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We present a single-step procedure for the specific mass labeling of unblocked protein N termini. We show that the dye fluorescamine, which is commonly assumed to require mildly alkaline conditions for undergoing a nonspecific reaction with α- and ε-amino groups associated with amino acids, in fact shows a specific reaction only with α-amino groups present at protein N termini when mildly acidic conditions are used. We use this finding to label, identify, and sequence the trypsinolysis-derived N-terminal peptide of lysozyme, using only mass spectrometry, to illustrate how this method could be used with other proteins.  相似文献   
Vaterite otoliths were sampled from two reared populations (Celtic and Clyde Seas) of juvenile herring Clupea harengus. The crystallography, elemental composition and morphometry were analysed and compared with those of normal aragonite otoliths. The incidence of vaterite otoliths in the juveniles sampled (n = 601) ranged from 7·8% in the Clyde population to 13·9% in the Celtic Sea population, and was 5·5% in the small sample (n = 36) of wild adults examined. In all but one case fish had only one vaterite otolith; the corresponding otolith of the pair was completely aragonite. Although the majority of the juveniles sampled showed craniofacial deformities, there was no link between the skull or jaw malformation and the incidence of vaterite otoliths. All vaterite otoliths had an aragonite inner area, and vaterite deposition began sometime after the age of 90 days. The vaterite otoliths were larger and lighter than their corresponding aragonite partners, and were less dense as a consequence of the vaterite crystal structure. The vaterite areas of the otoliths were depleted in Sr, Na and K. Concentrations of Mn were higher in the vaterite areas. The transition between the aragonite inner areas and the vaterite areas was sharply delineated. Within a small spatial scale (20 μm3) in the vaterite areas, however, there was co‐precipitation of both vaterite and aragonite. The composition of the aragonite cores in the vaterite otoliths was the same as in the cores of the normal aragonite otoliths indicating that the composition of the aragonite cores did not seed the shift to vaterite. Vaterite is less dense than aragonite, yet the concentrations of Ca analysed with wavelength‐dispersive spectrometry (WDS) were the same between the two polymorphs, indicating that Ca concentrations measured with WDS are not a good indicator of hypermineralized zones with high mineral density. The asymmetry in density and size of the otoliths may cause disruptions of hearing and pressure sensitivity for individual fish with one vaterite otolith, however, the presence of vaterite otoliths did not seem to affect the growth of these laboratory reared juvenile herring.  相似文献   
Iron-sulfur core extrusions from spinach [( 2Fe-2S]) and Clostridium pasteurianum (2[4Fe-4S]) ferredoxins in aqueous Triton X-100/urea containing excess benzenethiol yield quantitatively [FenSn(SPh)4]2- with n = 2 and n = 4, respectively. The iron-sulfur cluster can be separated from the corresponding apoprotein by rapid passage of the extrusion mixture over a small anaerobic column of Whatman DE-52 anion-exchange cellulose. Essentially quantitative recovery of [FenSn (SPh)4]2- is achieved in the eluate. The apoprotein remaining on the column can be eluted with 0.5 M NaCl. Most of the residual Triton X-100 and benzenethiol can be removed by passage of the apoprotein eluate over a small column of Bio-Beads SM-2, a hydrophobic polystyrene adsorbent. Apoprotein recovery is comparable to that obtained by other chromatographic methods. At least with spinach ferredoxin, the apoprotein prepared in this fashion can be reconstituted. The procedures developed in this work are potentially most applicable to selective removal of [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] centers from a multicenter enzyme without irreversible denaturation.  相似文献   
A new brain protein is described which forms an insoluble complex with tubulin, with concomitant stoichiometric hydrolysis of GTP. The complex contains a maximum of one tubulin-binding protein (MW 52,500) per two tubulin dimers. The tubulin-binding protein (TBP) does not compete with colchicine, but in the presence of microtubule-associated proteins tubulin appeared less accessible to it. Proteins such as TBP might sequester tubulin and thereby function either to inhibit indiscriminate polymerization, or to promote ordered nucleation by maintaining high local concentrations.  相似文献   
《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(7):1152-1161
The primary plant cell wall is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and protein in a stable matrix. The concomitant depolymerization of lignin by laccase and of hemicelluloses by xylanase can improve lignocellulose degradation in the production of second generation biofuels. A thermophilic variant of xylanase A (XynAG3) and the thermostable laccase (CotA), both from Bacillus subtilis, were produced in co-transformed Pichia pastoris strain GS115. Mobility changes in SDS-PAGE after Endo H digestion indicated that both enzymes were glycosylated. The maximum catalytic activity of the XynAG3Pp and the CotAPp was observed at 58 °C and 75 °C, respectively, and both enzymes presented high activity at pH 5.0. The half-life at 60 °C of XynAG3Pp and CotAPp was 150 min and 540 min, respectively. The relative levels of CotAPp and XynAG3Pp in culture broths were altered by the concentration of methanol used for induction, and CotAPp:XynAG3Pp ratios of 1:1.5 and 1:2 were evaluated against milled sugar-cane bagasse. The highest activity was observed at a 1:2 ratio of CotAPp:XynAG3Pp, and was 44% higher as compared to the sum of the activities of the individual enzymes in the same assay conditions. These results demonstrate the synergistic action between an endoxylanase and a laccase against the natural lignocellulosic substrate.  相似文献   
A mild and rapid method is described for isolating various milk proteins from bovine rennet whey. β-Lactoglobulin from bovine rennet whey was easily adsorbed on and desorbed from a weak anion exchanger, diethylaminoethyl-Toyopearl. However, α-lactalbumin could not be adsorbed onto the resin. α-Lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin from rennet whey could also be adsorbed and separated using a strong anion exchanger, quaternary aminoethyl-Toyopearl. The rennet whey was passed through a strong cation exchanger, sulphopropyl-Toyopearl, to separate lactoperoxidase and lactoferrin. α-Lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin were adsorbed onto quaternary aminoethyl-Toyopearl. α-Lactalbumin was eluted using a linear (0–0.15 M) concentration gradient of NaCl in 0.05 M Tris–HCl buffer (pH 8.5). Subsequently, β-lactoglobulin B and β-lactoglobulin A were eluted from the column with 0.05 M Tris–HCl (pH 6.8), using a linear (0.1–0.25 M) concentration gradient of NaCl. The yields were 1260 mg α-lactalbumin, 1290 mg β-lactoglobulin B and 2280 mg β-lactoglobulin A from 1 l rennet whey.  相似文献   
Oostatic hormone, the hormone that inhibits vitellogenesis in mosquitoes, was purified 7,000-fold with a recovery of 70% from the ovaries of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The purification procedure included heat treatment and chromatography on ion exchange and gel filtration columns. The hormone is a small peptidelike molecule of molecular weight 2,200 at pH 4.5, which aggregates into larger molecular species of trimer and octamer at pH 7.0 as determined by gel filtration. The hormone is positively charged at pH 7.8 and has a low Rf at pH 9.4 on disc gel electrophoresis. Injection of purified oostatic hormone (9 ng) into female mosquitoes inhibited yolk deposition and vitellogenin synthesis. Activity of the oostatic hormone in the mosquito ovary increased rapidly following blood feeding and reached a maximum after 48 h. Oostatic hormone of A. aegypti injected into autogenous Aedes taeniorhynchus inhibited egg development. Repeated injections of dilute oostatic hormone at 24 h intervals partially arrested egg development, resulting in 60% reduction in the number of eggs laid. This hormone does not block release of egg development neurosecretory hormone (EDNH) from the mosquito brain but rather appears to act on the ovary.  相似文献   
A selective procedure using synthetic substrates for determination of exo-1,4,-beta-glucanases in a mixture of exoglucanases , endoglucanases , and beta-glucosidases is formulated. The heterobiosides , p- nithrophenyl -beta-D- cellobioside ( pNPC ) or p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-lactoside ( pNPL ), were used as selective substrates for the measurement of exoglucanase activity. The exoglucanases (especially cellobiohydrolases , which split off cellobiose units from the nonreducing end of the cellulose chain) specifically act on the agluconic bond (between p-nitrophenyl and the disaccharide moiety) and not on the holosidic bond (between the two glucose units of cellobiose). The interfering effect of beta-glucosidase, which acts on both agluconic and holosidic bonds, is overcome by the addition of D-glucono-1,5-delta-lactone, a specific inhibitor of beta-glucosidases. The interference of endoglucanases , which also act on both agluconic and holosidic bonds, can be compensated for by prior standardization of the assay procedure with a purified endoglucanase from the studied mixture of cellulases.  相似文献   
Monoterpenoids from wood of Pinus quadrifolia and Pinus monophylla from south of the San Jacinto Mountains in southern California were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). The number of needles per fascicle, the number of resin canals, and the number of abaxial and adaxial stomatal rows in the needles were determined. Percentages of mycrene, α-pinene, and to a minor extent of camphene, β-pinene, limonene, and β-phellandrene, the above mentioned morphological characteristics and previously obtained data were all used for identification and characterisation of species intermediacy in the San Jacinto area. It was concluded that many P. quadrifolia trees in the mixed Buck Ridge stand and some trees in two pure stands of the same area were hybrids and that sympatric and to a lesser extent allopatric introgression of P. monophylla into P. quadrifolia takes place in the San Jacinto region. Introgression of P. quadrifolia into P. monophylla could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   
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