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Several alternate hosts were tested for their relative susceptibility to an isolate of Galleria mellonella nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Neonate Trichoplusia ni, Heliothis zea, and Manduca sexta were all susceptible to per oral administration of purified polyhedra. Of the three alternate species tested, T. ni was the most susceptible, and exhibited the most variable mortality response over the dose range tested, while M. sexta was the least susceptible. We believe this represents the first report of a lethal virus infection in a sphingid species, and useful parameters for the successful inoculation of alternate hosts are discussed.  相似文献   
为了探讨普氏蹄蝠下丘神经元在处理多普勒频移补偿后回声定位信号中的作用,实验采用双声刺激模式模拟蝙蝠不同飞行状态下产生多普勒频移补偿后的脉冲-回声对,即发声频率改变,回声频率维持恒定的情况下,研究下丘神经元对不同补偿值下的回声反应恢复率.结果发现:根据神经元在某一补偿值下对回声信号反应的恢复率是否超过70%,可将其分为具有选择性(S)和无选择性(NS)的两类神经元.且谐波内S神经元所占比例(68%)远超过非谐波内S神经元(39%).分析神经元的发放模式发现谐波内S神经元中相位型发放模式比例(44.3%)明显高于其他三种类型神经元.另外,虽然S和NS神经元的强度-潜伏期函数类型均以饱和型为主,但谐波内S神经元强度-潜伏期函数的最佳强度(best amplitude,BA)(95.3±14.0)dB SPL低于NS神经元的BA(104.1±10.2)d B SPL(P0.01),同时也低于非谐波内S神经元的BA(109.7±7.9)dB SPL(P0.01).以上实验结果表明,在下丘水平,神经元就已对多普勒频移补偿后回声定位信号的处理有了分工,集中在谐波内的S神经元通过提高对某一补偿值下回声信号反应的恢复率实现,对回声信息的精确编码,避免其他杂波干扰信息.同时,谐波内S神经元的发放模式和强度-潜伏期函数特点也满足其在复杂环境中精确声学成像的需求.  相似文献   
The evolution of exaggerated male traits is frequently driven by competition between males to control resources critical for female survival and/or reproductive success. For flightless arthropods specializing on patchy habitats, dispersal agents may represent one such critical resource. The Neotropical pseudoscorpion, Semeiochernes armiger, disperses to new habitats by attaching to the giant timber fly, Pantophthalmus tabaninus, as it ecloses from pupal boreholes within decaying Ficus trees. In a study that combined field observations of mating with experimental removal of individuals from a large, pre‐dispersal population, our morphometric analyses revealed that S. armiger is among the most highly sexually dimorphic pseudoscorpions known, with males possessing unusual, triangular‐shaped pedipalpal chelae (hands) and a male‐specific, dimorphic chela peg that exhibits threshold trait expression. Several lines of evidence indicate that extreme sexual dimorphism in S. armiger results from male competition to monopolize pantophthalmid bores as strategic sites for inseminating females on the verge of dispersal. Sexually dimorphic pedipalpal characters were significantly larger in males located in and around pantophthalmid boreholes, compared with males collected at the periphery of the pantophthalmid emergence zone. Removal of pseudoscorpions resulted in a significant decline in pedipalpal size of males associated with pantophthalmid bores, followed by a rebound in size after collected individuals were returned to the tree. Most significantly, field observations of mating indicate that this competition translates into intense selection for exaggerated male traits, with all traits of the sexually dimorphic chelae exhibiting highly significant sexual selection differentials in males. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
在广西桂林研究了同域分布的大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)和中蹄蝠(H.larvatus)在不同开阔度环境中回声定位声波信号的变化。用超声波仪录制自由悬挂和分别释放于人工"大棚"和"小棚"内飞行的蝙蝠的回声定位声波,使用超声分析软件分析声脉冲时程、主频率及声脉冲间隔,通过重复测量方差分析比较不同状态下的声波参数。结果表明:中蹄蝠声波的主频在悬挂状态下最高,小棚内飞行时次之,大棚内飞行最低;两种蹄蝠声波的脉冲时程和脉冲间隔在悬挂状态下最长,大棚内飞行次之,小棚内飞行最低。总之,这两种蹄蝠的回声定位声波能够随所处状态的变化而变化,可根据生境的复杂度调节声讯号,具有明显的声波可塑性。  相似文献   
为探究恒频-调频蝙蝠下丘神经元恢复周期特点及其对声脉冲跟随率的影响,实验采用模拟的大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)自然状态下的恒频-调频发声信号为声刺激,在5只听力正常的大蹄蝠上记录了下丘神经元的声反应和恢复周期(n = 93).结果发现,根据神经元恢复率达50%时的双声刺激间隔(inter pulse interval,IPI),可将其分为长时恢复型(long recovery,LR;47.4%)、中等时间恢复型(moderate recovery,MR;35.1%)和短时恢复型(short recovery,SR;17.5%).每种类型依据其恢复率随IPI增加而呈现的不同变化又可进一步分为单IPI反应区神经元,多IPI反应区神经元,以及单调IPI反应神经元.LR,MR和SR型神经元恢复率达50%时的平均IPI分别为(64.0 ± 24.8),(19.6 ± 5.8)和(7.1 ± 2.4) ms (P < 0.001),相对应的平均理论每秒声脉冲数分别为(18.2 ± 7.0),(55.4 ± 15.7)和(171.3 ± 102.9) Hz (P < 0.001).结果提示,单IPI和多IPI反应区神经元具有特殊IPI反应特性,能对蝙蝠捕食和巡航期间所处的时相做出准确判断,而单调IPI反应神经元对IPI变化的敏感性较强,但时相判断性较差.另外LR,MR和SR型神经元恢复周期和理论脉冲跟随率的平均结果均能与这种蝙蝠回声定位期间3个时相的发声行为相匹配,且神经元恢复周期参与决定声脉冲跟随率,满足了蝙蝠巡航、捕食的行为学需要.  相似文献   
Multimodal communication in animals is common, and is particularly well studied in signals that include both visual and auditory components. Multimodal signals that combine acoustic and olfactory components are less well known. Multimodal communication plays a crucial role in agonistic interactions in many mammals, but relatively little is known about this type of communication in nocturnal mammals. Here, we used male Great Himalayan leaf-nosed bats Hipposideros armiger to investigate multimodal signal function in acoustic and olfactory aggressive displays. We monitored the physiological responses (heart rate [HR]) when H. armiger was presented with 1 of 3 stimuli: territorial calls, forehead gland odors, and bimodal signals (calls + odors). Results showed that H. armiger rapidly increased their HR when exposed to any of the 3 stimuli. However, the duration of elevated HR and magnitude of change in HR increased significantly more when acoustic stimuli were presented alone compared with the presentation of olfactory stimuli alone. In contrast, the duration of elevated HR and magnitude of change in HR were significantly higher with bimodal stimuli than with olfactory stimuli alone, but no significant differences were found between the HR response to acoustic and bimodal stimuli. Our previous work showed that acoustic and chemical signals provided different types of information; here we describe experiments investigating the responses to those signals. These results suggest that olfactory and acoustic signals are non-redundant signal components, and that the acoustic component is the dominant modality in male H. armiger, at least as it related to HR. This study provides the first evidence that acoustic signals dominate over olfactory signals during agonistic interactions in a nocturnal mammal.  相似文献   
采用超声监测仪录制超声信号和细胞外电生理记录下丘神经元的频率调谐曲线(frequency tuningcurqes,FTCs)的方法,探讨了大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)回声定位信号与下丘(inferior colliculus,IC)神经元频率调谐之间的相关性.结果发现,大蹄蝠回声定位叫声为恒频-调频(consrant frequency-frequenevmodulated,CF-FM)信号,一般含有2-3个谐波,第二谐波为其主频,cF成分频率(Mean±SD,n=18)依次为:(33.3 4±0.2)、(66.5±0.3)、(99.4 4±0.5)kHz;电生理实验共获得72个神经元的频率调谐曲线,Q10-dB值的范围是0.5-95.4(9.2±14.6,rg=72),最佳频率(best frequency,BF)在回声定位主频附近的神经元具有尖锐的频率调谐特性.结果表明,大蹄蝠回声定位信号与下丘神经元频率调谐存在相关性,表现为最佳频率在回声定位信号主频附近的神经元频率调谐曲线的Q10-dB值较大,具有很强的频率分析能力.  相似文献   
研究了普氏蹄蝠(Hipposideros pratti)不同状态(飞行、悬挂)下的回声定位声波特征、形态特征和生态特征(捕食策略、捕食地和食物类型).结果表明,普氏蹄蝠的回声定位声波为CFFM型,在不同状态下,主频率有一定的差异,飞行状态的主频率略低于悬挂状态,表明普氏蹄蝠是利用多谱勒补偿效应来适应飞行速度引起的主频率变化,以进行准确的定位和有效的捕食;同时飞行状态下声脉冲时间、声脉冲间隔时间及FM带宽略低于悬挂状态,而声脉冲重复率和能率环略高于悬挂状态,表明普氏蹄蝠在不同状态下利用不同特征的声波进行捕食.由回声定位声波推断和野外观察可知,普氏蹄蝠可能在树冠周围以盘旋方式(在昆虫高峰期)或以捕蝇器式(在昆虫高峰期之后)捕食中等偏大的振翅昆虫(如甲虫).  相似文献   
Eight microsatellite loci were isolated from an enriched genomic library of the great leaf-nosed bat, Hipposideros armiger. The polymorphism of these loci was tested on a population of 48 individuals from Anhui Province, China. All loci revealed the polymorphism ranging from three to 12 alleles. The observed heterozygosity values were from 0.213 to 0.875 and expected heterozygosity from 0.232 to 0.820. No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected. Two loci significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction. In addition, successful cross-amplification also suggested that these microsatellite markers will facilitate research on the population genetics and gene flow of H. armiger and other related species.  相似文献   
We developed nine microsatellite loci using an enriched library method from the genomic DNA of Pratt’s leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros pratti). These loci were tested on 96 individuals sampled from Sichuan Province, China. The number of alleles per locus varied from 4 to 14. The expected and observed heterozygosity values ranged from 0.513 to 0.886 and from 0.375 to 0.966, respectively. Three microsatellite loci departed significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). No linkage disequilibrium was found. These microsatellite loci will be used in studies of conservation genetics in this species.  相似文献   
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