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袁善奎  周明国 《遗传学报》2004,31(4):363-368
通过紫外线照射和药剂驯化的方法均获得了玉蜀黍赤霉野生敏感菌株对多菌灵(carbendazim,MBC)的室内抗药突变体。这些抗药突变体一部分表现低抗(low resistance.LR),即能在临界致死剂量1.4μg/mL多菌灵浓度下生长,但不能在10μg/mL浓度以上生长,且对二氯苯胺甲酸甲酯(N-3,5-dichlorophenyl carbamate,MDPC)不表现负交互抗药性;另一部分表现高抗(high resistance.HR).即能在100μg/mL多菌灵浓度下生长,并与田间高抗菌株一样,对MDPC表现负交互抗药性;没有获得类似田间的中抗(moderate resistance,MR)菌株,即能在10μg/mL多菌灵浓度下快速生长,在100μg/mL浓度以上被完全抑制的突变体。通过药剂驯化的方法还获得了田间中抗(MR)菌株的高抗(HR)突变体,但这些突变体与MR一样对MDPC仍然不表现负交互抗药性。抗药性遗传研究表明。在所研究的抗药突变体中,抗药性在自交和无性繁殖后代中能稳定遗传;室内抗药突变体和田间抗药菌株对多菌灵的抗药性由同一个主效基因控制,但它们发生突变的位点不同或者同一碱基位点发生了不同的突变;对MDPC的敏感性也是由单个基因控制的,该基因与控制多菌灵抗性的基因是等位基因,当该基因发生对MDPC的敏感性增加的突变时会使病菌对多菌灵产生高水平抗性。  相似文献   
The ascomycete fungus, Fusarium graminearum (teleomorph Gibberella zeae), is the most common causal agent of Fusarium head blight (FHB), a devastating disease for cereal crops worldwide. F. graminearum produces ascospores (sexual spores) and conidia (asexual spores), which can serve as disease inocula of FHB. Meanwhile, Fusarium-infected grains are often contaminated with mycotoxins such as trichothecenes (TRIs), fumonisins, and zearalenones, among which TRIs are related to the pathogenicity of F. graminearum, and these toxins are hazardous to humans and livestock. In recent years, with the complete genome sequencing of F. graminearum, an increasing number of functional genes involved in the production of secondary metabolites, hyphal differentiation, sexual and asexual reproduction, virulence and pathogenicity have been identified from F. graminearum. In this review, the secondary metabolite synthesis, hyphal development and pathogenicity related genes in F. graminearum were thoroughly summarized, and the genes associated with secondary metabolites, sexual reproduction, energy metabolism, and pathogenicity were highlighted.  相似文献   
A culture medium has been devised for producing colominic acid in improved yields. Major improvements were obtained by using sorbitol as a source of carbon, by adding phosphate in high concentrations, and by supplementing a limited amount of yeast extract. E. coli O 16: Kl: HNM produced approximately 3000 µg/ml of colominic acid on cultivation at 37°C for 46 hr with a liquid medium consisting of sorbitol (2.0%), (NH4)2SO4 (0.5%), K2HPO4 (1.4%), MgSO4·7H2O (0.05%), and yeast extract (0.05%).

Isolation and purification by deproteinization with ammonium sulfate, precipitation with ethanol, and by column chromatography on anion exchange resins resulted in a pure colominic acid preparation devoid of internal ester linkages.

In producing colominic acid, strains forming S-type colonies were more active than those forming R-type colonies.  相似文献   

The pathogenic fungi Gibberella fujikuroi and Fusarium commune produce jasmonic acid. The application of volatile deuterium-labeled methyl jasmonate increased the amount of nonlabeled JA present in G. fujikuroi and F. commune. These results indicate that the fungi have the ability to react with airborne methyl jasmonate in a manner similar to a plant.  相似文献   
A novel method for the quantitative determination of gibberellic acid in fermentation broths has been developed. It is based on the kinetic of the reaction of conversion of gibberellic acid to gibberellenic acid. The method is simple, reliable, faster than most of methods known, and free of the interferences which commonly affect spectrophotometric methods currently in use. Its threshold sensitivity is 0.1 g and its accuracy is greater than 97% for concentrations of gibberellic acid ranging from 0.1 to 1 g l(-1).  相似文献   
The fungal pathogens Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum cause ear blight disease on cereal crops worldwide. The disease lowers both grain quality and grain safety. Disease prevalence is increasing due to changes in cropping practices and the difficulties encountered by plant breeders when trying to introgress the polygene-based resistance. The molecular basis of resistance to Fusarium ear blight in cereal species is poorly understood. This is primarily due to the large size of cereal genomes and the expensive resources required to undertake gene function studies in cereals. We therefore explored the possibility of developing various model floral infection systems that would be more amenable to experimental manipulation and high-throughput gene function studies. The floral tissues of tobacco, tomato, soybean and Arabidopsis were inoculated with Fusarium conidia and this resulted in disease symptoms on anthers, anther filaments and petals in each plant species. However, only in Arabidopsis did this initial infection then spread into the developing siliques and seeds. A survey of 236 Arabidopsis ecotypes failed to identify a single genotype that was extremely resistant or susceptible to Fusarium floral infections. Three Arabidopsis floral mutants that failed to develop anthers and/or functional pollen (i.e. agamous-1, apetala1-3 and dad1) were significantly less susceptible to Fusarium floral infection than wild type. Deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin production was also detected in Fusarium-infected flowers at >1 ppm. This novel floral pathosystem for Arabidopsis appears to be highly representative of a serious cereal crop disease.  相似文献   
初选藤仓赤霉菌(Gibberella fujikuroi)农大17菌株为赤霉素A_4、A_7(GA_4、GA_7)的生产菌,该菌株GA_(4+7)的积累量,除与营养条件有关外,温度和pH是极为重要的因子,随着发酵温度从28℃上升至32℃,GA_(4+7)的产量由21μg/ml增至81μg/ml,GA_3由702μg/ml降至328μg/ml。pH回调至中性,GA_(4+7)的产量由75μg/ml增至180μg/ml,GA_3由322μg/ml降至211μg/ml。此外,设法延长发酵周期也是增加GA_(4+7)的一个因素。综合上述条件,即发酵过程中,发酵液的pH由48h前的4回调并维持在6.7左右,温度由28℃上调并控制在32℃,摇瓶培养12天,GA_(4+7)的产量达890μg/ml,20—600L发酵罐发酵240h,GA_(4+7)产量达680μg/ml左右。GA_(4+7)浓度的测定亦作了简化处理,发酵液不经提取,可直接用硅胶板G薄层层析(TLC)后进行荧光比色,产品测定宜采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)。按照上述条件培养的农大17菌株,产生GA_3、GA_7和GA_4的比例为23.131:16.105:31.258,GA_4高于有关报道。  相似文献   
Landraces of maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and its wild teosinte relatives (Zea mays spp. parviglumis and mexicana) were surveyed for sensitivity to fumonisin B(1), a phytotoxin produced by the maize pathogen Gibberella moniliformis. Only two of 42 Z. mays samples were highly insensitive to FB(1) (ED(50) = ca. 200 microM). The teosintes and 76% of the maize landraces were moderately or highly sensitive to FB(1) (ED(50) < or = 30 microM), which indicates that FB(1) sensitivity is likely to be an ancestral trait in Z. mays. F(1) generations derived from crosses between FB(1)-sensitive maize inbred B73 and insensitive landraces were significantly less sensitive than B73. Thus, our data indicate that FB(1)-insensitivity is a relatively rare but heritable trait in maize. We also report the sensitivity of maize to other Gibberella toxins - beauvericin, diacetoxyscirpenol, and moniliformin.  相似文献   
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