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Over the past two decades, the dendroclimate community has produced various annually resolved, warm season temperature reconstructions for the extratropical Northern Hemisphere. Here we compare these tree-ring based reconstructions back to 831 CE and present a set of basic metrics to provide guidance for non-specialists on their interpretation and use. We specifically draw attention to (i) the imbalance between (numerous) short and (few) long site chronologies incorporated into the hemispheric means, (ii) the beneficial effects of including maximum latewood density chronologies in the recently published reconstructions, (iii) a decrease in reconstruction covariance prior to 1400 CE, and (iv) the varying amplitudes and trends of reconstructed temperatures over the past 1100 years. Whereas the reconstructions agree on several important features, such as warmth during medieval times and cooler temperatures in the 17th and 19th centuries, they still exhibit substantial differences during 13th and 14th centuries. We caution users who might consider combining the reconstructions through simple averaging that all reconstructions share some of the same underlying tree-ring data, and provide four recommendations to guide future efforts to better understand past millennium temperature variability.  相似文献   
The reproductive periodicity of the sparid, Acanthopagrus pacificus, over four temporal scales is described. Acanthopagrus pacificus had a short spawning season between June and September, and within this, a peak reproductive period from July to early September. During the peak period there were several spawning peaks corresponding to a lunar periodicity, with intense reproductive activity on new and full moons that peaked during the period of the full moon when the tidal range was greatest. At the smallest temporal scale, spawning occurred at night on ebb tides. Because this study draws on data collected in 1991 and 1995, it provides a useful baseline against which to judge future changes in reproductive periodicity.  相似文献   
Surveys were conducted in four Chardonnay vineyards for 3 to 6 years and one Shiraz vineyard for 3 years to determine the yearly percentage of grapevines affected by Australian grapevine yellows disease (AGYd), restricted growth disease (RGd) and late season leaf curl disease (LSLCd). In each of the Chardonnay vineyards in each year, all three diseases were characterised by remission of disease in some grapevines, recurrence of disease in other grapevines and new observations of disease in previously unaffected grapevines. The pattern of temporal incidence of each disease was different between vineyards for the survey period. Although Koch's postulates have not been fulfilled, phytoplasmas are considered to be the most likely cause of AGYd. While some grapevines exhibited a combination of AGYd and RGd or AGYd and LSLCd, both RGd and LSLCd can occur independently of AGYd. Statistical analyses using log-linear models also indicated that RGd and LSLCd were not always associated with AGYd. Thus, it is possible that phytoplasmas are not the cause of RGd or LSLCd and their association is coincidental. Expression of AGYd in Shiraz grapevines occurred later in the season compared to Chardonnay. Very little recurrence of AGYd was observed in the Shiraz grapevines indicating that the variety Shiraz responds differently to phytoplasma infections, assuming that AGYd in Shiraz is a phytoplasma caused disease. RGd and LSLCd were not observed on any grapevines in the Shiraz vineyard.  相似文献   
Mineralization of trace levels of [14C]-phenol by heterotrophic microorganisms was quantified at 4 sites along a river continuum in southwestern Virginia. Significant phenol mineralization rates were detected in surface sediment and seston samples at all sites from August 1985 through May 1986. Phenol degradation was strongly affected by season (ANOVA; P < 0.0001). From a baseline rate in August (range: 1.19 × 10-5 to 897 × 10-4 mg phenol mineralized mg AFDW-1 h-1) phenol mineralization rose to a yearly maximum in October (range: 1.21 × 10-4 to 1.16 × 10-3 mg phenol mineralized mg AFDW-1 h-1) despite decreasing stream temperatures. This autumnal peak in phenol degradation was attributed to the pulsed input of allochthonous detritus, especially leaf litter, which contains substantial quantities of phenols and related compounds. Although phenol mineralization was significant in these streams, phenols were metabolized at much slower rates than more labile compounds present in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool. Estimates of turnover rates for three major components of DOM revealed that glucose and glutamate turnover rates (0.064–0.140 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1 and 0.140–0.610 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1, respectively) were, respectively, 2.2–4.7 × and 9.6–16.9 × greater than phenol turnover rates (0.015–0.064 h-1 mg sediment AFDW-1). Although the relatively low rates of utilization of refractory phenolic materials suggest that these compounds may accumulate and become more prevalent components of the DOM pool, phenol concentrations at the 4 study sites remained below detectable levels (i.e., < 1 g 1-1) throughout the study. Consequently, it seems that although phenolic materials are metabolized more slowly than labile DOM, phenols are degraded at rates which preclude accumulation in the water column.  相似文献   
The currrent California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) recovery plan entails increasing the reproductive rate via replacement-clutch manipulation of eggs. During the period from 1983 to 1985, 15 eggs were removed from wild nesting pairs for artificial incubation. The eggs were incubated at a dry bulb temperature of 36.4°C in modified forced-air Lyon Electric incubators. The incubation humidity was adjusted for individual eggs based on weight loss data (water = weight), 25.6–30.0°C wet bulb (41.0–63.0% Relative Humidity (RH)). The chicks were hatched initially under forced-air conditions of 36.1°C dry bulb, 31.1–01.7°C wet bulb (70.0–73.0% RH). In 1984, hatching parameters were changed to still-air conditions, 36.1°C dry bulb (top of the egg), 35.0°C dry bulb (bottom of the egg), 31.1–31.7°C wet bulb (70.0-73.0% RH). Tactile and auditory stimulation was utilized during the pip-to-hatch interval. From among 15 eggs collected, 13 hatched, and 12 condor chicks were raised successfully (hatchability: 86.7%; survivability: 92.3%).  相似文献   
Germination studies were carried out with seeds of Spergularia marina L. Griseb produced over an interval of six months (June-November). The response of the seeds to light and dark, various constant and alternating temperature regimes, and salinity were determined. In addition, the effects of soil moisture status at the time of seed production on the subsequent germination response of seeds were also determined. Light was an absolute requirement for germination. While a constant temperature regime did not generally favour germination of seed of any month, alternating temperature greatly enhanced germination with an optimum at 5/15°C in all seeds. When imbibed in solutions of different salinities, seeds collected in July and October behaved like true halophyte seeds whereas those collected in June. August, September and November behaved like glycophyte seeds.
High concentration of gibberellic acid (3 000 μ M ) stimulated dark germination in the June and November seed lots, but in light, low GA3 concentration (300 μ M ) stimulated germination most. The addition of kinetin (30 μ M ) plus gibberellic acid enhanced germination in the dark in contrast to GA3 alone; kinetin alone stimulated a very low percentage germination.
The moisture status of the soil at the time seeds were produced did not affect the germination response of an early seed crop (July) but affected that of the later seeds (August).
Judging from the different germination responses, it appears that the seeds belong to at least two physiological groups, one which appears to need either a dark-wet or cold-wet pretreatmem for high germination to occur; and the other group which does not need pretreatmem. The ecological significance of these varied responses is discussed in relation to the survival of the species in its habitat.  相似文献   
Synopsis The reproductive biology of the concha wrasse, Nelabrichthys ornatus, at Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic Ocean is described. Histological evidence shows that the species is a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite. N. ornatus displays full permanent sexual dichromatism with all males occurring in the upper size classes of the population. Size specific habitat preference is described. Aspects of the mating system of the species resemble a lek although the possibility of mating site selection by females is not discounted. Spawning groups have a sex ratio of between 4 and 7 females per male.  相似文献   
I examined the vigilance behavior of adult males and females in two groups of ring-tailed lemurs(Lemur catta)during the birth and lactation season at the Beza-Mahafaly Reserve, southwestern Madagascar. I found no sex difference with respect to the rates of overall vigilance, rates of vigilance toward a potential predator or unfamiliar sound, or rates of vigilance toward conspecifics from other social groups, nor were there sex differences in the percentage of time spent vigilant in any of the above categories. Higher-ranking females were vigilant significantly more often toward predators or potential predators than lower-ranking females were. I detected no relationship between vigilance behavior and dominance rank among adult males. The alpha female in each group exhibited significantly more vigilance behavior than all other members of her group. It was predicted that males should exhibit more vigilance behavior than females do, particularly during the birth and lactation season, when predator pressure is high, if they are benefiting females in this respect. I discuss the results in the context of this prediction and in terms of how ring-tailed lemur males benefit females, and why they may be tolerated in social groups.  相似文献   
In short-season soybean production areas, low soil temperature is the major factor limiting plant growth and yield. The decreases in soybean yield at low temperatures are mainly due to nitrogen limitation. Genistein, the most effective plant-to-bacterium signal in the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) nitrogen fixation symbiosis, was used to pretreat Bradyrhizobium japonicum. We have previously reported that this increased soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation in growth chamber studies. Two field experiments were conducted on two adjacent sites in 1994 to determine whether the incubation of B. japonicum with genistein, prior to application as an inoculant, or genistein, without B. japonicum, applied onto seeds in the furrow at the time of planting, increased soybean grain yield and protein yield in short season areas. The results of these experiments indicated that genistein-preincubated bradyrhizobia increased the grain yield and protein yield of AC Bravor, the later maturing of the two cultivars tested. Genistein without B. japonicum, applied onto seeds in the furrow at the time of planting also increased both grain and protein yield by stimulation of native soil B. japonicum. Interactions existed between genistein application and soybean cultivars, and indicated that the cultivar with the greatest yield potential responded more to genistein addition.  相似文献   
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