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大羽羊齿植物是一个令人迷惑的类群,这类植物中,Gigantonoclea,Zeilleropteris和Cathaysiopteris是北美和东亚二叠纪植物群共有的3个属,但美国最早发现的大羽羊齿植物Gigantopteridium以前在中国的大羽羊齿植物群中未有确切记录,文中订正和详细描述Gigantopteridium的一个中国种,并对该属中国种的一些相关问题作详尽的讨论,美国大羽羊齿类植物采用小泉源一(Koidzumi,1936),的分类系统,只依据叶脉特征进行分类,它是一人为分类系统(Mamay et al.,1988),根据这一系统,文中涉及的中国和美国标本都应归入Gigantopteridium这一属内,这样,东亚和北美大羽羊齿植物群中的大羽羊齿类植物共同属的数目就由3个增加到4个,在对Gigantopteridium huapingense(Feng)详细描述和订正的基础上,对Gigantopteridium中国种与美国种在叶结构方面的异同进行较为详细的比较,虽然此属目前尚未发现过生殖器官和保存解剖结构的材料。  相似文献   
Permineralized gigantopterid stems of Vasovinea tianii Li et Taylor gen. et sp. nov. were collected from the Upper Permian of Guizhou Province, China. They are slender and bear prickles, trichomes, and compound hooks. Internally, the stems have a sparganum cortex, eustele, and secondary xylem. The mesarch protoxylem tracheids have annular to helical thickenings, and metaxylem tracheary elements have scalariform and/or transversely elongated, bordered pits, while those of the secondary xylem have scalariform to circular bordered pits. Importantly, the inner part of the secondary xylem has large vessel elements with foraminate-like perforation plates. The hooks and other morphological and anatomical characteristics are similar to those found in gigantopterids, suggesting that Vasovinea is a member of the Gigantopteridales. The vegetative plant is reconstructed from permineralized stems and Gigantopteris-type leaves based on the anatomical similarities and intimate association. The eustele, secondary xylem, and other features support the placement of the order among the seed plants. Ecologically, Vasovinea is suggested to have been a vine or liana that used compound hooks to climb among the trees in a Permian tropical rain forest. The occurrence of vessels could have been an efficient adaptation to allow the slender stems to conduct sufficient water to the large Gigantopteris-type leaves.  相似文献   
Reinvestigation of the first described gigantopterid plant, Gigantopteris (Megalopteris) nicotianaefolia Schenk ex Potonié, 1902 from the Permian of China, has been conducted using the original specimens documented in 1883. The application of new techniques has permitted a comprehensive review of their morphology. This study represents the first photographic record of Schenk's specimens and provides a standardised terminology to describe them. This species of Palaeozoic leaf megaphyll is characterised by its pinnate venation, with tertiary veins that anastomose, and give rise to branches that may be of the same or higher order. These anastomosed branches form a reticulum of irregular polygonal meshes, within which higher order veins anastomose and again form meshes. On examination of Schenk's original specimens only one, MB.Pb.2002/989, can be assigned to Gigantopteris nicotianaefolia, and this is herein designated the lectotype. The remaining specimens described by Schenk are reassigned to cf. G. nicotianaefolia, cf. Gigantopteris sp., Gigantonoclea sp. or cf. Gigantonoclea sp. This re‐analysis of Schenk's specimens has led to an emended diagnosis of both the genus Gigantopteris and the species G. nicotianaefolia. Current evidence suggests that Gigantopteris nicotianaefolia is restricted to the southern floral regions of Cathaysia, as typically are other species of this genus. Fertile specimens of Gigantopteris are unknown, and the status of these plants as a natural group relies upon a combination of their complex foliar physiognomy, stratigraphic range, and geographical distribution. This study indicates that the genera GigantopterisGigantonoclea form the basis of the gigantopterid concept. These two genera share characters of leaf morphology including megaphylls with eucamptodromous venation across which extends a continuous lamina, and higher order veins, third order or above, that arise from the secondary veins and anastomose to form complex meshes. These genera are distinguished in that the venation of Gigantopteris is far more complex than that of Gigantonoclea, with a greater number and complexity of vein orders, the penultimate and ultimate of which form meshes within meshes, and of these the finest may terminate in blind endings.  相似文献   
烟叶大羽羊齿Gigantopteris nicotianae f olia Schenk是地质和古生物工作者熟知的植物化石。由于Halle(1927)曾将单网羊齿的种误归并于这一种内,致使它一度成为广见于华夏古植物区二叠纪陆相地层的植物化石。后来的研究表明(Guand Zhi,1974;姚兆奇,1983;Glasspool et al.,2004),除了河南平顶山的可疑标本外(Sze,1954),此种可作为华南冷坞期的标志性植物。最新资料证实(杨关秀等,2006),产自河南禹州和临汝上石盒子组(云盖山组)的标本完全显示了G.nicotianaefolia的特征,说明了这个种在华北的存在,从而扩大了这种植物的分布区。根据烟叶大羽羊齿的时空分布规律,文章认为河南的上石盒子组完全可与江苏龙潭组和江西乐平组老山段下亚段的含煤层位对比,时代应属瓜德鲁普世冷坞期(Capitanian)。文中较详细阐述将河南上石盒子组的时代定为冷坞期而不是晚二叠世早期(吴家坪期)的观点,并引证磁性地层方面证据,支持这一结论。  相似文献   
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