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A spring-fed, headwater stream in central Rhode Island was examined during the period from June to October, 1979 to 1982. In the first two summers, a dense riparian canopy reduced the light penetration at the stream surface to a range of 5 to 18% of incident radiation. The lotic macroalgal community during this period was limited to 1 to 4 species covering < 1 to 35% of the stream bottom. However, in June and July, 1981, the surrounding leaf canopy was removed by a massive gypsy moth larval outbreak. Light penetration to the stream during this summer increased to 73% by early July, thereby resulting in a rise in water temperatures by 3.7°C. Even though there was a partial regrowth of leaves in late July and August of 1981, macroalgal cover values continued to rise to an early August peak of 80%. During the third summer, 88% of the macroalgal abundance could be attributed to illumination and water temperature. The filamentous diatom Funotia pectinalis ( O.F. Müll.) Rabh. was the predominant species in the midsummer of all four years, accounting for at least 60% of the total cover. In 1981. an important taxon was the desmid Hyalotheca dissiliens (S. Smith) Bréb., a species which was not seen in other years. A less severe gypsy moth defoliation occurred in 1982 but did not produce significant differences in light, temperature or macroalgal cover from 1979 and 1980. The results indicate that light and temperature can be limiting during the summer in spring-fed, headwater streams and that seed populations of some species are present in undetect-able levels during these periods of suboptimal growth conditions. In addition, it appears that stream macroalgal communities can be quite resilient, recovering rapidly following a major perturbation .  相似文献   
The diatom Eunotia pectinalis (O. F. Müll.?) Rabh. exhibited considerable morphological variability in samples collected over a 13-month period from a softwater Rhode Island stream. All observed morphotypes were classified into three main complexes based upon their valve configuration. These groupings were confirmed by discriminant analysis using quantitative valve characteristics and were named in accordance with their associated varieties: minor (Kütz.) Rabh., pectinalis and ventricosa Grun. Clonal cultures were subjected to a defined series of temperatures, agitation rates and light intensities in order to assess inherent morphological variability. Similar trends were evident for all complexes. Over time, valve length decreased, valve breadth enlarged, and striae number per 10 μm at valve center and apex increased. Morphological plasticity was evident in culture and appeared to be more a function of the clone genotype than the environmental conditions to which it was subjected. One clone originally identified as E. pectinalis var. minor assumed certain morphological features of E. vanheurckii Patr. after four months in culture.  相似文献   
A new stalk-forming diatom was observed at high relative abundances on periphytic samples collected in the Rio Negro hydrographic basin (Brazilian Amazon) and is here described using light and scanning electron microscopy. We also present ecological preferences of the new species. Eunotia amazonica sp. nov. co-dominated periphytic samples collected during the rainy seasons of 2013 and 2014 near the city of Manaus (Amazonas, Brazil). The main diagnostic feature of the new species is the stalk-forming growth form (‘Cymbella-like’) illustrated here for the first time in the genus Eunotia Ehrenberg. Previous reports on growth forms in common European databases for this genus included colonial (‘ribbon-like’) but also ‘mobile’, ‘fixed by pads’ or ‘without structures of fixation’. We demonstrated that the three dominant Eunotia species in periphytic samples from the Rio Negro all exhibited distinct ‘growth forms’ or habits: Eunotia amazonica sp. nov. (stalked), Eunotia intricans Metzeltin & Lange-Bertalot (ribbon-like) and Eunotia rabenhorstiana (Grunow) Hustedt (branched-arborescent). The high diversity of species, many of which are unknown to science, as well as the poorly known life-forms and habits of the Eunotiaceae in the region, partially prevent the use of metrics based on life-form to assess ecological changes. Generic assumptions based on robust statistical methods may obscure reality and lead to biased conclusions of diatom community changes in poorly explored regions such as Neotropical freshwater rivers, where the Eunotiaceae are largely dominant, particularly in the Amazon basin.  相似文献   
The “double thecae” or “internal septa” of Eunotia soleirolii (Kütz.) Rabenh, are shown to represent the thecae of resting spores, as characterized by their physiology, as well as morphology. They differ from all resting spores of centric diatoms by the formation of both their valves as a result of unequal cell divisions; and, from the majority of centric spores by the presence of several girdle bands in both their thecae. Spore formation can be induced by high or low pH, high temperature (24 C), and iron, silica, phosphate or nitrate deficiencies, whereas low temperatures defer it. Spores do not germinate directly, but dormancy can be removed by dark treatments (–2 to 15 C) for a minimum of 4–5 wk. Longer dark treatments result in higher germination rates. At 15 C, a minimum of 2 mo is required and 4 mo is better. Heat treatments (27–42 C) are ineffective, but may shorten the dormancy-breaking subsequent cold period. Instances of secondary dormancy, as well as relative dormancy, were observed. Germination usually occurs in the light between 2 and 21 C. An equal division of the spore is followed by unequal divisions of both new cells with only the two resulting large cells being viable. The experiences in the laboratory aided the discovery of stages of spore germination in nature.  相似文献   
杨积高 《植物研究》1995,15(4):453-454
本文报道了采自安徽的我国短缝藻属植物二新记录种, 即缺刻短缝藻(Eunotia incisa W.Sm.exGreg.)和弧形短缝藻悬钩变种(E.arcus var.uncinata(Ehr.Grun.)。  相似文献   
Given their large population sizes and presumed high dispersal capacity, protists are expected to exhibit homogeneous population structure over large spatial scales. On the other hand, the fragmented and short‐lived nature of the lentic freshwater habitats that many protists inhabit promotes strong population differentiation. We used microsatellites in two benthic freshwater diatoms, Eunotia bilunaris ‘robust’ and Sellaphora capitata, sampled from within a pond and connected ponds, through isolated ponds from the same region to western Europe to determine the spatial scale at which differentiation appears. Because periods of low genotypic diversity contribute to population differentiation, we also assessed genotypic diversity. While genotypic diversity was very high to maximal in most samples of both species, some had a markedly lower diversity, with up to half (Eunotia) and over 90% (Sellaphora) of the strains having the same multilocus genotype. Population differentiation showed an isolation‐by‐distance pattern with very low standardized FST values between samples from the same or connected ponds but high values between isolated ponds, even when situated in the same region. Partial rbcL sequences in Eunotia were consistent with this pattern as isolated ponds in the same region could differ widely in haplotype composition. Populations identified by Structure corresponded to the source ponds, confirming that ‘pond’ is the main factor structuring these populations. We conclude that freshwater benthic diatom populations are highly fragmented on a regional scale, reflecting either less dispersal than is often assumed or reduced establishment success of immigrants, so that dispersal does not translate into gene flow.  相似文献   
The diatom genus Eunotia is unusual among raphid diatoms in having a raphe system consisting of two short slits that are not integrated into the primary pattern center. This and other characteristics, particularly the presence of rimoportulae, are consistent with the hypothesis that Eunotia is a basal lineage within the raphid group. We studied auxosporulation in E. bilunaris (Ehrenberg) Mills and E. tropica Hustedt for comparison with other raphid pennate diatoms and with araphid pennates; E. bilunaris was studied in parental and F1 generations. Like araphid pennates, E. bilunaris and E. tropica are heterothallic. Clones of the same mating type did not interact sexually, and intraclonal sexual reproduction was absent or very rare. Clones retained the same sex throughout the life cycle, as shown by experiments using abrupt size reduction to produce clones of similar age but different size and using subclones derived from a single initial cell within six mitotic generations. Unlike in araphid pennate diatoms, in the Eunotia species the gametes are not visibly or behaviorally differentiated. Gametogenesis is merogenous, because the gametangium formed a supernumerary cell as well as a single gametic cell, both undergoing meiosis II to form a surviving functional nucleus and a nucleus that quickly degenerated. Plasmogamy is via papillae that grew out toward each other from the ends of the gametangia to create a copulation canal. After plasmogamy, the gametes moves bodily into the copulation canal, producing an elongate zygote, which expands to form a curved sausage‐like auxospore.  相似文献   
A new species of the diatom genus Eunotia is described. The species, E. catillifera Morrow, is distinguished by the presence of fin-like plates, or transapical ridges, which alternate with the striae on the valve faces. This alga appears to be intermediate between the more typical Eunotia species and Semiorbis Patr. This observation suggests that Semiorbis hemicyclus (Ehr.) Patr. in Patrick and Reimer be returned to Eunotia hemicyclus Ralfs in Pritchard and that the use of the generic name Semiorbis be discontinued.  相似文献   
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