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Persistence of conidia of an isolate of Erynia radicans (Syn. Zoophthora radicans) was investigated in relation to the meteorological conditions which occurred during autumn-winter of 1990–91 in the coastal plain in Israel. Capilljconidia shielded from the sun, placed on the abaxial surface of leaves of Plumeria acuminata, persisted for 24 h to at least 120 h. Exposed capilliconidia, placed on the adaxial surface of the same leaves, died within 24 h. Almost all the primary conidia shielded from the sun (placed on the abaxial surface of the same leaves) died within a single day. Conidial viability was expressed in subsequent germination on an agar medium. Capilliconidial persistence was closely related to the daily air temperatures, expressed as cumulative day-degrees. Differences in relative humidity had no substantial effect on capilliconidial mortality. At daytime temperatures of ≤ 20°C, mortality after 24 h incubation was lowest (≤ 34%) and the persistence duration, longest (at least 120 h). Increases in daytime temperature up to 24°C for a few hours increased mortality (37–57% after 24 h incubation) and shortened the persistence duration (72–120 h). Exposure to 24–29°C during daytime greatly increased mortality (65–58% after 24 h) and further shortened the persistence duration (24–48 h). Daytime temperatures of > 29°C were lethal to all capilliconidia within 24 h. Temperature had a profound effect on capilliconidial persistence also under controlled environmental conditions. The significance of capiliiconidial persistence is discussed in relation to activity of the fungus in its natural environment.  相似文献   
鲍佳生  冯明光 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):393-398
安徽虫瘟霉Zoophthora anhuiensis (Li) Humber是较难人工培养的蚜虫专化性病原真菌。将灭菌并适度熟化的黍米Panicum miliaceum L.作为固体基质与挑碎的安徽虫瘟霉平板菌落混合,在20℃和12L∶12D的温光条件下静止固体培养,获得了产孢潜能大、杀蚜活性强的米粒培养物。培养7天的黍米的产孢量达13.0×104个孢子/粒,产孢持续时间长达6天。用此黍米培养物弹射的孢子对桃蚜Myzus persicae (Sulzer) 若蚜进行7.9~134.9个孢子/mm2共9个剂量的孢子浴接种,所获数据很好拟合时间 剂量 死亡率模型。接种后第5~7天各天的LC50依次为59.8, 39.5和33.5个孢子/mm2,LC90依次为354,234和198个孢子/mm2。在57.7~134.9个孢子/mm2的接种剂量范围内,致死中时LT50从5.1天下降到4.3天。由此表明,安徽虫温霉的黍米培养不仅简单易行,而且菌种的产孢和侵染生物学特性在培养物中被充分体现,每颗米粒如同自然罹病而死的蚜尸,值得进一步研究开发和利用。  相似文献   
安徽黄精属二新种   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
邵建章  张定成   《广西植物》1992,12(2):99-102
<正> 根状茎圆柱状,由于结节膨大,因而节间一头粗,一头细,在粗的一头有短的分枝,直径1—2.2厘米,茎直立,高30—80厘米,光滑无毛。叶轮生,厚纸质,每轮3—5片,条状披针形,长5—8厘米,宽1—1.5厘米,先端弯曲,基部楔形,两面无毛,中脉在背面明显凸起。伞形花序腋生,通常具2朵花,稀3朵,总花梗长1.5—3厘米,有叶状苞1—8枚,厚纸质,条状披针形,长1.8—3.5厘米,宽4—8毫米,先端卷曲,中脉在下面明显凸起,无毛,花柄长5—10毫米;花被筒状,淡黄色,长10—12毫米,裂片6,长约8毫  相似文献   
安徽紫薇属(千屈菜科)一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了安徽产一个新种即安徽紫薇.  相似文献   
Pandora neoaphidis is one of the most important fungal pathogens of aphids and has a great potential for use in biocontrol. Little is known on how this fungus persists in an area and in particular on its overwintering strategies. It is hypothesized that natural areas play an important role for survival and that soil may serve as a source of inoculum for new aphid populations in spring. To test these hypotheses, a cultivation-independent PCR-based diagnostic tool was developed, that allows the detection of P. neoaphidis in the environment. Two P. neoaphidis specific PCR primer pairs were designed, targeting sequences in the ribosomal RNA gene cluster. Specificity of both primer pairs was demonstrated with P. neoaphidis and non-target close entomophthoralean relatives. Moreover, single amplicons of expected sizes were obtained with both primer pairs from various environmental sample types, including aphid cadavers, plant material, and soil. The PCR-based diagnostic tool was applied to investigate the persistence of P. neoaphidis in soil samples obtained in 2004/2005 from a nettle field harboring infected aphids in fall 2004. P. neoaphidis was detected in every sample collected in November 2004 and March 2005, suggesting an overwintering stage of P. neoaphidis in top soil layers. The developed cultivation-independent PCR-based tool will be valuable for further investigation of the ecology of P. neoaphidis and for the development and future implementation of management strategies against aphids involving conservation biocontrol.  相似文献   
The aphid-pathogenic fungus Erynia neoaphidis, as dried fungus-infected aphids, was applied to caged plots of winter wheat infested with cereal aphids at two sites, one in Hertfordshire and the other in Hampshire, in 1983. In each trial, the fungus became established in the aphid populations in the treated plots even though conditions were drier than average and therefore sub-optimal for fungus spread. Treatment applied in the third week of June increased the proportion of infected aphids more than that applied two weeks later at one site, and the early application was the only treatment to have an obvious effect at the other. In spite of the observed effect of treatments on the proportion of infected aphids, the fungus failed to reduce the numbers of aphids relative to those in untreated plots, chiefly because in these plots many aphids were killed by fungi of the same species as that introduced and other related species from natural sources. Artificial introduction of E. neoaphidis acts too slowly and unpredictably to be likely to form a practical alternative to conventional insecticides for cereal aphid control.  相似文献   
我国南方重要害虫松大蚜及茶尺蠖中近年来分别发现由加拿大虫疫霉和圆孢虫疫霉造成的大面积流行病,在短期内将害虫种群摧毁殆尽。加拿大虫疫霉系我国首次记载。本文描述和讨论了2种虫生真菌的形态特征,记载了真菌病的流行概况。  相似文献   
在浙江省百山祖自然保护区虫生真菌调查中发现松树上的菱沫蝉(Agrophora sp.)的新病原真菌一种,因其分生孢子远大于任何已知种虫疫霉,故定为新种巨孢虫疫霉(Eryniagigantea Li,Chert et Xu)。其初生分生孢子长倒拟卵形或拟纺锤形,对称或略弯曲,42.6—76.7×l 2.3—26.0μm(平均57.6×l 8.6μm),长径比2.2—4.9(平均3.1);顶稍圆或尖削;基部乳突略钝,有时有孢领。次生分生孢子倒拟卵形至广倒拟卵形;毛管分生孢子未见。假根成束。假囊状体及休眠孢子未见。  相似文献   
山黧豆属(又名香豌豆属)(Lathyrus Linn.)全世界共约140种,已做过染色体计数者72种。我国约16种,大部分产西南、西北和东北各省区。近年来皖南农学院朱玉简等同志在安徽宣城发现一新种,命名为安徽山黧豆(Lathyrus anhuiensis Y.J.Zhu et R.X.Meng)。鉴于该新种分布区非常局限,个体数也不多,为了及时掌握其细胞学情况,特通过该院叶如欣同志取得部分种子进行了染色体的计数和核型的描述。  相似文献   
徐亚君 《蛛形学报》1997,6(1):17-18
报道采自安徽黟县的安徽加马蛛雌蛛的描述,亦为该种雌蛛的首次纪录。  相似文献   
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