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J Asselin  R Melancon 《Steroids》1977,30(5):591-604
A high level of binding of [3H]methyltrienolone (R1881 = 17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-methyl-estra-4, 9, 11-trien-3-one) was found in cytosol prepared from adrenals of castrated male rats. Binding of [3H]R1881 was of high affinity (DK = 6.2 nM) and highly specific for androgens. The [3H]R1881 complex migrates at 7-9S on sucrose gradients in low ionic strength buffer and at 4-5S in buffer containing 0.4M KC1. All binding studies have been performed in parallel with rat ventral prostate and adrenal cytosol. The present data suggest the presence of an androgen binding component in rat adrenal tissue.  相似文献   
Differential expression of the tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA)-driven human cytochrome p450 (CYP) 1B1 gene was found in the livers of male mice, at high levels in neonates, but at low levels in adults. The goals of this study were to determine whether the differential expression of the tTA-driven human CYP1B1 (hCYP1B1) gene in neonates and adults was testosterone dependent and whether flutamide, a representative potent antiandrogen, led to the induction of hCYP1B1. This was tested by treating castrated transgenic mice with testosterone propionate and musk extracts. It was concluded that: (i). the levels of expression of both tTA and hCYP1B1 gradually declined, with clear changes being apparent between 2 and 4 weeks of age, (ii). castration of adult males resulted in the increased expressions of both tTA and hCYP1B1 to levels similar to those found in adult females, (iii). treatment of castrated male and adult female mice with testosterone propionate and musk extracts led to the restoration of the levels of expression of hCYP1B1 in the adult males, and (iv). treatment of adult males with flutamide caused an increase in the levels of expression of hCYP1B1 in the adult females, as indicated by the antiandrogenic activity. Thus, the differential expression of the tTA-driven hCYP1B1 gene in the transgenic mice was caused by androgen, and it is possible that castrated male and adult female mice expressing the tTA-controlled hCYP1B1 could be used as the basis for a strategy for the detection of androgens and antiandrogens.  相似文献   
In most bird species, male courtship behavior is controlled by testosterone (T) and its metabolites. In species breeding in temperate and arctic regions T circulates at high levels during a relatively short courtship period because high levels of T can be costly in terms of immunocompetence and parental care. Few studies have investigated androgen modulation of courtship behavior in tropical birds. Male golden-collared manakins (Manacus vitellinus) aggregate in leks for several months and perform spectacular, acrobatic courtship displays. Here we examined whether T is elevated in golden-collared manakins during the displaying period and if courtship behavior is modulated by androgen action on androgen receptors. We measured T levels in displaying males at the beginning of the breeding season and again, one month later. In addition, both wild and captive males were treated with the anti-androgen, flutamide, and their courtship behavior was recorded for several weeks. T levels were relatively high shortly after leks were established but decreased substantially a month later, even though the amount of courtship did not change. Flutamide reduced male courtship activity for one week, but display behavior then increased after two weeks of flutamide treatment. Our studies show that androgens modulate male manakin courtship, but the amount of courtship is not directly correlated with the concentration of circulating T. These results suggest that the relationships between androgen and courtship might differ between tropical and temperate birds.  相似文献   
To evaluate the presence of androgen receptors in the human melanoma cell line IIBMEL-J, a Scatchard plot analysis was performed. Cells in culture revealed a single binding component with an apparent dissociation constant (KD) at 37°C of 11 nM and a binding capacity of 326 fmol/mg protein when measured with [3H]-R1881. Competition analysis revealed an atypical relaxation of specificity, since not only androgen (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone [DHT], R1881) and antiandrogen (hydroxy-flutamide [OH-FLU]) competed for [3H]-R1881 binding, but also estradiol, progesterone, and cortisol at 500-fold excess concentration. Binding of [3H]-estradiol and [3H]-R5020 in the absence of unlabeled DHT were completely suppressed in its presence. Immunohistochemistry of androgen receptor with a monoclonal antibody showed that nuclei were vigorously stained. Different doses of flutamide (FLU) and OH-FLU tested on cultured IIB-MEL-J cells in the presence of serum inhibited significantly cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. When cells were incubated with 10 nM DHT and 1%charcoal-adsorbed serum, a significant stimulation of growth that was observed was inhibited by 4 μM OH-FLU. DHT stimulation was completely reversed by the antiestrogen tamoxifen. In addition, male nude mice transplanted with IIB-MEL-J tumor were treated with FLU when tumors were palpable. FLU was effective in diminishing tumor growth and increasing survival rate of the animals. As a conclusion, the presence of functional androgen receptors in these cells has been demonstrated by growth inhibition in vitro and in vivo with antiandrogens, and their atypical nature is suggested by binding cross-reactivity and competition studies.  相似文献   
In the adult rhesus monkey, yawning is an androgen-dependent sexually dimorphic behavior with males yawning more frequently than do females reflecting sex differences in circulating androgens. Studies in a variety of species indicate that yawning is mediated by various neurochemicals including dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. In rhesus monkeys, exogenous androgen reliably induces yawning in females to male-like levels. This study investigated whether flutamide, a nonsteroidal anti-androgen, reverses yawning induced by exogenous androgen administration in adult female rhesus monkeys. Six adult female rhesus monkeys were given chronic DHT alone and in combination with daily injections of flutamide and observed for yawning behavior. Treatment with DHT alone significantly increased yawning from 0.3 yawns per 30 min at the pretreatment baseline to 4.7 yawns per 30 min. Concurrent administration of flutamide significantly reduced the rate of yawning to 1.9 yawns per 30 min. These data indicate that flutamide is an effective tool for blocking the central effects of androgens in rhesus monkey females and that androgens regulate yawning similarly in both males and females.  相似文献   
Testosterone (T) and its 5alpha-reduced metabolite, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), can decrease anxiety-like behavior; however, the mechanisms underlying these effects have not been established. First, we hypothesized that if T reduces anxiety-like behavior through actions of its 5alpha-reduced metabolite, DHT, then gonadectomy (GDX) would increase anxiety-like behavior, an effect which would be reversed by systemic administration of DHT. Second, we hypothesized that if T and DHT reduce anxiety-like behavior in part through actions at intracellular androgen receptors in the hippocampus, then administration of an androgen receptor antagonist, flutamide, directly to the hippocampus should increase anxiety-like behavior of intact and DHT-replaced, but not GDX, male rats. Inserts that were empty or contained flutamide were applied directly to the dorsal hippocampus of intact, GDX, or GDX and DHT-replaced rats 2 h prior to testing in the open field, elevated plus maze, or defensive freezing tasks. GDX rats exhibited significantly more anxiety-like behaviors than intact or DHT-replaced rats. Intact and DHT-replaced rats administered flutamide to the hippocampus showed significantly more anxiety-like behavior than did intact and DHT-replaced controls. However, flutamide alone did not increase anxiety-like behavior of GDX rats. Together, these findings suggest that androgens can decrease anxiety-like behavior of male rats in part through DHT's actions at androgen receptors in the hippocampus.  相似文献   
In humans and rhesus monkeys, click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (CEOAEs) are stronger in females than in males, and there is considerable circumstantial evidence that this sex difference is attributable to the greater exposure to androgens prenatally in males. Because female spotted hyenas are highly androgenized beginning early in prenatal development, we expected an absence of sexual dimorphism in the CEOAEs of this species. The CEOAEs obtained from 9 male and 7 female spotted hyenas confirmed that expectation. The implication is that the marked androgenization to which female spotted hyenas are exposed masculinizes the cochlear mechanism responsible for CEOAEs. The CEOAEs measured in 3 male and 3 female hyenas that had been treated with anti-androgenic agents during prenatal development were stronger than the CEOAEs of the untreated animals, in accord with the implied inverse relationship between prenatal androgen exposure and the strength of the cochlear mechanisms producing CEOAEs. The CEOAEs of three ovariectomized females and two castrated males were essentially the same as those for the untreated females and males, suggesting that there is little or no activational effect of hormones on CEOAE strength in spotted hyenas. Distortion product OAEs (DPOAEs) also were measured. Those sex differences also were generally small (as they are in humans), and the effects of the anti-androgen agents were inconsistent. Thus, prenatal androgen exposure apparently does affect OAEs, but the effects appear to be greater for the reflection-based cochlear mechanism that underlies CEOAEs than for the nonlinear cochlear mechanism underlying DPOAEs.  相似文献   
Peroxidase secreted in tears by the lacrimal glands is a marker of secretory activity of these glands and is believed to have an antimicrobial function. We report for the first time a marked sex difference in lacrimal gland (LG) peroxidase in hamsters ( approximately 3.4-fold higher activity in females), which is due to an unusual repression by physiological levels of androgens in males. LG peroxidase activity was markedly induced in a time-dependent manner after gonadectomy in males and also females ( approximately 8- and 2-fold, respectively) and was strongly repressed by androgen treatment in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Estrogen treatment of gonadectomized hamsters could also repress LG peroxidase but not below female levels. These repressions by androgens and estrogens were significantly prevented upon co-treatment with their respective receptor antagonists. Western blotting showed that differences in LG peroxidase specific activity, in different sex hormonal states and treatments were due to changes in the levels of peroxidase protein in LG. A tear peroxidase with a clear sex difference suggests that it might also have other novel function(s) in hamster tears.  相似文献   
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