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The isolated blood-perfused lung preparation is widely used to visualize and define signaling in single microvessels. By coupling this preparation with real time imaging, it becomes feasible to determine permeability changes in individual pulmonary microvessels. Herein we describe steps to isolate rat lungs and perfuse them with autologous blood. Then, we outline steps to infuse fluorophores or agents via a microcatheter into a small lung region. Using these procedures described, we determined permeability increases in rat lung microvessels in response to infusions of bacterial lipopolysaccharide. The data revealed that lipopolysaccharide increased fluid leak across both venular and capillary microvessel segments. Thus, this method makes it possible to compare permeability responses among vascular segments and thus, define any heterogeneity in the response. While commonly used methods to define lung permeability require postprocessing of lung tissue samples, the use of real time imaging obviates this requirement as evident from the present method. Thus, the isolated lung preparation combined with real time imaging offers several advantages over traditional methods to determine lung microvascular permeability, yet is a straightforward method to develop and implement.  相似文献   
Synthetic peptide SH624 (SHHPARTAHYGSLPQK), residues 59–74 of human myelin basic protein (MBP) was found to be encephalitogenic in the rabbit. Four antisera raised, against the peptide were employed in a liquid-phase equilibrium competitive radioimmunoassay with a series of synthetic peptide analogs of the region to probe the structural requirements of the B-cell determinant subsumed within SH624. The cross-reactivities of the four antisera with intact MBP were also examined. Immunochemical analyses of the four antisera suggested specificities directed against a conformational determinant dependent upon residues from the more phylogenetically conserved carboxyl C-terminal region, residues 65–74 (TAHYGSLPQK) of the synthetic immunogen. Peptide analogs shorter than SH624 from the C-terminal end showed no cross-reactivity with any of the reagent antisera while analogs shorter from the N-terminal end and including the encephalitogenic sequence TTHYGSLPQK, as well as, HYGSLPQK were reactive under equilibrium competitive conditions. SH624-reactive antibodies, cross-reactive with purified heterologous MBPs from 10 different species were also identified in all four reagent antisera. The results of these experiments support previous investigations demonstrating the accessibility of the encephalitogenic 65–74 region in intact MBP. They also underscore the importance of B-cell recognition of organ specific antigenic determinants with respect to MBP immunology and, in particular, the recognition of autoreactive determinants in the neighborhood of encephalitogenic centers.  相似文献   
This study reports the first demonstration within a single insect genus (Tribolium) of both the acute, or lethal-midlethal, dose-independent pattern of mortality, and the hyperacute, dose-dependent pattern, after appropriate doses of ionizing radiation. This demonstration provides resolution of apparently contradictory reports of insect responses in terms of doses required to cause lethality and those based on survival time as a function of dose. A dose-dependent mortality pattern was elicited in adult Tribolium receiving high doses, viz., 300 Gy or greater; its time-course was complete in 10 days, before the dose-independent mortality began. Visual observations of heavily-irradiated Tribolium suggested neural and/or neuromuscular damage, as had been previously proposed by others for lethally-irradiated wasps, flies, and mosquitoes. Results of experiments using fractionated high doses supported the suggestion that the hyperacute or high-dose mode of death is the result of damage to nonproliferative tissues. Relative resistance of a strain to the hyperacute or high-dose mode of death is not necessarily correlated with resistance to the midlethal mode, which is believed to be the result of damage to the proliferative cells of the midgut.
Résumé Les résultats de nombreuses études des réactions des insectes adultes de différents groupes à l'irradiation s'opposent quant à l'importance de la dose provoquant la létalité et quant aux modalités de la mort. Les diptères et les guèpes impliquent des doses très élevées,-des centaines de Gy-, ne présentent aucune période caractérisant la mort par irradiation, et décèdent de plus en plus tôt avec l'augmentation des doses. Beaucoup d'autres insectes succombent à des doses (milétalelétale) beaucoup plus faibles,-de quelques Gy à des dizaines-, et quelle que soit la dose meurent au bout d'un temps voisin.Au cours de cette étude, nous avons pu observer que ces deux types de mortalité peuvent être provoqués chez le même genre d'insecte (Tribolium), avec des doses convenables d'irradiation . Un syndrôme caractéristique a été provoqué avec des doses très élevées, de 300 Gy ou plus,-à ces doses la mort est obtenue en 10 jours après l'irradiation. L'absence de syndrôme caractéristique se produit avec des doses inférieures ou égales à 80 Gy; la mort a lieu alors entre 10 et 16 jours en fonction de la dose.Les différences entre les deux types de décès indiquent deux processus de mort par irradiation. La manifestation d'une désorientation et d'une perte de coordination motrice chez les Tribolium fortement irradiés suggère des altérations neurales et/ou neuromusculaires comme cause/s de ce type de mort provoquée par des doses élevées. L'implication de tissus sans prolifération a été confortée par les résultats d'expériences utilisant de hautes doses fractionnées. Le type de mort milétal est considéré après de nombreuses observations indépendantes, comme le résultat d'atteintes à la prolifération des cellules de l'intestin moyen.Les données contradictoires sur les réactions des insectes aux irradiations proviennent d'abord de l'absence de connaissances sur le lieu des dégâts. Les diptères sont connus maintenant, après différentes études, comme perdant complètement l'aptitude au renouvellement cellulaire, et présentent ainsi un type de mort avec dose élevée. Beaucoup d'autres insectes adultes ont un renouvellement cellulaire de l'intestin moyen limité, et ainsi présentent le type de mort milétal. Le type de mort, dit haute dose, peut être induit dans cette dernière catégorie d'insectes par une irradiation suffisamment forte, et, dans le cas du Tribolium le déroulement de la mort se produit alors de deux façons bien distinctes.
Summary Seven types of progeny are described which can be used in detection of linkage between marker loci and quantitative trait loci (QTL) in a cross between two inbred lines. Three types of progeny: recombinant inbred lines (RI); doubled haploid lines (DH); and S1 lines can be used to detect linked main effects, d. DH and RI lines can be used to detect smaller effects than S1 lines. However, S1 lines can also be used to detect within-population dominance effects, h. The smallest d detectible is in the range of 1/2 to 1/12 the size of the corresponding LSD(0.05) for the quantitative trait, using 100 lines and 6 replicates. The smallest h detectible is 3–4 times this size. Four types of progeny can be used to detect differences in the dominance behavior of alleles within the population relative to an allele in another inbred line (P4: DH lines x P4; RI lines x P4; either F2 x P4 or S1 lines x P4; and progeny generated by crossing (F1 x P3) x P4. Dominance differences in the range of 1 1/4 to 1/6 the size of the corresponding LSD(0.05) are routinely detectible using 100 lines and 6 replicates. Increasing the numbers of progeny evaluated or the number of replicates allows for the detection of relatively smaller linked effects.Contribution of United AgriSeeds, Inc.  相似文献   
This paper examines how selected physiological performance variables, such as maximal oxygen uptake, strength and power, might best be scaled for subject differences in body size. The apparent dilemma between using either ratio standards or a linear adjustment method to scale was investigated by considering how maximal oxygen uptake (l.min-1), peak and mean power output (W) might best be adjusted for differences in body mass (kg). A curvilinear power function model was shown to be theoretically, physiologically and empirically superior to the linear models. Based on the fitted power functions, the best method of scaling maximum oxygen uptake, peak and mean power output, required these variables to be divided by body mass, recorded in the units kg 2/3. Hence, the power function ratio standards (ml.kg-2/3.min-1) and (W.kg-2/3) were best able to describe a wide range of subjects in terms of their physiological capacity, i.e. their ability to utilise oxygen or record power maximally, independent of body size. The simple ratio standards (ml.kg-1.min-1) and (W.kg-1) were found to best describe the same subjects according to their performance capacities or ability to run which are highly dependent on body size. The appropriate model to explain the experimental design effects on such ratio standards was shown to be log-normal rather than normal. Simply by taking logarithms of the power function ratio standard, identical solutions for the design effects are obtained using either ANOVA or, by taking the unscaled physiological variable as the dependent variable and the body size variable as the covariate, ANCOVA methods.  相似文献   
Short-term metabolic and concomitant morphologic effects of streptozotocin diabetes on isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction was studied in Wistar rats, Of particular significance was the observation that myocardial infarction in concert with diabetes brought about a distinctive exacerbation of the severity and complexity of the histopathological lesions. Of all the biochemical parameters, serum glucose and free fatty acids registered maximum elevation and serum lactate and cardiac glycogen levels a maximum reduction. Among the lipoproteins, an inverse relationship was found between high density lipoproteins and low density and very low density lipoproteins; while high density lipoproteins, ratio of high density lipoprotein to low density lipoprotein and the percentage of high density lipoprotein were decreased, there was a significant increase in low density lipoprotein concentration and percentage values of low density and very low density lipoproteins. In diabetes, the B cell of the endocrine pancreas depicted selective necrosis. Loss of insulin granules and wide-spread necrobiosis of cellular elements of the pancreatic islets were observed, respectively, in myocardial infarction and in diabetes plus myocardial infarction combinations. Pathological evidence of chemical-induced mild toxicity was present in the exocrine parenchyma. Mitotic features and the presence of centroacinar cells in the damaged Langerhans’ islets supposedly formed the basis of regeneration of the tissue in diabetes, with or without vascular complications  相似文献   
To evaluate the influence of overwintering individuals of zooplankton on spring zooplankton communities, the dynamics of zooplankton communities with or without overwintering individuals were observed in experimental ponds from fall to spring. An insecticide, carbaryl, was used to regulate the overwintering individuals. In ponds which received insecticide applications in November or January, all cladoceran and rotiferan species were eliminated by the treatments and did not reappear until late March or early April, even when the chemical disappeared rapidly. The low water temperature may delayed the establishment of the populations from resting eggs. In these ponds, populations of various cladoceran and rotiferan species, which seemed to be originated from resting eggs, were built up in the spring. In control ponds,Daphnia ambigua orD. longispina overwintered as juveniles and adults and established a large spring population earlier than other cladocerans and rotifers overwintering as resting eggs. The latter zooplankters did not increase in the spring probably because their growth was suppressed by the precedingDaphnia species through competition. In nature, even if the number of overwintering individuals is small, they may have a potential to build up a large population earlier than the individuals hatching from resting eggs. As a result, the species which have overwintered as individuals seem to predominate in the spring and have a large influence on the spring zooplankton community.  相似文献   
The importance of litter to nutrient and organic matter storage and the possible influence of species selection on soil fertility in ten stands each consisting of a separate tree species were examined in this study. The plantations had been grown under similar conditions in an arboretum in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. The species involved were: Anthocephalus chinensis, Eucalyptus × patentinervis, E. saligna, Hernandia sonora, Hibiscus elatus, Khaya nyasica, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, P. elliottii var. densa, Swietenia macrophylla, and Terminalia ivorensis. After 26 yr, litter mass ranged from 5 mg ha-1 in the H. sonora stand to 27.2 Mg ha-1 in the P. caribaea stand. Nutrients in the litter (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) also varied widely, but stands were ranked in different order when ranked by nutrients in the litter than then ranked according to accumulation of mass. Only E. saligna and A. chinensis stands were ranked similarly in accumulation of both nutrients and mass, and the stand of H. elatus was ranked higher with respect to nutrient accumulation than to accumulation of mass. The nutrient concentration in standing leaf litter generally increased in the order of recently fallen <old intact< fragmented. Nutrient concentration of standing leaf litter appears to increase with age and depth in the litter layer. The amount of nutrients stored in the litter compartment of these plantations was in the same order of magnitude as the quantity of available nutrients in the top 10-cm of mineral soil. Total litter mass was negatively correlated with the mass-weighted concentration of N, K, and Mg. The same relationship was found for Ca in the leaf litter and N in the fine wood litter compartments. In some stands (notably P. caribaea, P. elliottii, and E. saligna), leaf litter derived from species other than the species planted in that particular stand had higher nutrient concentration than leaf litter from the planted species. Soils of the 10 stands were classified in the same soil series and had similar texture (clay soils). However, significantly different chemical characteristics were found. Results obtained by analysis of covariance and by limiting comparisons to adjacent stands with similar soil texture, indicate that different species have had different influences on the concentration of available nutrients in soil.  相似文献   
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