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Tropical marine ornamentals comprise an increasingly important fishery worldwide. Although the potential for overexploitation of marine ornamentals is great, few studies have addressed the population-level impacts of ornamental exploitation and few ornamental fisheries are managed. Analysis of catch records obtained from collectors over a four-month period in the vicinity of Cebu, Philippines, showed that anemonefish and anemones comprised close to 60% of the total catch. Underwater visual census surveys revealed that both anemone and anemonefish densities were significantly lower in exploited areas than in protected areas. The low density of anemones on exploited reefs accounted for over 80% of the reduced density of anemonefish at those sites. There were similar numbers of anemonefish per unit area of anemone in protected and exploited sites; however, biomass of anemonefish per unit area of anemone was lower in exploited areas. Reduction of anemone removals is recommended to support the sustainable harvest of anemonefish from this region.  相似文献   
Portunus trituberculatus is a commercially important species widely spread in the East China Sea. Intraspecific variation of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtDNA COI) gene was investigated in 213 individuals from six localities (Changjiang Estuary, Shengsi Islands, Zhoushan Islands, Dongtou Islands, Dinghai Bay, and Quanzhou Bay) ranging from north (31°21′N) to south (24°55′N) coastal waters of the East China Sea. Overall, a total of 27 mtDNA haplotypes and 21 variable sites were detected in the 787 bp segment of COI gene. Analysis of mtDNA COI sequence data revealed that crabs from the six localities were characterized by moderately high haplotypic diversity (h = 0.787 ± 0.026), while sequence divergence values between haplotypes were relatively low (π = 0.00241 ± 0.00098). Each population was characterized by a single most frequent haplotype, shared among all six localities, and a small number of rare ones, typically present in only one or two individuals and representative of a specific population. However, neither the neighbor-joining tree nor the minimum spanning network (MSN) based on the haplotype data exhibited geographical patterns of the six populations. Mismatch distribution analysis of P. trituberculatus individuals sampled from the six localities suggested that sudden population expansion might have occurred in CJ and SS population that might be consistent with over-exploitation of the swimming crab. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and F ST statistics showed that significant genetic differentiation existed among the SS, ZS, DT, DH, and QZ populations, suggesting that gene flow might be reduced, even between the geographically close sites, despite the high potential of dispersal. The possible causes of the observed genetic heterogeneity among the P. trituberculatus populations and the potential applications of the mtDNA COI marker in the artificial breeding and fisheries management are discussed. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   
The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) was created in 2004 to more effectively conserve and manage the region's tuna fishery. One of the Commission's principal enforcement tools is the high seas boarding and inspection regime, which authorizes each member state to board and inspect fishing vessels engaged in a regulated fishery to verify compliance with the Commission's conservation and management measures. This article examines the structure of the WCPFC's high seas boarding and inspection regime and analyzes its effectiveness in furthering the Commission's conservations and management mandate.  相似文献   
In March 1995, Canadian fisheries authorities boarded and arrested the Spanish fishing vessel, Estai, outside the Canadian 200‐mile zone on the Grand Banks, an event that served to focus world attention on a dispute that had its origins in the failure of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to implement an effective conservation and management regime for fish stocks on the high seas, particularly with respect to fish stocks that straddle coastal states’ exclusive economic zones. This article examines the origins of the dispute, including the allegations relating to overfishing of North Atlantic Fisheries Organization‐recommended quotas, the background to the vessel's arrest, and the subsequent confrontation that occurred, both at diplomatic levels and on the high seas, between Canada and the European Union. An analysis is made of the case in international law for Canada's extension of jurisdiction beyond 200 miles pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act. Finally, the article examines the implications of the recently concluded Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks for disputes of the kind that arose in the present case.  相似文献   
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) Fishing is considered a major threat to high seas fish stocks. Each of the the international regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) are combating some form of IUU fishing and this led the Food and Agriculture Oranization of the United Nations (FAO) to adopt the International Plan of Action to Deter, Prevent and Eliminate IUU Fishing (IPOA-IUU). This article will analyze the issues involved with IUU fishing, examine the recommendations in the IPOA, and consider examples of successful management and enforcement measures in use by states and RFMOs. Finally, recent developments in China will be viewed as an example of how international cooperation is contagious.  相似文献   

Exact locations of spawning areas used by marine fishes are needed to design marine reserves and estimate spawning stocks. The location of spawning areas of soniferous fishes such as weakfish Cynoscion regalis can be determined by means of passive hydroacoustic surveys. We conducted nocturnal hydrophone surveys at 12 locations in Pamlico Sound in May of 1996 and 1997. Digital audio tapes were made of weakfish “purring” sounds, the tapes were analyzed spectrographically and compared with ichthyoplankton surveys taken at the same stations and times. All weakfish “purring” sounds were recorded at stations near inlets. Maximum sound pressure levels recorded after sunset were 127 dB (re 1 (μPa) for individual weakfish, but reached a maximum of 147 dB when weakfish and other fish were producing sounds simultaneously. The maximum distance that an individual weakfish “purr” can be detected above the background sound, assuming a cylindrical spreading model, is approximately 50 m. There was a strong association (r = 0.78) between the log10— transformed abundance of early-stage sciaenid-type eggs and maximum sound pressure levels, with the greatest numbers occurring at the inlet stations. These results suggest that passive hydroacoustic surveys can be used to delimit spawning areas for conservation and management purposes.  相似文献   
Fisheries catches from Pacific Island coral reefs are rarely recorded in official statistics. Reconstruction of catch estimates with limited hard data requires interpolation and assumptions, justifiable only by the unsatisfactory alternative of continued substitution of zero catches, a common policy interpretation for ‘no data’. Uncertainties associated with reconstructions are high, requiring conservative estimation. American Samoan domestic fisheries consist of an artisanal, small-boat sector, whose commercial catches are reported, and a shore-based subsistence sector, with no regular reporting. Our catch reconstruction (with large pelagic species removed) suggested a 79% decrease in catches between 1950 (752 t) and 2002 (155 t). Accounting for rapid human population growth on the main island, the per capita catch rate may have declined from 36.3 kg·person−1 year−1 in 1950 to 1.3 kg·person−1 year−1 by 2002, while the catch rate for the inhabited outer islands has been independently reported as 58.6 kg·person−1 year−1. Catch per area of coral reef (to 50-m depth) may have declined from 5.5 to 0.7 t km−2 year−1 for the main island, and from 9.1 to 4.9 t km−2 year−1 for the outer islands, for 1950 and 2002, respectively. Summed for 1950–2002, our reconstruction suggested a 17-fold difference between reconstructed estimates and reported statistics.  相似文献   
Species with specialized resource use can display strong spatial heterogeneity in abundance according to the availability of their preferred habitats. If these preferences shift with ontogeny, then a wide range of habitats may need to be protected in order to support both adult populations and their replenishment. We explored whether microhabitat selectivity interacts with habitat availability to provide an effective suite of indicators for regional fish abundance and replenishment, using offshore rocky reefs in south-eastern Australia as a case study. We examined generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) in a full subsets approach to infer the best predictors for adult and juvenile fish density in four diverse families (Labridae, Odacidae, Pomacentridae, Serranidae), based on rapid underwater visual surveys across transects (⿼500 m2), wave exposures (0.3⿿1 km), and sites (0.3⿿48 km). We then examined whether these regional fish-habitat models aligned with the microhabitat electivity of individuals (at scale of <1 m2). Microhabitat selection by reef fishes at the local scale underpinned the most effective habitat indicators for regional heterogeneity in fish abundance, and pointed to critical nursery habitats that support hotspots of juvenile recruitment. Strong species-habitat relationships, such as these, can be combined with broad-scale habitat mapping to assess the potential carrying capacity of focal areas, spatial management zone placements, and nursery habitats that warrant special protection. A number of emerging threats to these key habitat types indicates an urgent need for habitat-based protection and monitoring as a key part of holistic marine ecosystem conservation and management.  相似文献   
With traditional finfish fisheries declining and pushing transition to new invertebrates target species, sea cucumbers have been heavily explored, suffering global overexploitation and worldwide depletion of their stocks.Nowadays, holothurians from the Mediterranean Sea and NE Atlantic Ocean are being exported to Asian markets. The scarce knowledge about their biology, population dynamics, ecology and genetics, is promoting defective management of their fisheries.We report the development of 9 novel polymorphic microsatellites markers for Holothuria mammata and characterized them by testing in three different sample locations. All nine microsatellites revealed high polymorphism and diversity, with high number of alleles, ranged from 11 to 22 and expected heterozygosity, between 0.52 and 0.92. Significant genetic differentiation was found between populations.These microsatellites are providing valuable information which could be applied to fisheries management including, identification of stocks, assessment of their genetic diversity, estimation of gene flow and monitoring the fishery effects on exploited populations.  相似文献   
Synopsis There has been a decline, and in some cases an almost total disappearance, of many of the native fish species of lakes Victoria and Kyoga in East Africa since the development of the fisheries of these lakes was initiated at the beginning of this century. The Nile perch, Lates niloticus, a large, voracious predator which was introduced into these lakes about the middle of the century along with several tilapiine species, is thought to have caused the reduction in the stocks of several species. But overfishing and competition between different species also appear to have contributed to this decline. By the time the Nile perch had become well established, stocks of the native tilapiine species had already been reduced by overfishing. The Labeo victorianus fishery had also deteriorated following intensive gillnetting of gravid individuals on breeding migrations. L. niloticus is, however, capable of preying on the species which haven been overfished and could have prevented their stocks from recovering from overfishing. L. niloticus is also directly responsible for the decline in populations of haplochromine cichlids which were abundant in these lakes before the Nile perch became established. Even without predation by Nile perch, it has been shown that the haplochromine cichlids could not have withstood heavy commercial exploitation if a trawl fishery had been established throughout Lake Victoria. Their utilisation for human food has also posed some problems. The abundance of the native tilapiine species may also have been reduced through competition with introduced species which have similar ecological requirements. At present, the Nile perch and one of the introduced tilapiine species, Oreochromis niloticus, form the basis of the fisheries of lakes Victoria and Kyoga.Invited editorial  相似文献   
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