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To explore the residue interactions in the glycophorin A dimerization motif, an alanine scan double mutant analysis at the helix-helix interface was carried out. These data reveal a combination of additive and coupled effects. The majority of the double mutants are found to be equally or slightly more stable than would be predicted by the sum of the energetic cost of the single-point mutants. The proximity of the mutated sites is not related to the presence of coupling between those sites. Previous studies reveal that a single face of the glycophorin A monomer contains a specific glycine-containing motif (GxxxG) that is thought to be a driving force for the association of transmembrane helices. Double mutant cycles suggest that the relationship of the GxxxG motif to the remainder of the helix-helix interface is complex. Sequences containing mutations that abolish the GxxxG motif retain an ability to dimerize, while a sequence containing a GxxxG motif appears unable to form dimers. The energetic effects of weakly coupled and additive double mutants can be explained by changes in van der Waals interactions at the dimer interface. These results emphasize the fact that the sequence context of the dimer interface modulates the strength of the glycophorin A GxxxG-mediated transmembrane dimerization reaction.  相似文献   
Both experimental and statistical searches for specific motifs that mediate transmembrane helix-helix interactions showed that two glycine residues separated by three intervening residues (GxxxG) provide a framework for specific interactions. Further work suggested that other motifs of small residues can mediate the interaction of transmembrane domains, so that the AxxxA-motif could also drive strong interactions of alpha-helices in soluble proteins. Thus, all these data indicate that a motif of two small residues in a distance of four might be enough to provide a framework for transmembrane helix-helix interaction. To test whether GxxxG is equivalent to (small)xxx(small), we investigated the effect of a substitution of either of the two Gly residues in the glycophorin A GxxxG-motif by Ala or Ser using the recently developed GALLEX system. The results of this mutational study demonstrate that, while a replacement of either of the two Gly by Ala strongly disrupts GpA homo-dimerization, the mutation to Ser partly stabilizes a dimeric structure. We suggest that the Ser residue can form a hydrogen bond with a backbone carbonyl group of the adjacent helix stabilizing a preformed homo-dimer. While (small)xxx(small) serves as a useful clue, the context of adjacent side-chains is essential for stable helix interaction, so each case must be tested.  相似文献   
Integrins are alpha/beta heterodimers, but recent in vitro and in vivo experiments also suggest an ability to associate through their transmembrane domains to form homomeric interactions. While the results of some in vitro experiments are consistent with an interaction mediated by a GxxxG-like motif, homo-oligomers observed after in vivo cross-linking are consistent with an almost opposite helix-helix interface. We have shown recently that both models of interaction are compatible with evolutionary conservation data, and we predicted that the alpha-helices in both models would have a similar rotational orientation. Herein, we have tested our prediction using in vitro asparagine scan of five consecutive residues along the GxxxG-like motif of the transmembrane domain of alpha and beta integrins, alphaM and beta2. We show that Asn-mediated dimerization occurs twice for every turn of the helix, consistent with two almost opposite forms of interaction as suggested previously for alphaIIb and beta3 transmembrane domains. The orientational parameters helix tilt and rotational orientation of each of these two Asn-stabilized dimers were measured by site-specific infrared dichroism (SSID) in model lipid bilayers and were found to be consistent with our predicted computational models. Our results highlight an intrinsic tendency for integrin transmembrane alpha-helices to form two opposite types of homomeric interaction in addition to their heteromeric interactions and suggest that integrins may form complex and specific networks at the transmembrane domain during function.  相似文献   
We have determined the solution structures of the core light-harvesting (LH1) alpha and beta-polypeptides from wild-type purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The two polypeptides form stable alpha helices in organic solution. The structure of alpha-polypeptide consists of a long helix of 32 amino acid residues over the central transmembrane domain and a short helical segment at the N terminus that is followed by a three-residue loop. Pigment-coordinating histidine residue (His29) in the alpha-polypeptide is located near the middle of the central helix. The structure of beta-polypeptide shows a single helix of 32 amino acid residues in the membrane-spanning region with the pigment-coordinating histidine residue (His38) at a position close to the C-terminal end of the helix. Strong hydrogen bonds have been identified for the backbone amide protons over the central helical regions, indicating a rigid property of the two polypeptides. The overall structures of the R.rubrum LH1 alpha and beta-polypeptides are different from those previously reported for the LH1 beta-polypeptide of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, but are very similar to the structures of the corresponding LH2 alpha and beta-polypeptides determined by X-ray crystallography. A model constructed for the structural subunit (B820) of LH1 complex using the solution structures reveals several important features on the interactions between the LH1 alpha and beta-polypeptides. The significance of the N-terminal regions of the two polypeptides for stabilizing both B820 and LH1 complexes, as clarified by many experiments, may be attributed to the interactions between the short N-terminal helix (Trp2-Gln6) of alpha-polypeptide and a GxxxG motif in the beta-polypeptide.  相似文献   
To quantify the relationship between sequence and transmembrane dimer stability, a systematic mutagenesis and thermodynamic study of the protein-protein interaction residues in the glycophorin A transmembrane helix-helix dimer was carried out. The results demonstrate that the glycophorin A transmembrane sequence dimerizes when its GxxxG motif is abolished by mutation to large aliphatic residues, suggesting that the sequence encodes an intrinsic propensity to self-associate independent of a GxxxG motif. In the presence of an intact GxxxG motif, the glycophorin A dimer stability can be modulated over a span of -0.5 kcal mol(-1) to +3.2 kcal mol(-1) by mutating the surrounding sequence context. Thus, these flanking residues play an active role in determining the transmembrane dimer stability. To assess the structural consequences of the thermodynamic effects of mutations, molecular models of mutant transmembrane domains were constructed, and a structure-based parameterization of the free energy change due to mutation was carried out. The changes in association free energy for glycophorin A mutants can be explained primarily by changes in packing interactions at the protein-protein interface. The energy cost of removing favorable van der Waals interactions was found to be 0.039 kcal mol(-1) per A2 of favorable occluded surface area. The value corresponds well with estimates for mutations in bacteriorhodopsin as well as for those mutations in the interiors of soluble proteins that create packing defects.  相似文献   
The L-aspartate:L-alanine antiporter of Tetragenococcus halophilus (AspT) possesses an arginine residue (R76) within the GxxxG motif in the central part of transmembrane domain 3 (TM3)—a residue that has been estimated to transport function. In this study, we carried out amino acid substitutions of R76 and used proteoliposome reconstitution for analyzing the transport function of each substitution. Both l-aspartate and l-alanine transport assays showed that R76K has higher activity than the AspT-WT (R76), whereas R76D and R76E have lower activity than the AspT-WT. These results suggest that R76 is involved in AspT substrate transport.  相似文献   
ErbB receptors undergo a complex interaction network defining hierarchical and competition relationships. Dimerization is driven entirely by receptor-receptor interactions and the transmembrane domains play a role in modulating the specificity and the selection of the partners during signal transduction. To shed light on the role of the GxxxG-like dimerization motifs in the formation of ErbB transmembrane heterodimers, we propose structural models resulting from conformational search method combined with molecular dynamics simulations. Left-handed structures of the transmembrane heterodimers are found preponderant over right-handed structures. All heterotypic heterodimers undergo two modes of association either via the N-terminal motif or the C-terminal motif. The transmembrane domain of ErbB3 impairs this C-terminal motif but also associates with the other partners owing to the presence of Gly residues. The two dimerization modes involve different orientations of the two helices. Thus, a molecular-switch model allowing the transition between the two dimerizing states may apply to the heterodimers and could help interpret receptor competition for the formation of homodimers and heterodimers. The comparison between experimental and theoretical results on the dimerization hierarchy of the transmembrane domains is not straightforward. However, we demonstrate that the intrinsic properties of the transmembrane sequences are an important component in heterodimer formation and that the ErbB2 and ErbB3 transmembrane domains have a strong power for heterodimerization as observed experimentally.  相似文献   
The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing as indicated by mutational studies and functional reconstitution of peptide mimics. Here, we demonstrate that mutations of a GxxxG motif or of Ile residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics as determined by deuterium/hydrogen-exchange kinetics. Thus, the backbone dynamics of these helices may be linked to their fusogenicity which is consistent with the known over-representation of Gly and Ile in viral fusogen transmembrane helices. The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing. Our present results demonstrate that mutations of certain residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics. Thus, the data suggest a relationship between sequence, backbone dynamics, and fusogenicity of transmembrane segments of viral fusogenic proteins.  相似文献   
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