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Molecular techniques provide powerful tools for studying the geographic structure of hybrid zones and the dynamics of gene exchange between incipient species. We examined allozyme variation at five loci (PGM, GPI, MDH-1, MDH-2, and LDH) for 27 populations of Palaemonetes kadiakensis from the central, coastal, and eastern regions of Texas. Central Texas populations of P. kadiakensis exhibited highly significant linkage disequilibrium and departures from Hardy-Weinberg genotype proportions. In populations with linkage disequilibrium, allelic differences at GPI defined two types of P. kadiakensis, designated A and B. Both types existed in central Texas with little or no evidence of interbreeding, whereas the populations from all other localities showed complete introgression of type B alleles into the type A gene pool. We also examined ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in a subset of populations, chosen to cover a range of geographic locations and levels of linkage disequilibrium. Two groups of mtDNA haplotypes and two restriction fragment patterns for the rDNA corresponded to allozyme type A and B individuals in populations exhibiting linkage disequilibrium. In populations with ongoing hybridization, all hybrid animals (N= 15) exhibited type A mtDNA. Exhibition of type A mtDNA indicated that type A females had mated successfully with type B males, but type B females had not mated successfully with type A males. Genotype distributions suggest reduced reproduction by hybrid offspring in central Texas populations. These patterns are consistent with a mosaic model of hybrid zone dynamics.  相似文献   
The host suitability of five of the most common weed species occurring in maize (Zea mays L.) fields in South Africa to Pratylenchus zeae was tested. Based on the number of nematodes per root unit, mealie crotalaria (Crotalaria sphaerocarpa) was a good host; goose grass (Eleusine indica), common pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus), and thorn apple (Datura stramonium) were moderate hosts; and khaki weed (Tagetes minuta) was a poor host. Only the root residues of khaki weed suppressed the P. zeae infestation of subsequently grown maize. When goose grass, khaki weed, and mealie crotalaria were grown in association with maize in soil infested with P. zeae, goose grass and khaki weed severely suppressed maize root development; this resulted in a low number of nematodes per maize root system and a high number of nematodes per maize root unit. Mealie crotalaria did not restrict maize root growth and did not affect nematode densities per maize root system or maize root unit. Special attention should be given to the control of mealie crotalaria, which is a good host for P. zeae, and goose grass, which, in addition to its ability to compete with maize, is also a suitable host for P. zeae.  相似文献   
Kallar grass is a highly salt-tolerant grass grown as a pioneer plant on alkaline, salt-affected soils in Pakistan. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and kallar grass were found to be in close association, which was even root-zone specific: rhizoplane and endorhizosphere were colonized by two different populations. Among theAzospirillum isolates originating from the root surface, some were of a new species, now namedA. halopraeferens. To study plant-bacterium interactions, this natural kallar grass association was chosen. The possible role of bacterial chemotaxis and oxygen tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   
Seven different hosts,Panicum maximum, Chrysopogon fulvis, Themeda triandra, Chloris gayana, Brachiaria brizantha, Paspalum scrobiculatum andEleusine coracana were screened in order to select a better host for mass multiplication ofGlomus fasciculatum inoculum. Of these,Chloris gayana (Rhodes grass) was found to be the best host on the basis of root colonization and spore production and of the infective propagules of the potball.  相似文献   
The pattern of prey utilization of the orb-weaving spider Araneus pinguis was studies by comparing between arthropods restrained in the empty webs (spiders were removed) and those unattacked in the intact webs (spiders were not removed). The number of arthropods was larger in the empty webs than in the intact webs. In the empty webs, web area, mesh width, number of radii, and signal thread length were presumed to affect the number of arthropods left in a single web. As for the intact webs, web area, mesh width, and web-exposure time were important factors. In the empty webs, the density of arthropods decreased away from the hub. On the other hand, the density of unattacked arthropods in the intact webs was the same throughout the web. Arthropods in the empty webs were larger than those in the intact webs. The upper limit in size of unattacked arthropods increased along with the distance from the hub in the intact webs, but not in the empty webs. These results indicate increase in the minimum size of eaten arthropods increased in the former. This positive sizedistance relation may have resulted from the adaptive switching of spiders’ alternative foraging methods (i.e., the rapid attack at encounter and the later eating during web deconstruction) on the basis of the prey profitability.  相似文献   
Summary Airborne grass-pollen concentrations in six cities in the EEC are compared, based on observations from five years, 1982–1986. Results show that there are quantitative differences both between the monitoring stations and between the years. Very provisionally, the average seasonal total of the European urban airborne grass-pollen concentration can be put at 4 to 5000 per m3 of air. Also qualitatively, regarding the seasonal fluctuations, there are differences between the stations, and between the years. Generally, the results confirm that June is the most typical grass-pollen month in northwestern Europe, whereas in mediterranean Europe May is the more prominent grass-pollen period. There seems to be little coherence between the starting dates of the grass-pollen season even at relatively nearby stations in northwestern Europe, suggestive for a great influence of the actual weather situation.  相似文献   
The present study disclosed the cross-reactivity between Bermuda grass pollen (BGP) and other grass pollens using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and polyclonal antiserum. MAb 9–13, directed against a group of minor allergens of BGP (Cyn d Bd68K, 48K, 38K) was found to cross-react with extracts of ten other grass pollens. Immunoblotting assays illustrated that MAb 9–13 cross-reacted with multiple components of most of these pollens, and the major cross-reactive components had molecular weights of 29–36 kD. The cross-reactivity between BGP andLol pI, the group I allergen of rye grass pollen, was further evaluated;Lol pI was recognized by MAb 9–13, but not by our MAbs/polyclonal antiserum againstCyn dI, the major allergen of BGP. These results suggest that the epitope recognized by MAb 9–13 is a common (C) epitope shared byLol pI andCyn d Bd68K, 48K, 38K, andCyn dI does not share significant antigenicity withLol pI. In a modified radio-allergosorbent test, IgE antibodies in the serum of BGP-allergic patients reacted mildly with C-epitope-bearing components of both BGP and rye grass pollens, and this binding could be blocked specifically by MAb 9–13. This suggests that in addition to an antigenic cross-reaction, the C epitope can also lead to an allergenic cross-reaction.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that the female reproductive fluid (FRF) plays an important role in cryptic female choice through its differential effect on the performance of sperm from different males. In a natural spawning event, the male(s) may release ejaculate closer or further away from the spawning female. If the relative spatial proximity of competing males reflects the female pre-mating preference towards those males, then favoured males will encounter higher concentrations of FRF than unpreferred males. Despite this being a common situation in many external fertilizers, whether different concentrations of FRF can differentially influence the sperm performance of distinct male phenotypes (favoured and unfavoured by the female) remains to be elucidated. Here, we tested this hypothesis using the grass goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus), a fish with distinct territorial-sneaker reproductive tactics and female pre-mating preference towards territorial males, that consequently mate in an advantaged position and whose sperm experience higher concentrations of FRF. Our findings revealed a differential concentration-dependent effect of FRF over sneaker and territorial sperm motility only at low concentrations (i.e. at the distance where sneakers typically ejaculate), with increasing FRF concentrations (i.e. close to the eggs) similarly boosting the sperm performance of both sneaker and territorial males. The ability to release sperm close to the eggs is a prerogative of territorials, but FRF can likewise advantage the sperm of those sneakers that are able to get closer, allowing flexibility in the direction of female post-mating choice.  相似文献   
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