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Hypothalamic kisspeptin, encoded by the Kiss-1 gene, governs the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis by directly regulating the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. In this study, we examined the roles of activin, inhibin, and follistatin in the regulation of Kiss-1 gene expression using primary cultures of fetal rat neuronal cells, which express the Kiss-1 gene and kisspeptin. Stimulation with activin significantly increased Kiss-1 gene expression in these cultures by 2.02 ± 0.39-fold. In contrast, a significant decrease in Kiss-1 gene expression was observed with inhibin A and follistatin treatment. Inhibin B did not modulate Kiss-1 gene expression. Activin, inhibin, and follistatin were also expressed in fetal rat brain cultures and their expression was controlled by estradiol (E2). The inhibin α, βA, and βB subunits were upregulated by E2. Similarly, follistatin gene expression was significantly increased by E2 in these cells. Our results suggest the possibility that activin, inhibin, and follistatin expressed in the brain participate in the E2-induced feedback control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.  相似文献   
FLRG and follistatin belong to the family of follistatin proteins involved in the regulation of various biological effects, such as hematopoiesis, mediated by their binding to activin and BMP, both members of the TGFbeta family. To further characterize the function of FLRG, we searched for other possible functional partners using a yeast two-hybrid screen. We identified human fibronectin as a new partner for both FLRG and follistatin. We also demonstrated that their physical interaction is mediated by type I motifs of fibronectin and follistatin domains. We then analyzed the biological consequences of these protein interactions on the regulation of hematopoiesis. For the first time, we associated a biological effect with the regulation of human hematopoietic cell adhesiveness of both the type I motifs of fibronectin and the follistatin domains of FLRG and follistatin. Indeed, we observed a significant and specific dose-dependent increase of cell adhesion to fibronectin in the presence of FLRG or follistatin, using either a human hematopoietic cell line or primary cells. In particular, we observed a significantly increased adhesion of immature hematopoietic precursors (CFC, LTC-IC). Altogether these results highlight a new mechanism by which FLRG and follistatin regulate human hematopoiesis.  相似文献   
A network of molecular interactions is required in the developing vertebrate hindbrain for the formation and anterior-posterior patterning of the rhombomeres. FGF signaling is required in this network to upregulate the expression of the Krox20 and Kreisler segmentation genes, but little is known of how FGF gene expression is regulated in the hindbrain. We show that the dynamic expression of FGF3 in chick hindbrain segments and boundaries is similar to that of the BMP antagonist, follistatin. Consistent with a regulatory relationship between BMP signaling and FGF3 expression, we find that an increase in BMP activity due to blocking of follistatin translation by morpholino antisense oligonucleotides or overexpression of BMP results in strong inhibition of FGF3 expression. Conversely, addition of follistatin leads to an increase in the level of FGF3 expression. Furthermore, the segmental inhibition of BMP activity by follistatin is required for the expression of Krox20, Hoxb1 and EphA4 in the hindbrain. In addition, we show that the maintenance of FGF3 gene expression requires FGF activity, suggestive of an autoregulatory loop. These results reveal an antagonistic relationship between BMP activity and FGF3 expression that is required for correct segmental gene expression in the chick hindbrain, in which follistatin enables FGF3 expression by inhibiting BMP activity.  相似文献   
Abstract Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is involved in normal embryonic development as well as in tumor progression and invasiveness. This process is also known to be a crucial step in palatogenesis during fusion of the bi-lateral palatal processes. Disruption of this step results in a cleft palate, which is among the most frequent birth defects in humans. A number of genes and encoded proteins have been shown to play a role in this developmental stage. The central role is attributed to the cytokine transforming growth factor-β3 (TGF-β3), which is expressed in the medial edge epithelium (MEE) already before the fusion process. The MEE covers the tips of the growing palatal shelves and eventually undergoes EMT or programmed cell death (apoptosis). TGF-β3 is described to induce EMT in embryonic palates. With regard to the early expression of this molecule before the fusion process, it is not well understood which mechanisms prevent the TGF-β3 producing epithelial cells from undergoing differentiation precociously. We used the murine palatal fusion to study the regulation of EMT. Specifically, we analyzed the MEE for the expression of known antagonists of TGF-β molecules using in situ hybridization and detected the gene coding for Follistatin to be co-expressed with TGF-β3. Further, we could show that Follistatin directly binds to TGF-β3 and that it completely blocks TGF-β3-induced EMT of the normal murine mammary gland (NMuMG) epithelial cell line in vitro . In addition, we analyzed the gene expression profile of NMuMG cells during TGF-β3-induced EMT by microarray hybridization, detecting strong changes in the expression of apoptosis-regulating genes.  相似文献   
The existence of skeletal muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) has been suggested in mammals; however, the signaling pathways controlling MDSC proliferation remain largely unknown. Here we report the isolation of myosphere-derived progenitor cells (MDPCs) that can give rise to beating cardiomyocytes from adult skeletal muscle. We identified that follistatin, an antagonist of TGF-β family members, was predominantly expressed in MDPCs, whereas myostatin was mainly expressed in myogenic cells and mature skeletal muscle. Although follistatin enhanced the replicative growth of MDPCs through Smad2/3 inactivation and cell cycle progression, disruption of myostatin did not increase the MDPC proliferation. By contrast, inhibition of activin A (ActA) or growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11) signaling dramatically increased MDPC proliferation via down-regulation of p21 and increases in the levels of cdk2/4 and cyclin D1. Thus, follistatin may be an effective progenitor-enhancing agent neutralizing ActA and GDF11 signaling to regulate the growth of MDPCs in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
The amphibian Spemann organizer is subdivided in trunk and head organizer and it is unclear how this division is regulated. The Xenopus trunk organizer expresses anti-dorsalizing morphogenetic protein (ADMP), a potent organizer antagonist. We show that ADMP represses head formation during gastrulation and that its expression is activated by BMP antagonists. A specifically acting dominant-negative ADMP anteriorizes embryos and its coexpression with BMP antagonists induces secondary embryonic axes with heads as well as expression of head inducers. Unlike other BMPs, ADMP is not inhibited by a dominant-negative BMP type I receptor, Noggin, Cerberus and Chordin but by Follistatin, suggesting that it utilizes a distinct TGF-β receptor pathway and displays differential sensitivity to BMP antagonists. The results indicate that ADMP functions in the trunk organizer to antagonize head formation, thereby regulating organizer patterning.  相似文献   
Follistatin, a secreted glycoprotein, has been shown to act as a potent neural inducer during early amphibian development. The function of this protein during embryogenesis in higher vertebrates is unclear, and to further our understanding of its role we have cloned, sequenced, and performed an in-depth expressional analysis of the chick homologue of follistatin. In addition we also describe the expression pattern of activin βA and activin β B, proteins that have previously been shown to be able to interact with follistatin. In this study we show that the expression of follistatin and the activins do not always overlap. Follistatin was first detected in Hensen's node and subsequently in the region described by Spratt [1952] as the neuralising area. In older embryos it was also expressed in a highly dynamic manner in the hind-brain as well as in the somites. We also present evidence that follistatin may have a later role in the resegmentation of the somites. We were unable to detect the expression of activin βA during early embryogenesis, whereas activin βB was first expressed in the extending primitive streak and subsequently in the neural folds. The results from this study are consistent with a role for follistatin in neural induction but suggest it has additional functions unrelated to its inhibitory actions on activins. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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