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Studies of the phytotoxic effects between plants can be a crucial tool in the discovery of innovative compounds with herbicide potential. In this sense, we can highlight ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis), which is traditionally used in the crop rotation system in order to reduce weed emergence. The aim of this work was to characterize the secondary metabolites of ruzigrass and to evaluate its phytotoxic effects. In total, eight compounds were isolated: friedelin, oleanolic acid, α‐amyrin, 1‐dehydrodiosgenone, sitosterol and stigmasterol glycosides, tricin and p‐coumaric acid. Phytotoxic effects of the crude methanolic extract and fractions of ruzigrass were assessed using germination rate, initial seedling growth, and biomass of Bidens pilosa, Euphorbia heterophylla and Ipomoea grandifolia. Chemometric analysis discriminated the weed species into three groups, and B. pilosa was the most affected by fractions of ruzigrass. The phytotoxic activities of 1‐dehydrodiosgenone, tricin, and p‐coumaric acid are also reported, and p‐coumaric acid and 1‐dehydrodiosgenone were active against B. pilosa.  相似文献   
Many forest tree species produce seed (mast) crops that are consumed by a variety of wildlife species and these pulsed resources may mediate interactions among predator and prey populations. In the northern hardwood forests of New York, we investigated interactions among mast production, prey abundance, and harvests of American martens (Martes americana) and fishers (Martes pennanti) during 1988–2009. Mast production for beech (Fagus grandifolia), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), and mountain ash (Sorbus americana) was synchronous and an alternate-year pattern in production was evident for most of the time series. We documented considerable temporal variation in summer small mammal relative abundance and our numerical response models received substantial support for 5 of the 8 species, indicating lagged responses to autumn mast crops. Trap response of martens to the autumn production of beech mast and mountain ash berries was immediate and numerical responses to the relative abundance of small mammal prey occurred during the preceding summer. The age structure of the marten harvest differed based on the dominant alternate-year pattern of summer prey relative abundance and autumn mast production (χ24 = 33.06, P < 0.001). The proportion of juvenile marten in the autumn harvest was 52% and 34% following summers when small mammal relative abundance was high and low, respectively and these differences resulted in a persistent cohort effect that was apparent until age 3.5. Trap response of fishers to the autumn production of beech mast was immediate and numerical responses to the relative abundance of Sciurid prey occurred during the preceding summer. Marten and fisher harvests fluctuated similarly among New York, Maine, and New Brunswick, which may indicate regional synchronization of mast crops and responses of martens and fishers to similar prey dynamics. A better understanding of how food availability influences demographic responses and trapping vulnerability of martens and fishers would aid our ability to manage harvests of these species on a sustained yield basis. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Pereskia aculeata and Pereskia grandifolia have been studied widely due to their high nutritional and therapeutic values. However, little is known about the biological requirements of their seeds for the various germination factors. Thus, this experiment aimed to evaluate the thermal effects on the germination of these species at the temperatures of 24 °C, 27 °C, 30 °C, 33 °C and 36 °C. After verification of the existence of differences in the performance of germination, a non-linear regression was carried out, relating the germination to temperature and identifying its point of maximum efficiency. We found that the lowest synchronization indexes of germination were observed close to 30 °C. The best germination response of the P. aculeata and P. grandifolia was observed at 30 °C and 33 °C, respectively, with greater germination strength and fewer days to attain 63.21% of germinations. The results obtained from the germination of P. aculeata and P. grandifolia can be described by the Weindull distribution model with three parameters, as proposed by Carneiro and Guedes (1992).  相似文献   
Aim Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana (Martinez) Little has an extraordinarily restricted distribution in the Mexican montane cloud forests. Isolated Fagus (beech) populations have been recorded in less than 10 small areas (2–40 ha) in the eastern Sierra Madre at altitudes from 1400 to 2000 m. The objectives were to determine tree and seedling age, forest structure, phenology, litterfall patterns and the relationship between mast and climatic variables. Location We report on three Fagus stands at the Acatlan Volcano, Veracruz, Mexico. Methods Changes in forest cover were determined using aerial photographs. Within each stand, basal area, density and tree species composition were determined in a 0.1‐ha band transect. Additionally, litterfall production was quantified and phenophases were recorded monthly over a 3‐year period, and 60 tree cores were collected to determine age distribution and tree‐ring growth. Results The forest was atypical in several respects. Fagus was the only dominant tree species in the crater stand, although in the rim and at the top of the volcano it was codominant with other tree species. Juveniles occurred only on the rim, but there was a seedling bank in the crater. Although forest cover in the area increased between 1968 and 1993, the Fagus stands did not change in size. Leaf production peaked in March and April, and leaf fall occurred from October through February. Litterfall production was the highest in November. During mast years, flowering started in February and between mast events there were no flowers or fruits. Minimum temperatures were highly correlated with Fagus litterfall and leaf fall. Seedlings ranged in age from 2 to 18 years and were 13–60 cm tall. Tree cores ranged from 76 to 120 years, but trees were older than the core samples. Main conclusions Although beech is considered a gap regeneration species that reaches the canopy after alternating periods of release and suppression, the trees in the crater were released when less than 1.5 m tall and have suffered few periods of suppression since. The results indicate that the crater stand was established after a severe disturbance destroyed the existing forest. We conclude that the relict beech population should be able to maintain itself, if not severely disturbed by humans or by climatic changes related to global warming.  相似文献   
Abstract. Changes in woody vegetation were examined over eight years, using a 1.05-ha permanent plot in which the location of every shrub and tree > 1m height was mapped. There was little change in the overstory vegetation, as expected for an old-growth forest. Much greater change occurred in the understory, primarily related to a 40 % increase in density. Differences occurred among species in the under-story, as Acer saccharum and Prunus serotina increased and Fraxinus americana and Fagus grandifolia decreased. Canopy gap dynamics are implicated in differences among species in the establishment and growth of individuals in the understory and their recruitment into the overstory. It is concluded that because understory is temporally variable, overstory recruitment from the understory may take different courses at different times in the same forest.  相似文献   
Populations of American beech in Virginia and the Great Smoky Mountain National Park in Tennessee and North Carolina were investigated for demographic genetic substructurings. Two Virginia populations, one on the Blue Ridge (WG1) and the other on the Piedmont (WG2) occur over an elevational gradient of several hundreds meters. One of the Great Smoky Mountain populations (GS1) was in a 'beech gap' and the other (GS2) in a 'cove forest' along a creek. The populations in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park were only separated by a few hundred meters in elevation, but both on the same physiographic province. The populations had two growth forms. Trees produced extensive root suckers at WG1, GS1 and GS2, but WG2 had no root suckers and all individuals had obviously been established from seeds. A total of 1335 shoots were mapped at the four sites, their size measured [diameter at breast height (DBH) or diameter at ground height (DGH)], and genotypes were determined for each locus using allozyme analysis. FIS among five different size-classes revealed an excess of homozygotes in WG1, GS1 and GS2, and an excess of heterozygotes in WG2. The offshoot formation from root suckers obviously contributed to the abundance of intermediate size-classes in WG1, GS1 and GS2. Exceedingly localized patchiness of different multilocus genotypes reveals genetic clustering of shoots that have obviously originated from root suckers in WG1, GS1 and GS2. The Piedmont population (WG2), on the other hand, showed loose localization of genetically related trees at a scale of 35–40 m in area, suggesting broader ranges of pollen and seed dispersal. The data are discussed in the light of the differences in growth form and mode of reproduction, and also in relation to the post-glacial migration and the current geographic distribution of the species.  相似文献   
Abstract. Many theories of forest succession imply that terrestrial plant community composition within a region tends to converge toward a climax community. That is, given similar climatic and edaphic conditions, succession at different sites within an area will lead to comparable species compositions, a pattern referred to as successional convergence. In this study, we examine changes in plant composition within forest canopy gaps over a 17-yr period to identify potential patterns of successional convergence and to ascertain the factors controlling the successional pathway. To do so, we: (1) sampled 36 forest canopy gaps in Hueston Woods Nature Preserve in 1977, 1981, 1985, 1989 and 1993, (2) evaluated changes in the similarity of gap composition over this period, and (3) examined gap composition in each year as a function of variables describing gap habitat, seed source proximity, and disturbance history. Results indicated an initial pattern of successional divergence, with gaps exhibiting increased dissimilarity over the first 10–12 years of succession. We attribute this initial period of divergence to the effects of differential seed inputs from edge individuals and heterogeneity of available light due to differences in gap size. Recent surveys, however, indicated that gap composition has become more similar as competition within gaps has become more intense. In these samples, gap composition is closely linked to site conditions, including slope, soil conditions, and site exposure. Finally, while these patterns may suggest equilibrium-oriented dynamics, non-equilibrium processes such as repeat disturbances are also evident at Hueston Woods and will likely play an important role in determining future successional pathways.  相似文献   
Tropical montane cloud forest is rapidly disappearing and our knowledge of how to restore this system is limited. In a cloud forest of central Veracruz, Mexico, we studied seedling survival, growth, and causes of mortality (microenvironment and herbivory) of three native tree species, Fagus grandifolia, Quercus germana, and Q. xalapensis, transplanted into abandoned pastures (<1 year old) and secondary forests (9–17 years old). Microenvironment differed between the two habitats, temperature and photosynthetically active radiation were higher, and humidity was lower in the abandoned pastures than in the secondary forests. Seedling survival was greater in secondary forests than in pastures: F. grandifolia, 94 and 64%; Q. germana, 88 and 68%; and Q. xalapensis, 61 and 57%, respectively. The cause of mortality differed between habitats, with gophers (24.2% mortality) and mice (4.8%) killing the most seedlings in pastures, and damping‐off (16%) was the most important cause in secondary forests. The relative growth rate in height and basal area was significantly higher in abandoned pastures than in secondary forests; Q. xalapensis had the highest growth rate, followed by Q. germana and F. grandifolia. The environmental conditions in this mountainous cloud forest region seem less stressful to planted seedlings than the conditions of other lowland systems, as frequent clouds favor their establishment even in open sites. We conclude that Fagaceae species can successfully establish in abandoned pastures in mesic environments. Thus, the species studied can be used to speed cloud forest regeneration in the same area at different successional stages.  相似文献   
Question: Hurricanes and cyclones cause a wide range of damage to coastal forests worldwide. Most of these storms are not catastrophic in ecological terms, but forest responses to storms of moderate intensities are poorly understood. In regions with a high frequency of moderate hurricanes, how does variation in disturbance intensity affect the magnitude of ecological responses? Location: Naushon Island, Massachusetts, USA. Methods: We use historical records and dendroecological methods to characterize establishment and growth of Fagus grandifolia, Quercus alba, and Quercus velutina in response to seven non‐catastrophic hurricanes of varying intensity, and a major logging event, relative to baseline conditions, over the past 150 years. Our aim was to document variation in the magnitude of responses to known disturbance events of varying intensity, and to determine whether tree growth after moderate hurricanes differs from growth during periods of no disturbance. Results: Forest harvesting in 1824‐1827 had a strong impact on forest composition and growth. Since then, the study region has been characterized by little harvesting but frequent hurricanes. However, only one of the seven storms examined caused substantial increases in growth and new establishment for the dominant species; most moderate disturbances had minimal impact on growth and regeneration dynamics. We also document highly variable responses among species to individual storms, including substantial growth decreases that may not be detected by standard analytical approaches. Conclusions: Our results caution against the use of simple metrics such as wind speed to predict forest response to specific hurricanes, and highlight the importance of individual disturbance events in controlling long‐term forest dynamics, even in regions characterized by high disturbance frequency. In addition, we show that standard approaches to reconstructing disturbance history based on increases in radial growth and pulses of tree establishment are likely to underestimate the frequency of moderate disturbances.  相似文献   
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