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A quantitative endonuclease assay, which relies on the introduction of single and double strand breaks into supercoiled plasmid DNA, was used to study the activity of the extracellular nuclease of Serratia marcescens SM6 in buffer and in groundwater. The parallel enzyme concentration-dependent production of relaxed and linear plasmid molecules suggests that the nuclease produces single and double strand breaks in duplex DNA. Bovine serum albumin stimulated the nuclease activity towards DNA and RNA and increased the stability of the enzyme against thermal inactivation. The DNase activity at 4 °C and 50 °C was almost half of that at the optimum temperature (37 °C). The nuclease was active in groundwater, although the specific activity was lower than in buffer. In a groundwater aquifer microcosm, mineral-adsorbed transforming DNA was substantially less accessible to the nuclease than was dissolved DNA. The data suggest that the extracellular nuclease of Serratia marcescens may contribute to DNA turnover in the environment and that adsorption of DNA to minerals provides protection against the nuclease.Abbreviations GW groundwater GWA groundwater aquifer  相似文献   
We have found a cruciform cutting endonuclease in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which localizes to the mitochondria. This activity apparently is associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane since the activity is not released into solution by osmolysis, in contrast to the matrix enzyme, isocitrate dehydrogenase. The cruciform cutting activity appears to be encoded by CCE1. This gene has been shown to encode one of the major cruciform cutting endonucleases present in a yeast cell. In ccel strains, which lack CCE1 endonuclease activity, the mitochondrial cruciform cutting endonucleolytic activity is also absent. Since CCE1 is allelic to MGT1, a gene required for the highly biased transmission of petite mitochondrial DNA in crosses between + and hypersuppressive cells, it seems likely that the CCE1 endonuclease functions within mitochondria.  相似文献   
Abstract: Amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) is deposited as insoluble fibrils in the brain parenchyma and cerebral blood vessels in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In addition to neuronal degeneration, cerebral vascular alterations indicative of damage to vascular endothelial cells and disruption of the blood-brain barrier occur in AD. Here we report that Aβ25-35 can impair regulatory functions of endothelial cells (ECs) from porcine pulmonary artery and induce their death. Subtoxic exposures to Aβ25-35 induced albumin transfer across EC monolayers and impaired glucose transport into ECs. Cell death induced by Aβ25-35 was of an apoptotic form, characterized by DNA condensation and fragmentation, and prevented by inhibitors of macromolecular synthesis and endonucleases. The effects of Aβ25-35 were specific because Aβ1-40 also induced apoptosis in ECs with the apoptotic cells localized to the microenvironment of Aβ1-40 aggregates and because astrocytes did not undergo similar changes after exposure to Aβ25-35. Damage and death of ECs induced by Aβ25-35 were attenuated by antioxidants, a calcium channel blocker, and a chelator of intracellular calcium, indicating the involvement of free radicals and dysregulation of calcium homeostasis. The data show that Aβ induces increased permeability of EC monolayers to macromolecules, impairs glucose transport, and induces apoptosis. If similar mechanisms are operative in vivo, then Aβ and other amyloidogenic peptides may be directly involved in vascular EC damage documented in AD and other disorders that involve vascular amyloid accumulation.  相似文献   
A new sequence specific endonuclease, MraI has been purified from Micrococcus radiodurans. This enzyme cleaves bacteriophage λ DNA at three sites, adenovirus type 2 DNA at more than 12 sites and has a unique site on ΦX174 DNA. It has no sites on SV40, PM2 and pBR322 DNA. The three sites on phage λ DNA are different from those cleaved by SmaI, XmaI and XorII. The sites of cleavage are located at 0.424, 0.447 and 0.834 fractional lengths on the physical map of λ DNA. MraI is shown to be an isoschizomer of SacII and SstII recognizing the palindromic nucleotide sequence ′5-CCGC↓GG-3′. The enzyme shows an absolute requirement of Mg2+, but is active in the absence of added 2-mercaptoethanol. The enzyme shows activity at a broad range of temperature and pH with an optimum at 45°C and pH 7.0. MraI represents the first restriction enzyme from a bacterium whose DNA lacks modified methylated bases.  相似文献   
We introduced a novel method to clone random DNA fragments independent of ligation reaction. The method involves the generation of long protruding ends on PCR amplification DNA. Both oligonucleotides used for the amplification of the vector DNA carried one uracil residue at the tenth position from the 5′ end and this made the creation of the 3′ protruding ends of linearized vector possible by uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) and endonuclease IV (Endo IV). 76 groups of annealed oligonucleotides that had ten-nucleotides protruding at 3′-end, which were complementary to those at 3′-end of the linearized vector, were designed. The linearized vector and the annealed oligonucleotide were mixed together to transform E.coli directly without ligation reaction. The number of the clone that grew on the plates had been demonstrated to reach 1 × 105 transformants/μg and 96.1% of transformants harbored the cloned fragments. From the results of transformation, we can confirm that the efficiency of the creation of 3′ protruding ends in our method is high and our cloning method is benefit to produce recombinants easily and efficiently.  相似文献   
The pseudorabies virus (PRV) DNase is an alkaline exonuclease and endonuclease, which exhibits an Escherichia coli RecBCD-like catalytic function. The PRV DNA-binding protein (DBP) promotes the renaturation of complementary single strands of DNA, which is an essential function for recombinase. To investigate the functional and physical interactions between PRV DBP and DNase, these proteins were purified to homogeneity. PRV DBP stimulated the DNase activity, especially the exonuclease activity, in a dose-dependent fashion. Acetylation of DBP by acetic anhydride resulted in a loss of DNA-binding ability and a 60% inhibition of the DNase activity, suggesting that DNA-binding ability of PRV DBP was required for stimulating the DNase activity. PRV DNase behaved in a processive mode; however, it was converted into a distributive mode in the presence of DBP, implying that PRV DBP stimulated the dissociation of DNase from DNA substrates. The physical interaction between DBP and DNase was further analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and a significant interaction was observed. Thus, these results suggested that PRV DBP interacted with PRV DNase and regulated the DNase activity in vitro.  相似文献   
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) constitute a preneoplastic condition in which potentially malignant cancer stem cells continuously die during differentiation. This MDS-associated cell death often involves caspase-3 activation, yet can also occur without caspase activation, for instance in differentiating megakaryocytes (MK). We investigated, the mechanisms through which MK from MDS patients undergo premature cell death. While polyploid, mature MK from healthy subjects or MDS patients manifested caspase-3 activation during terminal differentiation, freshly isolated, immature MK from MDS died without caspase-3 activation. Similarly, purified bone marrow CD34+ cells from MDS patients that were driven into MK differentiation in vitro died without caspase-3 activation at an immature stage, before polyploidization. The premature death of MDS MK was accompanied by the mitochondrial release of cytochrome c, Smac/DIABLO and endonuclease G, a caspase-independent death effector, as well loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential and plasma membrane phosphatidylserine exposure before definitive loss of viability. Thus, a stereotyped pattern of mitochondrial alterations accompanies differentiation-associated MK death in MDS. T. Braun and G. Carvalho contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   
Apoptosis is an essential cellular mechanism involved in many processes such as embryogenesis, metamorphosis, and tissue homeostasis. DNA fragmentation is one of the key markers of this form of cell death. DNA fragmentation is executed by endogenous endonucleases such as caspase-activated DNase (CAD) in caspase-dependent apoptosis. The TUNEL (TdT-mediated dUTP–biotin nick end labeling) technique is the most widely used method to identify apoptotic cells in a tissue or culture and to assess drug toxicity. It is based on the detection of 3′-OH termini that are labeled with dUTP by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Although the test is very reliable and sensitive in caspase-dependent apoptosis, it is completely useless when cell death is mediated by pathways involving DNA degradation that generates 3′-P ends as in the LEI/L-DNase II pathway. Here, we propose a modification in the TUNEL protocol consisting of a dephosphorylation step prior to the TUNEL labeling. This allows the detection of both types of DNA breaks induced during apoptosis caspase-dependent and independent pathways, avoiding underestimating the cell death induced by the treatment of interest.  相似文献   
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