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The hypothesis ofHenriques andFernandes that several Iberian species ofNarcissus (Amaryllidaceae) are tristylous is reconsidered. Contrary to the opinion ofBateman and most subsequent authors, we believe that the available evidence indicates that some populations ofN. triandrus andN. fernandesii, at least, are tristylous; other populations ofN. triandrus are distylous.Hugonia cf.penicillanthemum (Linaceae) from new Caledonia is distylous, but it remains possible that other species ofHugonia are tristylous. The disputed occurrence of heterostyly in S. African species ofBauhinia (Leguminosae),Cleome (Capparaceae) andAneilema (Commelinaceae), and inAgelaea (Connaraceae) is discussed.  相似文献   
Christian Dumas 《Planta》1977,137(2):177-184
Chromatographic (thin-layer, gas column, column chromatography) analyses of neutral lipids and fatty acids of reproductive tissues of Forsythia intermedia Zab., a self-incompatible species, were performed with two objectives in mind: 1. To determine whether there is a qualitative evolution of the different classes of lipids and fatty acids that could be correlated with the three functional stages observed during previous histochemical and ultrastructural studies. The stigmatic exudate and intracellular accumulations consist mainly of neutral lipids. 2. To compare the lipid composition of the stigma (both thrum and pin forms) with that of the style, the ovary, and the anther, and to investigate the possible existence of a stigma-specific lipid compound. Stigmatic neutral lipids are found mostly in a glyceridic mixture probably containing hydrocarbons and terpenes. The fatty acids identified are between C:7 and C: 12, with the maximum unsaturated form being a C: 18. During the secretory process there is no great qualitative diference between the neutral lipids and fatty acids found in the stigmas of thrum and pin forms. Sterols are present in styles, ovaries, and anthers, but not in stigmas. They represent the only difference in the lipid composition of these various floral structures.  相似文献   
Hedyotis caerulea, a spring flowering herb widely distributed in eastern North America, has distylous flowers that differ by a number of morphological and physiological traits. The presence of a strong incompatibility system is indicated by the fact that intramorph crosses or self-pollinations produced little or no seed and intermorph crosses produced copious seed. An unusual homostyle was located that had most floral characters intermediate between pin and thrum flowers, although its pollen size was that of pin. The homostyle was only moderately self-compatible, and its pollen did not behave as pin pollen on thrum stigmas. It appears that, despite their intermediate position and morphology, the homostyle stigmas were fundamentally pin. Although the exceptional rarity of the homostyle suggests that it is an inadaptive failure, workers should watch for its further occurrence since additional study of it may provide insights into the genetic and physiological basis of heterostyly in theRubiaceae.  相似文献   
In order to assess the mechanisms through which the spatial structure of the population influences female reproductive success, spatial distribution of clones, degrees of limitation of legitimate (inter-morph) pollination, type and abundance of pollen loaded on the stigmas, and seed set were measured for many clones of two natural populations of the distylous clonal plant,Persicaria japonica. Within the populations, according to the spatial relation to the nearest opposite morph clone, individual clones were assorted into two spatial types,i.e., clones that congregated with clones of the opposite morph (congregating clones), and clones that occurred singly at a considerable distance from the nearest opposite-morph clone (single clones). The pollination success,i.e., the proportion of legitimately pollinated flowers, and seed set were severely limited in the single clones compared to the congregating clones. Since artificial legitimate pollination improved the seed set in single clones, at least to some degree pollination failure was responsible for the reduced seed set in the single clones.  相似文献   
Currently, pollination is seen as involving more generalist interactions than specialized ones. Supporting this trend, some nocturnal distylous flowers may also receive floral visitors during the day, and since the latter contribute to fruit set, the pollination system is mixed and less specialized. Common among the Rubiaceae, distyly has been regarded as a reproductive strategy which requires a precise and specialized pollination system, and in this important tropical family, environmental disturbance and pollination failure have been used to explain anomalies in distylous features. Faramea cyanea Müll. Arg. is a common tree species in forest formations in the increasingly threatened Cerrado biome, the Neotropical savannas in Central Brazil. We evaluated the floral morphology, pollination biology and breeding system of a population of F. cyanea. Despite their moth pollination features, flowers were visited by diurnal (bees) as well as nocturnal (moths) pollinators. Experimental results showed that both pollinator groups contributed equally to pollen flow and legitimate pollination. The population presented distyly, isoplethy and heteromorphic self-incompatibility. Although F. cyanea did not present exact reciprocal herkogamy between floral morphs, pollination and reproductive success were not impaired. Floral features, which allowed pollination by complementary groups of pollinators, may explain the absence of anomalies in the isoplethy and distylous features in the studied population, anomalies which have been observed in other sympatric distylous Rubiaceae.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of population density of compatible neighbours on inbreeding level of Primula sieboldii, a heterostylous clonal herb. Pollinator availability, seed set, selfing rate, diversity of pollen donors, and fitness of progenies were compared between less and more isolated genets, which differed in the number of compatible opposite-morph genets within 20 m, the range at which most pollen flow occurred. Although pollinator availability did not differ between the two groups, seed set and diversity of pollen donors in more isolated genets were significantly lower than in less isolated genets. Additionally, the mean selfing rates of less and more isolated genets were 1.3 and 36.7%, respectively, and the mean leaf area of the self-fertilized seedlings was 70 to 40% smaller than that of outcrossed seedlings of the same mother genet. Due to this large inbreeding depression, it is unlikely that self-fertilized seedlings could successfully establish in natural habitats and hence the inbreeding level in the next generation around the more isolated genet would not increase rapidly. However, the possibility of mating between full-sibs would increase because the diversity of pollen donors was low and both pollen and seed dispersal were spatially restricted. Thus the inbreeding level of the next generations would gradually increase around the more isolated genets owing to biparental inbreeding. This study suggested that the population density of compatible neighbours has a critical impact on the future inbreeding level within P. sieboldii populations.  相似文献   
Summary The stigmas of the heterostylous genusPrimula are of the dry type without a free-flowing surface secretion. The papillae of the stigma surface cells of the two morphs, in pin (stigma exserted) and thrum (stamens exserted), bear a thin proteinaceous surface pellicle, overlying a discontinuous cuticle. The vacuoles of the papillate cells contain tannins, and tannin cells extend in files through the stigma heads and form a loose sheath surrounding the pollen-tube transmitting tract in the styles. The cells of the transmitting tissue in the stigma heads have a normal complement of organelles, and abundant ribosomal endoplasmic reticulum. The intercellular spaces contain an internal secretion which reacts cytochemically for both carbohydrate and protein. The transmitting tract in the styles forms a central core surrounded by several vascular strands. The cells are elongated, and the intercellular spaces here also have a carbohydrate-protein content. In a compatible pollination, thrum pollen tubes enter the stigma by penetrating the cuticle at the tip or on the flank of the pin papilla. Pin tubes on the thrum stigma enter between adjacent papillae, penetrating the thin cuticle at the base. The tubes grow through the transmitting tracts in the intercellular material.  相似文献   
To develop a new system for inducible male sterility without any modification of the floral architecture in tobacco plants, a mutated ethylene receptor gene Cm-ERS1/H70A was fused either to the tobacco Nin88 promoter known to function mainly in the tapetum and microspore or to the CaMV 35S promoter known to be a constitutive promoter. The fusion genes pNin88::Cm-ERS1/H70A and p35S::Cm-ERS1/H70A were introduced in tobacco plants, which generated two independent transformants. Transformants with 35S::Cm-ERS1/H70A produced less normal pollen and had modified floral architecture while those with Nin88::Cm-ERS1/H70A produced less normal pollen without modification of floral architecture. Histological observations of anthers at stage 2 showed that tapetum degeneration in NH70A #8 and H70A #2 transformants occurred later than in wild types, strongly indicating that the expression of the mutated gene was involved in this delay. These results suggest that the tapetum-specific expression of a mutated ethylene receptor gene is a potential strategy for inducing male sterility in transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Heterostylous plants have been characterized by the presence of two or three discrete morphs that differ in their sex organ position within populations. This polymorphism is widely distributed among the angiosperms, but detailed studies are limited to few taxonomic groups. Although a small representation, evolutionary meaningful variations of the heterostylous syndrome have been reported when precise measurements of the sexual whorls were taken. A thorough exploration of groups where heterostyly has been reported should offer new opportunities to further testing the evolutionary hypotheses explaining heterostyly. Here, the traits defining heterostyly were explored in half of the species in Nivenia, the only genus of Iridiaceae where heterostyly has been reported.


Detailed morphometric analysis of the flower sexual whorls and some traits considered as ancillary are supplied to determine for each population (a) the kind of stylar polymorphism, (b) the morph ratio and (c) the degree of reciprocity between sexual whorls. Also the rates of assortative (within morph) versus disassortative (between morphs) pollen transfer were estimated by analysing pollen loads on stigmas. The association between floral phenotypic integration and the reciprocity between sexual whorls was estimated; both characteristics have been quoted as dependent on the accuracy of the fit between pollinators and flowers and therefore related to the efficiency of pollen transfer.

Key Results

Different types of polymorphism, differing in their degree of reciprocity, were found in Nivenia. Effective disassortative mating appears to be common, since (a) all dimorphic populations show equal morph-ratios (isoplethy), and (b) the pollen placed on the stigmas of each morph is likely to be coming from the other (complementary) morph. The most reciprocal populations of the heterostylous species have also the highest values of phenotypical integration.


Stigma height dimorphism, as opposed to distyly, is proven for the first time in Nivenia. The presence of different types of polymorphism within the genus is consistent with hypotheses of the evolution of heterostyly. The role of the pollinators as the leading force of the transition seems to be apparent, since floral integration is related to reciprocity.  相似文献   
We studied genetic variation and structure in 24 populations of Primula veris, a distylous self-incompatible perennial herb that in Flanders (northern Belgium) occurs in fragmented habitats of the intensively used agricultural landscape. Distyly, which favours cross-fertilization, is characterized in this species by two genetically determined floral morph types (‘pin’ or ‘thrum’). Using 30 allozyme loci, we investigated within-population and within-morph genetic variation and structure in relation to distyly (stochastic morph bias and pin frequency), demography (population size, plant density), and evidence of recent bottlenecks. No significant relationship was found between genetic patterns and stochastic morph bias. However, FIS values were lower when pin frequency increases in the population. This may be explained by the partial self-compatibility of the pin morph, which, in conditions of pollination disruption, as observed for P. veris in fragmented habitats, may favour intra-pin outcrosses and increase mating opportunities in the population. A lower within-population structure can be expected because of a higher density of compatible mates and more random matings. Pin and thrum individuals showed similar levels of genetic variation. Three populations revealed a significant genetic differentiation between pin and thrum morphs (FST0.049), as a result of recent bottlenecks, spatial segregation of the morphs and/or disturbance of demographic processes. From our findings, we may hypothesize future changes in population mating processes in fragmented habitats, which might lead to pin excesses. However, due to slowing down life-history traits (long-lived perenniality and clonality), and demographic stochasticity randomly changing morph frequency, this may take time before being expressed. Evaluating the impact of morph frequencies on population dynamics is therefore essential for implementing conservation strategies of heterostylous plant species.  相似文献   
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