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Abstract: Golgi-enriched fractions have been isolated from rat brain of increasing postnatal age and defined by electron microscopy and distribution of marker enzymes. The expression of sialyltransferase activity associated with these fractions has been demonstrated to developmentally decrease and this appeared to be, in part, dependent on endogenous competitive inhibition. The developmental regulation of this activity paralleled the sialylation state of the neural cell adhesion molecule (D2-CAM/N-CAM) and could be demonstrated to be capable of endogenously sialylating this protein in the isolated Golgi fractions. In 12-day-old animals the majority of the transferred [14C]sialic acid was found to be associated with the high-molecular-weight [>200 kilodaltons (kd)] form of D2-CAM/N-CAM, indicative of the protein having been heavily sialylated. Sialylation of the individual D2-CAM/N-CAM polypeptides was also demonstrated in both 12-day and adult animals and transfer was evident only in the 180-kd and 115-kd components and not in the 140-kd component. In contrast, Golgi-enriched fractions prepared from adult animals showed little capability of heavily sialylating D2-CAM/N-CAM to any significant extent.  相似文献   
Polypeptides of the Golgi Apparatus of Neurons from Rat Brain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An antiserum was raised against fractions of the Golgi apparatus of neurons from rat brain. Immunoblots of these fractions with the antiserum showed two principal bands of 185 and 150 kilodaltons (kd) in apparent molecular mass. The antiserum reacted with five or six bands of 200, 150, 130, 100-110, 64, and 40 kd in apparent molecular mass in immunoblots of several crude brain membrane fractions. Affinity-purified antibodies from the different gel bands transferred to nitrocellulose paper were used in immunoblot and immunocytochemical studies. Antibodies eluted from the 200-, 150-, 100-110-, and 64-kd bands reacted not only with the corresponding band but also with the other three bands. Antibodies eluted from the 40-kd band stained only the corresponding band. On light and/or electron microscopic immunocytochemistry, the antiserum stained the Golgi apparatus of rat neurons, glia, liver, and kidney tubule cells. Weaker, segmented, and less consistent staining was observed in nuclear envelopes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membranes of neurons. Antibodies eluted from the bands at 200, 150, 100-110, and 64 kd stained intermediate cisterns of the Golgi apparatus of neurons. These findings suggest that a group of related polypeptides of brain membranes is preferentially expressed or enriched in the Golgi apparatus of neurons. Polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 185 and 150 kd probably represent moieties endogenous to membranes of the neuronal Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
The tridimensional structure of the Golgi apparatus has been studied in the absorptive cells of the mouse colon by means of reduced osmium postfixation and phosphatase cytochemistry. In thick sections of tissue impregnated with osmium tetroxide or treated with a technique to demonstrate TPPase activity, the Golgi formed a continuous ribbon-like structure capping the upper pole of the nucleus. Along the longitudinal axis of this ribbon, compact zones made up of superposed flattened saccules alternated with less compact zones which consisted of highly perforated saccules or bridging anastomosed tubules. In the cis-trans axis, the following elements were observed: (1) a cis element consisting of a continuous osmiophilic tubular network; (2) two or three subjacent elements selectively perforated by wells; (3) a trans compartment made up of two or three TPPase-reactive sacculotubular elements, some showing a "peeling-off" configuration. In some regions, the first flattened saccule of this trans compartment displayed discrete ovoid dilatations, located in compact zones and containing a dense granulofibrillar material; in the subjacent elements this material was seen concentrated in nodular swellings, at the intersection of the meshes of anastomosed membranous tubules. 100-300 nm vesicles containing a similar dense granulofilamentous material were observed in the trans Golgi zone and interspersed in the supranuclear cytoplasm between the Golgi zone and the apical surface of the cell. Smaller vesicles 80-100 nm in diameter containing a fine dusty material were also seen in proximity. These morphological observations suggested that at least two kinds of material were segregated in the saccules of the trans compartment and packaged in vesicles of two class sizes that detached from the Golgi stack on its trans aspect.  相似文献   
CMP-Neu5Gc has been shown to be transported into mouse liver Golgi vesicles by a specific carrier the characteristics of which were investigated in detail. In the system employed, CMP-Neu5Gc enters the Golgi vesicles within 2 min; transport was saturable with high concentrations of the sugar-nucleotide and was dependent on temperature. A kinetic analysis gave an apparent Km of 1.3 μM and a maximal transport velocity of 335 pmol/mg protein per min. Almost identical values were obtained with CMP-Neu5Ac, under the same incubation conditions. Furthermore, the uptake of CMP-Neu5Gc was inhibited by CMP-Neu5Ac, a substrate analogue. Conversely, the uptake of CMP-Neu5Ac was inhibited by CMP-Neu5Gc to the same extent, leading to the conclusion that the transport of CMP-Neu5Ac and CMP-Neu5Gc is mediated by the same carrier molecule. This transport system for CMP-Neu5Gc involves both CMP and CMP-Neu5Gc since intravesicular CMP induced the entry of external CMP-Neu5Gc.  相似文献   
Summary A Drosophila visual mutant rdgA has photoreceptive cells which degenerate gradually after eclosion. Fine structure of the retinular cells of rdgA KS60 and rdgA K014 was studied during early stages of degeneration to determine the initial morphological defects. The retinular cells of these two alleles showed the following structural abnormality within 1 day after eclosion: (1) rhabdomeres were small and irregular in shape; (2) cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum were more numerous than those in normal retinular cells; (3) submicrovillar cisternae were absent; and (4) lysosomes were fewer than normal. Three-dimensional reconstruction of serial sections of the ommatidia showed that the degeneration of mutant rhabdomeres proceeds more rapidly in regions remote from the nuclei. These results suggest that the process of turnover of rhabdomeric microvilli is abnormal in rdgA. We also confirmed an increase of lysosomes and destruction of cellular organelles, as reported by previous investigators at more advanced stages of degeneration.  相似文献   
Summary To determine both a threshold value of calcium concentration (CC) for the release of storage granules and that for the acceleration of degradation of these granules, the rat parathyroid glands were perfused in situ with HEPES-Ringer solutions containing different concentration of Ca2+ for 10 min. With perfusates containing 0.83–1.21 mM Ca2+ (equivalent to 8–11 mg/dl serum calcium), the number of type-I storage granules (large core) [NSG-I] and that of type-II storage granules (small core) [NSG-II] remained unchanged. With perfusates containing 0.83 mM Ca2+ (7.5 mg/dl) or less, however, both NSG-I and NSG-II decreased remarkably and the former was larger than the latter. On the contrary, with perfusates containing 1.27 mM Ca2+ (11.5 mg/dl) or more, NSG-II increased and the ratio of NSG-I to NSG-II was changed reversely. We concluded that a thereshold value of CC required for the release of storage granules may be present between 0.88 and 0.83 mM Ca2+ (8 and 7.5 mg/dl) and that a threshold value of CC for accelerating the transformation of type-I granules into type-II, the degradation of storage granules, may be situated at about 1.27 mM Ca2+ (11.5 mg/dl). Additionally, it was suggested that both prosecretory and storage granules are not only formed at the innermost Golgi cisterna but also at the trans-Golgi network.  相似文献   
Oligodendroglia were isolated from bovine brain, and a crude, microsomal fraction obtained from cell homogenates was subfractionated into myelin (MP), plasma membranes (PM), Golgi (GF), smooth (SER) and rough (RER) endoplasmic membranes using discontinuous-sucrose gradient centrifugation. The submicrosomal fractions were characterized by ultrastructural examination and analysis of the specific organelle markers. The myelin and plasma membrane rich fractions contained characteristically the highest amounts of the lipid with lower mole percentages of total phospholipids and phosphatidylcholine, and higher concentrations of phosphatidylethanolamine (+plasmalogens), cholesterol and galactolipids. Considerable amounts of the typical myelin galactolipids (galacto-cerebrosides, sulfatides and monogalactosyl diglycerides) were also found in the Golgi fraction (GF). The GF fraction had the greatest enrichment of glycolipid-forming galactosyltransferases, and the distribution of these enzymes correlated well with that of the Golgi marker enzymes. The results give evidence that intracellular Golgi apparatus of oligodendroglia is rich in the myelin-specific lipids, and suggest its involvement in the synthesis and processing of myelin lipids.  相似文献   
Summary Glucose is actively absorbed via a Na+-dependent active glucose transporter (Na-GT) in the small intestine. We raised a polyclonal antibody against the peptide corresponding to amino acids 564–575 of rabbit intestinal Na-GT, and localized it immunohistochemically in the rat jejunum. By means of immunofluorescence staining, Na-GT was located at the brush border of the absorptive epithelial cells of the intestinal villi. Electron-microscopic examination showed that Na-GT was localized at the plasma membrane of the apical microvilli of these cells. Little Na-GT was found at the basolateral plasma membrane. Along the crypt-villus axis, all of the absorptive epithelial cells in the villus were positive for Na-GT. In addition to the brush border staining, the supranuclear positive staining, which was shown to be the Golgi apparatus by use of electron microscopy, was seen in cells located between the base to the middle of the villus. Cells in crypts exhibited little or no staining for Na-GT. Goblet cells scattered in the intestinal epithelium were negative for Na-GT staining. These observations show that Na-GT is specific to the apical plasma membrane of the absorptive epithelial cells, and that the onset of Na-GT synthesis may occur near the crypt-villus junction.  相似文献   
Abstract: A subclone of NG108–15 neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid cells was used to study the intracellular distribution of opioid receptors. Subcellular organelles were separated on self-generating Percoll-sucrose gradients and the enzymes β-glucuronidase, galactosyltransferase, 5′-nucleotidase, and glucose-6-phosphatase were used as markers to localize the various structures. Analysis of the receptor distribution from untreated cells shows that the plasma membranes contained the highest receptor density, but a significant portion of the opioid binding sites was unevenly distributed between the lysosomes, microsomes, and Golgi elements. The enzyme markers indicated that appearance of opioid receptors in these intracellular structures does not result merely from contamination with plasma membranes. About 11% of the receptors appeared in a fraction lighter than plasma membranes. The antilysosomal agent chloroquine altered the intracellular compartmentation of the receptors, possibly by blocking their translocation in the cells. Leu-enkephalin induced time-dependent loss of receptors from all four intracellular compartments examined, but a kinetic analysis showed that the rate of receptor loss in these fractions was not identical. Thus, the percent of receptors appearing in the lysosomal fraction that could still bind [3H]-D-Ala2D-Leu5-enkephalin in vitro was increased on treatment with Leu-enkephalin. As an additional approach to follow the intracellular fate of the receptors, cells were labeled with [3H]diprenorphine, chased with various unlabeled opiates, and the distribution of 3H-ligand-receptors in the cells was monitored. Leu-enkephalin and etorphine altered the distribution of receptor-bound [3H]diprenorphine between the plasma membranes, lysosomes, and Golgi elements, whereas morphine had no such effect. The study sheds light on the role of intracellular structures in the metabolism of opioid receptors in untreated and opioid-treated cells.  相似文献   
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