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Summary A Bayesian method to estimate genotype probabilities at a single locus using information on the individual and all its relatives and their mates has been developed. The method uses data over several generations, can deal with large numbers of individuals in large livestock families and allows for missing information. It can be extended to multiple alleles and can be used for autosomal or sex-linked loci. The allele frequencies and the form of expression (dominance, penetrance) must be specified. An algorithm using the method and involving an iterative procedure has been developed to calculate the genotype probabilities for practical use in livestock breeding. The method and algorithm were used to determine the accuracy of estimating genotype probabilities of sires for a female sex-limited trait, such as genetic variants of milk proteins. Data were similated and genotype probabilities estimated for 100 sires (20 replicates) with 3, 6 and 12 female offspring per sire, for different population frequencies, for additive and dominance gene action and for variable genotypic expression. Such simulation is useful in the design of testing systems for the use of information on specific genetic loci in selection.Prepared during a leave at Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock, Guelph, Canada  相似文献   
Summary Relatively large quantities of seed were obtained from the interspecific backcross (A. fistulosum xA. cepa) ×A. cepa allowing, for the first time, an extensive study of the heritable traits exhibited by backcross progeny. Two backcross populations, BC1034 and BC1040, distinguished by differentA. fistulosum parents, were characterized for the isozyme markersIdh-1, Adh-1, andPgi-1. Statistical methods are described to calculate cell probabilities for a mixed population of F2 and BC1 progeny, using an estimate of the fraction of F2 progeny in the population derived from the isozyme data. Cell probability distributions were calculated for a mixed population with independent pairs of loci and a mixed population with nonindependent pairs of loci. The isozyme lociIdh-1 andPgi-1 appear to be linked, with a map distance estimated at 33 centimorgans (cM) in BC1034 and 42 cM in BC1040. The probability distribution model for linked loci did not account for all of the distorted segregation ratios inIdh-1 ×Adh-1 orPgi-1 ×Adh-1. The cytological literature does not support linkage betweenIdh-1 ×Adh-1 orPgi-1 ×Adh-1. The distorted segregation ratios for these pairs of loci are likely the result of genetic incompatibilities between the two species.Journal Article No. 1578, Agricultural Experiment Station, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA  相似文献   
"This paper aims to identify net and partial-crude probabilities in the competing-risk life table context, by using probabilistic approaches. Five types of lifelength random variables are defined to formulate these nonidentifiable probabilities. General expressions for net and partial-crude probabilities are first derived under independent risks assumptions. Two sets of explicit formulas for estimating the net and partial-crude probabilities are then derived in terms of the identifiable overall and crude probabilities by making the additional assumption of piecewise uniform distribution of the lifelength random variables. A study of the degree to which nonidentifiability can affect the net and partial-crude probabilities in a variety of situations is developed. An example from cross-sectional studies is employed to illustrate the methodology developed."  相似文献   
Abstract: This paper presents an estimate of the total number of sea otters that died as a direct consequence of the oil spill that occurred when the T/V Exxon Valdez grounded in Prince William Sound, Alaska on 24 March 1989. We compared sea otter counts conducted from small boats throughout the Sound during the summers of 1984 and 1985 to counts made after the spill during the summer of 1989. We used ratio estimators, corrected for sighting probability, to calculate otter densities and population estimates for portions of the Sound affected by the oil spill. We estimated the otter population in the portion of Prince William Sound affected by the oil was 6,546 at the time of the spill and that the post-spill population in the summer of 1989 was 3,898, yielding a loss estimate of approximately 2,650. Bootstrapping techniques were used to approximate confidence limits on the loss estimate of about 500–5,000 otters. The wide confidence limits are a result of the complex scheme required to estimate losses and limitations of the data. Despite the uncertainty of the loss estimate it is clear that a significant fraction of the otters in the spill zone survived. We observed otters persisting in relatively clean embayments throughout the oil spill zone suggesting that the highly convoluted coastline of Prince William Sound produced refuges that allowed some sea otters in the oil spill area to survive.  相似文献   
M. I. Bajwa 《Plant and Soil》1981,62(2):299-303
Summary X-ray diffraction studies were made on soils with and without potassium fertility problems. All soils with clay fractions containing dominant beidellite or vermiculite showed potassium deficiency and lack of response to potassium fertilizer applications. All of the soils containing dominant montmorillonite or other clay minerals contained adequate potassium; on none of these, poor potassium response was reported. Special management practices are needed on the beidellitic and vermiculitic soils to increase potassium and ammonium fertilizer efficiency. Dominance of beidellite in the clay fraction should be reflected in soil classification. Establishment of a ‘beidellite’ family differentiating criterion in the Soil Taxonomy is proposed for this purpose.  相似文献   
Summary The amino acid sequence of lysozyme c from chachalaca egg white was determined. Like other bird lysozymes c, that of the chachalaca has 129 amino acid residues. It differs from other avian lysozymes c by 27 to 31 amino acid substitutions as well as by being devoid of phenylalanine. It contains substitutions at 9 positions which are invariant in the other 7 bird lysozymes of known sequence. Although the chachalaca is classified zoologically in the order Galliformes, which includes chickens and other pheasant-like birds, its lysozyme differs more from those of pheasant-like birds than do the lysozymes c of ducks. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence comparisons confirms that the lineage leading to chachalaca lysozyme c separated from that leading to other galliform lysozymes c before the duck lysozyme c lineage did. This indicates a contrast between protein evolution and evolution at the organismal level. Immunological comparison of chachalacalysozyme c with other lysozymes of known sequence provides further support for the proposal that immunological cross-reactivity is strongly dependent on degree of sequence resemblance among bird lysozymes.103rd communication on lysozymes from the Laboratory of P. Jollès. Supported in part by grants from C.N.R.S. (ER 102), I.N.S.E.R.M. (Groupe de recherche U-116), N.S.F. (GB-42028X), and N.I.H. (GM-21509).  相似文献   
目的:评估不同类型的下颌骨骨折的手术入路及固定方法。方法:对于52例不同类型下颌骨骨折患者采用不同的口外或口内切口及相应的固定方法。结果:52例患者伤口全部一期愈合,51例咬合关系恢复到伤前咬合关系,1例出现咬合关系不良,X线检查骨折线队位良好。结论:对于不同部位的下颌骨骨折应采用相应的手术切口及固定方法,以获得最好的疗效。  相似文献   
PC10 is a monoclonal antibody to proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a nuclear protein associated with the cell cycle. We have evaluated the effects of tissue fixation on PC10 immunoreactivity in sections of paraffin embedded rat tissues. Immunoreactivity was well preserved in tissues after fixation with alcohol-based solutions for 3–24 hr. Fewer PC10-positive cells were detectable in samples fixed with formaldehydecontaining solutions compared with samples fixed with alcohol for the same time. Loss of PC10 immunoreactivity in formaldehyde fixed tissues was progressive, and quantifiable as early as after 3 hr fixation. Consequently, alcohol-based fixatives are strongly recommended for any immunocytochemical prospective study using PC10 antibody. In contrast, loss of PC10-immunoreactivity is always predictable, but difficult to quantitate, using formaldehyde fixed specimens. This aspect should be considered when using PC10 antibody in retrospective studies with routinely-processed archival material.  相似文献   
With the recent development of retinal prostheses, it is important to develop reliable techniques for assessing the safety of these devices in preclinical studies. However, the standard fixation, preparation, and automated histology procedures are not ideal. Here we describe new procedures for evaluating the health of the retina directly adjacent to an implant. Retinal prostheses feature electrode arrays in contact with eye tissue. Previous methods have not been able to spatially localize the ocular tissue adjacent to individual electrodes within the array. In addition, standard histological processing often results in gross artifactual detachment of the retinal layers when assessing implanted eyes. Consequently, it has been difficult to assess localized damage, if present, caused by implantation and stimulation of an implanted electrode array. Therefore, we developed a method for identifying and localizing the ocular tissue adjacent to implanted electrodes using a (color-coded) dye marking scheme, and we modified an eye fixation technique to minimize artifactual retinal detachment. This method also rendered the sclera translucent, enabling localization of individual electrodes and specific parts of an implant. Finally, we used a matched control to increase the power of the histopathological assessments. In summary, this method enables reliable and efficient discrimination and assessment of the retinal cytoarchitecture in an implanted eye.  相似文献   
One of the most fundamental concepts of evolutionary dynamics is the “fixation” probability, i.e. the probability that a mutant spreads through the whole population. Most natural communities are geographically structured into habitats exchanging individuals among each other and can be modeled by an evolutionary graph (EG), where directed links weight the probability for the offspring of one individual to replace another individual in the community. EGs have recently spurred huge interest, as it has been shown that some topology can amplify or suppress the effect of beneficial mutations. Very few exact analytical results however are known for EGs. In this article we show that the use of a new technique, the fixed point of probability generating function, allows us to compute the exact fixation probability for a large subset of bithermal graphs. We also show by numerical simulations that the computed solution holds for all bithermal graphs. Moreover, the analytical solution allows us to clarify the opposing consequences of birth–death versus death–birth processes as amplifier or suppressor of beneficial mutations for the same bithermal topology.  相似文献   
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