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Monoclonal antibodies against chick embryonic beta-galactoside-binding lectin were obtained. One of the monoclonal antibodies was ineffective in Western blotting and seemed to be unable to bind the SDS-denatured lectin. When the native lectin was dotted on a nitrocellulose filter and subjected to denaturation by treatment with SDS, urea or heat, binding of this antibody no longer occurred, though other monoclonal antibodies bound normally. This antibody seems to have been raised against an epitope which is destroyed upon denaturation.  相似文献   
The chromatographic analysis of carboxyl-containing mycotoxins, such as fumonisin B1, ochratoxin A, and citrinin, presents a continual challenge. Toxins must first be extracted from foods or tissues and then cleaned up before chromatographic separation and detection. Liquid–liquid extraction efficiencies for some carboxylic mycotoxins are marginal for spiked samples and uncertain for incurred residues. Immunoaffinity columns may be useful for concentrating mycotoxins from samples before chromatography. In almost every case, more than one analytical method must be used to confirm the identification of the mycotoxin. The fumonisins are especially troublesome to analyze because they are relatively insoluble in organic solvents, they are not separated easily by gas chromatography, and they do not respond to the usual absorbance or fluorescence detectors used in liquid chromatography. Fluorescence derivatization and electrospray liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry have now made it possible to detect trace levels of mycotoxins. The purity of mycotoxin standards for toxicological studies can be determined by liquid chromatography with either an evaporative light scattering detector or electrospray mass spectrometer. New developments in capillary electrophoresis, nonporous microsphere liquid chromatography, and detection methods for low-volatility compounds show promise for improving the analysis of mycotoxins in the future.  相似文献   
Using an insoluble inorganic salt precipitation technique, the permeability of cell walls and especially of endodermal Casparian bands (CBs) for ions was tested in young roots of corn (Zea mays) and rice (Oryza sativa). The test was based on suction of either 100 µm CuSO4 or 200 µm K4[Fe(CN)6] into the root from its medium using a pump (excised roots) or transpirational stream (intact seedlings), and subsequent perfusion of xylem of those root segments with the opposite salt component, which resulted in precipitation of insoluble brown crystals of copper ferrocyanide. Under suction, Cu2+ could cross the endodermis apoplastically in both plant species (although at low rates) developing brown salt precipitates in cell walls of early metaxylem and in the region between CBs and functioning metaxylem vessels. Hence, at least Cu2+ did cross the endodermis dragged along with the water. The results suggested that CBs were not perfect barriers to apoplastic ion fluxes. In contrast, ferrocyanide ions failed to cross the mature endodermis of both corn and rice at detectable amounts. The concentration limit of apoplastic copper was 0.8 µm at a perfusion with 200 µm K4[Fe(CN)6]. Asymmetric development of precipitates suggested that the cation, Cu2+, moved faster than the anion, [Fe(CN)6]4–, through cell walls including CBs. Using Chara cell wall preparations (‘ghosts’) as a model system, it was observed that, different from Cu2+, ferrocyanide ions remained inside wall-tubes suggesting a substantially lower permeability of the latter which agreed with the finding of an asymmetric development of precipitates. In both corn and rice roots, there was a significant apoplastic flux of ions in regions where laterals penetrated the endodermis. Overall, the results show that the permeability of CBs to ions is not zero. CBs do not represent a perfect barrier for ions, as is usually thought. The permeability of CBs may vary depending on growth conditions which are known to affect the intensity of formation of bands.  相似文献   
Anin situ method, derived from anin vivo method, was used to determine nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in:i) excised barley and corn shoots and excised soybean leaves during a N-depletion experiment and; ii) roots and shoots of N-depleted barley and corn seedlings during induction of nitrate, reductase (NR). Nitrate reduction, calculated from thesein situ RNA measurements, was compared with estimates of each organ's nitrate reduction in light aerobic conditions from NO 3 consumption and a15N model (Gojonet al., 1986b). Thein situ RNA of roots strongly underestimated their15NO 3 reduction. In contrast, in barley and corn shoots and in the first trifoliolate leaves from 26-day-old, soybean, thein situ NRA assay gave a fair approximation of the true NO 3 reduction rate (relative differences ranging from −14 to +32%). In young soybean leaves (from 20-day-old plants), however, thein situ NRA strongly underestimated the actual NO 3 reduction. The physiological significance of thein situ NRA assay in shoots and roots, and its value for field studies are discussed from these results.  相似文献   
K. A. Fairley  N. A. Walker 《Protoplasma》1989,153(1-2):111-116
Summary Cell wall regeneration around protoplasts from Black Mexican Sweet corn suspension cells has been observed using scanning electron microscopy. A coherent array of cellulose microfibrils can be seen around protoplasts two hours after they have been isolated. This array does not form in the presence of 15 mg/l Congo Red. The frequency and electrical resistance of seals made between patch clamp pipettes and the plasmalemma around corn protoplasts is not significantly affected by the presence or absence of these fibrils (p0=0.75); it remains relatively low. Some single channel records from BMS corn protoplasts are shown.  相似文献   
Rank transformation of specific activity values of -amylase across four strains of Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and four strains of S. zeamais Motschulsky indicates that levels of these predominant enzymes are highest in adults feeding on hulled barley or long-grain brown rice. Intermediate activity levels are found in weevils feeding on yellow corn (maize) and lowest levels are found in wheat-fed weevils. Although extracts prepared from barley contain inhibitory activity against two purified isoamylases from S. oryzae, levels of the naturally-occurring -amylase inhibitors against these two enzymes are about 2.2-fold and 6.1-fold, respectively, more concentrated in wheat. Ingestion of these amylase inhibitors and formation of an inactive enzyme:inhibitor complex with previously secreted amylase may account for the lower activity of amylase in weevils of both species feeding on wheat. Amylase levels across all strains feeding on a given diet are about 2-fold higher in S. oryzae than in S. zeamais. Significant differences in activity levels were also found between strains in both species. Since -amylase is a predominant digestive hydrolase in these species, the degree to which cereal diets affect amylase levels may indicate their suitability as potential hosts.
Résumé La transformation de rang des valeur d'activité spécifique de l'-amylase de 4 souches de S. oryzae et de 4 souches de S. zeamais montre que les niveaux les plus élevés de ces enzymes prédominantes s'observent chez les adultes nourris d'orge mondé ou de riz brun á grains longs. Des niveaux intermédiaires d'activité ont été obtenus chez les insectes élevés sur maïs jaune, et les niveaux les plus faibles chez ceux élevés sur blé. Bien que les extraits préparés à partir d'orge présentent une activité inhibitrice de deux isoamylases purifiées de S. oryzae, les niveaux des inhibiteurs naturels -amylase de ces deux enzymes sont environ respectivement 2,2 et 6,1 fois plus concentrés dans le blé. L'ingestion de ces inhibiteurs d'amylase et la formation d'un complexe enzyme inactive/inhibiteur avec l'amylase secrétée antérieurement, peut rendre compte de la plus faible activité de l'amylase chez les charançons consommant du blé. Le niveau d'amylase de S. oryzae est 2 fois plus élevé que celui de S. zeamais pour toutes les souches élevées sur un régime donné. Des niveaux d'activité significativement différents ont été trouvés suivant les souches pour chacune des deux espèces. Puisque l'amylase est la principale hydrolase digestive de ces espèces, l'intensité de la modification des teneurs en amylase par la consommation de céréales peut indiquer leur adéquation comme hôtes potentiels.
Summary Southern Corn Leaf Blight is caused by a toxin produced by a virulent form ofHelminthosporium maydis (Race T). The toxin has been shown to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation and dissipate Ca2+ gradients in mitochondria isolated from susceptible, but not resistant, corn. The possibility that the toxin acted by increasing the permeability of membranes to ions was tested using a planar bilayer membrane system. Addition of the toxin to the bilayer system, under voltage-clamp conditions, resulted in stepwise increases in current across the phospholipid bilayer, a response characteristic for channel formers. Single-channel conductance in 1m KCl is 27 pS which corresponds to 1.7×107 ions sec–1 channel–1 at 100 mV applied potential. The toxin channels are: (i) fairly uniform in conductance, (ii) ideally selective for K+ over Cl, and (iii) most conductive to H+. The channel showed the following selectivity for alkali metal cations: Rb+>K+>Cs+>Na+>Li+ (169731) based on the most frequently observed conductance in 1m chloride salts. The toxin showed no voltage dependence over the range of –100 to +100 mV. Channel formation was also a property of a synthetic analog (Cmpd IV) of the toxin. The ability of the native toxin to form channels may be a mode of toxin action on mitochondrial membranes from susceptible corn.  相似文献   
Summary Protein A of Staphylococcus aureus is an Fc receptor for IgG that has been used as a therapeutic reagent to treat cancer in humans and experimental animals. We used ultracentrifugation combined with analysis of isolated fractions by radioimmunoprecipitation and competitive radioimmunoassay with chicken antibodies that bind free protein A or protein A in complexes but do bind free immunoglobulin reagents to localize and characterize the types of complexes formed with different molar ratios of 125I-protein A and human 131I-IgG alone or in serum, and 1311-Fc fragments. This approach offers a distinct advantage over direct counting of radioactivity in the fractions because resolution of complexes and free reagents is much improved. With excess 131I-IgG or 1311-Fc, all the 125I-protein A is present only in complexes that contained 4 molecules of immunoglobulin reagent and 2 molecules of protein A (4:2 complexes), whereas with excess 125I-protein A the stoichiometry of the complexes was 1:1. We have also shown the preformed 4:2 and 1:1 complexes will interconvert in the presence of added excess protein A or IgG, respectively, and that fresh IgG will exchange with IgG or Fc in preformed complexes. Because protein A has been found to elute from an immobilized reagent used in serotherapy of human cancer and is present in a large excess of IgG, the 4:2 complexes may play an active role in the tumoricidal or toxic reactions observed.Abbreviations SpA protein A of Staphyloccus aureus - VBS EDTA gel, 0.0055 M veronal buffered saline containing 0.01 M EDTA and 0.1% gelatin, pH 7.4 - PBS 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4  相似文献   
A mycological survey was carried out on wheat heads from the main production area of Argentina. The isolation frequency and relative density of species from genus Fusarium and dematiaceous fungi were calculated. F graminearum was the predominant Fusarium species; similar to that observed in the USA and Canada. An analysis of deoxynivalenol (DON) natural contamination also was performed on a limited number (44) of samples. DON contamination levels in positive samples ranged from 0.2 to 30 ppm. A stepwise regression procedure showed that, among the species analysed, F. graminearum relative density was related to the DON contamination level and that other prevalent fungi did not influence or modify that relationship.  相似文献   
Soil samples from forest and agricultural sites in three areas of southwest France were collected to determine the effect of forest conversion to continuous intensive corn cropping with no organic matter management on soil organic carbon (C) content. Soils were humic loamy soils and site characteristics that may affect soil C were as uniform as possible (slope, elevation, texture, soil type, vegetation). Three areas were selected, with adjacent sites of various ages of cultivation (3 to 35 yr), and paired control forest sites. The ploughed horizon (0-Dt cm) and the Dt-50 cm layer were collected at each agricultural site. In forest sites, each 10 cm layer was collected systematically down to 1 meter depth. Carbon concentrations were converted to total content to a given depth as the product of concentration, depth of sample and bulk density, and expressed in units of kg m-2. For each site and each sampled layer, the mineral mass of soil was calculated, in order to base comparisons on the same soil mass rather than the same depth. The pattern of C accumulation in forest soils showed an exponential decrease with depth. Results suggested that soil organic carbon declined rapidly during the first years of cultivation, and at a slower rate thereafter. This pattern of decrease can be fitted by a bi-exponential model assuming that initial soil organic carbon can be separated into two parts, a very labile pool reduced during the first rapid decline and more refractory fractions oxidizing at a slower rate. Sampling to shallow depths (0-Dt cm) resulted in over-estimation of the rate of carbon release in proportion to the initial amount of C, and in under-estimation of the total loss of C with age. The results for the 0–50 cm horizon indicated that losses of total carbon average about 50% in these soils, ranging in initial carbon content from 19 to 32.5 kg m-2. Carbon release to the atmosphere averaged 0.8 kg m-2 yr-1 to 50 cm depth during the first 10 years of cultivation. The results demonstrate that temperate soils may also be an important source of atmospheric carbon, when they are initially high in carbon content and then cultivated intensively with no organic matter management.  相似文献   
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