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诸葛菜组织培养中的器官形成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物组织和细胞培养技术已在农作物的改良及园艺植物的快速繁殖方面得到广泛的应用。在这方面,十字花科植物正在受到相当多的注意。新近,为了建立十字花科植物的细胞转化系统,我们试验了多种十字花科植物,发现诸葛菜的叶和叶柄等外植体具有极强的器官分化能力,现将结果报告如下。本文取材植物诸葛菜,又名二月兰(Oryc-hophragmus violaceus/Moricandia sonchifolia),  相似文献   
TransformationofOrychophragmusviolaceusUsingAgrobacteriumtumefaciensAndRegenerationofTransgenicPlantsa¥ZHOUJi-ming(周冀明);WEIZh...  相似文献   
In angiosperms, chlorophyll biosynthesis is light dependent. A key factor in this process is protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR), which requires light to catalyze the reduction of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide. It is believed that this protein originated from an ancient cyanobacterial enzyme that was introduced into proto‐plant cells during the primary symbiosis. Here we report that PORs from the cyanobacteria Gloeobacter violaceus PCC7421 and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 function in plastids. First, we found that the G. violaceus POR shows a higher affinity to its substrate protochlorophyllide than the Synechocystis POR but a similar affinity to plant PORs. Secondly, the reduced size of prolamellar bodies caused by a knockdown mutation of one of the POR genes, PORA, in Arabidopsis could be complemented by heterologous expression of the cyanobacterial PORs. Photoactive protochlorophyllide in the etioplasts of the complementing lines, however, was retained at a low level as in the parent PORA knockdown mutant, indicating that the observed formation of prolamellar bodies was irrelevant to the assembly of photoactive protochlorophyllide. This work reveals a new view on the formation of prolamellar bodies and provides new clues about the function of POR in the etioplast–chloroplast transition.  相似文献   
Herein a brief review, with 49 references, of the history and phytochemistry of toxic honeys, in which bees have sequestered plant secondary compounds naturally occurring in plant nectars (floral and extrafloral). It is hypothesized that such toxic honeys could have served as pointers to psychoactive and other medicinal plants for human beings exploring novel ecosystems, causing such plants to stand out, even against a background of extreme biodiversity. After reviewing various ethnomedicinal uses of toxic honeys, the author suggests that pre-Columbian Yucatecan Mayans intentionally produced a psychoactive honey from the shamanic inebriant Turbina corymbosa as a visionary substrate for manufacture of their ritual metheglin, balché.  相似文献   
甘蓝型油菜与诸葛菜属间杂种无性系的变异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李再云  刘后利 《遗传学报》1996,23(4):315-321
从形态及细胞学两方面对甘蓝型油菜与诸葛菜属间杂种无性系的变异进行了研究。经过长期继代培养后,杂种在形态上越来越偏向母本甘蓝型油菜,而表现出较少的父本诸葛菜性状,但表现出对等双分枝的新性状。经细胞学观察表明,杂种体内杂种细胞比例下降,而甘蓝型油菜细胞比例大幅度上升并远高于核质杂种细胞(具有油菜细胞质与诸葛菜细胞核)的比例,以至较多的甘蓝型油菜染色体组被遗传下去。在该杂种继代培养中还观察到杂种细胞内的染色体消除及体细胞配对现象。  相似文献   
赵宽  吴沿友  周葆华 《广西植物》2015,35(2):206-212
以诸葛菜和油菜为材料,水培环境下设置4个不同的缺锌和碳酸氢根离子胁迫处理,分别为+Zn0(含Zn且不加HCO3-的处理组),+Zn10(含Zn且加10 mmol·L-1HCO3-的处理组),-Zn0(缺Zn且不加HCO3-的处理组)和-Zn10(缺Zn且加10 mmol·L-1HCO3-的处理组),利用离子色谱法分析了4个处理的两种植物幼苗器官(根、茎、叶)及根系分泌物中的有机酸特征。结果表明:(1)高浓度碳酸氢根离子处理显著增加了两种植物器官及根系分泌的有机酸总量,尤其是在缺锌和高浓度碳酸氢根离子双重胁迫下(-Zn10处理),诸葛菜器官和根系分泌的有机酸比油菜更敏感,草酸、柠檬酸和苹果酸是诸葛菜器官和根系分泌物中的优势酸,这三种有机酸的含量分别占其有机酸总量的75%及以上;(2)叶片是两种植物有机酸产生的主要器官,有机酸的含量和分配比例从地上部分(叶和茎)到地下部分(根)减少;(3)两种植物器官和根系分泌物中的有机酸变化趋势一致,叶片中有机酸主要来源于暗呼吸过程和光呼吸过程,其他器官和根系分泌物中的有机酸主要来源于暗呼吸过程;(4)诸葛菜对缺锌和高浓度碳酸氢根离子的适应能力强于油菜,为诸葛菜的喀斯特适生性和低锌和高浓度碳酸氢根离子环境(如喀斯特环境)的生态修复提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
Only very few cases have documented that an increase in connectivity after a period of fragmentation in ecological time has had an effect on the distribution, genetic structure and morphology of stenotopic species. In this study we present an example of clinal variability in a woodland ground beetle as a result of changes in the connectivity of a landscape during the last two centuries. The study area hosts both the nominate form Carabus violaceus s. str. and the subspecies Carabus violaceus purpurascens, which is ranked as a distinct species by some authors. We studied 12 Carabus violaceus populations from a 30 km transect of ancient and recent forests in north-western Germany. We analyzed three polymorphic enzyme loci, classified the elytron sculpture and measured the shape of the aedeagus tip of the specimens. Carabus violaceus showed secondary gradients both in allozyme markers and morphometric characters in our study area. A genetic differentiation of 16% between the populations is high but lies within the range of intraspecific variability in habitat specialists of the genus Carabus. Populations had no significant deficit of heterozygotes. We found many hybrid populations in terms of morphological properties. This study highlights the conservation value of ancient woodland and the consequences of landscape connectivity and defragmentation on the genetic setting of a ground beetle. Moreover, it shows that differences in the external shape of male genitalia do not prevent gene flow within the genus Carabus. Thus, the establishment of species status should not exclusively be based on this property.  相似文献   
不同植物的碳酸酐酶活力差异研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
碳酸酐酶是催化二氧化碳的可逆水合反应的一种含锌金属酶。测定不同植物、同一植物不同部位、同一植物同一部位不同时间的碳酸酐酶的活力,研究诸葛菜和油菜碳酸酐酶及其胞外酶活力的差异,初步探讨碳酸酐酶活力与植物抗干旱能力之间的关系。研究结果为诸葛菜的喀斯特适生性的研究提供依据。  相似文献   
We assess the impact of habitat fragmentation on the effective size (N(e)) of local populations of the flightless ground beetle Carabus violaceus in a small (<25 ha) and a large (>80 ha) forest fragment separated by a highway. N(e) was estimated based on the temporal variation of allele frequencies at 13 microsatellite loci using two different methods. In the smaller fragment, N(e) estimates ranged between 59 and a few hundred, whereas values between 190 and positive infinity were estimated for the larger fragment. In both samples, we detected a signal of population decline, which was stronger in the small fragment. The estimated time of onset of this N(e) reduction was consistent with the hypothesis that recent road constructions have divided a continuous population into several isolated subpopulations. In the small fragment, N(e) of the local population may be so small that its long-term persistence is endangered.  相似文献   
Geographic variation in vocalizations is widespread in passerine birds, but its origins and maintenance remain unclear. One hypothesis to explain this variation is that it is associated with geographic isolation among populations and therefore should follow a vicariant pattern similar to that typically found in neutral genetic markers. Alternatively, if environmental selection strongly influences vocalizations, then genetic divergence and vocal divergence may be disassociated. This study compared genetic divergence derived from 11 microsatellite markers with a metric of phenotypic divergence derived from male bower advertisement calls. Data were obtained from 16 populations throughout the entire distribution of the satin bowerbird, an Australian wet-forest-restricted passerine. There was no relationship between call divergence and genetic divergence, similar to most other studies on birds with learned vocalizations. Genetic divergence followed a vicariant model of evolution, with the differentiation of isolated populations and isolation-by-distance among continuous populations. Previous work on Ptilonorhynchus violaceus has shown that advertisement call structure is strongly influenced by the acoustic environment of different habitats. Divergence in vocalizations among genetically related populations in different habitats indicates that satin bowerbirds match their vocalizations to the environment in which they live, despite the homogenizing influence of gene flow. In combination with convergence of vocalizations among genetically divergent populations occurring in the same habitat, this shows the overriding importance that habitat-related selection can have on the establishment and maintenance of variation in vocalizations.  相似文献   
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