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The mechanism of water-stress-induced embolism of xylem was investigated in Malosma laurina and Heteromeles arbutifolia, two chaparral shrub species of southern California. We tested the hypothesis that the primary cause of xylem dysfunction in these species during dehydration was the pulling of air through the pores in the cell walls of vessels (pores in pit membranes) as a result of high tensions on xylem water. First, we constructed vulnerability-to-embolism curves for (i) excised branches that were increasingly dehydrated in the laboratory and (ii) hydrated branches exposed to increasing levels of external air pressure. Branches of M. laurina that were dehydrated became 50% embolized at a xylem pressure potential of -1.6 MPa, which is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the +1.6 MPa of external air pressure that caused 50% embolism in hydrated stems. Dehydrated and pressurized branches of H. arbutifolia reached a 50% level of embolism at -6.0 and +6.4 MPa, respectively. Secondly, polystyrene spheres ranging in diameter from 20 to 149 nm were perfused through hydrated stem segments to estimate the pore size in the vessel cell walls (pit membranes) of the two species. A 50% or greater reduction in hydraulic conductivity occurred in M. laurina at perfusions of 30, 42, 64 and 82 nm spheres and in H. arbutifolia at perfusions of 20 and 30 nm spheres. Application of the capillary equation to these pore diameters predicted 50% embolism at xylem tensions of -2.2 MPa for M. laurina and -6.7 MPa for H. arbutifolia, which are within 0.7 MPa of the actual values. Our results suggest that the size of pores in pit membranes may be a factor in determining both xylem efficiency and vulnerability to embolism in some chaparral species. H. arbutifolia, with smaller pores and narrower vessels, withstands lower water potentials but has lower transport efficiency. M. laurina, with wider pores and wider vessels, has a greater transport efficiency but requires a deeper root system to help avoid catastro-phically low water potentials.  相似文献   
Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to evaluate the acclimation capacity of the schlerophyll shrub Heteromeles arbutifolia M. Roem. to the multiple co-occurring summer stresses of the California chaparral. We examined the influence of water, heat and high light stresses on the carbon gain and survival of sun and shade seedlings via a factorial experiment involving a slow drying cycle applied to plants grown outdoors during the summer. The photochemical efficiency of PSII exhibited a diurnal, transient decrease (δF/Fm′) and a chronic decrease or photoinhibition (Fv/Fm) in plants exposed to full sunlight. Water stress enhanced both transient decreases of δF/Fm’and photoinhibition. Effects of decreased δF/Fm’and Fv/Fm on carbon gain were observed only in well-watered plants since in water-stressed plants they were overidden by stomatal closure. Reductions in photochemical efficiency and stomatal conductance were observed in all plants exposed to full sunlight, even in those that were well-watered. This suggested that H. arbutifolia sacrificed carbon gain for water conservation and photoprotection (both structurally via shoot architecture and physiologically via down-regulation) and that this response was triggered by a hot and dry atmosphere together with high PFD, before severe water, heat or high PFD stresses occur. We found fast adaptive adjustments of the thermal stability of PSII (diurnal changes) and a superimposed long-term acclimation (days to weeks) to high leaf temperatures. Water stress enhanced resistance of PSII to high temperatures both in the dark and over a wide range of PFD. Low PFD protected photochemical activity against inactivation by heat while high PFD exacerbated damage of PSII by heat. The greater interception of radiation by horizontally restrained leaves relative to the steep leaves of sun-acclimated plants caused photoinhibition and increased leaf temperature. When transpirational cooling was decreased by water stress, leaf temperature surpassed the limits of chloroplast thermostability. The remarkable acclimation of water-stressed plants to high leaf temperatures proved insufficient for the semi-natural environmental conditions of the experiment. Summer stresses characteristic of Mediterranean-type climates (high leaf temperatures in particular) are a potential limiting factor for seedling survival in H. arbutifolia, especially for shade seedlings lacking the crucial structural photoprotection provided by steep leaf angles.  相似文献   
Abstract. We present a method for estimating the construction costs of plant tissues from measurements of heat of combustion, ash content, and organic nitrogen content. The method predicts glucose equivalents, the amount of glucose required to provide carbon skeletons and reductant to synthesize a quantity of organic product. Glucose equivalents have previously been calculated from the elemental composition of tissue. We define construction cost as the amount of glucose required to provide carbon skeletons, reductant and ATP for synthesizing the organic compounds in a tissue via standard biochemical pathways. The fraction of the total construction cost of a compound or tissue (excluding costs of transporting compounds) that is reflected in its glucose equivalents is the biosynthetic efficiency ( E B). This quantity varies between 0.84 and 0.95 for tissues with a wide range of compositions. Using the new method, total construction cost can be estimated to ± 6% of the value obtained from biochemical pathway analysis.
Construction costs of leaves of three chaparral species were estimated using the proposed method and compared to previously published values, derived using different methods. Agreement among methods was generally good. Differences were probably due to a combination of inaccuracy in the estimated biosynthetic efficiency and technical difficulties with biochemical analysis, one of the older methods of determining construction cost.  相似文献   
Abstract. Tissue and cell water relations parameters were followed for Heteromeles arbutifolia, Cercis occidentalis and Aesculus californica , in an environment exhibiting seasonally increasing drought. The extensive seasonal osmotic adjustment of evergreen H. arbutifolia and the moderate adjustment in C. occidentalis closely matched their respective seasonal decreases in minimum daily water potential. Summer deciduous A. californica exhibited only small drops in osmotic potential and water potential. Experiments with irrigated plants indicated that drought was not required for the osmotic adjustment of H. arbutifolia and C. occidentalis. However, in H. arbutifolia drought treatment enhanced osmotic adjustment. In irrigated H. arbutifolia , osmotic adjustment was mainly the result of an accumulation of osmotica. In drought-stressed plants, the same change in osmotic potential resulted from a combination of accumulation of osmotica and a decrease in symplast volume.  相似文献   
Salix arbutifolia is a riparian dioecious tree species that is of conservation concern in Japan because of its highly restricted distribution. Eighteen polymorphic loci of dinucleotide microsatellites were isolated and characterized. Among these, estimates of the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.350 to 0.879. Cross-species amplification was successful at 9-13 loci among six Salix species and at three loci in one Populus species.  相似文献   
报道了广西壳斗科植物一新记录种——倒卵叶青冈,并对倒卵叶青冈的形态进行了补充描述,同时对该种的生存现状进行评价,为这一物种的保护提供基础资料。  相似文献   
Diurnal courses of leaf water potential (Ψl), gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in natural sun and shade populations of Heteromeles arbutifolia throughout the seasons of an unusually dry El Niño year in Central California. The onset of drought resulted in decreased stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis in both sun and shade plants. However, the decline in Ψl was much greater and carbon gain was much more strongly limited by the development of drought stress in the shade than in the sun. Photorespiratory energy dissipation was significantly higher in the sun than in the shade in spring and autumn, but not during the summer. Pre‐dawn photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) was significantly higher in the shade than in the sun during the spring but the differences disappeared during the summer and autumn. The strong irradiance in the open field site studied led to a chronic but only mild reduction in Fv/Fm, with values around 0·79. Summer sunflecks led to a sustained photo‐inhibition in shade plants, which exhibited a significant reduction in pre‐dawn Fv/Fm of 10% with the onset of drought. Photo‐inhibition became relatively more important for carbon gain in the shade than in the sun due to the low photochemical efficiency under the low light that follows sunflecks. Sun plants of H. arbutifolia exhibited a rather efficient photoprotection against strong irradiance conferred by both the architecture of the crown and the physiology of the leaves. There is evidence that El Niño events and the associated droughts have become more frequent and severe. Counter‐intuitively, the effects on plant performance of such extreme droughts could be more critical in the shade than in the sun.  相似文献   
The functional roles of the contrasting morphologies of sun and shade shoots of the evergreen shrub Heteromeles arbutifolia were investigated in chaparral and understory habitats by applying a three-dimensional plant architecture simulation model, YPLANT. The simulations were shown to accurately predict the measured frequency distribution of photosynthetic photon flux density (PFD) on both the leaves and a horizontal surface in the open, and gave reasonably good agreement for the more complex light environment in the shade. The sun shoot architecture was orthotropic and characterized by steeply inclined (mean = 71o) leaves in a spiral phyllotaxy with short internodes. This architecture resulted in relatively low light absorption efficiencies (E A) for both diffuse and direct PFD, especially during the summer when solar elevation angles were high. Shade shoots were more plagiotropic with longer internodes and a pseudo-distichous phyllotaxis caused by bending of the petioles that positioned the leaves in a nearly horizontal plane (mean = 5o). This shade-shoot architecture resulted in higher E A values for both direct and diffuse PFD as compared to those of the sun shoots. Differences in E A between sun and shade shoots and between summer and winter were related to differences in projection efficiencies as determined by leaf and solar angles, and by differences in self shading resulting from leaf overlap. The leaves exhibited photosynthetic acclimation to the sun and the shade, with the sun leaves having higher photosynthetic capacities per unit area, higher leaf mass per unit area and lower respiration rates per unit area than shade leaves. Despite having 7 times greater available PFD, sun shoots absorbed only 3 times more and had daily carbon gains only double of those of shade shoots. Simulations showed that sun and shade plants performed similarly in the open light environment, but that shade shoots substantially outperformed sun shoots in the shade light environment. The shoot architecture observed in sun plants appears to achieve an efficient compromise between maximizing carbon gain while minimizing the time that the leaf surfaces are exposed to PFDs in excess of those required for light saturation of photosynthesis and therefore potentially photoinhibitory. Received: 8 June 1997 / Accepted: 2 November 1997  相似文献   
Water use patterns of four co-occurring chaparral shrubs   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Mixed stands of chaparral in California usually contain several species of shrubs growing close to each other so that aerial branches and subterranean roots overlap. There is some evidence that roots are stratified relative to depth. It may be that root stratification promotes sharing of soil moisture resources. We examined this possibility by comparing seasonal water use patterns in a mixed stand of chaparral dominated by four species of shrubs: Quercus durata, Heteromeles arbutifolia, Adenostoma fasciculatum, and Rhamnus californica. We used a neutron probe and soil phychrometers to follow seasonal depletion and recharging of soil moisture and compared these patterns to seasonal patterns of predawn water potentials, diurnal leaf conductances, and diurnal leaf water potentials. Our results indicated that 1) Quercus was deeply rooted, having high water potentials and high leaf conductances throughout the summer drought period, 2) Heteromeles/Adenostoma were intermediate in rooting depth, water potentials, and leaf conductances, and 3) Rhamnus was shallow rooted, having the lowest water potentials and leaf conductances. During the peak of the drought, predawn water potentials for Quercus corresponded to soil water potentials at or below a depth of 2 m, predawn water potentials of Heteromeles/ Adenostoma corresponded to a depth of 0.75 m, and predawn water potentials of Rhamnus corresponded to a depth of 0.5 m. This study supports the concept that co-occurring shrubs of chaparral in California utilize a different base of soil moisture resources.  相似文献   
Summary Leaves of two field growing co-occuring perennial shrubs (drought-deciduous Diplacus aurantiacus and the evergreen Heteromeles arbutifolia) from the Californian chaparral were exposed to small doses of SO2. During this exposure the leaf environment was manipulated to determine how the presence of SO2 alters the response of gas exchange to other environmental stresses. The data show that no direct changes in stomatal conductance (g) or net assimilation rate (A) could be attributed to short-term (7 h) SO2 (4.2 mol m-3, 0.1 l l-1) exposure. D. aurantiacus leaves possessed features which demonstrate that they were sensitive to changes in environment e.g. light flux and atmospheric relative humidity. The interspecific differences in stomatal sensitivity to water vapour were extremely important, as relative humidity is a major factor influencing carbon fixation and the rate of pollutant absorption. Conditions of high relative humidity and high xylem water potentials are suggested to pre-dispose leaves of D. aurantiacus to greater pollutant doses than the more stomatally-conservative evergreen, H. arbutifolia. In the presence of SO2 there was some indication of increased g for both D. aurantiacus and H. arbutifolia as W became smaller. This SO2-effect was only obvious as increasing atmospheric humidity induced further stomatal opening. The important consequences of an SO2 enhanced g, were a reduction in WUE, which may cause earlier leaf abscission and a concomitant decline in productivity.Abbreviations A net photosynthesis - A max maximum rate light saturated photosynthesis - E transpiration; g stomatal conductance to water vapour - QY apparent incident quantum yield - W water vapour mole fraction difference between the leaf and the air - SO2 Sulphur dioxide - WUE water use efficiency (mol CO2 fixed per mol H2O-1 transpired)  相似文献   
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