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From sludge obtained from the sewage digester plant in Stuttgart-Möhringen a strictly anaerobic bacterium was enriched and isolated with methyl chloride as the energy source. The isolate, which was tentatively called strain MC, was nonmotile, gram-positive, and occurred as elongated cocci arranged in chains. Cells of strain MC formed about 3 mol of acetate per 4 mol of CH3Cl consumed, indicating that the organism was a homoacetogenic bacterium fermenting methyl chloride plus CO2 according to: The organism grew with 2–3% methyl chloride in the gas phase at a doubling time of near 30 h. Dichloromethane was not utilized. The bacterium also grew on carbon monoxide, H2 plus CO2, and methoxylated aromatic compounds. Optimal growth with methyl chloride was observed at 25°C and pH 7.3–7.7. The G+C-content of the DNA was 47.5±1.5%. The methyl chloride conversion appeared to be inducible, since H2 plus CO2-grown cells lacked this ability. From the morphological and physiological characteristics, the isolate could not be affiliated to a known species.  相似文献   
The bacterial symbionts of many marine invertebrates contain ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase but apparently no carboxysomes, polyhedral bodies containing RuBP carboxylase. In the few cases where polyhedral bodies have been observed they have not been characterised enzymatically. Polyhedral bodies, 50–90 nm in diameter, were observed in thin cell sections of Thiobacillus thyasiris the putative symbiont of Thyasira flexuosa and RuBP carboxylase activity was detected in both soluble and particulate fractions after centrifugation of cell-free extracts. RuBP carboxylase purified 90-fold from the soluble fraction was of high molecular weight and consisted of large and small subunits, with molecular weights of 53,110 and 11,100 respectively. Particulate RuBP carboxylase activity was associated with polyhedral bodies 50–100 nm in diameter, as revealed by density gradient centrifugation and electron microscopy. Therefore, the polyhedral bodies were inferred to be carboxysomes. Native electrophoresis of isolated carboxysomes demonstrated a major band which comigrated with the purified RuBP carboxylase and three minor bands of lower molecular weight. Sodium dodecyl-sulphate (SDS) gel electrophoresis of SDS-dissociated carboxysomes demonstrated nine major polypeptides two of which were the large and small subunits of RuBP carboxylase. The RuBP carboxylase subunits represented 21% of the total carboxysomal protein. The most abundant polypeptide had a molecular weight of 40,500. Knowledge of carboxysome composition is necessary to provide an understanding of carboxysome function.Abbreviations FPLC fast performance liquid chromatography - IB isolation buffer - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - RuBP carboxylase - ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SDS sodium dodecyl-sulphate  相似文献   
Thermophilic anaerobic spirochetes in New Zealand hot springs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Electron and light microscopy revealed the presence of spirochetes in New Zealand thermal springs. The spirochete population in one spring studied (Kuirau Lake) was affected by fluctuations in temperature and/or pool level. A pure culture of the strictly anaerobic bacterium revealed that it grew optimally at a temperature of 45–50°C, with no growth occurring above 60°C, and a pH of 7.0–7.5 with no growth occurring at pH 5.5 or 8.5. Growth was inhibited by chloramphenicol, penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline and neomycin but not by d -cycloserine, novobiocin or phosphomycin at 10 μg/ml. A wide range of carbohydrates were utilized but not organic acids. Acetate was the major end product of glucose fermentation with substantial amounts of ethanol and traces of lactate being produced.  相似文献   
Five strains of pink-pigmented, facultatively methylotrophic bacteria (PPFM) isolated from plant surfaces and grown in different carbon sources, were fixed, embedded and sectioned for examination with the electron microscope. The strains studied represented the two mainsub-groups, those that can use carbohydrates and those that can not use carbohydrates as a sole carbon and energy source. All of the isolates examined, produced crystalloid inclusions, internal membranous vesicles and internal membranous sheets although the number of cells with inclusions, varied with the carbon source and specific strain. Polybetahydroxybutyrate and polyphosphate bodies were observed in all strains, with all carbon sources used for growing cells which includes methanol, formate and glycerol. Isolates that could use glucose accumulated polyglucoside granules but not when other carbon sources were provided. The relationship of these inclusions to growth conditions is discussed.  相似文献   
A facultatively anaerobic bacterium, strain P-88, was enriched selectively under dual limitation by glutamate and oxygen in a chemostat. The new strain is a gram-negative motile rod. The mol% guanine plus cytosine of the DNA is 51.4±0.6 mol%. The organism grows on citrate as a sole source of carbon and energy, does not form acetoin, does not induce lysine decarboxylase and was thus classified as a species of the genus Citrobacter. A remarkable characteristic of the new isolate is its ability to grow on several amino acids with either a respiratory or a fermentative type of metabolism. Under strictly anoxic conditions glutamate was fermented to acetate, H2, CO2 and ammonia. Asparagine, aspartate and serine could also be fermented. Furthermore, all type strains of the genus Citrobacter were shown to have the same fermentative abilities. Based on enzyme activities determined in cell-free extracts a combination of the methylaspartate pathway and the mixed acid fermentation of Enterobacteriaceae is proposed to explain the glutamate fermentation pattern observed in cultures of strain P-88. Analysis of the growth of strain P-88 in continuous culture with various degrees of oxygen supply, demonstrated that the bacterium can rapidly switch between oxic and anoxic metabolism. Cultures of strain P-88 grown under oxygen limitation simultaneously respire and ferment glutamate, suggesting that the organism is particularly well adapted to growth in microoxic environments.  相似文献   
A facultative methylotrophic bacterium was isolated from enrichment cultures containing methylamine as the sole carbon source. It was tentatively identified as an Arthrobacter species. Extracts of cells grown on methylamine or ethylamine contained high levels of amine oxidase (E.C. 1.4.3.) activity. Glucose- or choline-grown cells lacked this enzyme. Oxidation of primary amines by the enzyme resulted in the formation of H2O2; as a consequence high levels of catalase were present in methylamine-and ethylamine-grown cells. The significance of catalase in vivo was demonstrated by addition of 20 mM aminotriazole (a catalase inhibitor) to exponentially growing cells. This completely blocked growth on methylamine whereas growth on glucose was hardly affected. Cytochemical studies showed that methylamine-dependent H2O2 production mainly occurred on invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane. Assimilation of formaldehyde which is generated during methylamine oxidation was by the FBP variant of the RuMP cycle of formaldehyde fixation. The absence of NAD-dependent formaldehyde and formate dehydrogenases indicated the operation of a non-linear oxidation sequence for formal-dehyde via hexulose phosphate synthase. Enzyme profiles of the organism grown on various substrates suggested that the synthesis of amine oxidase, catalase and the enzymes of the RuMP cycle is not under coordinate control.  相似文献   
Dehalogenation of dichloromethane by cell extracts of hyphomicrobium DM2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A facultatively methylotrophic bacterium was isolated from enrichment cultures containing dichloromethane as the sole carbon source. It was identified as a Hyphomicrobium species. The organism grew exponentially in batch cultures with 10 mM dichloromethane at a specific growth rate of 0.07 h-1. The release of Cl- from dichloromethane and the disapperance of substrate paralleled growth. Resting dichloromethane-grown cells, in the presence of potassium sulphite as a trapping agent, converted cichloromethane methane quantitatively to formaldehyde. The conversion of dichloromethane to formaldehyde by cell extracts was stricly dependent on glutathione. Other thiols were inactive. Glutathione was not consumed in the course of the reaction. The specific activity of the enzymic dehalogenation of dichloromethane amounted to 3.8 mkat/kg protein in extracts of dichloromethane-grown cells and to less than 0.1 mkat/kg protein in extracts from cells grown on methanol.  相似文献   
The influence of different physiological states on the glucose uptake and mineralization by Cytophaga johnsonae, a freshwater isolate, was examined in batch and chemostat cultures. At different growth rates under glucose limitation in chemostat cultures, different uptake patterns for 14C labeled glucose were observed. In batch culture and at high growth rates the glucose uptake potential showed a higher maximum velocity and a much lower substrate affinity than at lower growth rates. These findings and the results of short-term labeling patterns could be explained by two different glucose uptake mechanisms which enable the strain to grow efficiently both at high and low substrate concentrations. Substrate specificity studies showed that a structural change of the C-2 atom of the glucose molecule was tolerated by both systems. The consequences of these results for the ecophysiological classification of the Cytophaga group and for the operation of continuous cultures are discussed.  相似文献   
Taxonomically diverse aquatic fungi ranging in oxidative capabilities from obligate aerobes to aerotolerant anaerobes were examined for growth under hyperbaric (0.9 atm) O2, and for the ability to degrade H2O2 and O 2 - . The results support the presumption that several Oomycetes and Chytridiomycetes are biochemically adapted to environments low in O2. Results further indicate significant differences between Oomycetes and Chytridiomycetes in the enzymatic means of dealing with O 2 - and H2O2, supporting the recent concept of a great evolutionary divergence between the groups. In general, facultative anaerobes and aerotolerant anaerobes were more severely inhibited by hyperbaric O2, and they exhibited lower superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and peroxidase activities than did strongly-oxidative species. SOD activity, which was detected in all isolates, was insensitive to cyanide in Oomycetes but cyanide sensitive in the Blastocladiales (Chytridiomycetes). All strongly-oxidative Oomycetes exhibited readily-detectable catalase and peroxidase activities, while activities were very low or absent in strongly-fermentative species. As with the Oomycetes, peroxidase activities among the Blastocladiales were high in aerobes and low in strong fermenters. Surprisingly, however, none of the Blastocladiales, including strongly-oxidative species, exhibited substantial catalase activity. Catalase and SOD activities in faculatively anaerobic Oomycetes increased with increasing O2 concentration; but even in hyperbaric (0.5 atm) O2, activities for both enzymes in the aerotolerant anaerobe Aqualinderella fermentans were very low compared with activities in aerobes.Abbreviation SOD Superoxide dismutase  相似文献   
The ground polluted with oil products was analyzed at a depth of 0.5–7.8 m (loamy soil), 11.5–13.0 m (gravelstone), 13.0–15.0 m (siltstone). It was shown that the distribution of oil products and microorganisms in the ground over the profile depends on the hydrogeological properties of the rock (porosity, hydraulic conductivity). The number of aerobic heterotrophic microorganisms varied from 106–107 CFU/g, the fraction of hydrocarbon-oxidizing ones increased with depth from 30 to 85%. The number of anaerobic microorganisms was comparable to the number of aerobic ones. The number of psychrotrophs and psychrophiles increases with depth; in the lower horizon these organisms prevail over the number of mesophiles.  相似文献   
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