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Andreas Barth 《BBA》2007,1767(9):1073-1101
This review discusses the application of infrared spectroscopy to the study of proteins. The focus is on the mid-infrared spectral region and the study of protein reactions by reaction-induced infrared difference spectroscopy.  相似文献   
The binding of pentaammineruthenium (III) to ribonuclease A and B both free and complexed with d(pA)4 has been examined in the crystalline state through the application of X-ray diffraction and difference Fourier techniques. In crystals of native RNase B, the reagent was observed to have many binding sites, some entirely electrostatic in nature and others consistent with coordination to histidine residues. The primary histidine in the latter case was 105 with 119 also partially substituted. In crystals of RNase A+d(pA)4 complex only a single, extremely strong site of substitution was observed, and this was 2.4 Å from the native position of the imidazole ring of histidine 105. Thus, the results of these X-ray diffraction studies appear to be quite consistent with the findings of earlier NMR studies and with the results obtained in crystals of the gene 5 DNA binding protein.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A non-dispersive infrared gas analyser equipped with a Luft-type sonic detector and flow-through reference cell was automated to monitor the total volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) respired by single insects or groups of insects. The infrared analyser was interfaced with an integrator for quantification, a microprocessor to control intermittent air flow through the insect respiration chambers, and a microcomputer for data storage and reduction. This technique has been used to monitor the CO2 Output of diapausing and non-diapausing mature fifth instar larvae and of developing pupae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). The resulting data were accurate, quantitative and reproducible.  相似文献   
Thermographic visualization of cell death in tobacco and Arabidopsis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Pending cell death was visualized by thermographic imaging in bacterio‐opsin transgenic tobacco plants. Cell death in these plants was characterized by a complex lesion phenotype. Isolated cell death lesions were preceded by a colocalized thermal effect, as previously observed at sites infected by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) ( Chaerle et al. 1999 Nature Biotechnology 17, 813–816). However, in most cases, a coherent front of higher temperature, trailed by cell death, initiated at the leaf base and expanded over the leaf lamina. In contrast to the homogenous thermal front, cell death was first visible close to the veins, and subsequently appeared as discrete spots on the interveinal tissue, as cell death spread along the veins. Regions with visible cell death had a lower temperature because of water evaporation from damaged cells. In analogy with previous observations on the localized tobacco–TMV interaction ( Chaerle et al. 1999 ), the kinetics of thermographic and continuous gas exchange measurements indicated that stomatal closure preceded tissue collapse. Localized spontaneous cell death could also be presymptomatically visualized in the Arabidopsis lsd2 mutant.  相似文献   
Perturbations induced by a toxic lectin (ricin) on lipid organisation of model membranes prepared with DPPC and DPPC-cerebrosides mixtures have been analysed by Raman and infrared spectroscopy, two powerful and non-invasive methods. Our approach involves the observation of changes in the vibrational spectra of liquid multilayers in the PO 2 - , C=0 and CH2 spectral regions for two lipid: ricin molar ratios (225:1, 75:1).The interfacial and polar regions of the multilayers, analysed by FTIR, appear to be perturbed by the protein. With both kinds of membranes, ricin mainly perturbs the C=0 ester groups of the sn-2 acylchain of DPPC. In the PO 2 - stretching region, the frequency shifts are correlated with changes in polar group hydration.In the hydrophobic core of the multilayer membrane studied by Raman spectroscopy, the interaction of ricin is associated with changes in lipid packing. These perturbations depend upon the lipid composition of the membrane. With DPPC membranes, an affect is detected at temperatures lower than T m .It corresponds to a decrease of the lipid ordering. With DPPC-cer membranes, the protein increases the acylchain packing order regardless of the temperature of the experiments (10°C<T<75°C). No perturbation of T m is observed after addition of ricin to either DPPC or DPPC-cer membranes.The different perturbations detected by Raman and FTIR suggest that ricin mainly interacts with the interfacial domains of the membranes.  相似文献   
IR, 1H-NMR and X-ray experiments have been carried out on dipeptides with the Pro-Asp and Pro-Asn sequences protected on both ends by amide groups. The Pro-Asp dipeptide was investigated for the carboxylic, methyl ester and carboxylate forms of the Asp residue.In solution, all dipeptides are found to accommodate almost exclusively the I-turn conformation stabilized by an interaction between the Asp or Asn-NH and CO bonds. The I-turn percentage roughly parallels the basicity of the Asp or Asn side substituent, and decreases from Asp- to Asn, and to Asp or Asp (OMe).The I-turn, stabilized by the interaction involving the Asp-CO site, is retained in the crystal structure of the Pro-Asp(OMe) dipeptide. The Pro-Asp and Pro-Asn dipeptides assume a II-turn conformation in the solid state and the polar Asp or Asn side-groups are involved in a complex network of intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   
We developed a mathematical model and an algorithm for numerical treatment of a model of honeycomb construction in a beehive. The model contains essential features of the bee-bee and bee-wax interactions, and in a qualitative way captures the dynamics of parallel comb construction. The construction is represented by a set of dynamical coupled partial differential equations for the density of bees situated on the hive ceiling, and the quantity of wax distributed by the bees. A spectral algorithm is invented for treatment of these equations, based on a modified thin-sheet gain scheme and a fast Fourier transform technique.Work at City College supported in part by the Army Research Office and the Department of Energy  相似文献   
Understanding WaveShrink: Variance and bias estimation   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
BRUCE  ANDREW G.; GAO  HONG-YE 《Biometrika》1996,83(4):727-745
A new technique, called Free Air Temperature Increase (FATI), was developed to artificially induce increased canopy temperature in field conditions without the use of enclosures. This acronym was chosen in analogy with FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment), a technique which produces elevated CO2 concentrations [CO2] in open field conditions. The FATI system simulates global warming in small ecosystems of limited height, using infrared heaters from which all radiation below 800 nm is removed by selective cut-off filters to avoid undesirable photomorpho-genetic effects. An electronic control circuit tracks the ambient canopy temperature in an unheated reference plot with thermocouples, and modulates the radiant energy from the lamps to produce a 2.5°C increment in the canopy temperature of an associated heated plot (continuously day and night). This pre-set target differential is relatively-constant over time due to the fast response of the lamps and the use of a proportional action controller (the standard deviation of this increment was <1°C in a 3 week field study with 1007 measurements). Furthermore, the increase in leaf temperature does not depend on the vertical position within the canopy or on the height of the stand. Possible applications and alternative designs are discussed.  相似文献   
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has been applied to investigate the secondary structural changes of-lactoglobulin in water/ethanol mixtures. The studies were carried out at two differentpHs and at high protein concentrations. The spectra were recorded using an attenuated total reflection cell. The amide I band of-lactoglobulin in water reveals large amounts of intra extended-sheet structure. About 20% ethanol,-lactoglobulin unfolds and-strand formation is observed.-Helices are built up by increasing the ethanol concentration up to 30%. In 50% ethanol,-lactoglobulin gels providing the apparent pH are neutral. The secondary structural changes of-lactoglobulin were observed on the similarity maps obtained by Principal Component Analysis.  相似文献   
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