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Late Epigravettian postcranial human remains from the Arene Candide cave (Finale Ligure, Savona, Italy) were compared with the Neolithic sample found in the upper levels of the same site. Data on length, diaphyseal circumference and diameter of clavicle, humerus, radius, femur and tibia were collected from male specimens having all these bones. The Epigravettian sample is characterized by significantly greater tibial length, robustness and platycnemia, significantly lower circumferences in the upper limb bones and the clavicle, and a high degree of asymmetry. Variations observed in lower limb bones are those expected on the basis of the different functional requirements of a hunting and gathering economy compared to a more sedentary, food producing economy. Differences in the upper limb bones and the clavicle are less explicable. However, considering that in spite of a more slender structure, the Epigravettian bones show evidence of vigorous use, variation in upper limb could result from qualitatively different involvements.  相似文献   
The study is focused on comparative analysis of the five dwellings of the Anosov-Mezin type from the East-Epigravettian site of Yudinovo (Bryansk region, Russia). The analysis is based on data on previously unknown structural elements and methods of installation of mammoth skulls in the basement of dwelling No 5, which were revealed during excavations in 2015–2018. Apart of this the non-utilitarian actions that accompanied the process of dwellings construction was considered. Based on the revealed differences in structural elements and features, it was suggested that the currently used concept Anosovka-Mezin type of dwellings includes two types of the circular structures made of skulls and large mammoth bones.  相似文献   
The open-air site of Kalavan 1 is located in the Aregunyats mountain chain (at 1640 m above sea level) on the northern bank of Lake Sevan. It is the first Upper Palaeolithic site excavated in Armenia. Led by an Armenian-French team, several excavations (2005–2009) have revealed a well preserved palaeosoil, dated to around 14,000 BP (years before present), containing fauna, lithic artefacts, as well as several hearths and activity areas that structure the settlement. The initial studies enable placement of the site in its environment and justify palaeoethnological analysis of the Epigravettian human groups of the Lesser Caucasus.  相似文献   
The archaeological site of Eliseevichi 1, located in the Dnieper River Basin, was discovered in 1930 by K.M. Polikarpovich. It is contemporary of Epigravettian occupations of the end of the second half of the upper Pleniglacial (20,000–14,000 years BP). As for the sites of the culture of Mezine (Mezine, Mezhirich, Gontsy and Dobranitchevka), it was interpreted as a specialized camp of hunters, mainly for slaughtering woolly mammoths and fur exploitation. Moreover, mammoth bones have been used to build larger structures than in mezinian sites associated with storage pits, as in Timonovka I, Yudinovo, Yourevitchi, Suponevo and Chulatovo. However, Eliseevichi 1 differs from all other sites by the presence of ivory engraved pieces with zigzag patterns and multiple linear features and the presence of platelets with decorations in the form of fish scales (“churingas”) and the high number of chisels. These features make it a unique case in the Desna Valley. To better understand the activities that have been implemented within the site by human groups, particularly the role of different species, we processed to the zooarchaeological study of the faunal remains from the 1935–1936 excavations. The faunal spectrum is restricted, typical of a cold and dry environment, with Mammuthus primigenius, Rangifer tarandus, Canis lupus, Alopex lagopus rossicus and Ursus arctos. Two skulls were previously identified as being those of dogs. According to the taphonomical study we highlighted a quick and deep burying of bones, which were affected by freeze-thaw alternating, without being highly altered and moved by phenomena of cryoturbation. The woolly mammoth was used for its meat and for its ivory. The many remains of canids are characterized by skinning marks and long bones were sawed. The presence of ocher, ashy areas, crude lithic fragments, could be linked to the treatment of skins. The site of Eliseevichi 1 was probably occupied during winter and summer seasons, several times during a long period. It could have two main functions, not as a habitat but as a specialized site of furskin and bone production.  相似文献   
The investigation of the lithic assemblages from three archaeological structures of the Upper Palaeolithic Mezhyrich site, mammoth bone dwelling no. 1, nearby located pit no. 7 and workshop with a portion of cultural layer situated on the border of the pit, exhibits a sufficient diversity of the main indexes of flint assemblages. According to the latter, the main flint resources, cores and large pieces of flint, as well as blades and several tools (scrapers), were kept just in the dwelling. At the same time, the remains of “debitage” and the modification products of several tools (burin spalls) are more numerous in the pit and the workshop. The higher percentages of backed microliths, included the forms with diagnostic projectile impact fracture, and burins with several working edges are also observed in the assemblages of the last two archaeological structures.  相似文献   
The paleoanthropological remains from Grotta di San Teodoro near Acquedolci (province of Messina, Italy) represent the oldest and largest skeletal collection yet found documenting human settlement of Sicily. The sample, attributed to the Late Epigravettian (between 14,000 and 10,000 years B.P.), consists of seven variously complete adult individuals (San Teodoro 1–7). We compare the cranial sample to an array of both prehistoric and recent samples using multivariate techniques including D2 distance analysis, canonical variate analysis, cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling. Overall, the San Teodoro cranial sample displays a morphometric pattern close to Western European groups of similar antiquity, in particular those from Central and Southern Italy. The morphometric affinities indicate that these people probably came from peninsular Italy by sea during the Late Epigravettian epoch. An alternative hypothesis is that they descended from immigrants that arrived by land during a low sea level episode corresponding to the maximum Würmian regression, about 18,000 years B.P, with gene flow accounting for the morphological homogeneity with the populations of peninsular Italy. The San Teodoro skeletal sample provides the first reliable evidence for human settlement of Sicily.  相似文献   
Epigravettian dwellings from Eastern Europe give the Mammoth a privileged place: in the spectacular and elaborated architecture of their huts, like in the leading site Mezhyrich. However, the range of hunted and/or eaten game shows a variety of species including small ones such as the hare, testifying economical choices or even cultural practices where the Mammoth is not dominant. Magdalenian cave art, in Western Europe, gives the Mammoth a significant, sometimes exceptional place, like in Rouffignac or Combarelles, next to the even more important place of the Bison or the Horse. However, the dietary habits of the artists prove the prominent value of the Reindeer compared with the Horse. In Western Europe, wide and different landscapes and environments produced an economical-cultural mosaic. In the eastern part of Europe, the strong uniformity of climates and environments promoted an economical and environmental block leading to a sedentary lifestyle of the people, demonstrated by the concentration of huts. In the dreams of the hunters, as well as in their daily life, the incredible complexity of the relationship between men with animals revealed its creative and nourishing power.  相似文献   
During the Upper Palaeolithic, especially in Gravettian times, the hunter-gatherer societies had an economy closely linked with the exploitation of two local species in Eastern Europe: reindeer and woolly mammoth. The ivory objects are rich archives about their ways of life and their collective imagination, as in particular the ivory female statuettes show. These figurines, also called “Venus”, are one of the cultural characteristics of the Gravettian sites. To date, although they are more numerous in Eastern Europe, they were discovered, in a variable number, also in site of Central and Western Europe; today, we have no clue that this cultural tradition crossed the Pyrenees. The corpus of pieces from the Gravettian sites of the Russian Plain (dated between 25,000 and 21,000 B.P.) is the more informative about technological know-how of the Gravettian craftsmen. He consists in the leading material of this paper, completed with some data about Epigravettian and Magdalenian statuettes. Whereas the Gravettian figurines show figurative female representations, those of the later cultural facies are more stylized. In a technological point of view, there is a close link between the choice of blanks within the mammoth tusk and the morphology of the statuettes, whatever the period of time considered.  相似文献   
Research conducted under the ANR project “Mammouths”, about “the end of the mammoth steppe: Man/Environment relationship during late Pleniglacial in Eastern Europe”, is the subject of several contributions. A first part was published in the Volume 118 (issue 5, November–December 2014) in the journal L’Anthropologie. We present in this second volume seven articles dedicated to the Upper Paleolithic site of Mezhyrich in Ukraine.  相似文献   
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