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Summary Gene complementarity among various sources of resistance to greenbug biotype E was assessed. Analysis of the F2 generation of crosses between susceptible and resistant parents (mating 1) and among sources of resistance (mating 2) suggested that resistance in sorghum to greenbug biotype E was complexly inherited and, to some extent, dependent on the nature of both the resistant and susceptible parents. Positive transgressive segregation in the F2 generations of both matings was found to be due to effective plus factors, contributed by both parents in a cross, which complemented each other. The number of plus factors ranged from one to two in the susceptible parents and from two to five in the resistant parents of mating 1, and from one to five in the parents of mating 2. The consistently significant reciprocal effects shown by Sarvasi and PI264453 indicated that these sources had major factors for resistance in their cytoplasms, which were expressed in all their crosses. The results from this study indicated that the sources of resistance complemented each other to give increased number of F2 segregates with increased resistance. Thus, it should be possible to increase and diversify resistance of sorghum to greenbug biotype E by accumulating different, effective plus factors from various sources through recurrent selection.Contribution No. 90-106-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA  相似文献   
Two-factor mating designs at consecutive Sn and S(n+1) levels (S0 and S1 S1 and S2, or F2 and F3) allow estimation of all components of the variation among homozygous lines and F1 hybrids that can be derived from a given population. They also allow for the prediction of the mean of these lines and single-cross hybrids. Some tests for the presence of epistasis are possible at the levels of means and of variances. Such mating designs can be very useful for predicting the value of the best possible lines or the best possible F1 hybrids when it is difficult to produce, at an experimental level for exploratory purposes, either lines or hybrids.  相似文献   
Summary Triple test cross progenies resulting from the crossing of three testers (Kloka, UP 368 and an f1 intermediate between them) and 24 varieties of bread wheat have been studied for plant height (cm), peduncle length (cm), ear length (cm), number of spikelets per spike and harvest index (ratio between economic and total yield). Epistasis was not significant for any of the characters studied. The testers were inadequate for plant height and for peduncle length although the testers varied considerably for these traits. Additive variance played a significant role in the inheritance of all the characters except number of spikelets per spike. The dominance variance was important for plant height, ear length and harvest index. The degree of dominance was in the over-dominance range for plant height. Complete dominance was operative for ear length, number of spikelets per spike and harvest index whereas for peduncle length only partial dominance was observed. The possibility of the isolation of the recombinants with high harvest index has been stressed.  相似文献   
Wide-compatibility varieties (WCVs) are a special class of rice germplasm that is able to produce fertile hybrids when crossed to both indica and japonica rice varieties. WCVs may differ greatly in their spectrum and level of compatibility. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic basis of wide-compatibility conferred by ‘Dular’, a landrace variety from India that has demonstrated a high level of wide-compatibility in previous studies with a broad range of indica and japonica varieties. A three-way cross (‘Balilla/Dular//Nanjing 11’) was made and the resulting F1 population evaluated in the field for spikelet fertility. A total of 235 plants from this population was assayed individually for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at 159 marker loci covering the entire rice genome at regular intervals. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified 5 loci, located on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 6 and 8, as having significant effects on hybrid fertility, which jointly explained 55.5% of the fertility variation in this population. The QTL on chromosome 5 ( f5) showed the largest effect on hybrid fertility, followed by those on chromosomes 6 ( f6), 3 ( f3) and 1 ( f1), with the one on chromosome 8 ( f8) having the smallest effect. Genotypes each composed of an allele from ‘Dular’ and an allele from ‘Nanjing 11’ at four ( f3, f5, f6 and f8) of the five QTLs contributed to the increase of fertility in the population. In contrast, the genotype composed of alleles from ‘Balilla’ and ‘Nanjing 11’ at the fifth locus ( f1) was in the direction of increasing fertility. Analysis of variance using marker genotypes at the five QTLs as the groups detected two interactions involving four of the five loci, a 2-locus interaction between f5 and f8 and a 3-locus interaction among f3, f5 and f6. The level of hybrid fertility is the result of complex interactions among these loci. The implication of the present findings in the utilization of the wide-compatibility of ‘Dular’ in rice breeding programs is also discussed. Received: 21 October 1997 / Accepted: 30 December 1997  相似文献   
Summary Studies on the genetics of leaf blight caused byAlternaria triticina using generation mean analysis revealed that additive components played a major role, but that dominance components also contributed significantly in controlling the variability for leaf blight resistance in wheat crosses. Furthermore, the additive x additive type of epistasis was predominant in the first three crosses, whereas in the fourth cross additive x dominance (j) and dominance x dominance (1) components of epistasis were most significant. Because of this it may be desirable to follow a simple recurrent selection scheme for higher tolerance, to isolate resistant plants from the segregating populations derived from crosses of parents of diverse origin following the pedigree method of breeding. CPAN-1887 was very tolerant to leaf blight in the present study and should be utilized in hybridization programs to develop leaf-blight-resistant varieties.  相似文献   
The establishment of a population into a new empty habitat outside of its initial niche is a phenomenon akin to evolutionary rescue in the presence of immigration. It underlies a wide range of processes, such as biological invasions by alien organisms, host shifts in pathogens, or the emergence of resistance to pesticides or antibiotics from untreated areas. We derive an analytically tractable framework to describe the evolutionary and demographic dynamics of asexual populations in a source-sink system. We analyze the influence of several factors on the establishment success in the sink, and on the time until establishment. To this aim, we use a classic phenotype-fitness landscape (Fisher's geometrical model in n dimensions) where the source and sink habitats have different phenotypic optima. In case of successful establishment, the mean fitness in the sink follows a typical four-phases trajectory. The waiting time to establishment is independent of the immigration rate and has a “U-shaped” dependence on the mutation rate, until some threshold where lethal mutagenesis impedes establishment and the sink population remains so. We use these results to get some insight into possible effects of several management strategies.  相似文献   
Haag ES 《Genetica》2007,129(1):45-55
The evolution of molecules, developmental circuits, and new species are all characterized by the accumulation of incompatibilities between ancestors and descendants. When specific interactions between components are necessary at any of these levels, this requires compensatory coevolution. Theoretical treatments of compensatory evolution that only consider the endpoints predict that it should be rare because intermediate states are deleterious. However, empirical data suggest that compensatory evolution is common at all levels of molecular interaction. A general solution to this paradox is provided by plausible neutral or nearly neutral intermediates that possess informational redundancy. These intermediates provide an evolutionary path between coadapted allelic combinations. Although they allow incompatible end points to evolve, at no point was a deleterious mutation ever in need of compensation. As a result, what appears to be compensatory evolution may often actually be “pseudocompensatory.” Both theoretical and empirical studies indicate that pseudocompensation can speed the evolution of intergenic incompatibility, especially when driven by adaptation. However, under strong stabilizing selection the rate of pseudocompensatory evolution is still significant. Important examples of this process at work discussed here include the evolution of rRNA secondary structures, intra- and inter-protein interactions, and developmental genetic pathways. Future empirical work in this area should focus on comparing the details of intra- and intergenic interactions in closely related organisms.  相似文献   
Models of genetic effects integrate the action of genes, regulatory regions and interactions among alleles across the genome. Such theoretical frameworks are critical for applied studies in at least two ways. First, discovering genetic networks with specific effects underlying traits in populations requires the development of models that implement those effects as parameters—adjusting the implementation of epistasis parameters in genetic models has for instance been a requirement for properly testing for epistasis in gene-mapping studies. Second, studying the properties and implications of models of genetic effects that involve complex genetic networks has proven to be valuable, whether those networks have been revealed for particular organisms or inferred to be of interest from theoretical works and simulations. Here I review the current state of development and recent applications of models of genetic effects. I focus on general models aiming to depict complex genotype-to-phenotype maps and on applications of them to networks of interacting loci.  相似文献   
Summary The interaction between three non-nodulation mutants (nod49, nod772 and nod139) and a supernodulation mutant (nts382) of soybean was studied by analysing the progeny from crosses between these mutants. Previously it had been shown that the non-nodulation mutants arose from single mutation events and that nod49 and nod772 are allelic, whereas nod139 represents another gene required for nodulation. Analysis of progeny from crosses between nts382 and the wild type showed that this mutant also arose from a single mutation. Complementation tests demonstrated that the mutation responsible for supernodulation in nts382 is not allelic to either of these non-nodulation characters, and that it segregates independently. Progeny were identified that were homozygous for both supernodulation and non-nodulation, and these plants were incapable of nodulation. Thus, non-nodulation is epistatic over supernodulation and this is discussed in terms of the developmental blockage in the two mutant types. The identification and confirmation of these double mutants of the supernodulation and non-nodulation mutations are described. Although the non-nodulation mutations behave as recessive characters in a wild-type background, these mutations are incompletely dominant in a genetic background homozygous for supernodulation. The significance of these results to the understanding of nodule ontogeny is discussed.  相似文献   
Mixed linear model approach was proposed for mapping QTLs with the digenic epistasis and QTL by environment (QE) interaction as well as additive and dominant effects. Monte Carlo simulations indicated that the proposed method could provide unbiased estimations for both positions and genetic main effects of QTLs, as well as unbiased predictions for QE interaction effects. A method was suggested for predicting heterosis based on individual QTL effects. The immortalized F2 (IF2) population constructed by random mating among RI or DH lines is appropriate for mapping QTLs with epistasis and their QE interaction. Based on the models and methodology proposed, we developed a QTL mapping software, QTLMapper 2.0 on the basis of QTLmapper 1.0, which is suitable for analyzing populations of DH, RIL, F2 and IF2. Data of thousand grain weight of IF2 population with 240 lines derived from elite hybrid rice Shanyou 63 were analyzed as a worked example.  相似文献   
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