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Commercial samples of gelatin modified by succinylation and currently used as plasma substitutes and fractionated samples obtained by diafiltration have been studied by viscometry, light scattering and osmometry. Viscometric results show that the aqueous medium containing potassium phosphate (0.1 ) and NaCl (0.12 ) at pH 3.3 behaves nearly like a theta solvent (a=0.48) for these modified gelatins. The Stockmayer-Fixman diagram reveals a negative slope attributed to a swelling of the macromolecules which decreases as the molecular weight w increases. The Stokes radius RH determined by quasielastic light scattering is independent of the pH of the medium in a range 7-3.3. The conformation of gelatins in solution has been characterized through the ratio G· H−1, the radius of gyration G being determined by viscometry. This ratio decreases as the molecular weight increases. The low molecular weight fractions have a more compact structure than the Gaussian chains in theta conditions. For high molecuar weight fractions, the values of G· H−1 tend to those of an hard sphere.  相似文献   
A mild and reproducible method has been developed for the surface-immobilization of enzymes on glutaraldehyde crosslinked gelatin beads. In this method glutaraldehyde is used in a dual capacity, as crosslinking agent and as the enzyme coupling agent. Glucoamylase (exo-α-1,4-d-glucosidase, EC, β-d-fructofuranosidase (invertase, EC and β-d-glucoside (cellobiase, β-d-glucoside glucohydrolase, EC have been successfully immobilized by this method, on the surface of the crosslinked gelatin particles. The method can be combined with the existing technology for the production of gelatin-entrapped enzymes. Thus, dual immobilized enzyme conjugates of glucoamylase and invertase have been prepared using this method, by entrapment of one enzyme in, and surface-binding of the other to, the gelatin matrix. The coupling of glucoamylase onto cross-linked gelatin particles by precipitation with poly(hexamethylenebiguanide hydrochloride) was also tested.  相似文献   
Five physiological and biochemical characters, which had proved to be valuable for the taxonomy of the genus Chlorella, were studied in the genus Prototheca. There is no hydrogenase activity and no liquefaction of gelatin. Most strains are very acidtolerant (limit of growth at pH 2.0 or 2.5) and very salt-tolerant (limit of growth at 4 or 5% NaCl). Two strains grow well at 38°C. The 16 strains, which were previously assigned to seven taxa, fall into four different groups. Our results tend to support the assumption that Prototheca might be related to Chlorella protothecoides.  相似文献   
Most green gemmules of Spongilla lacustris survived enclosure in ice at –20 °C for up to 30 days; however, their rate of germination at 20 °C was less rapid than that of control gemmules. The length of time spent at low temperature had little effect on gemmule survival. In contrast, repeated cooling to –20 °C and warming to 4 °C led to a progressive decline in gemmule viability. These results indicate that cold injury occurs primarily during transitions between high and low temperatures.  相似文献   
The Great Barrier Reef sponge Luffariella variabilis (Poléjaeff 1884) produces a range of potent anti-inflammatory compounds as its major metabolites. These major metabolites—manoalide monoacetate, manoalide, luffariellin A and seco-manoalide—were monitored temporally and spatially to quantify the potential yield from wild harvest or aquaculture. Production of the major metabolites was hardwired at the population level with little variation in space and time over meters to tens of kilometers in the Palm Islands, Queensland, Australia. Manoalide monoacetate (35 to 70 mg g−1 dry weight of sponge) was consistently the most abundant compound followed by manoalide (15 to 20 mg g−1 dry weight). Luffariellin A and seco-manoalide were 10 to 70 times less abundant and varied between 0 and 3 mg g−1 dry weight. On a larger spatial scale, L. variabilis from Davies Reef and Magnetic Island contained the same rank order and yields of compounds as the Palm Islands, indicating a generality of pattern over at least 100 km. The “hardwiring” of metabolite production at the population level by L. variabilis was also reflected in the lack of any inductive effect on metabolite production. In addition, individually monitored sponges produced fixed ratios of the major metabolites over time (years). However, these ratios varied between individuals, with some individuals consistently producing high levels of manoalide and manoalide monoacetate, providing the potential for selection of high-yielding stocks.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The relatively high transfection efficiency of polyethylenimine (PEI) vectors has been hypothesized to be due to their ability to avoid trafficking to degradative lysosomes. According to the proton sponge hypothesis, the buffering capacity of PEI leads to osmotic swelling and rupture of endosomes, resulting in the release of the vector into the cytoplasm. METHODS: The mechanism of PEI-mediated DNA transfer was investigated using quantitative methods to study individual steps in the overall transfection process. In addition to transfection efficiency, the cellular uptake, local pH environment, and stability of vectors were analyzed. N-Quaternized (and therefore non-proton sponge) versions of PEI and specific cell function inhibitors were used to further probe the proton sponge hypothesis. RESULTS: Both N-quaternization and the use of bafilomycin A1 (a vacuolar proton pump inhibitor) reduced the transfection efficiency of PEI by approximately two orders of magnitude. Chloroquine, which buffers lysosomes, enhanced the transfection efficiency of N-quaternized PEIs and polylysine by 2-3-fold. In contrast, chloroquine did not improve the transfection efficiency of PEI. The measured average pH environment of PEI vectors was 6.1, indicating that they successfully avoid trafficking to acidic lysosomes. Significantly lower average pH environments were observed for permethyl-PEI (pH 5.4), perethyl-PEI (pH 5.1), and polylysine (pH 4.6) vectors. Cellular uptake levels of permethyl-PEI and perethyl-PEI vectors were found to be 20 and 90% higher, respectively, than that of parent PEI vectors, indicating that the reduction in transfection activity of the N-quaternized PEIs is due to a barrier downstream of cellular uptake. A polycation/DNA-binding affinity assessment showed that the more charge dense N-quaternized PEIs bind DNA less tightly than PEI, demonstrating that poor vector unpackaging was not responsible for the reduced transfection activity of the N-quaternized PEIs. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained are consistent with the proton sponge hypothesis and strongly suggest that the transfection activity of PEI vectors is due to their unique ability to avoid acidic lysosomes.  相似文献   
下丘脑Kiss1神经元产生的神经肽kisspeptin通过影响促性腺激素释放激素的分泌,参与青春期的启动、生殖系统的成熟以及排卵等过程的神经内分泌调节.Kiss1基因的表达受到包括多种反式调控因子及表观遗传的调控.预测与前期研究表明,miR-92a-3p、miR-25-3p的种子序列能够与Kiss1的3'-UTR直接结...  相似文献   
明胶颗粒凝集试验是测定HIV-1抗体的新方法。本研究将明胶颗粒凝集试验与ELISA法、蛋白印迹法和间接免疫荧光试验做了比较,观察本方法的敏感性和特异性。共检测了195份来自法国和非洲象牙海岸的血清,凡是蛋白印迹法阳性的血清,明胶颗粒凝试验都是阳性。这表明本方法是特异和敏感的,方法简便,不需特殊仪器,省时,可用于HIV-1抗体的筛选,但多数蛋白印迹法可疑的血清,明胶颗粒试验均阴性。因此,对蛋白印迹法测出的可疑者应该用数种方法进行追踪检测。  相似文献   
A total of 106 actinobacteria associated with the marine sponge Hymeniacidon perleve collected from the Yellow Sea, China were isolated using eight different media. The number of species and genera of actinobacteria recovered from the different media varied significantly, underlining the importance of optimizing the isolation conditions. The phylogenetic diversity of the actinobacteria isolates was assessed using 16S rRNA gene amplification–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the 106 strains with different morphologies. The RFLP fingerprinting of selected strains by HhaI-digestion of the 16S rRNA genes resulted in 11 different patterns. The HhaI-RFLP analysis gave good resolution for the identification of the actinobacteria isolates at the genus level. A phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the isolates belonged to seven genera of culturable actinobacteria including Actinoalloteichus, Micromonospora, Nocardia, Nocardiopsis, Pseudonocardia, Rhodococcus, and Streptomyces. The dominant genus was Streptomyces, which represented 74% of the isolates. Three of the strains identified are candidates for new species.  相似文献   
陕西镇巴早寒武世海绵骨针化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者对采自陕西省镇巴县下寒武统西蒿坪段和水井沱组下部碳酸盐岩地层的海绵骨针化石进行了研究。三叶虫及小壳化石的生物地层学资料表明西蒿坪段和水井沱组下段属于筇竹寺阶。化石经室内醋酸浸泡处理后获得,骨针化石保存较好、类型多样,其中属于六射海绵纲的骨针3类,普通海绵纲的骨针6类,分类未定的骨针1类(Nabaviellasp.);并详细地对各类骨针化石进行了描述。虽然普通海绵骨针类型多样,但六射海绵的骨针丰度远高于普通海绵。简要地探讨了海绵骨针的保存方式,对比和分析了西蒿坪段和水井沱组海绵骨针化石组成的差异。结合同时代产自皖南荷塘组和云南澄江动物群中特异保存的海绵软躯体化石资料,认为虽然海绵动物起源于新元古代末期,但躯体海绵化石和骨针化石都显示海绵动物的大辐射事件发生在早寒武世筇竹寺期。  相似文献   
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