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The use of entomopathogenic nematodes on cabbage leaves against larvae of the diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella requires the addition of formulation adjuvants to achieve satisfying control. Without adjuvants nematodes settle in the tank mix of backpack sprayers causing uneven distribution. The polymers arabic and guar gum, alginate and xanthan were used in concentrations between 0.05 and 0.3% to retard sedimentation of Steinernema carpocapsae. Arabic gum had no effect, guar gum prevented sedimentation at 0.3% but the effect dropped significantly at lower concentration. At 0.05%, xanthan prevented nematode sedimentation better than alginate. Deposition of nematodes on the leaves was significantly increased by the addition of any of the polymers. Spraying nematodes on leaves with an inclination of 45° without the addition of any formulation resulted in 70% run-off. Adding 0.2% alginate or xanthan reduced the losses to <20%. The use of a surfactant–polymer formulation significantly reduced defoliation by DBM larvae. Visual examinations provided evidence that nematodes are not ingested by DBM larvae. Invasion of S. carpocapsae is an active process via the anus. The function of the formulation is not to prolong nematode survival, but to provide environmental conditions which enable rapid invasion of the nematodes. Nematode performance was improved by selection of the best surfactant in combination with xanthan and by optimisation of the concentrations of the surfactant Rimulgan® and the polymer xanthan. The best control results were achieved with Rimulgan® at 0.3% together with 0.3% xanthan, causing DBM mortality of >90% at 80% relative humidity and >70% at 60%. The formulation lowered the LC50 from 12 to 1 nematode/larva. The viscosity of the surfactant–polymer formulations correlated well with nematode efficacy, prevention of sedimentation and adherence to the leave. This physical parameter can therefore be recommended for improvement of nematode formulations to be used for foliar application against DBM.  相似文献   
Abstract. Village-scale trials were carried out in southern Mexico to compare the efficacy of indoor-spraying of the pyrethroid insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin applied either as low-volume (LV) aqueous emulsion or as wettable-powder (WP) aqueous suspension for residual control of the principal coastal malaria vector Anopheles albimanus. Three indoor spray rounds were conducted at 3-month intervals using back-pack mist-blowers to apply lambda-cyhalothrin 12.5 mg a.i./m2 by LV, whereas the WP was applied by conventional compression sprayer at a mean rate of 26.5 mg a.i./m2.
Both treatments caused mosquito mortality indoors and outdoors (collected inside house curtains) as a result of contact with treated surfaces before and after feeding, but had no significant impact on overall population density of An. albimanus resting indoors or assessed by human bait collections. Contact bioassays showed that WP and LV treatments with lambda-cyhalothrin were effective for 12–20 weeks (>75% mortality) without causing excito-repellency.
Compared to the WP treatment (8 houses/man/day), LV treatment (25 houses/man/day) was more than 3 times quicker per house, potentially saving 68% of labour costs. This is offset, however, by the much lower unit price of a compression sprayer (e.g. Hudson 'X-pert' at US120) than a mist-blower (e.g. 'Super Jolly' at US350), and higher running costs for LV applications. It was calculated, therefore, that LV becomes more economical than WP after 18.8 treatments/100 houses/10 men at equivalent rates of application, or after 7.6 spray rounds with half-rate LV applications.  相似文献   
A field study was carried out for 6 wks to assess, from both an efficiency and economic perspective, the effect of individual and integrated success of feeding and topical applications of two formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) in controlling house fly (Musca domestica L.) larvae and adults in poultry houses. There was no significant difference between the 1 g and 2 g L?1 spray applications of Bti. In the absence of spray applications, no significant differences in larval mortalities were observed between the 250 mg and 500 mg kg?1 feed applications. The percentage mortality of larvae accomplished as a result of using a combination of 250 mg kg?1Bti feed and 2 g L?1 spray applications was equivalent to that obtained as a result of combining 500 mg kg?1Bti and 1g L?1 spray applications. Treatment with Bti caused significant reductions in the emergence (up to 74%) of house fly adults compared to the control. The fact that the emergence of adult house flies was affected by Bti treatments implies that Bti has sublethal effects on house fly larvae. The cost–benefit analysis (expressed in terms of mortality of larvae growing) indicated that the most effective combination for house fly larvae and adult house fly emergence control was the 500 mg kg?1 of feed and 2 g L?1 spray application combination that resulted in 67% larval mortality and a 74% decrease in adult house fly emergence. This study presents commercial users with various alternatives for possible combinations of the two Bti formulations.  相似文献   
The degree of intergradation between two species of Sulawesi macaques,Macaca tonkeana andM. hecki, was studied by examining the diagnostic external characteristics of more than 100 monkeys kept as pets by natives. Two possible hybrid monkeys were found and both originated from the borderland between the two species, located in the most proximal region of the northern peninsula of Sulawesi. The previously postulated wide area of integradation between the two species at the possible contact zone was, however, not recognized, and typical examples oftonkeana orhecki were found to be present on the two sides of a narrow “hybrid” zone which was defined by direct observations. Furthermore, despite considerable individual variations, we were able to allocate most monkeys to one or other of the species. Each of ten external characteristics of the members of both species more or less encompassed the individual variations, but may undergo changes with the development of the monkeys. The mechanisms of reproduction of hybrid monkeys and the maintenance of differences between the species are discussed.  相似文献   
Morphological observations of pet and wild monkeys were made in the area that was inferred to be the borderland betweenMacaca tonkeana andM. ochreata in Sulawesi. Almost all individual monkeys could be classified into one of two species by their external characteristics. The possible borderland was estimated to extend from the La River in the east and to around Karaena River in the west. These two species may make contact in the forest in the western area of the borderland. Some external characteristics exhibited wide individual variations in the two species. Some monkeys originating from the borderland showed external characteristics that were intermediate between those of the two species. The possible intergradation between these two species is discussed in terms of the morphological variations found in the two species.  相似文献   
The effects of intraperitoneally or intracerebrally (DA A-10 area) administered substance P (SP) on locomotor activity of rats were studied in an exact 12-h light/12-h dark cycle changing from dark to light at 6 a.m. SP was administered either at 11 a.m. (light phase, minimal locomotor activity) or at 7 p.m. (dark phase, maximal locomotor activity). The effects of 12.5 micrograms/kg SP intracerebral and 125 micrograms/kg SP intraperitoneal were very similar. In the light phase SP produces excitation but inhibition of locomotion in darkness. Hence, the effect of SP depends on the internal mechanisms controlling motor activity and tends to level off the spontaneous circadian oscillation. We found a long lasting SP effect during both the light and dark period. The present experiments led us to the conclusion that SP has a levelling effect on locomotor activity. Probably this effect might be explained as SP's action on the dopaminergic pathway or dopamine metabolism, because the dopamine content in neurons also has a circadian rhythm.  相似文献   
Summary The immunoglobulin-enzyme bridge technique, in association with rabbit antiporcine neurophysin-II has been applied to the median eminence of the dog and cat in order to study the distribution of neurophysin-like antigens throughout this area of the brain and correlate the findings with the corresponding distribution of neurosecretory material (NSM) as revealed by the crotonaldehyde fuchsin stain.Neurophysin and NSM were both present in the hypothalamo-supraoptico-neurohypophysial system—the pathway taken by oxytocin, vasopressin and neurophysin from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary lobe.Whereas the tuberoinfundibular tract of the median eminence was almost devoid of NSM, the presence of neurophysin-like material was clearly evident using immunoperoxidase histochemistry. The significance of a protein in the external median eminence possessing determinants cross-reactive against anti-neurophysin serum is discussed.This work was financed by a grant from the Medical Research Council of New Zealand.  相似文献   
To evaluate the influence of overwintering individuals of zooplankton on spring zooplankton communities, the dynamics of zooplankton communities with or without overwintering individuals were observed in experimental ponds from fall to spring. An insecticide, carbaryl, was used to regulate the overwintering individuals. In ponds which received insecticide applications in November or January, all cladoceran and rotiferan species were eliminated by the treatments and did not reappear until late March or early April, even when the chemical disappeared rapidly. The low water temperature may delayed the establishment of the populations from resting eggs. In these ponds, populations of various cladoceran and rotiferan species, which seemed to be originated from resting eggs, were built up in the spring. In control ponds,Daphnia ambigua orD. longispina overwintered as juveniles and adults and established a large spring population earlier than other cladocerans and rotifers overwintering as resting eggs. The latter zooplankters did not increase in the spring probably because their growth was suppressed by the precedingDaphnia species through competition. In nature, even if the number of overwintering individuals is small, they may have a potential to build up a large population earlier than the individuals hatching from resting eggs. As a result, the species which have overwintered as individuals seem to predominate in the spring and have a large influence on the spring zooplankton community.  相似文献   
The major developments in the field of nuclear activation analysis, from 1936 to 1989, are discussed. The developments are grouped into five consecutive time periods. The impact of various scientists on the development of the field in the first 35 years is also discussed.  相似文献   
Cropping on jhum fallows in north-eartern India is predominantly done for one year in a jhum cycle. If second year cropping is done, expanse of the forest land required for slashing and burning could be reduced significantly. We tested this hypothesis in a young (6 yr) and an old (20 yr) jhum fallow. We also evaluated if the productivity during second year cropping could be alleviated by auxiliary measures such as tilling the soil or application of fertilizers (chemical or farm-yard manure or both in combination). The results demonstrate that the ecosystem productivity (total dry matter production) and economic yield (rice grain production) decline with shortening of jhum cycle. Second year cropping causes a further decline in ecosystem productivity in old jhum field, but not in young jhum field. Economic yield from second year cropping in its traditional form (without any fertilizer treatment) is not much lower than that in the first year, and can be improved further by manuring the soil. Tilling of soil improves neither ecosystem productivity nor economic yield. Different fertilization treatments respond differently; while inorganic manuring enhances ecosystem productivity, a combination of inorganic and organic manuring improves economic yield  相似文献   
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