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Homeosis, the ectopic formation of a body part, is one of the key phenomena that prompted the identification of the essential selector genes controlling body organization. Shared elements of such homeotic genes exist in all studied animal classes, but homeotic transformations of the same order of magnitude as in insects, such as the duplication of the thorax in Drosophila mutants, have not been described in vertebrates. Here we investigate the capacity of retinoic acid to modify tail regeneration in amphibians. We show that retinoic acid causes the formation of an additional body segment in regenerating tails of Rana temporaria tadpoles. A second pelvic section, including vertebral elements, pelvic girdle elements and limb buds, forms at the mid-tail level. This is the first report of a homeotic duplication of a whole body segment in vertebrate axial regeneration. Received: 16 August 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   
Nymphaea and Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) share an extra-axillary mode of floral inception in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Some leaf sites along the ontogenetic spiral are occupied by floral primordia lacking a subtending bract. This pattern of flower initiation in leaf sites is repeated inside branching flowers of Nymphaea prolifera (Central and South America). Instead of fertile flowers this species usually produces sterile tuberiferous flowers that act as vegetative propagules. N. prolifera changes the meristem identity from reproductive to vegetative or vice versa repeatedly. Each branching flower first produces some perianth-like leaves, then it switches back to the vegetative meristem identity of the SAM with the formation of foliage leaves and another set of branching flowers. This process is repeated up to three times giving rise to more than 100 vegetative propagules. The developmental morphology of the branching flowers of N. prolifera is described using both microtome sections and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   
Genetic analysis of the 8D3;8D8-9 segment of the Drosophila melanogaster X chromosome has assigned seven complementation groups to this region, three of which are new. A Polycomb group (Pc-G) gene, multi sex combs (mxc), is characterized and mutant alleles are described. Besides common homeotic transformations characteristic of Pc-G mutants that mimic the ectopic gain of function of BX-C and ANT-C genes, mxc mutants show other phenotypes: they zygotically mimic, in males and females, the characteristic lack of germ line seen in progeny of some maternal effect mutants of the so-called posterior group (the grandchildless phenotype). Loss of normal mxc function can promote uncontrolled malignant growth which indicates a possible relationship between Pc-G genes and tumour suppressor genes. We propose that gain-of-function of genes normally repressed by the wild-type mxc product could, in mxc mutants, give rise to an incoherent signal which would be devoid of meaning in normal development. Such a signal could divert somatic and germ line developmental pathways, provoke the loss of cell affinities, but allow or promote growth.  相似文献   
Since 150 years it is hypothesized now that evolution always proceeds in a countless number of very small steps (Darwin in On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle of life, Murray, London, 1859), a view termed “gradualism”. Few contemporary biologists will doubt that gradualism reflects the most frequent mode of evolution, but whether it is the only one remains controversial. It has been suggested that in some cases profound (“saltational”) changes may have occurred within one or a few generations of organisms. Organisms with a profound mutant phenotype that have the potential to establish a new evolutionary lineage have been termed “hopeful monsters”. Recently I have reviewed the concept of hopeful monsters in this journal mainly from a historical perspective, and provided some evidence for their past and present existence. Here I provide a brief update on data and discussions supporting the view that hopeful monsters and saltational evolution are valuable biological concepts. I suggest that far from being mutually exclusive scenarios, both gradual and saltational evolution are required to explain the complexity and diversity of life on earth. In my view, gradual changes represent the usual mode of evolution, but are unlikely to be able to explain all key innovations and changes in body plans. Saltational changes involving hopeful monsters are probably very exceptional events, but since they have the potential to establish profound novelties sometimes facilitating adaptive radiations, they are of quite some importance, even if they would occur in any evolutionary lineage less than once in a million years. From that point of view saltational changes are not more bizarre scenarios of evolutionary change than whole genome duplications, endosymbiosis or impacts of meteorites. In conclusion I argue that the complete dismissal of saltational evolution is a major historical error of evolutionary biology tracing back to Darwin that needs to be rectified.  相似文献   
Summary Loss-of-function mutations in the spineless-aristapedia gene of Drosophila (ss a mutants) cause transformations of the distal antenna to distal second leg, deletions or fusions of the tarsi from all three legs, a general reduction in bristle size, and sterility. Because ss a mutants are pleiotropic, it has been suggested that ss + has some rather general function and that the ss a antennal transformation is an indirect consequence of perturbations in the expression of other genes that more directly control antennal or second leg identity. Here we test whether the ss a transformation results from aberrant expression of Antennapedia (Antp), a homeotic gene thought to specify directly the identity of the second thoracic segment. We find that Antp ss a mitotic recombination clones in the distal antenna behave identically to Antp + ss a clones, and are transformed to second leg. This demonstrates that the ss a antennal transformation is independent of Antp +, and suggests that ss + may itself directly define distal antennal identity. The results also reveal that Antp + is not required for the development of distal second leg structures, as these develop apparently normally in Antp ss a antennal clones. Because Antp mutations cause deletions or transformations that are restricted to proximal structures, whereas ss a alleles cause similar defects that are distally restricted, we suggest that ss + and Antp + may play similar, but complementary, roles in the distal and proximal portions of appendages, respectively.  相似文献   
Homeosis and the interaction of zeste and white in Drosophila   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary Transvection effects in Drosophila melanogaster suggest a form of gene modulation that is responsive to the proximity of homologous genes. These effects have been well characterized at bithorax and decapentaplegic, and in the interaction between the zeste and white genes. The mechanistic basis for transvection is not known. As part of a genetic analysis of transvection, a study is being made of a class of mutation defined as modifiers of the eye color resulting from the interaction of zeste and white. This report details the observations that several of these mutations also have homeotic effects.  相似文献   
Summary Transformations of tumorous-head Drosophila melanogaster were examined in order to investigate whether head structures were replaced by specific abdominal structures. Heads selected for the presence of genital structures were analyzed in detail. Female abnormalities included any combination of vaginal teeth, vulvar papillae, sensilla trichodea, abdominal tergites 6 (T6), 7 (T7), 8 (T8) and anal plate. Anal plate was observed in the prefrons and rostral membrane, while all other genital structures were intimately associated with modified shingle cuticle. Male abnormalities included transformation of antennal structures to penis, clasper teeth, lateral plate, anal plate and eye to T6. The distribution of each type of homeotic structure was confined to general regions of the eye-antenna, with no precise dividing lines between them. However, the spatial sequence of homeotic structures in the eye-antenna was generally the same as the sequence of the same structures in the posterior abdomen.  相似文献   
Summary The ash-1 locus is in the proximal region of the left arm of the third chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster and the ash-2 locus is in the distal region of the right arm of the third chromosome. Mutations at either locus can cause homeotic transformations of the antenna to leg, proboscis to leg and/or antenna, dorsal prothorax to wing, first and third leg to second leg, haltere to wing, and genitalia to leg and/or antenna. Mutations at the ash-1 locus cause, in addition, transformations of the posterior wing and second leg to anterior wing and second leg, respectively. A similar spectrum of transformations is caused by mutations at yet another third chromosome locus, trithorax. One extraordinary aspect of mutations at all three of these loci is that they cause such a wide variety of transformations. For mutations at both of the loci that we have studied the expression of the homeotic phenotype is both disc-autonomous (as shown by injecting mutant discs into metamorphosing larvae) and cell autonomous (as shown by somatic recombination analysis). The original mutations which identified these two loci, although lethal, manifest variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance of the homeotic phenotype suggesting that they are hypomorphic. The phenotype of double mutants which were synthesized by combining different pairs of those original mutations manifest for two of the four pairs a greater degree of expressivity and slightly more penetrance of the homeotic transformations. This mutual enhancement suggests that the products of both loci interact in the same process. A third double mutant expresses a discless phenotype.Additional alleles have been recovered at both the ash-1 and the ash-2 loci. Some of these alleles as homozygotes or transheterozygotes express the wide range of transformations revealed first by double mutants. One of the alleles at the ash-1 locus when homozygous and several transheterozygous pairs can cause either the homeotic transformation of discs or the absence of those discs. The fact that these two defects, absence of specific discs and homeotic transformations of those same discs can be caused by mutations within a single gene suggests that the activity of the product of this gene is essential for normal imaginal disc cell proliferation. Loss of that activity leads to the absence of discs, whereas, reduction of that activity leads to homeotic transformations.  相似文献   
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