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Large conductance channels were observed in the membrane of cultured cardiac cells of newborn rats studied with the patch-clamp technique in cell-attached and inside-out configurations. These channels were observed in 4% of the patches. In the cell-attached configuration they exhibited outward rectification and partial inactivation. In the inside-out configuration no rectification occurred but inactivation was present, mainly during hyperpolarizations. Two channels with large single unit conductances (400–450 pS) and one with a smaller conductance (200–250 pS) were frequently observed in the same patch. The two large channels generally had different kinetics. Under steady-state conditions the opening probability of the faster channel appeared to be voltage-independent. The slower channel was activated by depolarization. In asymmetrical solutions the permeability ratios P Na/P Cl were 0.03 and 0.24 for the larger and smaller channels, respectively; corresponding values for P Ba/P Cl were 0.04 and 0.09. It is proposed that in cardiac membranes the chloride permeability system is composed of widely dispersed microclusters forming grouped channels of different types and sizes.  相似文献   
Summary K+ channels in inside-out patches from hamster insulin tumor (HIT) cells were studied using the patch-clamp technique. HIT cells provide a convenient system for the study of ion channels and insulin secretion. They are easy to culture, form gigaohm seals readily and secrete insulin in response to glucose. The properties of the cells changed with the passage number. For cell passage numbers 48 to 56, five different K+-selective channels ranging from 15 to 211 pS in symmetrical 140mm KCl solutions were distinguished. The channels were characterized by the following features: a channel with a conductance (in symmetrical 140mm KCl solutions) of 210 pS that was activated by noncyclic purine nucleotides and closed by H+ ions (pH=6.8); a 211 pS channel that was Ca2+-activated and voltage dependent; a 185 pS channel that was blocked by TEA but was insensitive to quinine or nucleotides; a 130 pS channel that was activated by membrane hyperpolarization; and a small conductance (15 pS) channel that was not obviously affected by any manipulation. As determined by radioimmunoassay, cells from passage number 56 secreted 917±128 ng/mg cell protein/48 hr of insulin. In contrast, cells from passage number 77 revealed either no channel activity or an occasional nonselective channel, and secreted only 29.4±8.5 ng/mg cell protein/48 hr of insulin. The nonselective channel found in the passage 77 cells had a conductance of 25 pS in symmetrical 140mm KCl solutions. Thus, there appears to be a correlation between the presence of functional K+ channels and insulin secretion.  相似文献   
Simultaneous measurements were taken of the electrical activity and the rate of respiration of thalli of Conocephalum conicum L. stimulated electrically and mechanically (by cutting). The measurements of the rate of respiration employed a modified Warburg apparatus for O2 consumption and an infra-red gas analyzer with computer recording and data processing for CO2 evolution. The action potential, produced by either a cut (a damaging stimulus) or an electrical stimulus (a non-damaging stimulus), caused a transient rise in the rate of respiration. The course of changes in the rate of respiration depends on the character of the excitation and the area of the thallus covered by it. If stimulation does not produce excitation, the increase in the rate of respiration does not take place, regardless of the magnitude and type of the stimulus applied.  相似文献   
Earlier studies have indicated that interior (physical and/or chemical) properties of a plant may be responsible for feeding-site selection by the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.). In order to study the process of feeding-site selection further, stylet-penetration activities and the pathway followed by the stylets in host-plant tissue were investigated using a DC electrical recording method and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Penetrating whiteflies attached to a gold wire were included in an electrical circuit to record electrical penetration graphs (EPGs). Seven EPG patterns have been distinguished, five of which could be correlated with components of the stylet-penetration process: 1) one with penetration of the leaf surface, 2) one with intercellular penetration and salivary-sheath secretion, 3) one with sieve element penetration and ingestion, 4) one with short penetration of a cell, and 5) one with xylem penetration. The stylet pathway is almost completely intercellular before the phloem is reached and in contrast to aphids, brief symplast punctures are very rare. In general, it takes T. vaporariorum more than half an hour from the start of a penetration to reach a sieve element. Rejection of feeding sites occurs within a few minutes of penetration by adult whiteflies, a time span in which stylets are presumed to penetrate just beyond the epidermis. Properties of the apoplast close to the leaf surface seem therefore to play a major role in feeding-site selection.
Résumé De précédentes études ont montré que les propriétés internes (physiques et/ou chimiques) d'une plante peuvent induire la sélection du site de nutrition de la mouche blanche de serres, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.). Afin d'étudier plus avant le processus de sélection du site de nutrition, les activités de piqûre et le chemin suivi par le stylet dans les tissus de la plante-hôte ont été étudiés par une méthode d'enregistrement électrique en courant continu ainsi que par microscopie à transmission d'électrons (TEM). Des aleurodes en activité de piqûre attachées à un fil d'or ont été incluses dans un circuit électrique pour enregistrer des graphes de pénétration électriques (EPG). Sept motifs d'EPG ont été distingués, dont cinq peuvent être corrélés aux composantes du processus de pénétration du stylet: 1) un avec pénétration de la surface foliaire, 2) un avec pénétration interecellulaire et sécrétion d'une gaine de salive, 3) un avec pénétration du phloème, 4) un avec courte pénétration d'une cellule, et 5) un avec pénétration du xylème. Le parcours du stylet est presque entièrement intercellulaire avant que le phloème soit atteint. Contrairement aux pucerons, les ponctions brèves dans le symplasme sont rares. Généralement, T. vaporariorum met plus d'une demi-heure, à partir du début d'une piqûre, pour atteindre un vaisseau. Le rejet des sites de nutrition par les aleurodes adultes se passe quelques minutes après la pénétration du stylet; pendant ce laps de temps, le stylet pénétrerait juste sous l'épiderme. Le rôle des propriétés de l'apoplaste près de la surface foliaire semble donc majeur dans la sélection des sites de nutrition.
Electrical penetration graphs (EPGs) of aphids on plants demonstrate distinct periods of lowered potential level: the potential drop (pd). Such pds are produced frequently during the stylet pathway to the phloem. Experimental evidence supports the hypothesis that the pd corresponds with a stylet puncture of a (epidermal or mesophyll) cell membrane. The intracellular potentials of-100 to-180 mV are thought to be measured thereby with the stylets acting as microelectrodes. The short pd of 5–15 s can be described as a sequence of three distinct phases. Besides the short pd, occurring during pattern B and C, long pds are produced during the complete pattern D+E. Pattern D+E may occur on the potential level of the pd (abbr.: D+E (pd)) and on the potential level of the preceding pattern C (abbr.: D+E(c)). Pattern D+E(pd) seems to be related to sieve element penetration, at least in a number of cases. Both pds, short and long, are produced on host and non-host plants, on susceptible and resistant cultivars, using several aphid species.
Potentiels membraneux comme indication pour des pénétrations intracellulaires des plantes par les stylets des aphides
Résumé L'enrégistrement électrique de la pénétration du stylet des aphides dans les tissus de la plante se caracterise par des périodes distinctes de chute de potentiel (c.p.). Ces c.p. existent fréquemment au cours du trajet du stylet vers le phloème. Une évidence expérimentale soutient l'hypothèse de la correspondance entre la c.p. et la piqûre de la membrane des cellules épidermales et parenchymateuses. Les potentiels intracellulaires de-100 à-180 mV pourraient être mesurés par l'intermédiaire des stylets comme microélectrodes. Les. c.p. brèves, de 5 à 15 s peuvent être décrites comme des séquences composées de 3 phases distinctes. Outre les c.p. brèves pendant les ondes B et C, les pucerons produisent des c.p. durables qui se maintiennent au cours des ondes D+E. Ou bien l'onde D+E peuve apparaite au niveau de potentiel de c.p. (D+E(cp)), ou au niveau de potentiel de l'onde C précédente (D+E(c)). L'onde D+E(cp) semble être reliée à la pénétration des vaisseaux conducteurs, du moins dans certain cas. Les c.p. brêves et durables sont produits sur les plantes hôtes et non-hôtes chez plusiers espèces d'aphids.
Summary The effect of cholecystokinin (CCK) and internal Ca2+ on outward K+ current in isolated pig pancreatic acinar cells has been investigated using the patch-clamp method for whole-cell current recording under voltage-clamp conditions. CCK (2 × 10–10 M) applied to the bath evoked a marked increase in the outward K+ current associated with depolarizing voltage steps, and this effect was fully reversible and acutely dependent on the presence of external Ca2+. When strongly buffered Ca2+-EGTA solutions were used inside the cells CCK failed to evoke an effect. Increasing the internal Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ) from 5 × 10–10 M to 10–7 and 5 × 10–7 M mimicked the effect of CCK. It would appear therefore that CCK controls K+ conductance in the acinar cells via changes in the internal free ionized Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   
The ability of pheromone receptor cells of male Antheraea polyphemus (Saturniidae) to resolve stimulus pulses was determined at different temperatures (8°, 18°, 28°C). The cells were stimulated by repeated 20-ms puffs of the pheromone components (E, Z)-6, 11-hexadecadienyl acetate and (E, Z)-6,11-hexadecadienal. At higher temperatures, higher frequencies of stimulus pulses were resolved by the nerve-impulse response: about 1.25 pulses per second at 8°C, 2.5 pulses/s at 18°C and 5 pulses/s at 28°C. The decreased ability of receptor cells to resolve stimulus pulses at low temperatures may reduce the male moth's chance of reaching the pheromone source. The peak nerve-impulse frequency increased whereas the duration of nerve-impulse responses to single stimulus pulses decreased at higher temperatures. At a given temperature and stimulus intensity the peak nerveimpulse frequency decreased with shorter intervals between the stimulus pulses, but the duration of the responses remained almost constant. The time needed for recovery from adaptation caused by a single stimulus pulse was longer at lower temperatures. The aldehyde receptor cell recovered more quickly than the acetate cell. At low stimulus concentration, the resolution ability of the acetate cell was strongly decreased, whereas in the aldehyde cell it was only slightly impaired.  相似文献   
Tension and patch clamp recording techniques were used to investigate the relaxation of rabbit pulmonary artery and the properties of the K+ current activated by levcromakalim in isolated myocytes. Under whole-cell voltage clamp, holding at –60 mV in symmetrical 139 mm K+, levcromakalim (10 m) induced a noisy inward current of –116 ± 19 pA (n = 13) which developed over 1 to 2 min. This current could be blocked by either glibenclamide (10 m) or phencyclidine (5–50 M) and was unaffected when extracellular Ca2+ was removed. Both these drugs inhibited the levcromakalim-induced relaxation of muscle strips precontracted with 20 mm [K+] o . Application of voltage ramps in symmetrical 139 mm K+ confirmed that the levcromakalim-induced current was carried by K+ ions and was weakly voltage dependent over the potential range from –100 to +40 mV.The unitary current amplitude and density of the channels underlying the levcromakalim-activated whole-cell K+ current was estimated from the noise in the current record. We estimate that levcromakalim caused activation of around 300 channels per cell, with a single channel current of 1.1 pA, corresponding to a slope conductance of about 19 pS. Furthermore, cells dialyzed with an ATP-free pipette solution developed a large noisy inward current at –60 mV, which could subsequently be blocked by flash photolysis of caged ATP. Analysis of the noise associated with this current indicated that the single channel amplitude underlying the ATP-blocked current was 1.4 pA, a value similar to that estimated for the levcromakalim-induced current. We conclude that the conductance of this ATP-sensitive channel is likely to be small under physiological conditions and that it is present at low density.We thank SmithKline & Beecham for the gift of levcromakalim, ICI Pharmaceuticals for the gift of charybdotoxin and Prof. D. Colquhoun for the noise analysis programs. We also thank Mr. R. Davey for technical assistance with tension experiments. This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. L.H.C. is a Wellcome Research Fellow and P.L. is an intermediate fellow of the BHF.  相似文献   
Intracellular recordings were made in the brain of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus from an ascending auditory interneuron (AN1). Acoustic stimuli with calling song temporal pattern were delivered via earphones in a preparation with the acoustic trachea cut (attenuation of crossing sound > 30 dB). The input-output function of this cell was then determined by recording its responses to stimulation of the ipsilateral ear alone, of the contralateral ear alone and to stimulation of both ears simultaneously with the same or different carrier frequencies and intensities.This interneuron was excited by the ear ipsilateral to its axon and dendritic field and unresponsive to stimuli presented to the axon-contralateral ear alone. However, in binaural stimulation experiments, the response to a constant ipsilateral stimulus was progressively reduced as the intensity of a simultaneous contralateral stimulus was increased, above a threshold intensity.Tuning curves for threshold of this inhibition, determined in binaural stimulation experiments, indicated significant inhibition in the range 3–20 kHz with lowest threshold at 4–5 kHz. The inhibition was unaffected by sectioning of the contralateral circumoesophageal or neck connective, indicating that the inhibitory influence crosses the midline at the level of the prothoracic ganglion. Intracellular recordings from AN1 in the prothoracic ganglion confirmed that it was indeed neurally inhibited by inputs from the contralateral ear.Tuning curves for excitation of an omega neuron (ON1) by the ear ipsilateral to its soma and also the tuning of inhibition of ON1 by its contralateral ON1 partner, closely match the tuning of inhibition of AN1 and to a lesser extent, of AN2. This was taken as evidence that each AN1 is inhibited by the contralateral ON1. The significance of this interaction for directional hearing and phonotaxis is discussed.Abbreviations AP/CHP action potentials per chirp - AN1, AN2 ascending auditory interneurons 1, 2 - ON1 omega neuron 1 - ipsi ipsilateral contra contralateral - PTG prothoracic ganglion loc lateral ocellar nerve - On optic nerve an antennal nerve - coc circum-oesophageal connective so sound off  相似文献   
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