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Summary. Two Lys–Lys crosslinks, 1,3-bis-(5-amino-5-carboxypentyl)-1H-imidazolium (GOLD) and 1,3-bis(5-amino-5-carboxypentyl)-4-methyl-1H-imidazolium (MOLD) salts, have been synthesized by the reaction of imidazole or 4(5)-methyl imidazole with 5-(4-bromobutyl)-hydantoin followed by the hydrolysis of 1,3-substituted imidazolium derivatives by 6.0 N HCL at 110 °C. Treatment of GOLD and MOLD with hydrogen peroxide in acetic acid leads to MOLD oxidation only. The oxidation product of MOLD was detected in cataractous lens proteins.  相似文献   
Docking programs can generate subsets of a compound collection with an increased percentage of actives against a target (enrichment) by predicting their binding mode (pose) and affinity (score), and retrieving those with the highest scores. Using the QXP and GOLD programs, we compared the ability of six single scoring functions (PLP, Ligscore, Ludi, Jain, ChemScore, PMF) and four composite scoring models (Mean Rank: MR, Rank-by-Vote: Vt, Bayesian Statistics: BS and PLS Discriminant Analysis: DA) to separate compounds that are active against CDK2 from inactives. We determined the enrichment for the entire set of actives (IC50 < 10 microM) and for three activity subsets. In all cases, the enrichment for each subset was lower than for the entire set of actives. QXP outperformed GOLD at pose prediction, but yielded only moderately better enrichments. Five to six scoring functions yielded good enrichments with GOLD poses, while typically only two worked well with QXP poses. For each program, two scoring functions generally performed better than the others (Ligscore2 and Ludi for GOLD; QXP and Jain for QXP). Composite scoring functions yielded better results than single scoring functions. The consensus approaches MR and Vt worked best when separating micromolar inhibitors from inactives. The statistical approaches BS and DA, which require training data, performed best when distinguishing between low and high nanomolar inhibitors. The key observation that all hit rate profiles for all four activity intervals for all scoring schemes for both programs are significantly better than random, is evidence that docking can be successfully applied to enrich compound collections.  相似文献   
A growing body of evidence points towards smoking‐related phenotypic differences in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). As COPD is associated with systemic inflammation, we determined whether smoking status is related to serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase‐9 (pro‐ and active MMP‐9), neutrophil gelatinase‐associated lipocalin (NGAL) and the proMMP‐9/NGAL complex in patients with COPD. Serum samples were collected in 100 stable‐phase COPD patients (82 smokers, 18 never‐smokers) and 28 healthy adults (21 smokers, 7 never‐smokers). Serum levels of studied factors were measured in ELISA. Our data provide the first evidence of simultaneously elevated serum levels of MMP‐9, NGAL and proMMP‐9/NGAL in COPD smokers. While the triad discriminated between smokers and non‐smokers in the COPD group, MMP‐9 and proMMP‐9/NGAL (but not NGAL) discriminated between smokers with and without COPD. Adjustment for age and smoking pack‐years did not alter the findings. Serum MMP‐9, NGAL and proMMP‐9/NGAL levels were not correlated with the GOLD stage or FEV1 decline. Furthermore, serum levels of neutrophil elastase (NE) and MMP‐3 (but not of IL‐6 and MMP‐12) were also higher in COPD smokers than in healthy smokers before and after adjustment for age and pack‐years. Among COPD smokers, levels of MMP‐9, NGAL and proMMP‐9/NGAL were positively correlated with NE (P < 0.0001) but not with the remaining factors. Gelatin zymography detected proMMP‐9 in serum samples of healthy and COPD smoking groups. Our results suggest that associated serum levels of proMMP‐9, NGAL, proMMP‐9/NGAL and NE may reflect the state of systemic inflammation in COPD related to cigarette smoking.  相似文献   
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a biomarker used in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and to monitor therapeutic response. However, its precise role in prostate carcinogenesis and metastasis remains largely unknown. A number of studies arguing in the favor of an active role of PSA in prostate cancer development and progression have implicated this serine protease in the release and activation of growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) through cleavage of insulin like growth factor binding protein 3 and Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-beta) through cleavage of Latent TGF-beta. In contrast, other studies suggest that PSA activity might hinder tumor development and progression. In light of these contradictory findings, efficient inhibitors of PSA are needed for exploring its biological role in tumor development and metastasis. Towards the goal of developing potent inhibitors of PSA, we have explored the molecular mechanism of a series of beta-lactam based compounds on binding to PSA using activity assays, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization with a time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and GOLD docking methodology. The mass spectrometry experiments and the activity assays confirmed the time-dependent and covalent nature of beta-lactam binding. To gain insights on the reaction intermediates at the molecular level, we docked beta-lactam inhibitors to a homology modeled PSA using the GOLD docking program in noncovalent and covalent binding modes. The docking studies elucidated the molecular details of the early noncovalent Michaelis complex, the acyl-enzyme covalent complex, and the nature of conformational reorganization required for the long term stability of the covalent complex. Additionally, the molecular basis for the effect of stereochemistry of the lactam ring on the inhibitory potency was elucidated through docking of beta-lactam enantiomers. As a validation of our docking methodology, two novel enantiomers were synthesized and evaluated for their inhibitory potency using fluorogenic substrate based activity assays. Additionally, cis enantiomers of eight beta-lactam compounds reported in a previous study were docked and their GOLD scores and binding modes were analyzed in order to assess the general applicability of our docking results. The close agreement of our docking results with the experimental data validates the mechanistic insights revealed through the docking studies and paves the way for the design and development of potent and specific inhibitors of PSA.  相似文献   
The protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica is the etiologic agent of amebiasis, a major global public health problem, particularly in developing countries. There is an effective anti-amoebic drug available, however its long term use produces undesirable side effects. As E. histolytica is a micro-aerophilic organism, it is sensitive to high levels of oxygen and the enzymes that are involved in protecting against oxygen-stress are crucial for its survival. Therefore serine acetyltransferase, an enzyme involved in cysteine biosynthesis, was used as a target for identifying potential inhibitors. Virtual screening with Escherichia coli serine acetyltransferase was carried out against the National Cancer Institute chemical database utilizing molecular docking tools such as GOLD and FlexX. The initial analysis yielded 11 molecules of which three compounds were procured and tested for biological activity. The results showed that these compounds partially block activity of the E. coli enzyme and the growth of E. histolytica trophozoites but not mammalian cells.  相似文献   
Scoring to identify high‐affinity compounds remains a challenge in virtual screening. On one hand, protein–ligand scoring focuses on weighting favorable and unfavorable interactions between the two molecules. Ligand‐based scoring, on the other hand, focuses on how well the shape and chemistry of each ligand candidate overlay on a three‐dimensional reference ligand. Our hypothesis is that a hybrid approach, using ligand‐based scoring to rank dockings selected by protein–ligand scoring, can ensure that high‐ranking molecules mimic the shape and chemistry of a known ligand while also complementing the binding site. Results from applying this approach to screen nearly 70 000 National Cancer Institute (NCI) compounds for thrombin inhibitors tend to support the hypothesis. EON ligand‐based ranking of docked molecules yielded the majority (4/5) of newly discovered, low to mid‐micromolar inhibitors from a panel of 27 assayed compounds, whereas ranking docked compounds by protein–ligand scoring alone resulted in one new inhibitor. Since the results depend on the choice of scoring function, an analysis of properties was performed on the top‐scoring docked compounds according to five different protein–ligand scoring functions, plus EON scoring using three different reference compounds. The results indicate that the choice of scoring function, even among scoring functions measuring the same types of interactions, can have an unexpectedly large effect on which compounds are chosen from screening. Furthermore, there was almost no overlap between the top‐scoring compounds from protein–ligand versus ligand‐based scoring, indicating the two approaches provide complementary information. Matchprint analysis, a new addition to the SLIDE (Screening Ligands by Induced‐fit Docking, Efficiently) screening toolset, facilitated comparison of docked molecules' interactions with those of known inhibitors. The majority of interactions conserved among top‐scoring compounds for a given scoring function, and from the different scoring functions, proved to be conserved interactions in known inhibitors. This was particularly true in the S1 pocket, which was occupied by all the docked compounds. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Marine derivatives are of great pharmaceutical interest as inhibitory compound and search of bioactive compounds from Marine organism which is relatively new to medicinal chemistry. Our main aim in the study is to screen possible inhibitors against CCR5 which acts as co-receptor M-tropic HIV-1, through virtual screening of 122 Marine derived compounds from various organisms known to have biological activity. Homology Model of CCR5 was constructed using MODELLER and the Model was energy minimized and validated using PROCHECK to obtain a stable structure, which was further used for virtual screening of Marine derived compounds through molecular Docking studies using GOLD. The Docked complexes were validated and Enumerated based on the GOLD Scoring function to pick out the best Marine inhibitor based on GOLD score. Thus from the entire 122 Marine compounds which were Docked, we got best 4 of them with optimal GOLD Score. (LAMIVUDINE: 45.0218, BATZELLINE-D: 44.3852.ACYCLOVIR: 43.1362 and THIIOACETAMIDE: 42.7412) Further the Complexes were analyzed through LIGPLOT for their interaction for the 4 best docked Marine compounds. Thus from the Complex scoring and binding ability its deciphered that these Marine compounds could be promising inhibitors for M-tropic HIV-1 using CCR5 as Drug target yet pharmacological studies have to confirm it.  相似文献   
Ribulose-1, 5- Bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (RubisCO) catalyzes the first step in net photosynthetic assimilation and photorespiratory carbon oxidation. The activity of this enzyme is modulated in response to changes in light intensity as suggested in a number of early reports. Several studies found that the natural inhibitor 2CA1P is involved in the inhibition of the enzyme under reduced light intensity in rice (Oryza sativa). Due to the lack of studies and information on the interaction between this inhibitor and the active site of the enzyme, we attempted to predict the interaction between the amino acids in the active site and the inhibitor using both Hyperchem7.5 and GOLD software. After the docking; three possibilities having the highest fitness score were found (65.71, 64.72, 62.04), in these possibilities the inhibitor was bound to the enzyme, the phosphate and carboxylate groups in the same positions with a clear difference in the position of OH. In order to confirm the accuracy of the genetic algorithm, the artificial inhibitor 2CABP was docked back in the active site of the enzyme using the same parameters used in the case of the 2CA1P and the algorithm''s predictions were compared with the experimentally observed binding mode. The results showed that the difference in the active sites before and after the docking was in the range of 0.93 Å which indicated that the results were very accurate. Depending on this result it was concluded that the results obtained in the case of the 2CA1P were close to the experimental results.  相似文献   
Molecular docking has been performed to investigate the binding mode of (-)-meptazinol (MEP) with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and to screen bis-meptazinol (bis-MEP) derivatives for preferable synthetic candidates virtually. A reliable and practical docking method for investigation of AChE ligands was established by the comparison of two widely used docking programs, FlexX and GOLD. In our hands, we had more luck using GOLD than FlexX in reproducing the experimental poses of known ligands (RMSD<1.5 A). GOLD fitness values of known ligands were also in good agreement with their activities. In the present GOLD docking protocol, (-)-MEP seemed to bind with the enzyme catalytic site in an open-gate conformation through strong hydrophobic interactions and a hydrogen bond. Virtual screening of a potential candidate compound library suggested that the most promising 15 bis-MEP derivatives on the list were mainly derived from (-)-MEP with conformations of (S,S) and (SR,RS) and with a 2- to 7-carbon linkage. Although there are still no biological results to confirm the predictive power of this method, the current study could provide an alternate tool for structural optimization of (-)-MEP as new AChE inhibitors. [Figure: see text].  相似文献   
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