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ABSTRACT.   For burrow-nesting seabirds, investigators have examined nestling diet by attaching harnesses to the bills of nestlings to intercept food delivered by the parent. To determine whether this method provides an unbiased estimate of nestling diet, we evaluated its effect on the provisioning behavior of Tufted Puffins ( Fratercula cirrhata ) nesting on Triangle Island, British Columbia. Adults delivering food to nestlings with bill harnesses always hesitated before entering a burrow with food, increasing their susceptibility to kleptoparasitism by gulls, and did not always leave the food intended for the nestling. These responses by adult puffins could lead to underestimates of energy intake rates of nestlings and unreliable comparisons with other species if prey left by adults in nest burrows were the only source of data. We also compared estimates of the species, number, and size of prey delivered by adult puffins as determined by direct observation from blinds to samples of prey collected directly from nest burrows and found that the two sampling techniques produced similar results. However, identifying rare prey species and gathering precise information about prey length, mass, and condition require collection of prey, and we recommend using a combination of techniques to obtain the most reliable estimates of nestling diet.  相似文献   
Aim We examined patterns of covariation among piscivorous and planktivorous seabirds breeding at St Lazaria Island in order to evaluate their responses to interannual changes in sea surface temperature, a variable that affects marine food webs. In addition, we evaluated seabird population trends for responses to decadal‐scale changes in the marine ecosystem. Location St Lazaria Island, Sitka Sound, Alaska. Methods Established seabird monitoring protocols for the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge were followed in estimating population trends, the timing of nesting events and the reproductive success of eight species of seabirds between 1994 and 2006. Results  Population increases were noted for storm‐petrels (Oceanodroma furcata and O. leucorhoa), rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) and glaucous‐winged gulls (Larus glaucescens). We found no population trend for pelagic cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus), but it appeared that populations of common (Uria aalge) and thick‐billed (U. lomvia) murres and of tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata) declined. We detected no linear trends in either breeding chronology or reproductive success over the study period for any seabird. All species of piscivorous seabirds apparently responded similarly to environmental cues as there was a positive covariation among species in the timing of nesting. Piscivores tended to nest earlier, and most species had higher rates of reproductive success in years with relatively warm spring sea temperatures. In contrast, planktivorous Leach’s storm‐petrels (O. leucorhoa) tended to nest earlier when spring and summer sea temperatures were relatively cool. Clearly, seabirds at St Lazaria were responding to interannual changes in sea temperatures near the breeding colony, probably as a result of effects on the food webs. Main conclusions Every seabird species we monitored at St Lazaria exhibited significant population trends between 1994 and 2006. For most species there appeared to be a relationship between both the timing of nesting and reproductive rates and spring or summer sea surface temperatures. Responses at both decadal (populations) and interannual (timing and reproductive success) scales make seabirds useful candidates for helping to monitor change in the marine environment.  相似文献   
Abstract Despite the fact that parasite dispersal is likely to be one of the most important processes influencing the dynamics and coevolution of host-parasite interactions, little information is available on the factors that affect it. In most cases, opportunities for parasite dispersal should be closely linked to host biology. Here we use microsatellite genetic markers to compare the population structure and dispersal of two host races of the seabird tick Ixodes uriae at the scale of the North Atlantic. Interestingly, tick populations showed high within-population genetic variation and relatively low population differentiation. However, gene flow at different spatial scales seemed to depend on the host species exploited. The black-legged kittiwake ( Rissa tridactyla ) had structured tick populations showing patterns of isolation by distance, whereas tick populations of the Atlantic puffin ( Fratercula arctica ) were only weakly structured at the largest scale considered. Host-dependent rates of tick dispersal between colonies will alter infestation probabilities and local dynamics and may thus modify the adaptation potential of ticks to local hosts. Moreover, as I. uriae is a vector of the Lyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in both hemispheres, the large-scale movements of birds and the subsequent dispersal of ticks will have important consequences for the dynamics and coevolutionary interactions of this microparasite with its different vertebrate and invertebrate hosts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Bands are a common marking method in bird studies and capture-mark-reencounter (CMR) models are often used to analyze banding data. Common to this family of models are two assumptions: marks do not fall off or become unreadable and individuals within groups remain equally detectable. When data fail to meet these assumptions, results of CMR analyses may be biased. In studies of long-lived seabirds exposed to coarse nesting substrates, band wear is especially problematic. We compared surface wear from abrasion against rocks on incoloy and darvic bands applied to a long-lived seabird, the Atlantic Puffin ( Fratercula arctica ). In 2003 and 2004, surface wear on bands applied to chicks and adults was scored at five colonies in the Gulf of Maine. We used logistic regression to analyze two subsets of these data by fitting the probability of being worn (one or more characters difficult to read or obliterated) to band age, bird age, and band type. In both analyses, an evidence ratio provided exclusive support for the model that included all factors. Immature puffins largely avoid colonies and remain at sea until their second or third summer after hatching. Consequently, probabilities of being worn were delayed on both band types by 4 yr on bands applied to chicks compared to adults. Based on our estimates, 25% and 87% of darvic bands applied to chicks and adults, respectively, were worn after 5 yr. Wear was reduced by 71% and 87% annually on incoloy compared to darvic bands applied to adults and chicks, respectively. To uphold assumptions of CMR models, we recommend incoloy bands over darvic in studies spanning more than about 5 yr of long-lived seabirds exposed to coarse substrates.  相似文献   
Regime shifts in the breeding of an Atlantic puffin population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Timing of breeding is a key factor determining the reproductive success in bird populations and known to be affected by climate fluctuations. We investigated the long‐term (1978–2002) relationship between climate and hatching date within a population of Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica at Røst in the Norwegian Sea. The timing of puffin breeding was found to be influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation winter index (NAO). We isolated two temporal regimes, one where NAO had a significant effect on hatching date (1978–1986 and 1995–2002) and one where these variables were independent (1987–1994). Hatching date could be modelled using, in addition to NAO, hatching date and food abundance in the preceding breeding season (possibly proxies of parental effort). The models remained significant for regime 1 but not for regime 2. NAO differed between the two regimes suggesting that the shifts were induced by climate change, possibly via its effect on the availability of prey in the preceding year. The novelty of our study is the identification of temporal regimes in the effects of climate within one population.  相似文献   
Information on seabird foraging behaviour outside the breeding season is currently limited. This knowledge gap is critical as this period is energetically demanding due to post‐fledging parental care, feather moult and changing environmental conditions. Based on species’ body size, post‐fledging parental strategy and primary moult schedule we tested predictions for key aspects of foraging behaviour (maximum dive depth (MDD), daily time submerged (DTS) and diurnal dive activity (DDA)) using dive depth data collected from three seabird species (common guillemot Uria aalge, razorbill Alca torda and Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica) from the end of the breeding season (July) to mid‐winter (January). We found partial support for predictions associated with body size; guillemots had greater MDD than razorbills but MDD did not differ between razorbills and puffins, despite the former being 35% heavier. In accordance with sexual monomorphism in all three species, MDD did not differ overall between the sexes. However, in guillemots and razorbills there were sex‐specific differences, such that male guillemots made deeper dives than females, and males of both species had higher DTS. In contrast, there were no marked sex differences in dive behaviour of puffins in July and August in accordance with their lack of post‐fledging parental care and variable moult schedule. We found support for the prediction that diving effort would be greater in mid‐winter compared to the period after the breeding season. Despite reduced daylight in mid‐winter, this increase in DTS occurred predominantly during the day and only guillemots appeared to dive nocturnally to any great extent. In comparison to diving behaviour of these species recorded during the breeding season, MDD was shallower and DTS was greater during the non‐breeding period. Such differences in diving behaviour during the post‐breeding period are relevant when identifying potential energetic bottlenecks, known to be key drivers of seabird population dynamics.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Reduced prey availability can affect the growth and survival of nestling seabirds. However, few studies have demonstrated similar effects on indices of adult body condition. We examined body condition and seasonal mass loss of breeding adult male and female Tufted Puffins ( Fratercula cirrhata ) at Chiniak Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska, in 2004–2005. We determined sex using genetic analysis, developed a discriminant function to determine sex using morphometric measurements, and examined the body condition of adult males and females relative to the growth rates of their offspring. We found that morphological measurements were only moderately useful for sexing Tufted Puffins, with 74% of adults ( N = 176) correctly classified. We also found that the relationship between adult body mass and size differed between sexes and conclude that body condition indices must be calculated separately for each sex to avoid inter- and intrasexual bias. Body condition of male and female Tufted Puffins declined during the chick-rearing period. However, body condition of females did not differ between years, whereas male condition declined to a greater degree during 2004 when the mass of young at fledging was significantly lower. Although these results suggest that adult male Tufted Puffins sacrifice their own body condition in years of diminished nestling growth and females do not, reasons for this apparent intersexual difference in reproductive strategies remain unclear.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Although radiotelemetry is useful for monitoring nest attendance and the foraging ranges and distribution of breeding birds, attachment of transmitters may affect reproductive behavior. In 2003, we captured 25 adult Tufted Puffins ( Fratercula cirrhata ) at two colonies in Chiniak Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska, and fitted them with subcutaneously anchored radiotransmitters (<1.2% of body mass). We determined the presence of radio-marked birds at each study site using automated, remote radiotelemetry systems, and compared rates of nestling growth, fledging mass, and fledging success for chicks with and without (control group) a radio-marked parent. Although most radio-marked adults continued to attend nests after capture and attachment of transmitters, nestlings with a radio-marked parent had lower mean growth rates (6.9 g/d vs. 14.4 g/d) and fledging success (33% vs. 84%) than control chicks. These results suggest that colony attendance by adult puffins fitted with transmitters declined sharply or completely and this led to high nestling mortality. Given the negative effects of transmitters on Tufted Puffins in our study and in other studies of alcids, we suggest delaying the attachment of transmitters until well after the brooding period. In addition, we recommend pilot studies be undertaken to distinguish the possible effects of capture and handling from those of actually carrying the device.  相似文献   
Joris Everaert 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):220-230
Capsule Local factors can lead to strong variation in mortality rate and collision risk that obscures possible effects of turbine size in wind farms.

Aims The impact of bird collisions was studied at eight land-based wind farm sites with a total of 66 small to large turbines in order to assess the mortality rate and collision risk.

Methods Searches for collision fatalities were performed under all turbines with a minimum search interval of 14 days. Mortality rate was calculated with corrections for available search area, scavenging and search efficiency. Flight movements of birds crossing five of the wind farm sites were recorded during a minimum of four days per site. Actual collision risk was then calculated as the number of collision fatalities relative to the average surveyed flight intensity.

Results Mortality rate was 21 birds per turbine per year on average. Most fatalities were local common species (e.g. gulls) but rarer species were also found (e.g. terns, raptors and waders). Collision risk of gulls was 0.05% and 0.08% on average for birds, respectively, flying at turbine and rotor height through the wind farms (0.09% and 0.14% maximum). Large gulls had a significant higher collision risk than small gulls at rotor height. Mortality rate and collision risk were not significantly related to turbine size. The results were integrated in a widely used collision risk model to obtain information of micro-avoidance, i.e. the proportion of birds that fly through the wind farm but avoid passing through the rotor swept area of the turbines. For gulls, this micro-avoidance was 96.1% and 96.3% on average for birds, respectively, flying at turbine and rotor height through the wind farms.

Conclusion The results indicate that local factors can lead to strong variation in mortality rate and collision risk that obscures possible effects of turbine size in wind farms. However, large turbines have more installed capacity (MW), so repowering wind farms with larger but fewer wind turbines, could reduce total mortality at certain locations.  相似文献   
Stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) values of individual tooth annuli of female Steller sea lions ( n = 120) collected from the 1960s through the 1980s were used for retrospective analyses of temporal changes in food webs in the Gulf of Alaska and North Pacific Ocean. We also examined isotopically contour feathers of tufted puffins ( n = 135) and crested auklets ( n = 37) through this period to test for broader isotopic patterns indicative of whole food web changes. Steller sea lions decreased slightly in δ13C and increased in δ15N values, suggesting an increasing trophic level and change in foraging location or oceanographic isotopic signature. Steller sea lion first and second tooth annuli were enriched in 15N and depleted in 13C compared with subsequent annuli, indicating the effects of maternal influence through weaning. The general pattern of increasing δ15N values among Steller sea lions supports previous conclusions regarding a reduction or redistribution of forage fishes and an increase of demersal and semi-demersal species in the North Pacific ecosystem. There were no significant changes in δ15N values for either bird species. However, δ13C values in both bird species again suggested changes in foraging location or a shift in oceanographic currents.  相似文献   
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