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The reproductive activity and the physiological state of the calanoid copepods Calanus helgolandicus and Calanoides carinatus were investigated off the coast of NW Spain during autumn to evaluate the effect of short food resources on both populations. Phytoplankton biomass was low, and neither phytoplankton size distribution nor composition was suitable to support high reproductive rates. Accordingly, egg production rates (EPR) were much lower than maximum rates for both species, pointing to food limitation. The reproductive index (RI), which represents the proportion of females with mature gonads, was < 50% at each of the three zones into which the sampling area was divided (coast, shelf and ocean). Potential recruitment rates were very low except at some nearshore stations, where the highest concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), diatoms, dinoflagellates and large cells were found. EPR of C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus were correlated with phytoplankton biomass and unaffected by temperature. Phytoplankton carbon ingestion explained ca. 50% of the variability in EPR for both species. At most of the stations, herbivory was insufficient to cover the carbon requirements for reproduction and respiration, so females probably fed on heterotrophic prey to meet their demands. However, given the low fecundity observed, this omnivorous diet did not seem to be optimum for reproduction, and a severe food limitation is thus suggested. Furthermore, the high C/N values measured point to a notable lipid storage, but given the low EPR found, lipid reserves were probably invested into female maintenance rather than into gonad maturation. C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus populations did not mirror phytoplankton biomass distribution, but they correlated well when considering only copepodites V (CV). The CV could be preparing for the overwintering, storing lipid reserves to ensure a successful diapause, and they could also be advected by the poleward current detected during the study. Females showed a diel feeding rhythm, with highest ingestion rates during night. From our results, it follows that C. helgolandicus and C. carinatus females did not perform diel vertical migrations. We suggest that this behaviour is likely due to the food-limiting conditions, which make it more advantageous to remain at the surface during daytime.  相似文献   
We have tested the hypothesis that reseeding is a plesiomorphic character state and that sprouting is a derived state inAspalathus linearis, and that the latter is an adaptation to ensure fire-survival in a fireprone environment. Samples of five seeder and four sprouter populations of A.linearis were examined by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis to assess the amount of genetic differentiation within and between sprouting and seeding populations, and to determine the extent of gene flow between the populations. Leaf extracts were surveyed for ten enzymes and gene products revealed genetic variation at 13 (76%) of 17 protein coding loci. Allele frequency differences were found between sprouting and seeding populations and genetic distance values show that the sprouters are grouped separate from the seeders, thus providing support for the morphological data on which the above mentioned hypothesis is based. It is evident that evolution operates at the population level inA. linearis.  相似文献   
Summary Aphelenchus avenae and various unidentified bacteria and actinomycetes were cultured from soil samples taken from a pine-forest and a wheat-field. The nematode failed to reproduce in significant numbers on cultures of these micro-organisms and was apparently unable to utilize them as food sources.  相似文献   
Feigning death in the Central American cichlid Parachromis friedrichsthalii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feigning death, a hunting strategy in which a healthy individual acts as if it was dead to trick prey into its reach, is reported for a population of the Central American cichlid Parachromis friedrichsthalii . Possible mechanisms leading to the evolution of such a behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   
D. Mckee  D. Ebert 《Oecologia》1996,107(2):189-196
Invertebrate offspring are usually larger in colder environments. To test for possible effects of covariates (e.g. maternal phenotype and feeding conditions) on this pattern, we performed a laboratory experiment to look at the effect of temperature on newborn weight in the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna. Three tempèratures (12°C, 16°C and 22°C) and two food levels (10,000 cells ml–1 and 150,000 cells ml–1) were used, and offspring were examined from the first five clutches of mothers that had been maintained under the constant experimental conditions for three generations. Preliminary analysis suggested that newborn weight was significantly affected by temperature although patterns in the data were not clear cut. In addition, the covariates mother weight and clutch size were positively and negatively correlated with newborn weight, respectively; and later clutches tended to contain heavier offspring. Therefore, in an effort to control for the effects of the covariates, repeated-measures analysis of covariance was performed using ratio values of newborn weight/mother weight (relative newborn weight) as the dependent variable, clutch size as the covariate and clutch number as the repeated measures term. Now, temperature as a main effect in an ANCOVA model did not significantly influence relative newborn weight. The repeatedmeasure term clutch number also became nonsignificant, indicating that when differences in mother weight due to age were accounted for there were no overall differences in relative newborn weight between clutches from a particular mother. Temperature effects on relative newborn weight were only significant as part of interaction terms with food concentration and with clutch number. Thus there were different weight responses to temperature within food levels, and between clutch numbers within food levels. Under the low-food conditions newborn were heaviest at 16°C, lightest at 12°C and intermediate at 22°C. Conversely, under the high-food condition newborn were lightest at 16°C, heaviest at 12°C and again intermediate at 22°C. However, newborn tended to be heavier under the low food condition, and food concentration was highly significant as a main effect. Mother growth rate showed no significant relationship with newborn weight. It is concluded that direct temperature effects on relative newborn weight are marginal and nonsignificant. Temperature effects through interactions with food concentration and clutch number are important determinants of newborn weight, but relatively speaking account for only a small proportion of observed variance in newborn weight (25%), compared with the direct effect of food concentration (67%).  相似文献   
Summary I study the evolutionarily stable seasonal patterns of hatching and pupation for herbivorous insects that engage in exploitative competition for a renewable resource. A longer larval feeding period enhances female fecundity, but also causes a higher mortality by predation and parasitism. Previously, it was shown that the evolutionarily stable population exhibits asynchronous starting and ending of the larval feeding period in a model in which larval growth rate decreases with the total larval biomass in the population due presumably to interference competition. Here I study the case in which resource availability changes not only with environmental seasonality but with the depletion by the feeding of larvae. I find that if the impact of the herbivory is strong, both hatching and pupation should occur asynchronously in the evolutionarily stable population. And if the favourable season for the host plant is short the ESS population may include synchronous timing of pupation. If the timing of hatching and pupation occurs asynchronously, in the first day of each interval some fraction of the population hatch or pupate, respectively and the rest do so gradually over the interval. In addition, if the environmental variable changes as a symmetric function of time, the length of the period in which hatching occurs tends to be much shorter than the period in which pupation occurs.  相似文献   
Variables Influencing the Effect of a Meal on Brain Tryptophan   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
Previous work from our laboratory points to plasma free tryptophan being a useful predictor of brain tryptophan concentration in many circumstances. Other work, in particular various studies on the acute effects of food intake, has emphasized the roles of plasma total tryptophan and of plasma large neutral amino acids that compete with tryptophan for transport to the brain. We have now studied associations between the above variables under different dietary conditions. Rats were allowed to feed for restricted periods during a 12-h light-12-h dark cycle. In the first study, rats were given access to a carbohydrate diet for 2 h midway through the light cycle and following an 18-h fast. The resultant rise of brain tryptophan was explicable largely by the associated fall in large neutral amino acids. In a second study, rats were adapted to a regimen whereby they were allowed access to the standard laboratory diet for 4 h during the dark cycle for 3 weeks. A postprandial decrease in brain tryptophan was associated with a fall in free tryptophan and of its ratio to competing amino acids. The brain change could be attributed neither to changes in plasma total tryptophan (which increased) nor to changes of its ratio to the competers (which remained unchanged). Results as a whole are thus consistent with changes of plasma free tryptophan and large neutral amino acid concentrations affecting brain tryptophan concentration under different dietary circumstances. It is suggested that these influences serve to maintain brain tryptophan when dietary supplies are defective.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Female apple maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh) flies held in field cages usually oviposited in an unparasitized (non-pheromone marked) fruit when it was encountered.
2. Oviposition in a previously parasitized (pheromone marked) fruit depended upon the time since the last oviposition (TSLO) and the percentage of infested fruit encountered during search for oviposition sites.
3. Previous theories of host acceptance suggest that the acceptance or rejection of a host should depend dichotomously on time since last oviposition and the fraction of marked hosts in the last five encounters. The experiments, however, show considerable variability and are thus not consistent with the theory.
4. A new theory for the experiments is introduced. This model involves physiological (egg complement) and informational state variables and leads to intuitive understanding of the experimental results. In particular, the model shows how the plasticity in oviposition site selection may arise from fitness maximizing behaviour. Alternative models are also discussed. All of the models stress the importance of physiological and informational states.  相似文献   
Summary The relationship between ichthyotoxicity and predation-related defensive functional morphology was examined in alcyonacean soft corals of the central and northern regions of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. Approximately 170 specimens were assessed encompassing a number of genera within three families: 1) the Alcyoniidae (Lobophytum, Sarcophytum, Sinularia, Cladiella, Parerythropodium, and Alcyonium); 2) Neptheidae (Lemnalia, Paralemnalia, Capnella, Lithophyton, Nephthea, Dendronephthya, Scleronephthya, and Stereonephthya), and 3) Xeniidae (Anthelia, Efflatounaria, Cespitularia, Heteroxenia, and Xenia). Ichthyotoxicity data were derived from earlier studies which used Gambusia affinis Baird and Girard (Vertebrata, Pisces) as a test organism. These data were compared to morphological data collected from specimens in the field and laboratory. Three sets of statistical analyses were performed, each considering a progressively narrower group of taxa. The first included 68 specimens and considered 16 morphological characters in each, falling into the general categories of gross colony form, colony texture, presence of mucus, colony color, polyp retractility, and sclerite morphology and distribution. These were tested for independence against ichthyotoxicity data. The second set of analyses involved a more restricted morphological data set derived from 28 species of Sinularia in combination with 28 species within the Nephtheidae, comparing them to their respective toxicity ranks. The third analysis considered the previous two taxonomic groups separately in relation to their toxicity levels.The attempt to consider many morphological characters in a taxonomically diverse collection did not reveal any general association in the Alcyonacea between defensive morphology and toxicity, and those associations which did emerge were clearly erroneous. The second analysis, considering only Sinularia spp. and nephtheids, demonstrated a negative association between ichthyotoxicity and the morphological characters of a) polypary armament, b) microarmament of the individual polyp, and c) strong mineralization of the coenenchyme. The third analysis revealed that the negative association found between toxicity and the first two characters was derived entirely from the nephtheids while the association detected between toxicity and the third character was restricted to Sinularia. It is concluded that a relationship between toxicity and morphology can be demonstrated, but it is heavily dependent upon which specific morphological characters are being considered and at what level of taxonomic resolution the analysis is being performed. An approach utilizing many characters over many taxa is unlikely to yield significant, reliable, or meaningful results.Australian Institute of Marine Science Contribution Number 383  相似文献   
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