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The distribution patterns of the leathery sea anemone, Heteractis crispa, which contains an algal endosymbiont (zooxanthellae) and anemonefish, were investigated in relation to size distribution on a shallow fringing reef (3.2 ha, 0–4 m depth) in Okinawa, Japan. Individual growth and movements were also examined. Large individuals (>1,000 cm2) inhabited reef edges up to a depth of 4 m, while small anemone (<500 cm2) inhabited shallow reefs including inner reef flats. Individuals rarely moved, and their sizes were significantly correlated with their water depths. Growth of small anemones was negatively correlated with their distance from the reef edge, suggesting that reef edges provide more prey and lower levels of physiological stress. This study suggested that deep reef edges are suitable habitats for H. crispa. Large anemones were inhabited by large Amphiprion perideraion or large Amphiprion clarkii, both of which are effective defenders against anemone predators. Anemones that settle in deep reef edges may enjoy a higher survival rate and attain a large size because of their symbiotic relationship with anemonefish. However, early settlers do not harbor anemonefish. Their mortality rate would be higher in the deep edges than in shallow edges, the complicated topography of which provides refuge.  相似文献   
Synopsis Following the introduction of roach, Rutilus rutilus, to a large eutrophic lake in ca. 1973, a subsequent increase in the abundance of this cyprinid through the 1970s was accompanied by a decline in the numbers of one of the lake&s most abundant overwintering waterfowl, the tufted duck, Aythya fuligula, and an increase in overwintering piscivorous great crested grebes, Podiceps cristatus. We suggest that these contrasting trends are causally related and that competition for benthos and increased prey availability are the mechanisms responsible for the changes in the tufted duck and grebe populations respectively. In agreement with these hypotheses, a reduction in the roach population during the mid 1980s was accompanied by a recovery of tufted ducks and a decline of grebes.  相似文献   
The phytoplankton and nutrient status of the embayments between Penetanguishene and Waubaushene in southern Georgian Bay (Severn Sound) were examined during the ice-free periods of 1973–1982 because the area showed symptoms of excessive nutrient enrichment. Four wastewater treatment plants currently discharge to the area, another is under construction and a sixth plant has been proposed. Except for Penetang Bay, the area is well-mixed by prevailing winds but is somewhat isolated from the main part of Georgian Bay. Average phytoplankton biomasses throughout the area were 10–20× higher than values from adjacent Nottawasaga Bay where, during 1980, total phytoplankton biomass ranged between 0.15 and 0.25 mm3 · l–1. Total phosphorus concentrations were highest in Penetang Bay, ranging between 30 and 49 µg P · l–1 (May–September means) over the 10 year period. Phosphorus concentrations in Nottawasaga Bay averaged 4–6 µg P · l–1 and no significant differences were detected among the sampling stations; however, phytoplankton densities at stations near urban centres and river inflows were significantly higher than at more remote offshore sites and attests to the use of phytoplankton as a sensitive measure of trophic status in Georgian Bay.Although improvement of Severn Sound water quality to a level comparable to that presently existing in Nottawasaga Bay may never be practical, steps are being taken to control high industrial phosphorus loading and to lessen bypassing of sewage treatment facilities previously hydraulically overloaded during periods of heavy runoff. These measures, along with an evaluation of other major sources of nutrients to Severn Sound, should enable a refinement of the nutrient management programme for Severn Sound and some improvement in trophic status.  相似文献   
Two new genera and species of reptantic polystiliferous hoplonemerteans from the Great Barrier Reef province of Australia are described and illustrated. Urichonemertes pilorhynchus gen. et sp. nov. and Xenonemertes rhamphocephalus gen. et sp. nov. are both placed in the family Drepanophoridae (Polystilifera: Eureptantia: Aequifurcata).  相似文献   
Synopsis Stomach content data from 32 species of Japanese butterflyfishes of the family Chaetodontidae were used to classify them into feeding groups and to determine their important food resources. Four major feeding groups were distinguished: (1) obligative coral feeders which prey exclusively or mostly on Scleractinian corals, (2) facultative coral feeders that take both corals and other benthic organisms, (3) noncoralline invertebrate feeders which consume benthic invertebrates other than corals, and (4) zooplankton feeders. Ten species representing 31% of the butterflyfishes belong to the first category. The second and third categories include 13 (41%) and 8 (25%) species, respectively. The fourth category is represented by only one species which picks individual zooplankters, especially calanoid copepods, in midwater above the reefs. Facultative coral feeders consumed varying quantities of scleractinians (from 2 to 74% of food volume), along with a variety of benthic organisms including algae, alcyonarians, sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, sponges, hydroids, etc. Noncoralline invertebrate feeders, on the other hand, tend to have low diversified diets, predominated by one prey item such as sea anemones, zoanthideans, polychaetes, or colonial ascidians. These dietary data suggest that scleractinian corals are the most important food resource for the Japanese butterflyfishes, and next important are sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, alcyonarians, and algae.  相似文献   
Synopsis Lake Malawi/Niassa is the second largest rift valley lake in Africa, with an area of 28 800 km2, and an average and maximum depth of 292 m and>700 m, respectively. The lake is well known for the great diversity of fish occurring in the inshore zone. However, the offshore fish community is poorly documented. To rectify this, regular sampling was undertaken over two years, using trawl and gillnets at six offshore locations. This paper reports on the species composition, spatial distribution and breeding biology of the dominant cichlids species from the offshore pelagic zone. Cichlids formed approximately 88% of the offshore fish biomass. Most abundant were two species of zooplanktivores in the genus Diplotaxodon that made up 71% of the offshore fish biomass. An undescribed species, given the cheironym D. bigeye, was mainly found at a depth of 220 m during the day, but moved into near surface waters at night when the moon was full. This species was absent from the shallow regions of the lake. The most abundant offshore species was D. limnothrissa, which was distributed evenly throughout the lake to depths of 220 m. A less common offshore zooplanktivore was Copadichromis quadrimaculatus that formed 5% of the biomass and was confined to the upper 100 m of the water column. The main piscivores were in the genus Rhamphochromis and formed approximately 10% of the offshore fish biomass. The two dominant taxa were R. longiceps and the large Rhamphochromis group, and both were more common in the southern half of the lake. The former occurred mainly in the upper 100 m of the water column and the latter mainly at depths of 100–150 m. The length at maturity and fecundity for the dominant offshore species were estimated and seasonal breeding cycles determined from gonad activity and gonado-somatic indices.  相似文献   
ITE Merlewood Land Classification of Great Britain   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract. The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE) has classified the 1 km squares in Great Britain (GB) into thirty-two environmental strata, termed land classes, as a basis for ecological survey. The classes have been used in biogeographical studies of the distribution of individual species and species assemblages. The concept behind the technique is that there is an association between the environmental character of land and ecological parameters. The initial classification was based on a sample of squares drawn from a regular grid. The data for the 12121 km squares classified were drawn from published maps; the number of squares was limited by the available computing power. Subsequently the availability of more powerful computers and the need to improve geographical definition have led to the allocation of every 1 km square to its appropriate class. This paper has been written to summarise the principles involved in the development of the system and indicate the range of projects for which it has been used. The extension of the classification from a sample to the complete coverage of GB revealed the importance of the structure and style of data used to produce the classification. The significance of these conclusions for future work is discussed, with particular reference to automated methods of data capture.  相似文献   
Summary The Upper Triassic Dachsteinkalk of the Hochk?nig Massif, situated 50 km south of Salzburg in the Northern Calcareous Alps, corresponds to a platform margin reef complex of exceptional thickness. The platform interior limestones form equally thick sequences of the well known cyclic Lofer facies. Sedimentation in the reef complex was not so strongly controlled by low-amplitude sea-level oscillations as was the Lofer facies. The westernmost of the 8 facies of the reef complex is an oncolite-dominated lagoon, in which wave-resistant stromatolite mounds with a relief of a few metres were periodically developed. The transition to the central reef area is accomplished across the back-reef facies. In the back-reef facies patch reefs and calcisponges appear. The proportion of coarse bioclastic sediment increases rapidly over a few hundred metres before the central reef area is encountered. The central reef area consists of relatively widely spaced small patch reefs that did not develop wave-resistant reef framework structures. The bulk of the sediment in the central reef area is coarse bioclastic material, provided by the dense growth of reef organisms and the wave-induced disintegration of patch reefs. Collapse of the reef margin is recorded by the supply of large blocks of patch reef material to the upper reef slope. Additionally, coarse, loose bioclastic debris was supplied to the upper reef slope and this was incorporated into debris flows on the reef slope and turbidites found at the base of the slope and in the off-reef facies. Partially lithified packstones and wackestones of the lower to middle reef slope were modified by mass movement to form breccia and rudstone sheets. The latter reach out hundreds of metres into the off-reef facies environment. A reef profile is presented which was derived by the restoration of strike and dip information. In conjunction with constraints imposed by sedimentary facies related to slope processes, the angle of slope in the reef margin area ranged from 11° to 5°, forming a concave (dished downwards) slope. Water depth estimations require that the central reef area did not develop in water of less than 10 metres depth. At the reef margin water depths were about 30 metres, at the base of the reef slope 200 metres and deepening in the off-reef facies to 250 metres. While previous work on reef complexes from this type of setting suggests growth in a heavily storm-dominated environment, the present author finds little evidence for the storm generation of the fore reef breccias, although there is good evidence for storm-influenced sedimentation and reworking in the central reef area. Post-depositional processes were characterised by continued slope processes causing brecciation and hydraulic injection of red internal sediments downwards into the reef slope and off-reef limestones. Hydrothermal circulation caused a number of phases of post-depositional (diagenetic) brecciation. There appears not to have been an important period of emergence at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   
P. S. Levin 《Oecologia》1994,97(1):124-133
In order to understand variability in recruitment to populations of benthic and demersal marine species, it is critical to distinguish between the contributions due to variations in larval settlement versus those caused by post-settlement mortality. In this study, fine-scale (1–2 days) temporal changes in recruit abundance were followed through an entire settlement season in a temperate demersal fish in order to determine 1) how dynamic the process of recruitment is on a daily scale, 2) whether settlement and post-settlement mortality are influenced by habitat structure and conspecific density, and 3) how the relationship between settlement and recruitment changes over time. Settlement is considered to be the arrival of new individuals from the pelagic habitat, and recruitment is defined as the number of individuals surviving arbitrary periods of time after settlement. Replicate standardized habitat units were placed in 2 spatial configurations (clumped and randomly dispersed) and monitored visually for cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) settlement and recruitment every 1–2 days throughout the settlement season. The process of recruitment in T. adspersus was highly variable at a fine temporal scale. Changes in the numbers of recruits present on habitat units were due to both settlement of new individuals and mortality of animals previously recruited. The relative importance of these two processes appeared to change from day to day. The magnitude of the change in recruit number did not differ between the clumped and random habitats. However, post-settlement loss was significantly greater on randomly dispersed than clumped habitats. During several sampling dates, the extent of the change in recruit abundance was correlated with the density of resident conspecifics; however, on other dates no such relationship appeared to exist. Despite the presence of significant relationships between the change in recruit number and density, there was no evidence of either density-dependent mortality or settlement. Initially, there was a strong relationship between settlement and recruitment; however, this relationship weakened over time. Within 2 months after the cessation of settlement, post-settlement loss was greater than 99%, and no correlation remained between recruitment and the initial pattern of settlement. The results of this study demonstrate that the spatial arrangement of the habitat affects the rate and intensity of post-settlement loss. Counter to much current thinking, this study suggests that in order to understand the population ecology of reef fishes, knowledge of what habitats new recruits use and how mortality varies with structural aspects of the habitats is essential.  相似文献   
Summary The Linnaean nameCryptozo?n proliferum Hall was proposed in 1883 for a previously undescribed life-form preserved in spectacular exposures of Cambrian limestones in New York State, USA. It is now recognised that these are exposures of stromatolitic microbialites, laminated organosedimentary structures formed from interaction between a benthic microbial community (BMC) and the environment. Microbialites are neither fossil organisms nor trace fossils. These complex structures are the products of dissipative, self-organising systems involving a BMC, the external environment and the accreting microbialite. Functionally analogous BMCs of different species compositions may build similar structures in similar environments in quite separate periods. The type exposures ofCryptozo?n proliferum show objects composed of complex, concentric rings, up to a metre in diameter, that have grown laterally without any restriction other than that provided by neighbouring structures. They are not the relicts of domes truncated by penecontemporaneous erosion or Pleistocene glaciation, but depositional forms in which upward growth was restricted. Analogous modern structures occur on a reef platform along the north east shore of hyposaline Lake Clifton, Western Australia. These are tabular thrombolitic microbialites that vary lakeward across the reef platform from low, compound structures to discrete, concentric structures up to 50 cm high. The Lake Clifton forms are, in turn, morphological analogues of microatolls found on coral reef platforms. Coral microatolls are coral colonies with flat, dead tops and living perimeters in which upward growth is constrained by the sea surface. In shallow water they form circular rims of laterally growing coral around a dead centre. In deeper water they form coral heads that develop flat tops on reaching sea level. It is concluded that both the tabular microbialites of Lake Clifton and the type exposures ofCryptozo?n proliferum are analogous to coral microatolls in both form and origin-structures that have been able to grow laterally, but in which upward growth is restricted by subaerial exposure. Similar microatoll microbialites have been described from other modern environments, including Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA and Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Ancient examples may include some of the “tufa” deposits of the Basal Purbeck Formation in Dorset, UK, as well as the coalesced domal bioherms of the Upper Cambrian Arrinthrunga Formation of the Georgina Basin, Central Australia, and the “washbowl” structures described from the B?tsfjord Formation of the Varanger Peninsula, north Norway. Progress towards a reliable interpretation of ancient microbialites depends on an understanding of modern environments in which analogous structures are forming. This study of microatolls has demonstrated that other sessile life forms may create colonial ecomorphs that, used cautiously, can serve as analogues for understanding the factors controlling the growth and form of microbialites. The surprising lack of pre-Pleistocene examples of microatolls recorded to date has simply been due to their lack of recognition in the geological record. They occur in sequences from the Proterozoic onwards, and provide powerful environmental indicators of ancient reef platforms on which biological growth was adjusted to contemporary sea level.  相似文献   
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