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Populations of the June beetle,Amphimallon solstitialis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), were sampled from grasslands near Darmstadt, Germany, and found to be infected by a number of diseases and parasitic nematodes. Several milky diseased larvac were found, andBacillus popilliae type A 1 isolated as the causative agent. The bacterium readily infected healthy larvae ofA. solstitialis when administeredper os in the laboratory, but was not infective to larvae ofMelolontha hippocastani by this route. A large mermithid nematode was found parasitising 10% of theA. solstitialis larvae at one site andHeterorhabditis bacteriophora was found infecting larvae at the other.
Résumé Des populations deAmphimallon solstitialis (Col.: Scarabaeidae) ont été échantillonnées dans deux prairies distinctes près de Darmstadt (Allemagne) et se sont révélées infestées par des maladies et des nématodes parasites. Plusieurs larves dans chaque site étaient infectées par la maladie laiteuse etBacillus popillae, type A1 a été isolé comme étant l'agent responsable. La bactérie infeste facilement des larves saines deA. solstitialis quand elle est administrée par voie orale au laboratoire mais n'a pas d'effet infectieux pour les larves deMelolontha hippocastani par cette même voie. Un grand nématode mermithide a été trouvé parasite de 10% des larves deA. solstitialis sur un seul site, mais comme seuls les jeunes ont été trouvés, la détermination à l'espèce n'a pu être faite.Heterorhabditis bacteriophora était responsable de l'infection de 1,5% des larves sur seulement un site. Plusieurs larves deA. solstitialis présentaient une couleur ambrée, identique à celle trouvée sur le scarabéeCostelytra zealandica infecté parSerratia spp., et ne se nourrissaient pas de carotte au laboratoire. Les bactéries isolées à partir de ces larves ne provoquent aucun effet visible quand elles sont données en nourriture à des larves saines.
Entomopathogenic nematodes of the Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae appear to be capable of long-distance dispersal and local migration. Their transmission strategies include both highly active seek-and-destroy behaviours and ambusher strategies, and they may be sensitive to sex-related factors in their own populations. Their host-finding abilities are poorly understood, despite the fact that these abilities are fundamental to their success as biocontrol agents in soil. Like the vast numbers of exotic hymenopterans and other natural enemies that have been released for biological control over the past century, they may be used in their ecologically competent wild-type form. On the other hand, because they are applied inundatively, they may be tailored, by breeding or transformation, to their intended purpose and to ecological incompetence, improving both their efficacy and their ecological safety.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The use of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) is potentially one ecological approach to control the invasive alien western corn rootworm ( Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, Col., Chrysomelidae) in Europe. This study investigated the establishment and the short- and long-term persistence of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae), Heterorhabditis megidis Poinar, Jackson and Klein (Rh., Heterorhabditidae) and Steinernema feltiae Filipjev (Rh., Steinernematidae) in three maize fields in southern Hungary, using the insect-baiting technique. All three EPN species equally established and persisted in maize fields. The timing of application (April or June) did not influence the establishment of EPN species. EPNs persisted for 2–5 months, i.e. they survived up to and throughout D. v. virgifera larval occurrence in the soil. Results demonstrate that D. v. virgifera larvae can potentially be controlled by EPNs during the same year of EPN application but no long-term control effect is expected under intensive maize cultivation practices.  相似文献   
Aedes aegypti is an insect vector that transmits several viruses affecting humans worldwide. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) and their symbiotic bacteria are organisms with the potential to control many insects. In this study, we did a survey aimed to identify EPNs and their symbiotic bacteria and evaluate the larvicidal activity of bacteria against Ae. aegypti. We collected 540 soil samples from 108 sites in Phitsanulok Province, lower northern Thailand. Baiting techniques and White traps were used to isolate EPNs from soil samples. By sequencing of 28S rDNA and internal transcribed spacer regions, 51 EPN isolates were identified as Steinernema surkhetense (35 isolates), Heterorhabditis indica (14 isolates) and Heterorhabditis sp. SGmg3 (two isolates). Based on sequencing of a partial region of the recA gene, 35 isolates of Xenorhabdus were identified as Xenorhabdus stockiae, and 20 Photorhabdus isolates were identified as Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. akhurstii (10 isolates), P. luminescens subsp. hainanensis (seven isolates) and P. asymbiotica subsp. australis (three isolates). Screening for larvicidal activity of bacteria against Ae. aegypti was performed in the laboratory. Xenorhabdus WB5.4 and Xenorhabdus WB12.5, which were closely related to X. stockiae, resulted in high mortality of Ae. aegypti (99.99% and 70%, respectively) at 96 hr after exposure. Comparing with control groups, mortality of Ae. aegypti larvae was low (1.11%–6.67%) after exposure for 24–96 hr. Our findings showed the potential of X. stockiae for controlling Ae. aegypti. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms through which these bacteria kill Ae. aegypti larvae.  相似文献   
Plants protect their roots by alerting the enemies of grubs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plant roots in the soil are under attack from many soil organisms. Although many ecologists are aware of the presence and importance of natural enemies in the soil that protect the plants from herbivores, the existence and nature of tritrophic interactions are poorly understood. So far, attention has focused on how plants protect their above-ground parts against herbivorous arthropods, either directly or indirectly (i.e. by getting help from the herbivore's enemies). This article is the first in showing that indirect plant defences also operate underground. We show that the roots of a coniferous plant ( Thuja occidentalis ) release chemicals upon attack by weevil larvae ( Otiorhynchus sulcatus ) and that these chemicals thereby attract parasitic nematodes ( Heterorhabditis megidis ).  相似文献   
Steinernema feltiae (=Neoaplectana carpocapsae) andHeterorhabditis heliothidis were tested against 3rd instarAedes aegypti larvae in the laboratory. Different dosages of the nematodes and varying durations of exposure were assessed.H. heliothidis was more effective thanS. feltiae. Larval mortality showed a positive linear correlation with both nematode dosage and the duration of exposure. The number of nematodes of both species that gained access to the haemocoele of larvae was always low, but increased with dosage and exposure time. The rate of melanization of the nematodes in the larvae was correlated with dosage, but was not affected by the duration of exposure.   相似文献   
Compatibility of Soil Amendments with Entomopathogenic Nematodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of inorganic and organic fertilizers on the infectivity, reproduction, and population dynamics of entomopathogenic nematodes was investigated. Prolonged (10- to 20-day) laboratory exposure to high inorganic fertilizer concentrations inhibited nematode infectivity and reproduction, whereas short (1-day) exposures increased infectivity. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora was more sensitive to adverse effects than were two species of Steinernema. In field studies, organic manure resulted in increased densities of a native population of Steinernema feltiae, whereas NPK fertilizer suppressed nematode densities regardless of manure applications. Inorganic fertilizers are likely to be compatible with nematodes in tank mixes and should not reduce the effectiveness of nematodes used for short-term control as biological insecticides, but may interfere with attempts to use nematodes as inoculative agents for long-term control. Organic manure used as fertilizer may encourage nematode establishment and recycling.  相似文献   
The infectivities of Steinernema carpocapsae, S. glaseri, S. scapterisci, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora to Japanese beetle larvae, Popillia japonica, and house cricket adults, Acheta domesticus, were compared using external exposure and hemocoelic injection. Only H. bacteriophora and S. glaseri caused high P. japonica mortality after external exposure. When nematodes were injected, P. japonica had a strong encapsulation and melanization response to all species except S. glaseri. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and S. carpocapsae were able to overcome the immune response, but S. scapterisci was not. All species except S. scapterisci were able to kill and reproduce within the host. Only S. scapterisci and S. carpocapsae caused A. domesticus mortality after external exposure. When nematodes were injected, A. domesticus had a strong immune response to all species except S. scapterisci. Steinernema carpocapsae effectively overcame the strong immune response and caused high host mortality, but S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora did not. Steinernema scapterisci caused high host mortality and reproduced, S. glaseri and H. bacteriophora caused low host mortality but only S. glaseri reproduced, and S. carpocapsae was able to kill the host but reproduced poorly. Most (ca. 90%) of the S. carpocapsae in the hemocoel of P. japonica became encapsulated and melanized within 8 hours postinjection. The symbiotic bacterium, Xenorhabduf nematophilus, was often released before this encapsulation and melanization.  相似文献   
Monoxenic liquid culture is the most suitable technology for scaling up to industrial production of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs); however, the variability of the yield production remains a current problem in the process. The aim of this study was to analyze the parameters and criteria for EPN production in liquid culture based on scientific and technological knowledge from the last two decades. While experimental research has permitted the yield production of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (362 × 103 infective juveniles [IJs]/ml) and Steinernema carpocapsae (252 × 103 IJs/ml), simultaneously, theoretical approaches have contributed to the understanding of the culture process, based on biological parameters of the bacterium–nematode complex and hydrodynamic and rheological parameters of the complex gas–liquid–solid system. Under this interdisciplinary research approach, bioprocess and biosystem engineering can contribute to design the various control strategies of the process variables, increase the productivity, and reduce the variability that until now distinguishes the in vitro production of EPNs by the liquid culture.  相似文献   
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