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Increasing evidence suggests that apolipoprotein D (apoD) could play a major role in mediating neuronal degeneration and regeneration in the CNS and the PNS. To investigate further the temporal pattern of apoD expression after experimental traumatic brain injury in the rat, male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to unilateral cortical impact injury. The animals were killed and examined for apoD mRNA and protein expression and for immunohistological analysis at intervals from 15 min to 14 days after injury. Increased apoD mRNA and protein levels were seen in the cortex and hippocampus ipsilateral to the injury site from 48 h to 14 days after the trauma. Immunohistological investigation demonstrated a differential pattern of apoD expression in the cortex and hippocampus, respectively: Increased apoD immunoreactivity in glial cells was detected from 2 to 3 days after the injury in cortex and hippocampus. In contrast, increased expression of apoD was seen in cortical and hippocampal neurons at later time points following impact injury. Concurrent histopathological examination using hematoxylin and eosin demonstrated dark, shrunken neurons in the cortex ipsilateral to the injury site. In contrast, no evidence of cell death was observed in the hippocampus ipsilateral to the injury site up to 14 days after the trauma. No evidence of increased apoD mRNA or protein expression or neuronal pathology by hematoxylin and eosin staining was detected in the contralateral cortex and hippocampus. Our results reveal induction of apoD expression in the cortex and hippocampus following traumatic brain injury in the rat. Our data also suggest that increased apoD expression may play an important role in cortical neuronal degeneration after brain injury in vivo. However, increased expression of apoD in the hippocampus may not necessarily be indicative of neuronal death.  相似文献   
Kinetic parameters of 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethyl urea (DCMU)-induced inhibition of electron transport in chloroplast thylakoids isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Oregon 1604 were determined from analysis of a convergent, parallel electrical circuit. Through this analogue, the apparent affinity of the purported binding site for DCMU (K1) and the relative amount of DCMU-insensitive electron transport (vmax1/vo) were obtained using a reiterative non-linear least squares curve-fitting procedure. Exposure of thylakoids to heat caused a gradual increase in K1 (or decrease in the affinity of the thylakoid for DCMU) with an apparent activation energy of 134 kJ mol−1. Tryptic susceptibility of a protein region regulating K1 also decreased gradually with exposure to 45°C, suggesting that the heat-induced increase in K1 might be due to a protein conformational change. On the other hand, thylakoid exposure to 45°C resulted in a rapid (<5 min) irreversible increase in vmaxI/vo, which was also the apparent result of a conformational change in a region of the protein which regulates this function. These results are suggestive of the existence of differential thermal sensitivities of proteins within the thylakoids and, perhaps, of different regions within a single membrane protein.  相似文献   
The receptor tyrosine kinases ErbB2 and ErbB3 are phosphorylated in response to injury of the airway epithelium. Since we have shown that the membrane mucin MUC4 can act as a ligand/modulator for ErbB2, affecting its localization in polarized epithelial cells and its phosphorylation, we questioned whether Muc4 was involved, along with ErbB2 and ErbB3, in the damage response of airway epithelia. To test this hypothesis, we first examined the localization of MUC4 in human airway samples. Both immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence showed a co‐localization of MUC4 and ErbB2 at the airway luminal surface. Sequential immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting from airway cells demonstrated that the MUC4 and ErbB2 are present as a complex in airway epithelial cells. To assess the participation of MUC4 in the damage response, cultures of NCI‐H292 or airway cells were scratch‐wounded, then analyzed for association of phospho‐ErbB2 and ‐ErbB3 with MUC4 by sequential immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. Wounded cultures exhibited increased phosphorylation of both receptors in complex with MUC4. Scratch wounding also increased activation of the downstream pathway through Akt, as predicted from our previous studies on Muc4 effects on ErbB2 and ErbB3. The participation of MUC4 in the phosphorylation response was also indicated by siRNA repression of MUC4 expression, which resulted in diminution of the phosphorylation of ErbB2 and ErbB3. These studies provide a new model for the airway epithelial damage response, in which the MUC4–ErbB2 complex is a key element in the sensor mechanism and phosphorylation of the receptors. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 112–122, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Transecting the axons of neurons in the adult superior cervical ganglion (SCG; axotomy) results in the survival of most postganglionic neurons, the influx of circulating monocytes, proliferation of satellite cells, and changes in neuronal gene expression. In contrast, transecting the afferent input to the SCG (decentralization) results in nerve terminal degeneration and elicits a different pattern of gene expression. We examined the effects of decentralization on macrophages in the SCG and compared the results to those previously obtained after axotomy. Monoclonal antibodies were used to identify infiltrating (ED1+) and resident (ED2+) macrophages, as well as macrophages expressing MHC class II molecules (OX6+). Normal ganglia contained ED2+ cells and OX6+ cells, but few infiltrating macrophages. After decentralization, the number of infiltrating ED1+ cells increased in the SCG to a density about twofold greater than that previously seen after axotomy. Both the densities of ED2+ and OX6+ cells were essentially unchanged after decentralization, though a large increase in OX6+ cells occurred after axotomy. Proliferation among the ganglion's total non‐neuronal cell population was examined and found to increase about twofold after decentralization and about fourfold after axotomy. Double‐labeling experiments indicated that some of these proliferating cells were macrophages. After both surgical procedures, the percentage of proliferating ED2+ macrophages increased, while neither procedure altered the proliferation of ED1+ macrophages. Axotomy, though not decentralization, increased the proliferation of OX6+ cells. Future studies must address what role(s) infiltrating and/or resident macrophages play in regions of decentralized and axotomized neurons and, if both are involved, whether they play distinct roles. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 53: 68–79, 2002  相似文献   
Peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding sites (PTBBS) are markedly increased in the injured CNS. Astrocytes appear to be the primary cell type which express increased PTBBS. Because certain cytokines within the injured CNS are potent mitogens for astrocytes, we examined the effects of two such cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), on PTBBS in cultured astrocytes using [3H]Ro 5-4864 as the specific ligand. Purified cultures of either polygonal or process-bearing astrocytes were prepared from neonatal rat cerebral hemispheres. At a concentration of 1.8 nM, specific binding of the radioactive ligand to polygonal astrocytes reached equilibrium within 60 min and was half-maximal by 5-10 min. By contrast, specific binding to process-bearing astrocytes barely exceeded background levels. IL-1 and TNF increased PTBBS within polygonal astrocytes in both dose- and time-dependent manners. At 10-50 ng/ml, IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha elevated [3H]Ro 5-4864 binding in polygonal astrocyte cultures 65 and 87%, respectively, above the level in control cultures. However, no changes in PTBBS were seen within polygonal astrocytes after IL-2 treatment. Scatchard analysis of saturation binding experiments suggested that the increase in PTBBS promoted by TNF was due to an increased number of binding sites present in polygonal astrocytes and not due to an increase in receptor affinity. Binding data suggested that PTBBS within cultures of process-bearing astrocytes were virtually absent irrespective of the treatment. These in vitro data suggest that certain cytokines found in the injured brain may be involved in up-regulating PTBBS within a particular subtype of astrocyte.  相似文献   
The isolated blood-perfused lung preparation is widely used to visualize and define signaling in single microvessels. By coupling this preparation with real time imaging, it becomes feasible to determine permeability changes in individual pulmonary microvessels. Herein we describe steps to isolate rat lungs and perfuse them with autologous blood. Then, we outline steps to infuse fluorophores or agents via a microcatheter into a small lung region. Using these procedures described, we determined permeability increases in rat lung microvessels in response to infusions of bacterial lipopolysaccharide. The data revealed that lipopolysaccharide increased fluid leak across both venular and capillary microvessel segments. Thus, this method makes it possible to compare permeability responses among vascular segments and thus, define any heterogeneity in the response. While commonly used methods to define lung permeability require postprocessing of lung tissue samples, the use of real time imaging obviates this requirement as evident from the present method. Thus, the isolated lung preparation combined with real time imaging offers several advantages over traditional methods to determine lung microvascular permeability, yet is a straightforward method to develop and implement.  相似文献   
《Free radical research》2013,47(6-7):451-462

Aging and neurodegenerative diseases share oxidative stress cell damage and depletion of endogenous antioxidants as mechanisms of injury, phenomena that are occurring at different rates in each process. Nevertheless, as the central nervous system (CNS) consists largely of lipids and has a poor catalase activity, a low amount of superoxide dismutase and is rich in iron, its cellular components are damaged easily by overproduction of free radicals in any of these physiological or pathological conditions. Thus, antioxidants are needed to prevent the formation and to oppose the free radicals damage to DNA, lipids, proteins, and other biomolecules. Due to endogenous antioxidant defenses are inadequate to prevent damage completely, different efforts have been undertaken in order to increase the use of natural antioxidants and to develop antioxidants that might ameliorate neural injury by oxidative stress. In this context, natural antioxidants like flavonoids (quercetin, curcumin, luteolin and catechins), magnolol and honokiol are showing to be the efficient inhibitors of the oxidative process and seem to be a better therapeutic option than the traditional ones (vitamins C and E, and β-carotene) in various models of aging and injury in vitro and in vivo conditions. Thus, the goal of the present review is to discuss the molecular basis, mechanisms of action, functions, and targets of flavonoids, magnolol, honokiol and traditional antioxidants with the aim of obtaining better results when they are prescribed on aging and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
Large numbers of European ash have died in Poland in all age classes during the last ten years. The characteristic symptom occurring on shoots of planted and self‐sown seedlings was bark necroses starting from the shoot apex, necrotic buds, or leaf and twig scars. The results showed that in the bud tissue of cold acclimated European ash extracellular and intracellular ice formation occurred at approximately ?9 and ?32°C, respectively. In deacclimated plants in spring water supercooling is limited by the heterogenous ice nucleation temperature and consequently the cold tolerance is ?9 to ?4°C for bud tissues and ?13 to ?9°C for shoots. Isolations of fungi were performed from dead buds and from necroses occurring on the main stem. Alternaria alternata, Fusarium lateritium and Phomopsis scobina were among the fungi occurring in both these organs at frequencies of more than 7%. Cylindrocarpon heteronemum, Diplodia mutila and Tubercularia vulgaris from necroses were only isolated in frequencies; 3.3, 1.2 and 5.4%, respectively. It seems likely that freezing injury is the inciting factor, which combined with fungal colonization manifests itself as fatal damage to European ash buds and shoots.  相似文献   
Several models of erosive peptic disease have used drug-induced lesions to examine protective mechanisms of the gastric mucosa. Physiological processes such as acid secretion, motility, or epithelial cell turnover have circadian rhythms which may modulate the susceptibility of the gastric mucosa to injury. In this review are described recent studies which demonstrated that susceptibility to gastric mucosal injury by acidified aspirin and absolute ethanol varied with the phases of the light-dark cycle. Acidified aspirin caused significantly more gastric mucosal lesions when administered early in the light phase compared to administration early in the dark phase. The differences in susceptibility were not altered by pretreatment conditions such as immobilization or length of the fasting period. Absolute ethanol also caused significantly greater gastric mucosal injury when administered in the light than in the dark phase, but this difference was only evident in rats immobilized during the pretreatment fasting period. Further studies are needed to correlate circadian susceptibility to drug-induced gastric mucosal injury with physiological defense mechanisms. Careful attention to circadian timekeeping may allow us to refine therapy to optimize physiological defense mechanisms in the stomach.  相似文献   
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