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Selection usually acts differently on males and females duringintrasexual competition for resources and/or mates. Nevertheless,agonistic behavior has been examined both theoretically andempirically mostly in males. Our research questions whethermales and females follow the same rules of engagement in intrasexualcontests as predicted by the sequential assessment model (SAM).The SAM predicts negative correlations between contest intensityand duration and the magnitude of asymmetry in resource holdingpower (RHP) between the contestants, such that the most escalatedcontests are those between similarly endowed individuals. Westaged male and female intrasexual contests with varying degreesof body size asymmetry under a round robin design using themonogamous Texas cichlid fish (Herichthys cyanoguttatum) asa study case. We used Mantel's matrix analysis to compare howthe behavioral content, duration, structure, and outcome ofmale and female contests were affected by the relative bodysize of the contestants. In the case of males, relative sizein each contest predicted outcome, duration, and frequency ofconventional and escalated behaviors according to prevailingtheory. Female contest structure and outcome, however, werenot predicted by the relative size of contestants. We discussour results in terms of other asymmetries that might be importantin structuring female contests, and we propose potential approachesto study female–female aggression.  相似文献   
Synopsis We analyzed feeding behavior of individuals of Herichthys minckleyi, the Cuatro Ciénegas cichlid, under laboratory conditions and freely behaving in their natural environment using high-speed video imaging. In a multivariate analysis of suction feeding behaviors there was no clear grouping of feeding events based on the environment, which suggests that most of the variability in the data was unrelated to differences between lab and field behaviors. In fact, the variability within an environment was far greater than the variability between the two environments. These results suggest that laboratory studies can accurately describe the kinematics of behaviors seen in the field. However, although lab based studies can quantify behaviors seen in the field, natural habitats are complex and provide individuals with the opportunity to exploit a wide range of food types and microhabitats, which may elicit behaviors not observed in the laboratory. However, feeding behaviors observed in the lab are representative of frequently used feeding behaviors in the field, at least for this species. Thus, we suggest that laboratory studies of feeding behavior, particularly those that test biomechanical or performance-based hypotheses can be extrapolated to natural environments.  相似文献   
The spread of non-native Rio Grande cichlids (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) in southeast Louisiana includes brackish habitats. We studied the effects of three different salinity levels on the biology of juvenile H. cyanoguttatus for 13 months to determine the potential of this species to spread through local estuaries. The highest salinity tolerated was 30.0 psu, and these fish did not survive acclimation to the 32 psu treatment. Fish in brackish conditions grew slower than fish in freshwater conditions, indicating a potential long-term detriment to juvenile fish living in brackish conditions. Aggression levels were notably higher for fish in brackish (15 psu) vs. freshwater conditions. This persisted through the entire experiment even after acclimation back to freshwater. This study indicates that higher salinity habitats in Louisiana can be tolerated by this species. It also raises a question about the effect of higher salinities on aggressive behavior.  相似文献   
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