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K. Grossmann  E. W. Weiler  J. Jung 《Planta》1985,164(3):370-375
Cell division in cell suspension cultures can be completely blocked by the growth retardant tetcyclacis at a concentration of 10-4 mol l-1. In rice cells it has been demonstrated that the growth inhibition can be completely overcome by application of cholesterol independent of the duration of pretreatment with tetcyclacis. In suspension cultures of maize and soybean, too, the effect of tetcyclacis on cell division was neutralized by adding cholesterol. Other plant sterols, stigmasterol, campesterol and sitosterol were active in a decreasing order. Modifications in the cholesterol perhydro-cyclopentanophenanthrene-ring system indicate that the hydroxyl group at C-3 and the double bond between C-5 and C-6 in ring B are required for the activity. In contrast, gibberellic acid as well as ent-kaurenoic acid could not compensate retardant effects. Likewise, tetcyclasis did not change the level of gibberellins in rice cells as shown by radioimmunoassay. Thus, it is concluded that in cell suspension cultures sterols play a more important role in cell division than gibberellins.Abbreviation GAx gibberelin Ax  相似文献   
Quantitative estimates of gibberellin A9 in Norway spruce extracts obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, radioimmunoassay (RIA_ and bioassay were compared after successive purifications of the extracts. The extracts were assayed in several dilutions with and without the addition of standard gibberellin A9, thus showing the effect of extract components on the response of the assays. Radioimmunoassay produced estimates comparable to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after one purification step by high-performance liquid chromatography. Extracts purified by polyvinylpyrrolidone-column chromatography and solvent partitioning but not high-performance liquid chromatography resulted in inaccurate RIA estimates. The performance of the RIA could be monitored by logit-log transformations of the standard curve and extract dilution curve and by calculating the slope of the standard addition curve. It was, however, not possible to correct for the interference caused by extract components by the standard addition procedure. Quantifications by Tan-ginbozu dwarf-rice bioassay were accurate, but a large and unpredictable variation makes it unsuitable for quantitative determinations.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - GA9 gibberellin A9 - GA9–Me methylated GA9 - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - MID multiple-ion detection - RIA radioimmunoassay  相似文献   
The role and source of gibberellins (GAs) involved in the development of parthenocarpic fruits of Pisum sativum L. has been investigated. Gibberellins applied to the leaf adjacent to an emasculated ovary induced parthenocarpic fruit development on intact plants. The application of gibberellic acid (GA3) had to be done within 1 d of anthesis to be fully effective and the response was concentration-dependent. Gibberellin A1 and GA3 worked equally well and GA20 was less efficient. [3H]Gibberellin A1 applied to the leaf accumulated in the ovary and the accumulation was related to the growth response. These experiments show that GA applied to the leaf in high enough concentration is translocated to the ovary. Emasculated ovaries on decapitated pea plants develop without application of growth hormones. When [3H] GA1 was applied to the leaf adjacent to the ovary a substantial amount of radioactivity accumulated in the growing shoot of intact plants. In decapitated plants, however, this radioactivity was mainly found in the ovary. There it caused growth proportional to the accumulation of CA1. Application of LAB 150978, an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis, to decapitated plants inhibited parthenocarpic fruit development and this inhibition was counteracted by the application of GA3 (either to the fruit, or the leaf adjacent to the ovary, or through the lower cut end of the stem). All evidence taken together supports the view that parthenocarpic pea fruit development on topped plants depends on the import of gibberellins or their precursors, probably from the vegetative aerial parts of the plant.Abbreviations FW flesh weight - GAn gibberellin An - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   
J. Mundy  J. C. Rogers 《Planta》1986,169(1):51-63
We have cloned and sequenced a 650-nucleotide cDNA from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone layers encoding a protein that is closely related to a known -amylase inhibitor from Indian finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.), and that has homologies to certain plant trypsin inhibitors. mRNA for this probable amylase/protease inhibitor (PAPI) is expressed primarily in aleurone tissue during late development of the grain, as compared to that for the amylase/subtilisin inhibitor, which is expressed in endosperm during the peak of storage-protein synthesis. PAPI mRNA is present at high levels in aleurone tissue of desiccated, mature grain, and in incubated aleurone layers prepared from rehydrated mature seeds. Its expression in those layers is not affected by either abscisic acid or gibberellic acid, hormones that, respectively, increase and decrease the abundance of mRNA for the amylase/subtilisin inhibitor. PAPI mRNA is almost as abundant in gibberellic acid-treated aleurone layers as that for -amylase, and PAPI protein is synthesized in that tissue at levels that are comparable to -amylase. PAPI protein is secreted from aleurone layers into the incubation medium.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ASI barley amylase/subtilisin inhibitor - bp nucleotide base pairs - Da dalton - dpa days post anthesis - GA3 gibberellic acid - PAPI probable amylase/protease inhibitor - poly(A)RNA polyadenylated RNA - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
Structural requirements for florigenic activity among gibberellins (GAs) and GA derivatives, including several new ones, applied once to leaves of Lolium temulentum, were examined. The compounds were applied to plants kept either in non-inductive short days (SD) or exposed to one inductive long day (LD). Inflorescence initiation and stem-elongation responses were assessed three weeks later. Among the GAs used, the range in effective dose for inflorescence initiation was more than 1000-fold, but substantially less for stem elongation. Some GAs promoted both stem elongation and inflorescence initiation, some promoted one without the other, and some affected neither. The structural features enhancing florigenic activity were often different from those enhancing stem elongation. Except in the case of 2,2-dimethyl GA4, a double bond in the A ring at either C-1,2 or C-2,3 was essential for high florigenic activity, though not for stem elongation. A free carboxy group was needed for both. Inflorescence initiation in Lolium was enhanced by hydroxylation at C-12, ?13 and ?15, whereas hydroxylation at C-3 reduced the effect on inflorescence initiation but increased that on stem elongation. A 12β-hydroxyl was more effective than the α epimer for inflorescence initiation whereas the reverse was true for stem elongation. Although such differential effectiveness of GAs for inflorescence initiation and for stem elongation could reflect differences in uptake, transport or metabolism, we suggest that it is indicative of specific structural requirements for inflorescence initiation.  相似文献   
Summary In tomato, nine independent EMS-induced mutants representing recessive mutations at three different loci (gib-1, gib-2, and gib-3) were isolated. Six of these have an almost absolute gibberellin requirement for seed germination and elongation growth. In addition, the leaves are darker green, smaller, and changed in structure as compared to wild type. The three other mutants, which germinate without GA, are allelic to specific, nongerminating mutants and have less severe mutant characteristics. The respective loci are situated on three different chromosomes. The genes identified by these mutants control steps in gibberellin biosynthesis, as endogenous gibberellins are strongly reduced.  相似文献   
Paclobutrazol (PB) only slightly stimulated the rooting of mung bean cuttings but, interestingly, the number of adventitious roots formed was dramatically increased when PB was used together with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Application of PB in the first phase of root formation, when root initials are induced, caused the greatest enhancement of the promotive effect of IBA on rooting. Investigation of the effect of PB on uptake, transport and metabolism of [5-3H]-IBA in mung bean cuttings revealed some changes in the rate of metabolism of IBA in comparison with control cuttings. PB was found to be involved in the partitioning of carbohydrates along the cuttings. Application of sucrose, like PB to the base of IBA-treated cuttings enhanced the effect of IBA. The patterns of the effects of PB and IBA, separately and together, on rooting were similar in defoliated and intact cuttings, however the number of roots was much lower in the defoliated cuttings, which lacked a source of assimilates. PB counteracted the effect of GA3 in the upper regions of the cuttings and seemed to increase the sink capacity at the base of the cuttings. The results of the present study clearly demonstrated the enhancing influence of PB on IBA stimulation of the rooting of mung bean cuttings. It is suggested that PB may affect the rate of metabolism of IBA during rooting and the status of the local sink, in the base of the cuttings, thus partially contributing to the enhancement of the rooting-promotive effect of IBA.  相似文献   
Red light controls cell elongation in seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in a far-red-reversible manner (Nick and Furuya, 1993, Plant Growth Regul. 12, 195–206). The role of gibberellins and microtubules in the transduction of this response was investigated in the rice cultivars Nihon Masari (japonica type) and Kasarath (indica type). The dose dependence of mesocotyl elongation on applied gibberellic acid (GA3) was shifted by red light, and this shift was reversed by far-red light. In contrast, coleoptile elongation was found to be independent of exogenous GA3. Nevertheless, it was inhibited by red light, and this inhibition was reversed by far-red light. The content of the active gibberellin species GA1 and GA4 was estimated by radio-immunoassay. In the mesocotyl, the gibberellin content per cell was found to increase after irradiation with red light, and this increase was far-red reversible. Conversely, the cellular gibberellin content in japonica-type coleoptiles did not exhibit any significant light response. Microtubules reoriented from transverse to longitudinal arrays in response to red light and this reorientation could be reversed by subsequent far-red light in both the coleoptile and the mesocotyl. This movement was accompanied by changes in cell-wall birefringence, indicating parallel reorientations of cellulose deposition. The data indicate that phytochrome regulates the sensitivity of the tissue towards gibberellins, that gibberellin synthesis is controlled in a negative-feedback loop dependent on gibberellin effectiveness, and that at least two hormone-triggered signal chains are linked to the cytoskeleton in rice.Abbreviations D darkness - FR far-red light - GA3 gibberellic acid - GC-SIM gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring - R red light This work was supported by a grant of the Human Frontier Science Organization to P.N. Advice and organizational support by Prof. M. Furuya (Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory, Hatoyama, Japan) and Prof. N. Murofushi (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan) is gratefully acknowledged. Seeds of both rice cultivars were kindly provided by Dr. O. Yatou (Institute for Radiation Breeding, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Japan), and the antiGA1 Me-antiserum for the radio-immunoassays by Dr. I. Yamaguchi (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan).  相似文献   
The Ih and lh i alleles have been shown previously to reduce the level of endogenous gibberellin A1 (GA1) in shoots of pea (Pisum sativum L.), resulting in a dwarf phenotype compared with the wild type, cv. Torsdag (Lh). In addition, plants homozygous for the lh i allele have reduced seed yield compared with Lh (tall, wild type) and lh (dwarf) plants. In this paper we show that the lh i mutation is expressed in developing seeds and pods. Comparison of GA levels in young shoots and developing seeds of genotypes lh and lh i demonstrates that the relative severity of the two mutations varies in different tissues. Homozygous h i seeds have reduced GA levels, weigh less, and are less likely to develop to maturity when compared with Lh seeds. However, fertilization of lh i plants with Lh pollen increases seed GA levels, seed weight and seed survival, indicating that an increase in seed GA levels due to the presence of the Lh allele can restore normal seed growth. Pods developing on self-pollinated lh i plants are shorter than pods on Lh (wild type) plants, although this may be an indirect effect of the increased seed abortion of lh i plants. Based on these results we suggest that endogenous GAs play an important role in the development of seeds of P. sativum L.Abbreviations GA(n) gibberellin An We wish to thank Katherine McPherson, Peter Newman, Leigh Johnson and Peter Bobbi for technical assistance, Professor L. Mander (ANU, Canberra) and Professor B.O. Phinney (UCLA, USA) for labelled GA standards, and the Australian Research Council for financial support.  相似文献   
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