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There seems to be a widespread conviction — evidenced, for example, in the work of Mackie, Dawkins and Sober — that it is Darwinian rather than Humean considerations which deal the fatal logical blow to arguments for intelligent design. I argue that this conviction cannot be well-founded. If there are current logically decisive objections to design arguments, they must be Humean — for Darwinian considerations count not at all against design arguments based upon apparent cosmological fine-tuning. I argue, further, that there are good Humean reasons for atheists and agnostics to resist the suggestion that apparent design — apparent biological design and/or apparent cosmological fine-tuning — establishes (or even strongly supports) the hypothesis of intelligent design.  相似文献   
Genes involved in plant defences against herbivores and pathogens are often highly polymorphic. This is a putative sign that balancing selection may have operated reciprocally on the hosts and their herbivores. Spatial and temporal variations (for example, in soil nutrients and the plants'' ontogenetic development) may also modulate resistance traits, and thus selection pressures, but have been largely overlooked in theories of plant defences. Important elements of defences in Populus tremula (hereafter aspen) are phenolic compounds, including condensed tannins (CTs). Concentrations of CTs vary considerably with both variations in external factors and time, but they are also believed to provide genotype‐dependent resistance, mainly against chewing herbivores and pathogens. However, evidence of their contributions to resistance is sparse. Detailed studies of co‐evolved plant–herbivore associations could provide valuable insights into these contributions. Therefore, we examined correlations between CT levels in aspen leaves and both the feeding behavior and reproduction of the specialist aspen leaf aphid (Chaitophorus tremulae) in varied conditions. We found that xylem sap intake and probing difficulties were higher on genotypes with high‐CT concentrations. However, aphids engaged in more nonprobing activities on low‐CT genotypes, indicating that CTs were not the only defence traits involved. Thus, high‐CT genotypes were not necessarily more resistant than low‐CT genotypes, but aphid reproduction was generally negatively correlated with local CT accumulation. Genotype‐specific resistance ranking also depended on the experimental conditions. These results support the hypothesis that growth conditions may affect selection pressures mediated by aphids in accordance with balancing selection theory.  相似文献   
Designing novel proteins to perform desired functions, such as binding or catalysis, is a major goal in synthetic biology. A variety of computational approaches can aid in this task. An energy‐based framework rooted in the sequence‐structure statistics of tertiary motifs (TERMs) can be used for sequence design on predefined backbones. Neural network models that use backbone coordinate‐derived features provide another way to design new proteins. In this work, we combine the two methods to make neural structure‐based models more suitable for protein design. Specifically, we supplement backbone‐coordinate features with TERM‐derived data, as inputs, and we generate energy functions as outputs. We present two architectures that generate Potts models over the sequence space: TERMinator, which uses both TERM‐based and coordinate‐based information, and COORDinator, which uses only coordinate‐based information. Using these two models, we demonstrate that TERMs can be utilized to improve native sequence recovery performance of neural models. Furthermore, we demonstrate that sequences designed by TERMinator are predicted to fold to their target structures by AlphaFold. Finally, we show that both TERMinator and COORDinator learn notions of energetics, and these methods can be fine‐tuned on experimental data to improve predictions. Our results suggest that using TERM‐based and coordinate‐based features together may be beneficial for protein design and that structure‐based neural models that produce Potts energy tables have utility for flexible applications in protein science.  相似文献   
The present paper reports case study results of the risk assessment of transgenic Bt cotton on a non-target pest, cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii. Several types of techniques, i.e., electrical penetration graph (EPG), light and electron microscopy, bioassays and chemical analysis, were applied to investigate physical and chemical leaf factors of 2 transgenic Bt cotton lines (GK12 and GK19) and their pa-rental non-Bt cotton line (Simian3) associated with searching and feeding behaviors of cotton aphids on leaves or leaf extracts of cotton plants. EPG results showed that there were some differences among behaviors of cotton aphids on 2 Bt cotton and 1 non-Bt cotton lines. Cotton aphids performed similarly to leaf surface extracts from 3 cotton lines; and leaf surface chemicals, mainly volatiles and waxes, were almost identical in the components and concentrations among the cotton lines. However, three cotton lines were quite different from each other in the densities of certain kinds of covering trichomes. Therefore, the relationships between the physical characteristics and the searching behaviors of cotton aphids on the three cotton lines were constructed as the regression equations. Glandular trichomes and covering trichomes with 5 branches influenced the cotton aphids' searching behaviors effectively; and other trichomes with other branches affected aphids in varying ways. These results demonstrated that leaf surface physical factors of transgenic Bt cotton lines different from their parental non-Bt line could affect the penetration behaviors of non-target cotton aphids. Cotton aphids penetrate and feed more easily on two Bt cotton lines than on the non-Bt cotton line.  相似文献   
Abstract. Plant penetration by Aphis fabae (Scopoli) was recorded by the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique and followed by stylectomy during wave-forms that were suspected of indicating sieve element punctures. The severed stylets in the plant tissue were subsequently processed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and sectioned either transverse or longitudinal to the stylets. Two completely serially sectioned probes from the epidermis to the phloem were reconstructed.
In one probe the stylet pathway went to a sieve element and showed many empty branches of salivary sheath material. Breaks in cell walls filled with sheath material demonstrated that the majority of cells bordering the track had been punctured, which supports earlier evidence from EPGs. All types of cells showed punctures and the highest number was found inside the vascular bundle. Very few cells died, which would appear to be important for virus transmission, and in others cellular reactions remained limited to some callose formation. The route of the stylets was intercellular and passed through the secondary wall material. The role of pectinase in intercellular penetration, and previous evidence for intracellular tracks are discussed. Most sieve elements had been punctured but only one was eventually accepted. Thus, reaching a sieve element in a host plant does not automatically imply its acceptance though the reason remains unclear. Gelation of phloem proteins was shown in the stylet canal.
In a second probe, plant cytological and morphological correlations with the EPG were emphasized. Probes by other aphid-plant combinations showed great similarity.  相似文献   
The leafhopper Matsumuratettix hiroglyphicus (Matsumura) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is the most important vector of sugarcane white leaf (SCWL) phytoplasma that significantly affects the sugarcane crop in Asia. Here, we aimed to study the characteristics of SCWL phytoplasma transmission by M. hiroglyphicus. To this end, the stylet penetration activities performed during the acquisition access period (AAP) and inoculation access period (IAP) were investigated by the direct current electrical penetration graph technique and confirmed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Additionally, the latent period (LP) of SCWL phytoplasma in the vector was determined by qPCR and localised by fluorescent in situ hybridisation. The results indicated that the acquisition of SCWL phytoplasma occurred during phloem ingestion (waveform D), whereas its inoculation was associated with salivation into the phloem sieve element (waveform C). The minimum AAP was 15 min and the minimum duration of phloem ingestion was 2.35 min. The minimum LP of SCWL phytoplasma in the vector was at least 14 days; then, SCWL phytoplasma moved to the salivary glands of the insect, enabling the transmission of the pathogen to the host plants. The minimum IAP for a successful transmission of SCWL phytoplasma to the host plants was 11–12 min, with a minimum duration of salivation into phloem of 1.35 min. The female vectors had higher SCWL phytoplasma copy numbers than the male vectors, and displayed faster AAP, IAP, and LP. Overall, our findings provide important information related to the feeding behaviour of M. hiroglyphicus and its effect on the transmission of SCWL phytoplasma.  相似文献   
Micro-finite element (FE) analysis is a well established technique for the evaluation of the elastic properties of trabecular bone, but is limited in its application due to the large number of elements that it requires to represent the complex internal structure of the bone. In this paper, we present an alternative FE approach that makes use of a recently developed 3D-Line Skeleton Graph Analysis (LSGA) technique to represent the complex internal structure of trabecular bone as a network of simple straight beam elements in which the beams are assigned geometrical properties of the trabeculae that they represent. Since an enormous reduction of cputime can be obtained with this beam modeling approach, ranging from approximately 1,200 to 3,600 for the problems investigated here, we think that the FE modeling technique that we introduced could potentially constitute an interesting alternative for the evaluation of the elastic mechanical properties of trabecular bone.  相似文献   
Computationalism, or digital mechanism, or simply mechanism, is a hypothesis in the cognitive science according to which we can be emulated by a computer without changing our private subjective feeling. We provide a weaker form of that hypothesis, weaker than the one commonly referred to in the (vast) literature and show how to recast the mind-body problem in that setting.  相似文献   
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