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A total number of 1092 migratory alates were trapped from air in wheat grown area of Yuanyang County, Henan Province from early April through May 2002 in order to confirm the source and dissemination of entomophthoralean inocula to cause epizootics of cereal aphids. Those included 415 Sitobion avenae, 642 Rhopalosiphum padi, 22 Metopolophium dirhodum, and 13 Schizaphis graminum. The trapped alates were daily collected and individually reared for 7 days on wheat plants in laboratory. Of those 341 alates died of fungal infection, taking 31.2% in the trapped alates. These included 224 S. avenae, 106 R. padi, 8 M. dirhodum, and 3 S. graminum. Deaths of all infected alates occurred during the first 5 days and 78.9% of the deaths occurred within the first 3 days. Individual examination under microscope proved that all deaths were attributed to entomophthoralean fungi. Of those Pandora neoaphidis accounted for 84.6%, Conidiobolus obscurus for 9.9%, and Entomophthora planchoniana for 5.5%. Four alate deaths die  相似文献   
扫描电镜观察飞虱虫疠霉侵染水稻害虫褐飞虱(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周湘  王大伟  郭恺  毛胜凤 《菌物学报》2014,33(4):819-826
稻飞虱如褐飞虱频繁威胁东亚和南亚的水稻生产。化学杀虫剂作为控制虫害的主要手段时常引发环境问题和害虫抗药性。昆虫病原真菌飞虱虫疠霉是稻飞虱的天敌,了解该菌的生物学和流行学特性是开发其生物防治潜能的必要前提。研究利用扫描电镜对飞虱虫疠霉侵染寄主褐飞虱的关键步骤进行了观察。飞虱虫疠霉的分生孢子接触到褐飞虱体壁后可迅速萌发产生侵染性芽管,侵入虫体。经过4d左右的体内潜伏期,飞虱虫疠霉菌丝重新在寄主体表出现。最先突破坚硬体壁的部位为虫体腹部。3种特化菌丝形成于虫体表面,包括假囊状体、假根和分生孢子梗。假囊状体向虫体四周空气中伸出,很可能是帮助真菌探知周围空气湿度状况并吸收湿气用于开启新一轮的侵染循环。假根将虫尸固定在原位植株上,利于之后分生孢子梗主动弹射侵染性分生孢子感染附近健康寄主。这次观察结果显示飞虱虫疠霉具备用于稻飞虱生防的潜能,有必要开展其扩大培养和剂型化研究推进该生防菌的田间应用。  相似文献   
Entomophthora leyteensis Villacarlos & Keller sp. nov., a species of Entomophthorales infecting the whitefly Tetraleurodes acaciae on Gliricidia sepium in the Philippines is described. Disease prevalence monitored weekly for 8 weeks indicated that the fungus could cause 8-31% infection within the whitefly population. Epizootics due to this fungus occurred in Inopacan, Leyte. Sampling live whitefly adults and dissecting them on glass slides for microscopic examination of fungal structures was found to give a better measure of prevalence than actual counts of infected insect cadavers. E. leyteensis is an important mortality factor for T. acaciae. Some speculations on the origin of the fungus are discussed here.  相似文献   
In August 1994 and 1995 classical biological control releases were made in cotton in the San Joaquin Valley, California, with an Arkansas strain of the entomopathogenic fungus, Neozygites fresenii, a pathogen of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii. Pre-release samples in both years indicated that N. fresenii was not naturally present in A. gossypii populations in the San Joaquin Valley. Two release methods were compared: dried N. fresenii-infected cotton aphid “cadavers” and chamber inoculation of A. gossypii. Both methods were successful in introducing N. fresenii to cotton aphids in California; however, higher prevalence of fungal infection resulted with the cadaver treatments. N. fresenii persisted and spread in the aphid population until early October 1994 and late September 1995. The highest mean percentage infection in the cadaver treatment in 1994 reached a level (14%) considered imminent for epizootics (12–15%). The use of predator exclusion cages resulted in higher N. fresenii prevalences.  相似文献   
中国虫霉目真菌及其寄主昆虫名录更新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国虫霉目Entomophthorales真菌共计79种,隶属2科11属,并对其所涉及的寄主昆虫名称进行了规范与更新,且给出了各寄主的分类地位和中英文名称对照。  相似文献   
Pandora neoaphidis is one of the most important fungal pathogens of aphids and has a great potential for use in biocontrol. Little is known on how this fungus persists in an area and in particular on its overwintering strategies. It is hypothesized that natural areas play an important role for survival and that soil may serve as a source of inoculum for new aphid populations in spring. To test these hypotheses, a cultivation-independent PCR-based diagnostic tool was developed, that allows the detection of P. neoaphidis in the environment. Two P. neoaphidis specific PCR primer pairs were designed, targeting sequences in the ribosomal RNA gene cluster. Specificity of both primer pairs was demonstrated with P. neoaphidis and non-target close entomophthoralean relatives. Moreover, single amplicons of expected sizes were obtained with both primer pairs from various environmental sample types, including aphid cadavers, plant material, and soil. The PCR-based diagnostic tool was applied to investigate the persistence of P. neoaphidis in soil samples obtained in 2004/2005 from a nettle field harboring infected aphids in fall 2004. P. neoaphidis was detected in every sample collected in November 2004 and March 2005, suggesting an overwintering stage of P. neoaphidis in top soil layers. The developed cultivation-independent PCR-based tool will be valuable for further investigation of the ecology of P. neoaphidis and for the development and future implementation of management strategies against aphids involving conservation biocontrol.  相似文献   
在浙江省百山祖自然保护区虫生真菌调查中发现松树上的菱沫蝉(Agrophora sp.)的新病原真菌一种,因其分生孢子远大于任何已知种虫疫霉,故定为新种巨孢虫疫霉(Eryniagigantea Li,Chert et Xu)。其初生分生孢子长倒拟卵形或拟纺锤形,对称或略弯曲,42.6—76.7×l 2.3—26.0μm(平均57.6×l 8.6μm),长径比2.2—4.9(平均3.1);顶稍圆或尖削;基部乳突略钝,有时有孢领。次生分生孢子倒拟卵形至广倒拟卵形;毛管分生孢子未见。假根成束。假囊状体及休眠孢子未见。  相似文献   
Aims: Producing granular cultures of obligate aphid pathogen Pandora nouryi for improved sporulation and storage. Methods and Results: Small millet–gel granules were made of the mixtures of 80–95% millet powder with 5–20% polymer gel (polyacrylamide, polyacrylate or acrylate‐acrylamide copolymer) and inoculated with mycelia at 30 mg biomass g?1 dry granules plus 87·5% water, followed by static incubation at 20°C for 4–12 days. The fungus grew well on 12 preparations but best on that including 10% copolymer. An 8‐day culture of this preparation discharged maximally 58·5 × 104 conidia mg?1 granule at 100% RH and was capable of ejecting conidia at the nonsaturated regimes of 86–97% RH. During storage at 6°C, granular cultures with >85% water content had twofold longevity (120 days) and half‐decline period (34–36 days) of those stored at room temperature. The steadily high water content preserved the cultures better than that decreasing at 6°C. However, conidia from 70‐day‐stored granules were less infective to Myzus persicae nymphs than those from fresh ones based on their LC50s. Conclusions: The millet–gel granules had higher sporulation capacity than reported Pandora cultures and a capability of spore discharge at nonsaturated humidity. Significance and Impact of the Study: The granular cultures are more useful for aphid control.  相似文献   
1 Sitobion avenae (F.) is a serious pest in Danish cereal crops. To understand the population genetic structure, aphids were sampled in seven different winter wheat (Triticum sativum Lamarck) fields throughout Denmark. The aphids were genotyped with seven microsatellite markers. In total, 2075 aphids were collected and 1203 of these were genotyped. 2 The Danish S. avenae populations displayed very high genotypic diversity, high percentages of unique genotypes and low linkage disequilibria; this is likely to be a result of genetic recombination encompassed by their holocyclic lifestyle. The populations showed very limited differentiation and no sign of isolation by distance. Almost all the genetic variation was ascribed within the populations rather than between populations, probably due to a high migration rate at approximate 10% per generation. 3 Seasonal changes in clonal diversity and distribution of asexual summer generations of S. avenae within the infestation period in a single winter wheat field were followed over two consecutive years by weekly sampling from 60 plots each of 20 × 20 m. Clonal diversity was high in all samples with no dominant clonal lineages and no significant difference in the genotypic diversity between weeks or between years. However, a temporal genetic differentiation effect, throughout the infestation, suggests that selective factors or high temporal migration play an important role in shaping the genetic structure S. avenae. 4 Analyses of fungal infected and uninfected aphids were performed to test whether some clonal linage were more often infected by fungi from the Entomophthorales under field conditions. In total, 54 progeny from aphids with Entomophthorales were genotyped and compared with 422 uninfected aphid genotypes. The Entomophthorales‐infected aphid genotypes did not cluster out together, suggesting that these fungal pathogens did not affect the population differentiation or clonal distribution of S. avenae in a Danish agroecosystem. 5 Our findings indicate that S. avenae populations can be controlled using conservation biological control  相似文献   
We sequenced the nuclear small subunit of ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) from seven species within the insect-pathogenic order Entomophthorales. These sequences were aligned with other published SSU rDNA sequences and phylogenies were inferred using phenetic and cladistic methods. Based on three different phylogenetic methods the Entomophthorales (excludingBasidiobolus ranarum) is monophyletic;B. ranarumwas more closely related to chytrids from Chytridiales and Neocallimasticales than to Entomophthorales, as was proposed by Nagahamaet al.(Mycologia87:203–209, 1995). Nuclear characters (large nuclei containing conspicuous condensed chromatin and lack of a prominent nucleolus) were of predictive value for the monophyly of the family Entomophthoraceae. Conidial characters separate the Entomophthoraceae, which only includes obligate pathogens, into at least two lineages: one lineage with uninucleate conidia and another with multinucleate conidia. The two species ofConidiobolusstudied were paraphyletic in our analyses and only distantly related to each other. This information may prove to be important in the use of these fungi as biocontrol agents.  相似文献   
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