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Dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria (DMRB) catalyze the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) in anoxic soils, sediments, and groundwater. Two-line ferrihydrite is a bioavailable Fe(III) oxide form that is exploited by DMRB as a terminal electron acceptor. A wide variety of biomineralization products result from the interaction of DMRB with 2-line ferrihydrite. Here we describe the state of knowledge on the biotransformation of synthetic 2-line ferrihydrite by laboratory cultures of DMRB using select published data and new experimental results. A facultative DMRB is emphasized ( Shewanella putrefaciens ) upon which most of this work has been performed. Key factors controlling the identity of the secondary mineral suite are evaluated including medium composition, electron donor and acceptor concentrations, ferrihydrite aging/recrystallization status, sorbed ions, and co-associated crystalline Fe(III) oxides. It is shown that crystalline ferric (goethite, hematite, lepidocrocite), ferrous (siderite, vivianite), and mixed valence (magnetite, green rust) iron solids are formed in anoxic, circumneutral DMRB incubations. Some products are well rationalized based on thermodynamic considerations, but others appear to result from kinetic pathways driven by ions that inhibit interfacial electron transfer or the precipitation of select phases. The primary factor controlling the nature of the secondary mineral suite appears to be the Fe(II) supply rate and magnitude, and its surface reaction with the residual oxide and other sorbed ions. The common observation of end-product mineral mixtures that are not at global equilibrium indicates that microenvironments surrounding respiring DMRB cells or the reaction-path trajectory (over Eh-pH space) may influence the identity of the final biomineralization suite.  相似文献   
Denitration of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) was evaluated in oxygen-depleted enrichment cultures. These cultures were established starting with an uncontaminated or a TNT-contaminated soil inoculum and contained TNT as sole nitrogen source. Incubations were carried out in the presence or absence of ferrihydrite. A significant release of nitrite was observed in the liquid culture containing TNT, ferrihydrite, and inoculum from a TNT-contaminated soil. Under these conditions, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the predominant bacterium in the enrichment, leading to the isolation of P. aeruginosa ESA-5 as a pure strain. The isolate had TNT denitration capabilities as confirmed by nitrite release in oxygen-depleted cultures containing TNT and ferrihydrite. In addition to reduced derivatives of TNT, several unidentified metabolites were detected. Concomitant to a decrease of TNT concentration, a release of nitrite was observed. The concentration of nitrite peaked and then it slowly decreased. In the absence of TNT, the drop in the concentration of nitrite in oxygen-depleted cultures was lower when ferrihydrite was provided, suggesting that ferrihydrite inhibited the utilization of nitrite by P. aeruginosa ESA-5.  相似文献   
Summary The cores of ferritins isolated from different organs of human subjects with-thalassemia/hemoglobin E (-thal/HbE) disease have different size distributions and crystallinities depending on the source organ. These patients have not been treated by hypertransfusion regimen or iron chelation therapy.-Thal/HbE spleens and livers yield ferritin cores which are less crystalline than those isolated from normal spleens and livers, reflecting the more rapid deposition of iron in the diseased state. Ferritins isolated from the hearts and pancreases of-thal/HbE subjects were found to have larger, more crystalline cores than those from the-thal/HbE livers and spleens, possibly as a consequence of the role of the heart and pancreas as long-term iron deposition sites in this iron overload pathology.  相似文献   
Iron-reducing bacteria can transfer electrons to ferric iron oxides which are barely soluble at neutral pH, and electron-shuttling compounds or chelators are discussed to be involved in this process. Experiments using semipermeable membranes for separation of ferric iron-reducing bacteria from ferric iron oxides do not provide conclusive results in this respect. Here, we used ferrihydrite embedded in 1% agar to check for electron-shuttling compounds in pure and in enrichment cultures. Geobacter sulfurreducens reduced spatially distant ferrihydrite only in the presence of anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate, a small molecule known to shuttle electrons between the bacterial cell and ferrihydrite. However, indications for the production and excretion of electron-shuttling compounds or chelators were found in ferrihydrite-containing agar dilution cultures that were inoculated with ferric iron-reducing enrichment cultures.  相似文献   
Matrajt G  Blanot D 《Amino acids》2004,26(2):153-158
Summary. Ferrihydrite, an iron oxide hydroxide, is found in all kinds of environments, from hydrothermal hot springs to extraterrestrial materials. It has been shown that this material is nanoporous, and because of its high surface area, it has outstanding adsorption properties and in some cases catalysis properties. In this work we studied the adsorption properties of ferrihydrite with respect to amino acids. Samples of pure ferrihydrite were synthesised and exposed to solutions of amino acids including both proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous species. These experiments revealed important characteristics of this mineral as both an adsorbent of amino acids and a promoter of peptide bond formation.  相似文献   
Geobacter species such as G. bremensis, G. pelophilus, and G. sulfurreducens are obligately anaerobic and grow in anoxic, non-reduced medium by fast reduction of soluble ferric citrate. In contrast, insoluble ferrihydrite was either only slowly or not reduced when supplied as electron acceptor in similar growth experiments. Ferrihydrite reduction was stimulated by addition of a reducing agent or by concomitant growth of secondary bacteria that were physiologically and phylogenetically as diverse as Escherichia coli, Lactococcus lactis, or Pseudomonas stutzeri. In control experiments with heat-inactivated Geobacter cells and viable secondary bacteria, no (E. coli, P. stutzeri) or only little (L. lactis) ferrihydrite was reduced. Redox indicator dyes showed that growing E. coli, P. stutzeri, or L. lactis cells lowered the redox potential of the medium in a similar way as a reducing agent did. The lowered redox potential was presumably the key factor that stimulated ferrihydrite reduction by all three Geobacter species. The observed differences in anoxic non-reduced medium with ferric citrate versus ferrihydrite as electron acceptor indicated that reduction of these electron acceptors involved different cellular components or different biochemical strategies. Furthermore, it appears that redox-sensitive components are involved, and/or that gene expression of components needed for ferrihydrite reduction is controlled by the redox state.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Günter Schlegel on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   
Iron metabolism in anoxic environments at near neutral pH   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Anaerobic dissimilatory ferric iron-reducing and ferrous iron-oxidizing bacteria gain energy through reduction or oxidation of iron minerals and presumably play an important role in catalyzing iron transformations in anoxic environments. Numerous ferric iron-reducing bacteria have been isolated from a great diversity of anoxic environments, including sediments, soils, deep terrestrial subsurfaces, and hot springs. In contrast, only few ferrous iron-oxidizing bacteria are known so far. At neutral pH, iron minerals are barely soluble, and the mechanisms of electron transfer to or from iron minerals are still only poorly understood. In natural habitats, humic substances may act as electron carriers for ferric iron-reducing bacteria. Also fermenting bacteria were shown to channel electrons to ferric iron via humic acids. Whether quinones or cytochromes released from cells act as electron transfer components in ferric iron reduction is still a matter of debate. Anaerobic ferrous iron-oxidizing phototrophic bacteria, on the other hand, appear to excrete complexing agents to prevent precipitation of ferric iron oxides at their cell surfaces. The present review evaluates recent findings on the physiology of ferric iron-reducing and ferrous iron-oxidizing bacteria with respect to their relevance to microbial iron transformations in nature.  相似文献   
In most ecosystems, the degradation of complex organic material depends on extracellular enzymes produced by microbes. These enzymes can exist in bound or free form within the soil, but the dynamics of these different enzyme pools remain uncertain. To address this uncertainty, I determined rates of enzyme turnover in a volcanic soil with and without added enzymes. I also tested whether or not soil minerals and humic acids would alter enzyme activity. In soils that were gamma-irradiated to stop enzyme production, 35–70% of the enzyme activity was stable throughout the 21-day incubation. The remaining enzyme fraction decayed at rates ranging from − 0.032 to − 0.628 day−1. In both the irradiated soils and in soils with added enzymes, addition of the mineral allophane had a strong positive effect on most enzyme activities. Another added mineral, ferrihydrite, had a weak positive effect on some enzymes. Added humic acids strongly inhibited enzyme activity. These findings suggest that minerals, especially allophane, enhance potential enzyme activities in young volcanic soils. However, the actual activity and function of these enzymes may be low under field conditions if stabilization results in less efficient enzyme-substrate interactions. If this is the case, then much of the measured enzyme activity in bulk soil may be stabilized but unlikely to contribute greatly to ecosystem processes.  相似文献   
Ferritins are ubiquitous iron storage and detoxification proteins distributed throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. Mammalian ferritins oxidize and accumulate iron as a ferrihydrite mineral within a shell-like protein cavity. Iron deposition utilizes both O2 and H2O2 as oxidants for Fe2+ where oxidation can occur either at protein ferroxidase centers or directly on the surface of the growing mineral core. The present study was undertaken to determine whether the nature of the mineral core formed depends on the protein ferroxidase center versus mineral surface mechanism and on H2O2 versus O2 as the oxidant. The data reveal that similar cores are produced in all instances, suggesting that the structure of the core is thermodynamically, not kinetically controlled. Cores averaging 500 Fe/protein shell and diameter  2.6 nm were prepared and exhibited superparamagnetic blocking temperatures of 19 and 22 K for the H2O2 and O2 oxidized samples, respectively. The observed blocking temperatures are consistent with the unexpectedly large effective anisotropy constant Keff = 312 kJ/m3 recently reported for ferrihydrite nanoparticles formed in reverse micelles [E.L. Duarte, R. Itri, E. Lima Jr., M.S. Batista, T.S. Berquó and G.F. Goya, Large Magnetic Anisotropy in ferrihydrite nanoparticles synthesized from reverse micelles, Nanotechnology 17 (2006) 5549–5555.]. All ferritin samples exhibited two magnetic phases present in nearly equal amounts and ascribed to iron spins at the surface and in the interior of the nanoparticle. At 4.2 K, the surface spins exhibit hyperfine fields, Hhf, of 436 and 445 kOe for the H2O2 and O2 samples, respectively. As expected, the spins in the interior of the core exhibit larger Hhf values, i.e. 478 and 486 kOe for the H2O2 and O2 samples, respectively. The slightly smaller hyperfine field distribution DHhf for both surface (78 kOe vs. 92 kOe) and interior spins (45 kOe vs. 54 kOe) of the O2 sample compared to the H2O2 samples implies that the former is somewhat more crystalline.  相似文献   
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