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The arthropod communities of phytotelmata (plant-held waters) are considered excellent subjects for studying and testing community theory. Food webs constructed for phytotelm communities, however, usually exclude mites or determine their placement based on little, if any, actual knowledge of their trophic behaviour. Although individually small, many acarine species attain high population levels and therefore may be important as prey for other inhabitants, as processing chain species in commensal relationships and as competitors of the larger tree-hole inhabitants. An understanding of the trophic relationships of acarine inhabitants is therefore essential to an understanding of the dynamics of phytotelm communities. Studies emphasizing the functional morphology of mouth parts of astigmatic species inhabiting water-filled tree holes in the eastern USA and in Queensland, Australia, reveal a diversity of trophic groups. Among these are 'shredders' who ingest leaf material and associated microbes by biting off chunks of leaves, 'scrapers' (= grazers) who crop fungal hyphae and/or other microbes and detritus from the substrate surface and 'collectors' who filter microbes and fine particulate matter from the water. This information allows for the more exact placement of acarine inhabitants in food webs of water-filled tree holes.  相似文献   
The development of male and female gonads in arrhenotokous and thelytokous species of Histiostoma was studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All instars were examined: larvae, protonymphs, facultative heteromorphic deutonymphs (=hypopi), tritonymphs, and adults. In testis primordium, spermatogonia surrounding a testicular central cell (TCC) with a gradually enlarging, branched nucleus are present already at the larval stage. Spermatogonia and the TCC are connected via narrow, tubular intercellular bridges revealing that the TCC is a germline cell. Spermatocytes appear at the protonymphal stage. At the heteromorphic deutonymph stage, the testis primordium is similar to that of the protonymph, but in the tritonymph it is much larger and composed as in the adult: spermatids as well as sperm cells are present. The latter are congregated ventrally in the testis at the entrance of the deferent duct.In the larval ovary, an eccentrically located ovarian nutritive cell (ONC) is surrounded by oogonia which are connected with the ONC via tubular intercellular bridges. In later stages, the ovary grows and oocytes appear in the protonymph. Meiotic synaptonemal complexes in oocytes occur from the tritonymph stage. At about the time of the final molting, tubular intercellular bridges transform into peculiar diaphragm-crossed bridges known only in Histiostoma mites. In the adult female, growing oocytes at the end of previtellogenesis lose intercellular bridges and move ventro-laterally to the ovarian periphery towards the oviduct entrance. Vitellogenesis occurs in oviducts.Germinal cells in both the testis and ovary are embedded in a few somatic stroma cells which may be well discernible already in the larval ovary; in the testis, somatic stroma cells are evident not earlier than the end of the tritonymphal stage. The ovary has a thin wall of flat somatic cells, whereas the testis is covered by a basal lamina only.The obtained results suggest that gonads in Histiostoma and other Astigmata originate from two primordial cells only.  相似文献   
High-resolution phase-contrast X-ray computed tomography (CT) reveals the phoretic deutonymph of a fossil astigmatid mite (Acariformes: Astigmata) attached to a spider's carapace (Araneae: Dysderidae) in Eocene (44-49 Myr ago) Baltic amber. Details of appendages and a sucker plate were resolved, and the resulting three-dimensional model demonstrates the potential of tomography to recover morphological characters of systematic significance from even the tiniest amber inclusions without the need for a synchrotron. Astigmatids have an extremely sparse palaeontological record. We confirm one of the few convincing fossils, potentially the oldest record of Histiostomatidae. At 176 μm long, we believe this to be the smallest arthropod in amber to be CT-scanned as a complete body fossil, extending the boundaries for what can be recovered using this technique. We also demonstrate a minimum age for the evolution of phoretic behaviour among their deutonymphs, an ecological trait used by extant species to disperse into favourable environments. The occurrence of the fossil on a spider is noteworthy, as modern histiostomatids tend to favour other arthropods as carriers.  相似文献   
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