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Numerous marine invertebrates form endosymbiotic relationships with dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium, yet few studies have examined the population structure of these symbionts. Here, we elucidate the population genetic structure of Symbiodinium harboured by the Caribbean octocoral Gorgonia ventalina throughout the entire range of the host. We used ten microsatellite loci to survey 35 localities spanning 3124 km across the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. Diversity of Symbiodinium haplotypes was low within colonies of G. ventalina but high among colonies. Despite high haplotypic diversity, significant evidence of clonal reproduction in Symbiodinium was detected, and most clones occurred within localities, not among them. Pairwise measures of F(ST) illustrated significant differentiation in 98% of comparisons between localities, suggesting low levels of gene flow. Clustering analyses identified six genetic groups whose distribution delimited four broad biogeographic regions. There was evidence of some connectivity among regions, corresponding with known geographic and oceanographic features. Fine-scale spatial surveys of G. ventalina colonies failed to detect differentiation among Symbiodinium at the metre scale. However, significant differentiation was observed among Symbiodinium hosted by sympatric G. ventalina colonies of different size/age classes. This cohort effect suggests that Symbiodinium may have an epidemic population structure, whereby G. ventalina recruits are infected by the locally predominant symbiont strain(s), which change over time.  相似文献   
Here we report on nine microsatellite loci designed for Aspergillus sydowii, a widely distributed soil saprobe that is also the pathogenic agent of aspergillosis in Caribbean sea fan corals. Primers were tested on 20 A. sydowii isolates from the Caribbean, 17 from diseased sea fans and three from environmental sources. All loci were polymorphic and exhibited varying degrees of allelic diversity (three to nine alleles). Gene diversity (expected heterozygosity) ranged from 0.353 to 0.821. These primers will enable future research into the epidemiology of A. sydowii as an emergent infectious disease.  相似文献   
Here we report primers for 10 microsatellite loci from the Caribbean sea fan coral, Gorgonia ventalina. Primers were tested on 237 genomic DNA extracts taken directly from tissue samples of G. ventalina. All loci were polymorphic with allelic richness ranging from 4 to 52. Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.14 to 0.96. Preliminary data suggest that these microsatellites will be useful tools for studies of the population genetics of this important Caribbean coral species.  相似文献   
The population structure of benthic marine organisms is of central relevance to the conservation and management of these often threatened species, as well as to the accurate understanding of their ecological and evolutionary dynamics. A growing body of evidence suggests that marine populations can be structured over short distances despite theoretically high dispersal potential. Yet the proposed mechanisms governing this structure vary, and existing empirical population genetic evidence is of insufficient taxonomic and geographic scope to allow for strong general inferences. Here, we describe the range‐wide population genetic structure of an ecologically important Caribbean octocoral, Gorgonia ventalina. Genetic differentiation was positively correlated with geographic distance and negatively correlated with oceanographically modelled dispersal probability throughout the range. Although we observed admixture across hundreds of kilometres, estimated dispersal was low, and populations were differentiated across distances <2 km. These results suggest that populations of G. ventalina may be evolutionarily coupled via gene flow but are largely demographically independent. Observed patterns of differentiation corroborate biogeographic breaks found in other taxa (e.g. an east/west divide near Puerto Rico), and also identify population divides not discussed in previous studies (e.g. the Yucatan Channel). High genotypic diversity and absence of clonemates indicate that sex is the primary reproductive mode for G. ventalina. A comparative analysis of the population structure of G. ventalina and its dinoflagellate symbiont, Symbiodinium, indicates that the dispersal of these symbiotic partners is not coupled, and symbiont transmission occurs horizontally.  相似文献   
Here we report primers targeting 10 microsatellite loci of dinoflagellates in the genus Symbiodinium (clade B1/B184) symbiotic with the Caribbean sea fan coral, Gorgonia ventalina. Primers were tested on 12 Symbiodinium B1/B184 cultures, as well as 40 genomic DNA extracts of G. ventalina tissue samples. All loci were polymorphic with allelic richness ranging from 4-16. Gene diversity ranged from 0.15 to 0.91. These primers provide powerful tools for examining the fine-scale population structure and dynamics of Symbiodinium within a single host species.  相似文献   
Caribbean corals, including sea fans (Gorgonia spp.), are being affected by severe and apparently new diseases. In the case of sea fans, the pathogen is reported to be the fungus Aspergillus sydowii, and the disease is named aspergillosis. In order to understand coral diseases and pathogens, knowledge of the microbes associated with healthy corals is also necessary. In this study the fungal community of healthy Gorgonia ventalina colonies was contrasted with that of diseased colonies. In addition, the fungal community of healthy and diseased tissue within colonies with aspergillosis was contrasted. Fungi were isolated from healthy and diseased fans from 15 reefs around Puerto Rico, and identified by sequencing the nuclear ribosomal ITS region and by morphology. Thirty fungal species belonging to 15 genera were isolated from 203 G. ventalina colonies. Penicillum and Aspergillus were the most common genera isolated from both healthy and diseased fans. However, the fungal community of healthy fans was distinct and more diverse than that of diseased ones. Within diseased fans, fungal communities from diseased tissues were distinct and more diverse than from healthy tissue. The reduction of fungi in diseased colonies may occur prior to infection due to environmental changes affecting the host, or after infection due to increase in dominance of the pathogen, or because of host responses to infection. Data also indicate that the fungal community of an entire sea fan colony is affected even when only a small portion of the colony suffers from aspergillosis. An unexpected result was that A. sydowii was found in healthy sea fans but never in diseased ones. This result suggests that A. sydowii is not the pathogen causing aspergillosis in the studied colonies, and suggests several fungi common to healthy and diseased colonies as opportunistic pathogens. Given that it is not clear that Aspergillus is the sole pathogen, calling this disease aspergillosis is an oversimplification at best. Communicated by Biology Editor Dr Michael Lesser  相似文献   
The abiotic environment influences a variety of ecological processes, including the emergence, transmission, and distribution of disease. In the oceans, increased temperatures associated with climate change are hypothesized to decrease host resistance and/or increase pathogen growth, virulence, or infectivity. Colonial organisms, such as corals, could face a unique challenge with respect to temperature and disease stress: heterogeneous within-colony distribution of constitutive and temperature-induced resistance to infection. This could facilitate disease if warming temperatures promote pathogen growth while decreasing resistance of some areas of the coral colony. Here, an experiment was used to test the hypothesis that temperature-induced disease resistance is heterogeneous within colonies of the sea fan coral, Gorgonia ventalina. Resistance, measured as activity of antifungal metabolites, increased (approx. 30%) with temperature only in young edge tissue, not in older center tissue, consistent with patterns of infection in older, larger sea fan colonies on Caribbean reefs.  相似文献   
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