明显的影响。在液氮中存放的时间长短对细胞存活率没有多大影响。冻后相对活性最高可达75.4%,恢复生长快,化冻后重新悬浮培养6天,生长量可达300-500%。遮光比不遮光对恢复更有利。冻存后恢复生长的悬浮细胞,能与未经冰冻的对照一样进行原生质体分离和培养。  相似文献   
Fully adult partial skeletons attributed to Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1, “Lucy”) and to Homo habilis (OH 62, “Lucy's child”), respectively, both include remains from upper and lower limbs. Relationships between various limb bone dimensions of these skeletons are compared to those of modern African apes and humans. Surprisingly, it emerges that OH 62 displays closer similarities to African apes than does AL 288-1. Yet A. afarensis, whose skeleton is dated more than 1 million years earlier, is commonly supposed to be the ancestor of Homo habilis. If OH 62, classified as Homo habilis by its discoverers, does indeed represent a stage intermediate between A. afarensis and later Homo, a revised interpretation of the course of human evolution would be necessary.  相似文献   
Ch. Berge 《Human Evolution》1991,6(5-6):365-376
Two multivariate methods — the logarithmic principal component analysis (LPCA), and the logarithmic factorial analysis (LFA) — have been used tocompare the hip bone proportions of hominoids biometrically. The results have shown that size effects among apes and hominids interact to a centain extent with locomotor specializations, which are related to the attainment of more or less terrestrial behaviors. The pelvic morphology of great apes (Pongo, Pan, Gorilla) has retained numerous morphological traits — such as a gracile and elongated hip bone —, which were inherited from common adaptations to arboreal locomotion. In spite of these common traits, the African pongids (Pan, Gorilla) present two very different pelvic morphologies corresponding to two adaptative modes of terrestrial quadrupedalism. The hip bone of humans is proportionnally short and robust, most particularly at the level of its axial part. These characteristics, as well as the whole pelvic proportions, clearly indicate that gravitational forces exert a strong pressure on the pelvic walls during bipedalism. Among hominids, the transition from an australopithecine-like pelvic pattern to a human-like one corresponds to an increase of loading constraints on the hip jiont. This seems to indicate an evident change in locomotor behavior. Progression apparently became exclusively terrestrial with the genusHomo.  相似文献   
A newly discovered adult hominid mandible (BK 8518) from Baringo, Kenya, is described and assessed. The corpus, many of the tooth crowns, and most of the left ascending ramus are preserved. The teeth are heavily and asymmetrically worn. Compared with BK 67 (the 1966 mandible) the body of BK 8518 is more robust; the internal symphyseal buttressing is more pronounced; the M3s have seven cusps and exceed the M2s in size. There are no compelling reasons, however, to attribute the two mandibles to different taxa and, in view of the lack of any comprehensive taxonomic diagnosis for Homo erectus, "erectus-like," and habiline mandibular remains, the new specimen is also best regarded as Homo sp. indet. (aff. erectus).  相似文献   
昆明呈贡龙潭山第2地点的人化石和旧石器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在对呈贡县大渔区龙潭山第2地点的试掘中发现一枚人的下臼齿,它在形态上与现代人的不同,与北京猿人的也有所差别。它带有早期智人下第二乳臼齿的一些形态特征。一起发现的石制品中有石核、石片、砍砸器和刮削器。时代为晚更新世,距今30,500±800年。  相似文献   
Fossils recognized as early Homo were discovered first at Olduvai Gorge in 1959 and 1960. Teeth, skull parts and hand bones representing three individuals were found in Bed I, and more material followed from Bed I and lower Bed II. By 1964, L.S.B. Leakey, P.V. Tobias, and J.R. Napier were ready to name Homo habilis. But almost as soon as they had, there was confusion over the hypodigm of the new species. Tobias himself suggested that OH 13 resembles Homo erectus from Java, and he noted that OH 16 has teeth as large as those of Australopithecus. By the early 1970s, however, Tobias had put these thoughts behind him and returned to the opinion that all of the Olduvai remains are Homo habilis. At about this time, important discoveries began to flow from the Koobi Fora region in Kenya. To most observers, crania such as KNM-ER 1470 confirmed the presence of Homo in East Africa at an early date. Some of the other specimens were problematical. A.C. Walker and R.E. Leakey raised the possibility that larger skulls including KNM-ER 1470 differ significantly from smaller-brained, small-toothed individuals such as KNM-ER 1813. Other workers emphasized that there are differences of shape as well as size among the hominids from Koobi Fora. There is now substantial support for the view that in the Turkana and perhaps also in the Olduvai assemblages, there is more variation than would be expected among male and female conspecifics. One way to approach this question of sorting would be to compare all of the new fossils against the original material from Olduvai which was used to characterize Homo habilis in 1964. A problem is that the Olduvai remains are fragmentary, and none of them provides much information about vault form or facial structure. An alternative is to work first with the better crania, even if these are from other sites. I have elected to treat KNM-ER 1470 and KNM-ER 1813 as key individuals. Comparisons are based on discrete anatomy and measurements. Metric results are displayed with ratio diagrams, by which similarity in proportions for several skulls can be assessed in respect to a single specimen selected as a standard. Crania from Olduvai examined in this way are generally smaller than KNM-ER 1470, although OH 7 has a relatively long parietal. In the Koobi Fora assemblage, there is variation in brow thickness, frontal flattening and parietal shape relative to KNM-ER 1470. These comparisons are instructive, but vault proportions do not help much with the sorting process. Contrasts in the face are much more striking. Measurements treated in ratio diagrams show that both KNM-ER 1813 and OH 24 have relatively short faces with low cheek bones, small orbits and low nasal openings. Also, they display more projection of the midfacial region, just below the nose. This is not readily interpreted to be a female characteristic, since in most hominoid primates the females tend to have flatter lower faces than the males. The obvious size differences among these individuals have usually been interpreted as sex dimorphism, but, in fact, two taxa may be sampled at Olduvai and in the Turkana basin at the beginning of the Pleistocene. One large-brained group made up of KNM-ER 1470, several other Koobi Fora specimens, and probably OH 7, can be called Homo habilis. If these skulls go with femora such as KNM-ER 1481 and the KNM-ER3228 hip, then this species is close in postcranial anatomy to Homo erectus. The other taxon, including small-brained individuals such as KNM-ER 1813 and probably OH 13, seems also to be Homo rather than Australopithecus. If the OH 62 skeleton is part of this assemblage, then the small hominids have postcranial proportions unlike those of Homo erectus. However, it is too early to point unequivocally to one or the other of these groups as the ancestors of later humans. Both differ from Homo erectus in important ways, and both need to be better understood before we can map the earliest history of the Homo clade. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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