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Response of fourth-instar larvae of Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann (Diptera: Culicidae) to food and inert particles floating at the water surface was studied. In a choice test, larvae aggregated at powdered organic materials (blood meal, liver powder alfalfa flour and wheat flour) but not at inert materials (kaolin, chalk or charcoal). Larvae responded positively to proteins as well as some carbohydrates, but not to cellulose. Retention of larvae at food sources found by random locomotion was found to be responsible for larval aggregation. Larvae ingested food particles 6–9 times faster than insert particles. The significance of Anopheline feeding behavior in the development of formulations of stomach toxins (bacterial agents) used in larval control is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit Verhaltensreaktionen von Anopheles albimanus Viertlarven auf an der Wasseroberfläche schwimmende Partikel. Verteilung und Orientierung der Larven wurde in einer Wahlapparatur quantifiziert. Nach Auftrag von Alfalfamehl, Weizenmehl, Stärke, Blutmehl, Leberpulver und Fischmehl wurde Aggregation der Larven in den beköderten Fächern der Apparatur beobachtet. Sowohl Proteine (Casein) als auch einige Kohlehydrate (Amylose, Amylopectin) lösten Aggregationen der Larven aus. Im Unterschied dazu führte Auftrag von Kreide, Kaolin, Polyaethylenpulver, Talcum oder Cellulose nicht zu Aggregationen. Zur Beschreibung der Entstehung larvaler Aggregationen bei Futterstoffen wurden die Schwimmbewegungen der Larven in Anwesenheit von Weizenmehl als Ködersubstanz quantifiziert. Da keine Attraktion der Larven im Sinne einer gerichteten Schwimmbewegung beobachtet werden konnte, wird geschlussfolgert, dass sofortige Beendung der Suchaktivität der Larven bei zufällig gefundenen Futterquellen für die beobachteten Aggregationen bei organischen Substanzen verantwortlich ist.Die Fressraten der Larven bei Angebot verschiedener Substanzen im Überschuss wurde bestimmt. Larven fülten drei von insgesamt sechs Darmabschnitten innerhalb von 15–30 min bei Angebot von Futtersubstanzen, während die Füllung von nur zwei Darmabschnitten mit inerten Materialien erst nach 90–120 min zu beobachten war. Die Resultate werden in Bezug auf wasseroberflächengebundene Formulierungen von Frassgiften diskutiert. Inerte Trägersubstanzen werden wahrscheinlich wesentlich langsamer aufgenommen als Futtersubstanzen. Da An. albimanus Larven nicht von Futterquellen angezogen werden, ist eine rasche und wirksame Giftaufnahme besonders dann zu erwarten, wenn die gesamte Oberfläche der Brutgewässer mit toxinhaltigen Trägerpartikeln bedeckt werden kann.
Past studies of bone extracellular matrix phosphoproteins such as osteopontin and bone sialoprotein have yielded important biological information regarding their role in calcification and the regulation of cellular activity. Most of these studies have been limited to proteins extracted from mammalian and avian vertebrates and nonvertebrates. The present work describes the isolation and purification of two major highly glycosylated and phosphorylated extracellular matrix proteins of 70 and 22 kDa from herring fish bones. The 70-kDa phosphoprotein has some characteristics of osteopontin with respect to amino acid composition and susceptibility to thrombin cleavage. Unlike osteopontin, however, it was found to contain high levels of sialic acid similar to bone sialoprotein. The 22-kDa protein has very different properties such as very high content of phosphoserine (∼270 Ser(P) residues/1000 amino acid residues), Ala, and Asx residues. The N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of both the 70-kDa (NPIMA(M)ETTS(M)DSKVNPLL) and the 22-kDa (NQDMAMEASSDPEAA) fish phosphoproteins indicate that these unique amino acid sequences are unlike any published in protein databases. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed that the 70-kDa phosphoprotein was present principally in bone and in calcified scales, whereas the 22-kDa phosphoprotein was detected only in bone. Immunohistological analysis revealed diffusely positive immunostaining for both the 70- and 22-kDa phosphoproteins throughout the matrix of the bone. Overall, this work adds additional support to the concept that the mechanism of biological calcification has common evolutionary and fundamental bases throughout vertebrate species.  相似文献   
Evidence for the presumed linkage between the enigmatic rodlet cells of fish and exposure to helminths is anecdotal and indirect. We evaluated the proliferation and development of rodlet cells in the optic lobes of fathead minnows exposed to cercariae of Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus. Mean rodlet cell densities (ca. 10/mm2) in the optic lobes were similar between unexposed controls and minnows with 1- and 2-week old infections. Rodlet cell densities increased at 4 weeks p.i., reaching maxima (ca. 200/mm2) at 6 weeks p.i., followed by a decline at 9 weeks. This temporal pattern of proliferation and maturation paralleled the development of metacercariae within the optic lobes. Unencysted metacercariae develop rapidly within tissues of the optic lobes for approximately 4 weeks after penetration by cercariae, then shift to the adjacent meninges to encyst. The former stage is associated with tissue damage, the latter with massive inflammation of the meninges. Thus, peak densities and maturation of rodlet cells correspond to the period when inflammation of the meninges caused by the large metacercarial cysts is at a maximum. Our results support recent contentions that rodlet cells comprise part of the host inflammatory defence response.  相似文献   
Shallow-water vegetated estuarine habitats, notably seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh, are known to be important habitats for many species of small or juvenile fish in temperate Australia. However, the movement of fish between these habitats is poorly understood, and yet critical to the management of the estuarine fisheries resource. We installed a series of buoyant pop nets in adjacent stands of seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh in order to determine how relative abundance of fishes varied through lunar cycles. Nets were released in all habitats at the peak of the monthly spring tide for 12 months, and in the seagrass habitat at the peak of the neap tide also. The assemblage of fish in each habitat differed during the spring tides. The seagrass assemblage differed between spring and neap tide, with the neap tide assemblage showing greater abundances of fish, particularly those species which visited the adjacent habitats when inundated during spring tides. The result supports the hypothesis that fish move from the seagrass to the adjacent mangrove and saltmarsh during spring tides, taking advantage of high abundances of zooplankton, and use seagrass as a refuge during lower tides. The restoration and preservation of mangrove and saltmarsh utility as fish habitat may in some situations be linked to the proximity of available seagrass.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of 16 weeks total starvation on the ultrastructure of the red and white myotomal muscles of the crucian carp (Carassius Carassius) has been investigated. In the white fibres the amount of myofibrillar material fell from 89.6% to 70.7% of the total fibre volume whilst in the red fibres the fall was from 72.2% to 70.3%. The sarcoplasmic reticulum appeared to have become swollen during starvation in both fibre types. In the white fibres the terminal cisternae of some triads seem to have fused. The volume of the red fibres occupied by mitochondria was reduced from 16.2 % to 5.9 %. The concentration of mitochondria in the white fibres was too low to detect any quantitative changes. A marked reduction in the amount of euchromatin material was observed in most white fibre nuclei and many red fibre nuclei. Many of the ultrastructural changes noted in the present study can be correlated with biochemical changes known to occur in the red and white myotomal muscles of fish during starvation. This work was supported by a grant from the Natural Environmental Research Council.  相似文献   
Synopsis Radio telemetry was used to study the movements of European eels,Anguilla anguilla, in a small (1.2 ha) lake in southwestern Spain in March and April, 1985. Observations were taken on the locations of 7 eels at least once each 2 h for a combined total of 1713 h. The size of individual activity regions varied from 2700 to 1300 m2. Eels covered a larger area at night than during the day, with an average of 23% and 42% of the activity region used during the day and night respectively. Average distance moved between observations was significantly greater at night than in the day. Eels tracked during rainy and cloudy weather were more active during the day and used a larger total area than did those tracked during drier, more stable weather. The standing crop of eels was estimated to be about 77 kg ha–1.  相似文献   
Summary We demonstrate here the existence of a range of size-independent reproductive tactics in teleostean fish involving the allocation of a size-dependent reproductive effort between fecundity and egg size. Despite considerable evidence that larger eggs and the larvae hatching from them are more likely to survive than smaller ones, we found no evidence of evolutionary trends towards greater egg sizes. Fish with pelagic eggs tend to spawn many, and therefore small, eggs, whereas demersal spawners tend to produce large, and therefore few, eggs. Maximizing egg number should increase the number of eggs hatching in suitable locations in the patchy pelagic environment and, hence, increase the reproductive success of pelagic spawners. On the other hand, the reproductive success of demersal spawners, which reduce the variance in growing conditions experienced by the off spring, should be more dependent on the survival of the individual larvae, which increases as egg size increases.  相似文献   
Twenty-seven oral strains of the genera Actinomyces (5), Bacteroides (3), and Streptococcus (19) were tested for aggregation by human whole saliva, as well as the effect of culture medium, Ca-ions, and bacteria concentration thereupon. Of the media tested, GF-broth gave rise to less interference by autoaggregation or higher aggregation titers than BHI and TSB, and was used throughout this study. In most cases, Ca-ions (1 mM) only enhanced the rate of induced aggregation, whereas raising the bacteria concentration increased the rate of both induce- and autoaggregation. The final titers, ranging from 1–64, were hardly affected by these parameters, except those of S. rattus HG 59 and S. mutans HG 199, which were respectively increased and decreased by Ca-ions. Saliva-induced aggregation was observed for 21 strains of A. viscosus, A. naeslundii, A. israelii, B. gingivalis, B. intermedius, S. cricetus, S. mutans, S. rattus, S. sanguis, and S. sobrinus, mostly within 15 min to 3 h. Seventeen of these strains also showed autoaggregation, usually well after the onset of induced aggregation. Any potential induced aggregation of B. gingivalis HG 91 was always masked by autoaggregation, as well as that of the S. mutans strains under a particular set of conditions. The aggregation rate and titer varied considerably in a mutually unrelated and strain-dependent way. These microtiterplate data were matched by the 5 spectrophotometric patterns observed for saliva-bacterial interaction, which moreover, gave the better differentiation between induced and autoaggregation. In conclusion, most strains tested can show rapid saliva-induced aggregation in a strain-dependent way, yet strongly affected by the experimental conditions and interference from autoaggregation.  相似文献   
To ascertain the roles of the membrane proteins in cation/sarcolemmal membrane binding, isolated rat cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles were extensively treated with Protease (S. aureus strain V.8). SDS-gel electrophoresis, protein and phosphate analysis confirmed that at least 20–22% of the protein, but none of the phospholipid, was solubilized by this procedure, and that the remaining membrane proteins were extensively hydrolyzed into small fragments. The cation binding properties of the treated vesicles were then examined by analyzing their aggregation behavior. The results demonstrate that this procedure had no effect on the selectivity series for di- and trivalent cation binding, or the divalent cation-induced aggregation behavior of the sarcolemmal vesicles at different pHs, indicating that proteins are probably not involved in these interactions and cannot be the low affinity cation binding sites previously observed [21, 22]. It did, however, change the pH at which protons induced sarcolemmal vesicle aggregation, suggesting a possible role for proteins in these processes. Protease treatment also modified the effects of fluorescamine labelling on divalent cation-induced vesicle aggregation, indicating that the NH, groups being labelled with fluorescamine are located on the sarcolemmal proteins. Together, these results support the hypothesis that di- and trivalent cation binding to the sarcolemmal membrane is largely determined by lipid/lipid and/or lipid/carbohydrate interactions within the plane of the sarcolemmal membrane, and that membrane proteins may exert an influence on these interactions, but only under very specialized conditions.Abbreviations MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino) propanesulfonic acid - HEPES N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperizine-N-2- ethanesulfonic acid - CHES 2(N-Cyclohexylamino) ethanesulfonic acid - DTT DL-Dithiothreitol - PMSF Phenylmethyl-sulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   
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